Re: New and improved pictures of my WF (1.22TCW) 3-stone rin
I will wear the ring on my left hand. I know in the pictures I have it on my right hand. The ring is a little snug on my left ring finger. I know the size I ordered is correct, the difference could be the setting.I recently lost 25 pounds and I am still loosing so I am going to wait until I am done loosing weight to determine if I need to have the ring sized but 5 or 10 pounds will defiantly take care of the snug. I would rather not change the size if I don't need to.
I was actually wondering the same thing.. RH vs LH either way.. it looks gorgeous! I never ever thought about 3stone rings in the past but PS certainly makes you see things in a new light.
Re: New and improved pictures of my WF (1.22TCW) 3-stone rin
Oh, that is just so beautiful!! It looks perfect on your hand, substantial and blingy, but also graceful and elegant...I really love it, and I wish you health and happiness as you wear this stunning ring!
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