Thinking of buying the stone below. What do you think? Halloway cut adviser rates it as "very good" overall and this stone is certified (albeit I am not sure with whom -- does that matter?). Thanks a lot!
Weight: 0.70
Measurements: 5.74 x 5.66 x 3.55 mm
Depth: 62.30 %
Table: 58 %
Crown: 13.30 %
Pavilion: 44 %
Girdle: medium to thick
Culet: none
Polish: good
Symmetry: good
Clarity: SI1
Color: F
Flour: none
Price: $ 2362.00
Thinking of buying the stone below. What do you think? Halloway cut adviser rates it as "very good" overall and this stone is certified (albeit I am not sure with whom -- does that matter?). Thanks a lot!
Weight: 0.70
Measurements: 5.74 x 5.66 x 3.55 mm
Depth: 62.30 %
Table: 58 %
Crown: 13.30 %
Pavilion: 44 %
Girdle: medium to thick
Culet: none
Polish: good
Symmetry: good
Clarity: SI1
Color: F
Flour: none
Price: $ 2362.00