
Need opinions on 3 different SI options


Jan 19, 2010
So I'm still about 3-5 months away from proposing but starting to look at possible options. After the recent price increase really wish I would have started a little sooner. Anyway, here are 3 different possibilities I've found and would like to get some opinions on which of the three you guys feel is the best option. I've read many of the threads on here and you guys seem very informed so can't wait to hear your thoughts. Additionally, since I am still 3-5 months away, is it worth waiting to see if something better comes along?

Well you've got 2 H's and a D. Have you seen ideal cut stones in these colors to know if you are sensitive to color? Personally I'd probably go with the Whiteflash ACA but I am not color sensitive- I have an AGS Ideal "I" and cannot see virtually any tint in it. The price difference is not pennies so I think that is the first thing you need to decide as the sizes are very similar and will not be apparent once set.
I did go and look at a few different stones and I really couldn't see any tint until we got below H. I agree with you that the differences in size seem to be immaterial. Ring would be a solitare tiffany style.
If the price difference is not a big concern then I would go for the D. It's four color grades up! I personally prefer F/G colors but if I have to pick between a D and an H I would probably prefer the D. It seems like this D has medium blue fluor, interesting! I also think the good old gold SI seems relatively clean. The Whiteflash one I would probably call in and check how eye clean it is. It is likely that it's eye clean from a certain distance but you have to make sure this is what you are comfortable with.

My preference would be GOG, BGD and then WF.
OCgirl|1308846634|2952974 said:
If the price difference is not a big concern then I would go for the D. It's four color grades up! I personally prefer F/G colors but if I have to pick between a D and an H I would probably prefer the D. It seems like this D has medium blue fluor, interesting! I also think the good old gold SI seems relatively clean. The Whiteflash one I would probably call in and check how eye clean it is. It is likely that it's eye clean from a certain distance but you have to make sure this is what you are comfortable with.

My preference would be GOG, BGD and then WF.

What makes you hesitant about the WF option being "eye clean" as compared to the others? I'm not really sure what to look for so interested to see what caught your attention.

I would most definitely go with the second diamond. Not only is it a D color versus both others being H, but it is GIA certified and not AGS.

For the price difference to me there is no question. I also wouldn't invest in a diamond these days that wasn't GIA certified.

Good luck!!!!
genxdavy|1308848892|2953017 said:
OCgirl|1308846634|2952974 said:
If the price difference is not a big concern then I would go for the D. It's four color grades up! I personally prefer F/G colors but if I have to pick between a D and an H I would probably prefer the D. It seems like this D has medium blue fluor, interesting! I also think the good old gold SI seems relatively clean. The Whiteflash one I would probably call in and check how eye clean it is. It is likely that it's eye clean from a certain distance but you have to make sure this is what you are comfortable with.

My preference would be GOG, BGD and then WF.

What makes you hesitant about the WF option being "eye clean" as compared to the others? I'm not really sure what to look for so interested to see what caught your attention.


I also purchased an SI1 stone so I went through this whole process of making sure the diamond is eye clean since I am super paranoid. But I think SI1 is the best deal when it comes to eye clean diamonds.

The WF stone I can see a crystal on the three o'clock arrow and another crystal on the nine o'lock periperhal arrow in the original blown-up image of the diamond. The AGS certificate confirms that there are a few crystals in the center (shown in the nine o'clock direction in the cert). If you open up the Ideal Scope image you will see the same two crystals on six o'clock for the center arrow and twelve o'clock for the peripheral arrow. These are the same crystals seen in the original image but the stone was just rotated when the ideal scope was taken I suppose.

I am not saying this stone is not eye clean because my stone has a crystal too. I was very cautious when I saw it in the images so I inquired with Brian and had him take out the stone and examine it. I told him what my definition of eye clean is and he reassured me that even holding it from THREE inches, it's still eye clean.

But that's just me :lol:

Hope this helps.
All look fine - hearts/IS pics are fine.

Ditto OCgirl - call and ask if a diamond meets *your* criteria and specifications for eyeclean, whatever they are - no point in trying to judge how visible inclusions are from a still, blown-up web photo.

Size difference in mm truly is negligible - I'm really surprised by the small price difference for such a big colour spread!

Other things to consider - is if one vendor has the setting you prefer, if one vendor is local to you, etc. All three have generous policies on their branded stones.

bridecat|1308849305|2953023 said:
I would most definitely go with the second diamond. Not only is it a D color versus both others being H, but it is GIA certified and not AGS.

For the price difference to me there is no question. I also wouldn't invest in a diamond these days that wasn't GIA certified.

Good luck!!!!

You have repeated this refrain many times now, I don't understand why, given that we aren't talking about 6+caraters or coloured diamonds -
1. Diamonds of the sort most can afford are a terrible investment, GIA, AGS, EGL or otherwise.
2. Nothing wrong with AGS - in fact, AGS0 on the Platinum report commands a slight premium over GIA EX/EX/EX for same colour/clarity/carat. Many PS boutiques specializing in precision-cut stones choose AGS because of the superior light performance evaluation - the report appeals to the cut nut niche that wants to buy these stones, and given that AGS0s do go for a premium it is a more profitable venture to please the niche market than shipping them off to GIA
Yssie|1308852950|2953076 said:
bridecat|1308849305|2953023 said:
I would most definitely go with the second diamond. Not only is it a D color versus both others being H, but it is GIA certified and not AGS.

For the price difference to me there is no question. I also wouldn't invest in a diamond these days that wasn't GIA certified.

Good luck!!!!

You have repeated this refrain many times now, I don't understand why, given that we aren't talking about 6+caraters or coloured diamonds -
1. Diamonds of the sort most can afford are a terrible investment, GIA, AGS, EGL or otherwise.
2. Nothing wrong with AGS - in fact, AGS0 on the Platinum report commands a slight premium over GIA EX/EX/EX for same colour/clarity/carat. Many PS boutiques specializing in precision-cut stones choose AGS because of the superior light performance evaluation - the report appeals to the cut nut niche that wants to buy these stones, and given that AGS0s do go for a premium it is a more profitable venture to please the niche market than shipping them off to GIA

Yssie - I checked all the comments bridecat made and every single one contains "I would only consider GIA certified stones" or "I wouldn't consider a stone with GIA certification." That's some strong (yet kind of unsupported) opinion :shock:

Bridecat would you provide us more basis for your argument? I want to know why you feel so strongly about GIA certified stones only.
Interesting dilemma!

The crystal on the Whiteflash bothered me. In face up view, its directly over one of the dark arrows. Normally crystals aren't a problem but you'd hope not to see a white object against a black background too often.

The GoodOldGold looks good except for the light leakage under the table. This may be minimal, however, and not bear too much impact on the diamond in normal size.

Brian Gavin's looks the best and if it were me, it would be a choice between the BG and the GoG. It may come down to how color sensitive you are.
Thanks everyone for the comments so far. Given some of the opinions and my timeframe, I think I might be better off continuing to monitor inventory at WF, GOG and BGD and see what else comes up. I don't want to buy something right now just to buy.
bridecat|1308849305|2953023 said:
I would most definitely go with the second diamond. Not only is it a D color versus both others being H, but it is GIA certified and not AGS.

For the price difference to me there is no question. I also wouldn't invest in a diamond these days that wasn't GIA certified.

Good luck!!!!

I'm also curious as to why you feel this way about GIA stones as opposed to AGS?
genxdavy|1308865409|2953333 said:
Thanks everyone for the comments so far. Given some of the opinions and my timeframe, I think I might be better off continuing to monitor inventory at WF, GOG and BGD and see what else comes up. I don't want to buy something right now just to buy.

I actually think the GOG stone is a lovely choice if it fits your preferences. I would be scared to wait and have the price jump again. But your choices all seem really nice so I am sure you know what you are doing. Best of luck!
It was a really hard decision, but I decideded on the BGD option since I was already planning on getting a setting from him. Her ring size is 4.25 so can't wait to see how it will look on her. Now I guess, it's time to wait patiently until it gets here to see the finished product.

This has been a great place for me to learn and get ideas. I'm pretty confident I'm ending up with a much better quality diamond at a better price than I would have found on my own. Would have never known about H&A or the great vendors recommended by you guys.

genxdavy|1309467229|2959380 said:
It was a really hard decision, but I decideded on the BGD option since I was already planning on getting a setting from him. Her ring size is 4.25 so can't wait to see how it will look on her. Now I guess, it's time to wait patiently until it gets here to see the finished product.

This has been a great place for me to learn and get ideas. I'm pretty confident I'm ending up with a much better quality diamond at a better price than I would have found on my own. Would have never known about H&A or the great vendors recommended by you guys.


Great choice, and for a great reason - you are saving yourself lots of hassle way.

What setting did you decide on? Looking forward to pics!
genxdavy|1309467229|2959380 said:
It was a really hard decision, but I decideded on the BGD option since I was already planning on getting a setting from him. Her ring size is 4.25 so can't wait to see how it will look on her. Now I guess, it's time to wait patiently until it gets here to see the finished product.

This has been a great place for me to learn and get ideas. I'm pretty confident I'm ending up with a much better quality diamond at a better price than I would have found on my own. Would have never known about H&A or the great vendors recommended by you guys.


This is so exciting!!! Her stone size and ring size both sound similar to mine. What setting did you end up choosing?
Which setting did you choose? The diamond is beautiful... :appl:
I'm really excited too. Lately it seems as if every week she is telling me about one of her friends or co-workers getting engaged. We also just went to the wedding of one of her good friends, so I know she is getting anxious especially since we have been dating a while.

I've tried to pay attention to her comments regarding the rings and based on that I knew she preferred a solitaire platinum setting. The hard part was picking which of the many great options available. Picking a stone was almost easier than deciding on the setting. There are a lot of great pictures on the BGD site and on here but I still had a hard time deciding just based on pictures.

She very much prefers the classic/timeless look so I decided to go with the Tiffany knife edge solitaire. Although, the truth and grace settings also looked great. I have read a few people mention that the knife edge setting can be uncomfortable, I hope that isn't the case for her.

I'll be sure to post pictures when I get them. I've seen on here that people get some pretty professional looking pictures prior to getting their package, is this customary for BGD or a special request?
genxdavy|1309470266|2959410 said:
I'm really excited too. Lately it seems as if every week she is telling me about one of her friends or co-workers getting engaged. We also just went to the wedding of one of her good friends, so I know she is getting anxious especially since we have been dating a while.

I've tried to pay attention to her comments regarding the rings and based on that I knew she preferred a solitaire platinum setting. The hard part was picking which of the many great options available. Picking a stone was almost easier than deciding on the setting. There are a lot of great pictures on the BGD site and on here but I still had a hard time deciding just based on pictures.

She very much prefers the classic/timeless look so I decided to go with the Tiffany knife edge solitaire. Although, the truth and grace settings also looked great. I have read a few people mention that the knife edge setting can be uncomfortable, I hope that isn't the case for her.

I'll be sure to post pictures when I get them. I've seen on here that people get some pretty professional looking pictures prior to getting their package, is this customary for BGD or a special request?

BGD will send glamour shots when they ship. It will be a beautiful and classic ring!
genxdavy|1309467229|2959380 said:
It was a really hard decision, but I decideded on the BGD option since I was already planning on getting a setting from him.

I think you made a beautiful choice. She is going to love it. I can't wait to see some pictures of the finished product! Good luck.
Sounds wonderful. Can't wait to see the pictures!