
need honest opinions on this design

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Sep 5, 2007
Hi, this is a ring I found here on Pricescope. Im thinking of copying it (but not the same 100%) for my 4 carat princess.

I hope this works....dont know how to link!!!

My other thought was to just do a halo with soft edges.

Any thoughts? Is this design too much, too fancy????


Jul 22, 2007
how bout now

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Hope this helps!!!


Jul 22, 2007
I think it''s BEAUTIFUL! I''m partial to antiquey looks, though.


Sep 5, 2007
Thankyou so much for helping. I wanted to add that Im not so much into antiques as I am just wanting to surround my stone with bling.

Im thinking it might need the help of some really sparkly diamonds around it as the cut is just average. Im not into fancy things usually.

I wouldnt have diamonds on the inside. Dont want any ten pointers or smaller...I think.

Do you think this design is too much for everyday? I sort of have my husband on board with this design even though its very expensive for him to have it made up. I sort of dont want to put the breaks on him spending a lot of money on me
!!!! But, maybe its silly to get something too much just because I can????

So opinions.....too much/ try hard or to die for????

I dont want the ring to look like it was inherited!!!


Aug 8, 2005
Wow. With a FOUR CARAT princess? WOW.

If you like larger pieces with lots of vintage/ antique detail, halos and sidestones I think it's a good choice... except for the prongs. The prongs are really distracting, IMO, and I don't like them. But I like the sidestones (are those just straight triangles, they look great) and the gallery has some nice pierced details. If you weren't able to do those same sidestones in that split shank area I think graduated rounds (inceasing in size until they reach the halo) would look good.

As for whether or not it's an everyday depends on your lifestyle, and personal style... I don't think we can determine that for you.


Jul 12, 2007
Well, for me,it''s overkill. I don''t think a 4 carat princess needs a halo. It''s already big enough. I''d contact Leon to see how he could bring out it''s beauty.


Apr 5, 2007
I knew someone in my gym who had a ring like that, and a very large center stone and to be honest, her center stone got lost in the crowd with all that going on with the halo and side stones...ditto going with Leon for something that size. It's big enough to stand on it's own, IMO.


Apr 30, 2005
Date: 10/24/2007 12:46:04 AM
Hi, this is a ring I found here on Pricescope. Im thinking of copying it (but not the same 100%) for my 4 carat princess.

I hope this works....dont know how to link!!!

My other thought was to just do a halo with soft edges.

Any thoughts? Is this design too much, too fancy????
I think I remember your reason behind the halo idea Sharon, and to be honest I couldn''t visualise it working until you posted that design, which I think could work with something similar. It may add some of the blingage factor that you are looking for.


Sep 5, 2007
Girls, thanks so much for the feedback. Im beginning to think this ring might be better left in my dreams....and not for real life.

And for those that know my story yes, I want some very very firery tiny diamonds around the princess to make up for its more glassy/ watery looks (although it does have some fire and is very white looking). And I also want same on the band.
One thing led to another (as it does when you spend hours on a diamond site) and I found this photo but didnt expect h. to run with it.

On second thoughts I am more of a lover of very pretty I am crazy for this quirky whimsical french brand called GAS . I totally love sparkley things and I`d probably be most be happy if no metal could be seen at all, just bits of fire and sparkle. Perhaps this ring isnt pretty but is more hunky chunky...heavy looking. It is devine but also has a hard look about it. It probably reminds me of something archetectual, solid brick type of building!!!! (Oh no Ive chosen a ring that`s built like me!!!!!) Maybe its hard to make that call from one photo!!!

Now, as much as I love LM`s work, I could not get a ring made from across the world! Im in my hubby is in the business and would be very upset if I took this out of his hands. And we do have some beautiful jewellery makers down here to choose from.

I think when I really analyse it, I love a more pretty delicate look. I love a split band, but it doesnt have to be. I love a halo, but hate a very sharp edged square halo. Hmmm, this will be a challenge because my stone is pretty flat on the top, no high angles to give the top some extra balance. Also, with the halo rings, its hard to see what is going on with the galleries sometimes. It is not unusual for this type of ring to be made for top viewing only. Maybe in my size you wouldnt see the side view anyway???? Should I drop the idea of side triangles also, are they uneccessary?

Thanks Again, I am grateful for all opinions.


Jan 13, 2006
Sharon, have you considered having the Princess recut, to truly bring the beauty out?

Just a thought!


Nov 19, 2004
what about something like this?



Nov 19, 2004
another view



Jan 3, 2005
you know, that style is similar to michael beaudry and jack kelege designs. They are very antique looking and very detailed. I really thinks it's about personal preference. do you have any place you can go and tryn on similar rings in person? You may find that it' exactly the look/feel you're after or it doesn't do anything for you. It's just so hard to tell from pictures alone and b/f I tackled that kind of custom project I'd want to try on as many of that style rings that I could to be sure I knew exactly what I wanted.

what size ring do you wear?


May 1, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 8:58:51 AM
Author: Ellen
Sharon, have you considered having the Princess recut, to truly bring the beauty out?

Just a thought!

oh, ellen, what an excellent idea!!

sharon, i''ve been following your threads and clearly this diamond doesn''t do anything for you, and you are struggling to be happy about it (understandably, i would also take a smaller diamond of top quality cut any day over a cut that ''doesn''t cut it'' heheh). i think recutting would be a great idea, you certainly have plenty of carat weight to work with and probably wouldn''t lose too much (though i''m no expert). then you would have a fabulous diamond that is still ''great big'' and you wouldn''t have to spend a lot of time or money trying to make it something it just isn''t as it is now! a simple setting would be just right, and that sounds like it suits your tastes and your lifestyle better.


Jan 13, 2006
Date: 10/24/2007 9:21:53 AM
Author: rainydaze

Date: 10/24/2007 8:58:51 AM
Author: Ellen
Sharon, have you considered having the Princess recut, to truly bring the beauty out?

Just a thought!

oh, ellen, what an excellent idea!!

sharon, i''ve been following your threads and clearly this diamond doesn''t do anything for you, and you are struggling to be happy about it (understandably, i would also take a smaller diamond of top quality cut any day over a cut that ''doesn''t cut it'' heheh). i think recutting would be a great idea, you certainly have plenty of carat weight to work with and probably wouldn''t lose too much (though i''m no expert). then you would have a fabulous diamond that is still ''great big'' and you wouldn''t have to spend a lot of time or money trying to make it something it just isn''t as it is now! a simple setting would be just right, and that sounds like it suits your tastes and your lifestyle better.
Thanks, I thought so.

Sharon, rd has elaborated perfectly as to why I suggested recutting. And I too would MUCH rather have a superbly cut, smaller stone, than a so so larger one. And even though you''d lose a bit of size (I won''t even venture to guess how much or how little), once it''s really shining, it will appear larger.


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 8:58:51 AM
Author: Ellen
Sharon, have you considered having the Princess recut, to truly bring the beauty out?

Just a thought!
I dont think that this is an option for me!!!! (read- understatment of the year). You dont know my h. .....he is so difficult to deal with. I think it would be over if I really persued this. But dont worry, if the worst comes to the worst, I can use this as a learning experience (for the next one???)
!!!! You know, make lemonade out of lemons type thing.

I cant rock the boat too much because I have a million things on my to do list re. the house. Mind you sometimes I look at the little stone and think......You could have been a new kitchen!!! LOL

And my logic is three fold (1) I have a stone that is double the size I need it to be, perhaps the `total` fire and sparkle will be the same as a better performing smaller one, (2) Emeralds look amazing, so at the very worst, this one will look a bit emeraldish and (3) I will give my h. the benefit of the doubt seeing that he is in the trade and is not a newbie either.

I have everything to gain by doing my best with it and nothing to loose. If it ends up looking awful, you can be sure that I wont wear it and will possibly go out and buy my own!!!


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 9:55:10 AM
Author: Sharon101

Date: 10/24/2007 8:58:51 AM
Author: Ellen
Sharon, have you considered having the Princess recut, to truly bring the beauty out?

Just a thought!
I dont think that this is an option for me!!!! (read- understatment of the year). You dont know my h. .....he is so difficult to deal with. I think it would be over if I really persued this. But dont worry, if the worst comes to the worst, I can use this as a learning experience (for the next one???)
!!!! You know, make lemonade out of lemons type thing.

I cant rock the boat too much because I have a million things on my to do list re. the house. Mind you sometimes I look at the little stone and think......You could have been a new kitchen!!! LOL

And my logic is three fold (1) I have a stone that is double the size I need it to be, perhaps the `total` fire and sparkle will be the same as a better performing smaller one, (2) Emeralds look amazing, so at the very worst, this one will look a bit emeraldish and (3) I will give my h. the benefit of the doubt seeing that he is in the trade and is not a newbie either.

I have everything to gain by doing my best with it and nothing to loose. If it ends up looking awful, you can be sure that I wont wear it and will possibly go out and buy my own!!!
Thanks for the advice. Truthfully, if I were to go for a better cut diamond I would do it from scratch, not play with this one. I would like to see the finished result at point of purchase. Ive never had much luck getting things made up etc.....Something always goes wrong. Even with clothes I like to see it and buy it. And I could only imagine what could go wrong if I were to dabble in the world of diamond cutting!!!! It would be too much risk for my health!!!! The stress would kill me is what I mean!!!!


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 9:08:16 AM
Author: belle
what about something like this?
Belle, how about the fact that you can read minds!!!!

That is so beautiful, it is me 100%. But how do I get it to fit a princess? Will the square shape change things alot in this design?

Thank you for the lovely image that I have saved in my favourites!


Apr 19, 2004

I like LM design as well. IMHO, I would set a 4 PC stone with either: two complimentary shaped side stones, OR smaller melee in a halo/on the shank...but not both. But that is just me.



Nov 25, 2002
I LOVE the design of the ring that Belle posted, too. I think that would look stunning.


Nov 19, 2004
Date: 10/24/2007 10:04:27 AM
Author: Sharon101

Date: 10/24/2007 9:08:16 AM
Author: belle
what about something like this?
Belle, how about the fact that you can read minds!!!!

That is so beautiful, it is me 100%. But how do I get it to fit a princess? Will the square shape change things alot in this design?

Thank you for the lovely image that I have saved in my favourites!
why yes, didn''t you know!? my powers are indicated by my PSYCHedelic avatar. see! step away from psychic


it is a beautiful design (LOVE the gallery!) i think there is a design like this that is MADE specifically for a princess. mrs salvo would know. hopefully she will come to our rescue! in the meantime, i''ll keep looking.


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 10:41:50 AM
Author: canuk-gal

I like LM design as well. IMHO, I would set a 4 PC stone with either: two complimentary shaped side stones, OR smaller melee in a halo/on the shank...but not both. But that is just me.

I think you are right. Better to keep it simple but still striking!!! My finger size is about 6, which means that the size of my stone plus halo is pretty much the width of my finger. I guess side stones would be wasted (from the top view anyway). I will let my h. off the hook then....lucky for him because he was starting to stress about the trianges which are hard to find as a pair...apparantly, due to lack of demand here anyway???

I will be sure to remind him of this saving when he buys me a 40th bday present early next year. BTW, this is NOT the present.....this is for not buying me anything descent for the last 15 years or so of marriage!!!!!

I think I am on track now....keep it simple, and spring for best quality halo possible.

This will solve the problem of stuffing up the ring by copying something too fancy and hard to copy. I will reduce my chances of being dissappointed if I keep the design simple and the diamonds top quality!!!!


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 10:58:37 AM
Author: belle

Date: 10/24/2007 10:04:27 AM
Author: Sharon101

Date: 10/24/2007 9:08:16 AM
Author: belle
what about something like this?
Belle, how about the fact that you can read minds!!!!

That is so beautiful, it is me 100%. But how do I get it to fit a princess? Will the square shape change things alot in this design?

Thank you for the lovely image that I have saved in my favourites!
why yes, didn't you know!? my powers are indicated by my PSYCHedelic avatar. see! step away from psychic


it is a beautiful design (LOVE the gallery!) i think there is a design like this that is MADE specifically for a princess. mrs salvo would know. hopefully she will come to our rescue! in the meantime, i'll keep looking.
I LOVE your avatar!!! It is so funny....I love that type of humour. The sort that is serious in its delivery!!!! I love the advice about not assuming the drinks at a party are free...keep asking all night!!! LOL......and dont turn up nude to an orgy.....common mistake!!!LOL And , wouldnt we all love to have a dollar for every time we spend a dollar.......

Lastly, Im so glad im not cursed, I would hate to have toothpicks jump up and stick in my face....


Aug 8, 2005
HI Sharon, you said you wanted honest opinions...about the design, but, and I hope you''ll forgive me, I''m going to take that a step further.

I''ll start with telling you a little about my story. I have an asscher that is fabulously cut. It''s an F and a Vs1. It''s beautiful for an asscher. But, well I fell out of love with it. Now, as I had a lot of input in the stone selection process, and my fiance is sentimental, my fiance asked me not to ever (short of it getting damaged) replace the stone... and so I started my 4 year search for a setting to make me love my diamond.

But it didn''t work. My diamond is getting re-set. But I was only able to go ahead with the $$ and the bother of custom AFTER I came to terms with my diamond, and started to appreciate it for the (small) beauty that it is, on it''s own terms.

What I am saying is that I don''t think a setting can make you love a stone you DON''T love. You might get a setting you love, but the diamond will always stare back at you, and make you wonder how a different stone... a better cut one in your case, you look in the setting you love.

It also sounds like, and forgive me if I''m assuming things and venturing where I shouldn''t, that you''ve been holding on to a lot of hurt over 15 years of inadequate gifts, that you feel entitled to something nice (not judging, just observing) and that your husband feels like he is being very generous throwing you a bone with this large diamond, but that you are even MORE upset than you already were by the conditions being placed on the gift. So what I''m saying is, it may not be just the diamond your not happy with. It sounds like you are focusing on the diamond, instead of addressing the larger problem of your feelings of resentment about having to wait 15 years to receive a nice present, and the fact that the resentment is compounded by your husband''s lack of patience with the process of finding the ''right'' diamond, plus all the conditions placed on accepting this diamond.

So, I don''t really think any setting is going to make you happy with the diamond. Because I think it''s not just the diamond itself, but the history, and feelings, and conditions and everything surrounding the diamond that are adding to your discontent.

Again, I''m sorry if I''ve overstepped. But, well, I didn''t want you to just search fruitlessly for a setting to make it all right, when I''ve been there and done that (for four years) and know that it really doesn''t work. You have to either start loving your diamond (and seeing it for what it is, instead of the manifestation of all the emotional baggage surrounding it), or get a different one (and address all the attendant baggage so that you can view the diamond for what it is... a beautiful stone).


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 11:47:31 AM
Author: Gypsy
HI Sharon, you said you wanted honest opinions...about the design, but, and I hope you''ll forgive me, I''m going to take that a step further.

I''ll start with telling you a little about my story. I have an asscher that is fabulously cut. It''s an F and a Vs1. It''s beautiful for an asscher. But, well I fell out of love with it. Now, as I had a lot of input in the stone selection process, and my fiance is sentimental, my fiance asked me not to ever (short of it getting damaged) replace the stone... and so I started my 4 year search for a setting to make me love my diamond.

But it didn''t work. My diamond is getting re-set. But I was only able to go ahead with the $$ and the bother of custom AFTER I came to terms with my diamond, and started to appreciate it for the (small) beauty that it is, on it''s own terms.

What I am saying is that I don''t think a setting can make you love a stone you DON''T love. You might get a setting you love, but the diamond will always stare back at you, and make you wonder how a different stone... a better cut one in your case, you look in the setting you love.

It also sounds like, and forgive me if I''m assuming things and venturing where I shouldn''t, that you''ve been holding on to a lot of hurt over 15 years of inadequate gifts, that you feel entitled to something nice (not judging, just observing) and that your husband feels like he is being very generous throwing you a bone with this large diamond, but that you are even MORE upset than you already were by the conditions being placed on the gift. So what I''m saying is, it may not be just the diamond your not happy with. It sounds like you are focusing on the diamond, instead of addressing the larger problem of your feelings of resentment about having to wait 15 years to receive a nice present, and the fact that the resentment is compounded by your husband''s lack of patience with the process of finding the ''right'' diamond, plus all the conditions placed on accepting this diamond.

So, I don''t really think any setting is going to make you happy with the diamond. Because I think it''s not just the diamond itself, but the history, and feelings, and conditions and everything surrounding the diamond that are adding to your discontent.

Again, I''m sorry if I''ve overstepped. But, well, I didn''t want you to just search fruitlessly for a setting to make it all right, when I''ve been there and done that (for four years) and know that it really doesn''t work. You have to either start loving your diamond (and seeing it for what it is, instead of the manifestation of all the emotional baggage surrounding it), or get a different one (and address all the attendant baggage so that you can view the diamond for what it is... a beautiful stone).
Gypsy, I agree with you that I am unhappy about how my h. has bought this for me. It really pissed me off a lot actually.

I was really upset because very soon after he bought it, I found my dream ring already set from

the makers of the spectacular neclace that Nicole Kidman wore in that amazing movie where she was a tragic singer!!!! And the ring was even cheaper than what my h. spent. And it was set perfectly with even some black diamonds for fun thrown into the design. It was very special.

I am dying to ask.....did you learn to love your diamond, has the ring been reset, have you resolved your feelings??? In your case you just made a mistake or had a change of mind....???? What would you choose today?

What is the answer to your ring....acceptance, stay away from PS....too much temptation????

Thanks for the advice, its really perseptive.


Apr 5, 2007
Hi Sharon...It''s funny how erings often end up bringing up emotional baggage, eh? Gypsy charges by the hour, BTW, for her counseling!

Anyway, it does indeed sound like your husband hasn''t exactly been thoughtful over the years in terms of gift giving? If that''s the case, I have to say that even though you say he''s "in the business", if he chose a crappy stone for you, maybe his knowledge isn''t all that when it comes to knowing what a great stone is...I''m not trying to dog your man, but let''s face it, we''ve all been to jewelery stores from mall shops to the highest end luxe boutiques, and the people working there very often know little about what makes a stone "great". And some people think that good color is best, others think clarity makes the stone great. Very few shop staff ever talk about cut, and as you know (you probably know more about this than your husband, which could be why he''s being difficult?!?) cut will make your stone sing no matter what the color/clarity is (well, to a point at least). That said, you CAN get it re cut, you CAN get Leon to make you a ring. I''m sure he''s done that for many customers that dont live in the States. Why not email him and ask him about it. His aesthetic is divine (well except for that moonstone pendant he gunked up but hey, I''m not bitter!) and he has direct contacts on 47th St. where he could probably get your stone re cut to exacting proportions to really make it sing.

Have you considered making a list of WHY you dont like the stone and what you''d like to change about it, and discussing it with your husband calmly and rationally? It''s a delicate conversation to be sure, because he is "in the business", but maybe if you go for something like a Leon, which only Leon can make, you can get him to see things your way?


Aug 8, 2005
Hi Sharon, I wish my story could help you... and I''m happy to share, but I really think its person specific, and I don''t think it''s going to be of much help from you.

Still, I''m happy to share. It was a combination of things for me. I''ve gotten older since my proposal, and I''m not in such a rush any more to have it all, and have it now. I realize that many of the larger rings on here have been upgrades and purchased once the couples are more established, and I have faith in the fact that we''ll get there too. And my fiance spent so much time and effort picking this stone out for me, and my unhappiness was making him unhappy, and that was the last thing I wanted. Plus, having an appraiser confirm that the cut was steller and that it was a great asscher really helped me accept that I have a quality diamond to wear, and that I was being too influenced by other people (not just on PS... the fact that my asscher gets mistaken for less than a carat by round wearers was wearing on me). And finally, oddly enough... my mother''s been ill, and I''ve realized how ungrateful I was being for all my blessings-- my fiance is a wonderful man who does his best to make me happy every moment of everyday, and my diamond was a symbol of that relentless desire of his to please me. So, I started loving it again and decided to alleviate my shrinkage with a halo... and keep in mind that if it shrinks again, further down the road, I''ll put it away in a box for a while and come back to it (it will look larger with time away) and if I can afford it, get a larger diamond in a different shape as an alternate later on.

As I said, I don''t think any of that helps you. It sounds like your problem is with your feelings about how your husband has handled this-- now and for the last 15 years, not so much with your diamond.

I did check out some of the rings on canturi... and WOW I''m in love with one of the bands, and the settings are so unique! If the price is the same or less than your princess, well, I can understand your resentment if you can''t have the ring you want, and are instead being held hostage to a diamond you don''t want. It would make me angry too. It''s not really the gift from the heart it sounds like you wanted, if it comes with all these conditions.

Personally, I''d sit my husband down for a talk and straighten him out.


Apr 5, 2007
Sharon, one other thing I meant to say in my last post was that you mention wanting a lot of melee around your center stone to get the sparkle that your princess lacks because it's more "lake like" and still in how it looks. Are you sure you dont have en emerald cut? Because princess cuts should have some sparkle going on with all that faceting. But an emerald cut is the one that's more still and looks like water. Can you post a photo of this stone for us?

Also, if you're not happy with the quality and cut of your center stone that your husband selected, I'm not sure you'd be happy with the melee he'd pick out either. If you had your dream ring, encrusted with melee that had no fire or scintillation, you'd be even more disappointed, yes? I really think you need to sit down with hubby and discuss this and try to get him to a point where perhaps he'll give you the money and you can make your own decisions on what you want and from where.


Sep 5, 2007
Date: 10/24/2007 4:04:18 PM
Author: surfgirl
Sharon, one other thing I meant to say in my last post was that you mention wanting a lot of melee around your center stone to get the sparkle that your princess lacks because it''s more ''lake like'' and still in how it looks. Are you sure you dont have en emerald cut? Because princess cuts should have some sparkle going on with all that faceting. But an emerald cut is the one that''s more still and looks like water. Can you post a photo of this stone for us?

Also, if you''re not happy with the quality and cut of your center stone that your husband selected, I''m not sure you''d be happy with the melee he''d pick out either. If you had your dream ring, encrusted with melee that had no fire or scintillation, you''d be even more disappointed, yes? I really think you need to sit down with hubby and discuss this and try to get him to a point where perhaps he''ll give you the money and you can make your own decisions on what you want and from where.
Surfgirl, thanks for the advice but its definately a Princess. Ive read elsewhere too that `some` princesses do have a more glassy look due to the way they are cut. ie large table, low crown angle etc. This one has some pretty fire but is not as electric as the perfect cut ones Im guessing.

What happened here is not because my h. doesnt `know` quality (he has a business based on high end, luxury jewellery, but not specifically diamonds).

He actually went for size, color and price. He thought that this stone was excellent value for his budget of around $40000 from his contacts . A really good cut 3 carat diamond could go for $90000 easily!!!! So obviously he could have bought a superb cut in a smaller size of around 2 carats and had something really special. I think he was trying to do too much with too little. He is convinced that it will perform like a winner and wont hear otherwise.

I think a photo is in order. It will take awhile because I have to get to his work to see it and take the photo!!!! And I have sick kids at home at the moment!!!!!


Apr 5, 2007
Thanks for clearing up the "why" of why you have the stone you have! And I didn't mean to say that your husband doesn't know what he's doing but yeah, he used criteria that would have been different than your criteria for a good stone. What I really was getting at was if you're not happy with his selection of the main stone, you might also not be happy with the melee he chooses and thus, you'd have a fancy, expensive setting that you also dont love. Awaiting your photos!

If it's possible, maybe you can pop the stone into one of those temporary claw settings and take photos of it in different lighting (indoor, outdoor, direct/indirect) so we can see better how it's performing. I'm interested to see this stone now...
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