
need help on picking the right stone

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Oct 16, 2007
hi all,

i''m a newbie when it comes into diamond as well as in this forum and excited to learn more about diamond. I''ve done my little homework on the basic 4c''s and all available certs out there even though i haven''t fully understand it yet.

Way before I read the basic tutorial from this site or any other site i''ve had no idea that diamond could have many different cuts, colors and clarity, thus i''m so grateful that i can learn something new from this forum.

Straight to the point I need advices from all of you on deciding which stone should i go for my engagement ring.

I''ve been trying to get the right diamond from the local store but it seems they have a limited range of diamonds in house. Since then i''ve been trying to search it from the online stores.

Before I list my shortlisted diamond that i get from an online store, i''d like to ask about this online store called jamesallen, has anyone out there ever bought a diamond from that store recently? do you mind to share your experience when you purchased your diamond from that site please.

By the way currently i live in Singapore so if anyone in Singapore has ever bought an item from this store your comment will be highly appreciated

Here comes the shortlisted diamonds that i picked from jamesallen.

1. Item no: 1060503 --
2. Item no: 1060506 --
3. Item no: 1060509 --
4. Item no: 1060510 --
5. Item no: 1060511 --

When I asked for a suggestion on picking two diamonds out of five from the person who has been contacting me, she told me that she''d pick item no. 1060510 as her fav after she compared it with item no. 1060506 and 1060509 because it has a better crown angle than 1060506 and is cheaper than 1060509. i wonder if this is true since i''m not quite understand about this crown angle thing and also she told me 34.5 for crown angle is preferred.

In addition, a new magnified image of 1060510 will be captured for me since the current magnified image that they put on the site wasn''t clean properly (existence of dust) this also applies to item #1060506 but I haven''t requested for a new image for this item yet.

What do you think guys? comments and suggestions are most welcome as they will be taken for my perusal.

I apologize if my explanation is not clear enough. Thanks in advance


Nov 19, 2004
all of them are very nice. i wouldn''t worry about the crown angle on 06 too much since the diamond was graded and given an ''0'' in light performance.
really, any of them would be great. i think i would narrow it down between 6,9 & 10 and then just pick the one that ''feels'' right from there.
best of luck!
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