this is my first post. Im an American soldier in Afghanistan, stationed in an extremly remote area. I have limited time to be on a computer. Which, limits my research. I have asked a local national if he could get me some rubies. He said he would be able to in about a week. Now, I know very little about gems and stones. Would there be any way to tell if they were real without equipment? How much would a good deal be. The exchange rate is about 1USD = 50 Afg. I would be paying in US dollars. Im thinking about just trusting that they are real and buying some. Any advice? Profit to be made/opportunity? Thanks.
this is my first post. Im an American soldier in Afghanistan, stationed in an extremly remote area. I have limited time to be on a computer. Which, limits my research. I have asked a local national if he could get me some rubies. He said he would be able to in about a week. Now, I know very little about gems and stones. Would there be any way to tell if they were real without equipment? How much would a good deal be. The exchange rate is about 1USD = 50 Afg. I would be paying in US dollars. Im thinking about just trusting that they are real and buying some. Any advice? Profit to be made/opportunity? Thanks.