After weeks of searching with my jeweler, I finally found two stones that I really like. I cant seen to decide between the two. They are both .70ct with identical specs. But the ideal-scopes and aset test images are different colors so I am having trouble analyzing them. Please tell me which one you would choose and why?
Which one of these stones will give better fire and sparkle?
option #1: 70 FSI1. 1.5 Excellent rating on pricescope hca tool

option #2 70 FSI1. 4.1 Good rating on pricescope hca tool

Thanks in advance for your help!
Which one of these stones will give better fire and sparkle?
option #1: 70 FSI1. 1.5 Excellent rating on pricescope hca tool

option #2 70 FSI1. 4.1 Good rating on pricescope hca tool

Thanks in advance for your help!