
Need help deciding!


May 5, 2016
After weeks of searching with my jeweler, I finally found two stones that I really like. I cant seen to decide between the two. They are both .70ct with identical specs. But the ideal-scopes and aset test images are different colors so I am having trouble analyzing them. Please tell me which one you would choose and why?

Which one of these stones will give better fire and sparkle?

option #1: 70 FSI1. 1.5 Excellent rating on pricescope hca tool

option #2 70 FSI1. 4.1 Good rating on pricescope hca tool

Thanks in advance for your help!

First one has compromised performance at the edges (green where there should be red) and the second one has too much leakage.

What is your budget?
In the $3000 range, I was originally looking for G SI1's but the ones I like were sold and we couldn't find anything else so we bumped up to FSI1.

On the Idealscope website it says that Green is okay, but I'm wondering why there is so much green around the edges like you said, could it be because of the angles of the crown/ pavilion?
ptr23|1462427210|4027482 said:
In the $3000 range, I was originally looking for G SI1's but the ones I like were sold and we couldn't find anything else so we bumped up to FSI1.

On the Idealscope website it says that Green is okay, but I'm wondering why there is so much green around the edges like you said, could it be because of the angles of the crown/ pavilion?

Also, the setting I will be placing the stone is a six prong solitaire, so the green areas around the edges may be mostly covered by the prongs.
I've requested some idealscope and aset test images, will update when I get it. These diamonds from jamesallen all have a type fluorescence.
Those three diamonds from Jamesallen are out of the country and they do not have any idealscopes or aset test images. Odd.
ptr23|1462427734|4027486 said:
I've requested some idealscope and aset test images, will update when I get it. These diamonds from jamesallen all have a type fluorescence.

Yes, there is nothing wrong with fluorescence as long as the stone is not over-blue. Overblue means hazy or milky. Most stones with fluorescence are perfectly fine. A gemologist at JA can easily check and tell you if the stones are fine or if they have an issue. They will be honest with you. Just ask.

Ask for out of the country, yeah that is the new thing. I personally find it irritating. Try the other ones I posted for you.
Thanks I will let you know.
All those options are out of the country as well.
Other vendors. Ask for ASET or idealscope. I really like this.
If eyeclean:
If eyeclean:
ptr23|1462428610|4027493 said:
All those options are out of the country as well.

The G Vs2 stone are pretty much as safe as houses even without an IS or ASET. But I personally would want one and expect my vendor to accommodate me.
I agree.. JA is going to send me an idealscope of one of the options you suggested but they do not provide aset test images. Odd. To be honest, I've been working with my jeweler to get the stone and will most likely go through her.

What are your thoughts on the sixprong setting and the green edges of the first diamond I posted about?
The diamond will appear small. I've seen it with my own eyes. You want red there. Otherwise the stone will not look its size. I would not buy the stone.

As for a six prong setting, just make sure that your lady doesn't want a perfectly flush fit wedding band next to her engagement ring. Most stock 6 prongs will have a gap.

If you are working with a local jeweler these the the specs you want to give them.


table: 60 or less

depth: 62.4 or less

crown angle: 33.5-35.0

pavilion angle: 40.6-40.9 (sometimes 41.0 if the crown angle is close to 34)

And the angles should be complimentary, which is what this tool (HCA) checks for you: Any score under 2.0 is a pass within the above parameters. This is pass/fail test. No score under 2 is better than any other.

That is a nice solitaire, like this one by Stuller (which any store local to you should be able to get) would be a great quality ring: I perfer this one to a 6 prong as it allows a flush fit band.

What about this one? 75ct GSI1 It has a twinning wisp at 11 o'clock and 6 o'clock
There is no ASET or IS posted. Those are hearts and arrows, patterning not performance, images only. Not helpful.

What are the numbers on that stone.