
Need an Independent Appraiser in St. Louis

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Mar 21, 2007
As you may have read in another post of mine I want to have my loose asscher diamond independently appraised before having it set. Does anyone have any recomendations for the St. Louis area? Here are appraisers I found online:

Matt Hampton
Paul Stewart Jewelry
St. Peters, MO
(636) 928-1883

Therese Kienstra
St. Louis, MO 63105
(314) 862-5054
- I found one thread where someone mentioned using Therese and was happy, but that''s the only feedback I found.

Jason Heiseler
St. Louis
- It says he''s a "Candidate" for the National Association of Jewelry Appraisers, is this a reputable organization and does its certification mean anything, especially coming from a ''candidate''?

Thanks for any recommendations.
I cannot comment on their appraising skills, but as for Paul Stuart jewelers, I would NOT recommend them to anyone. Me and my FF went in their store searching for my engagement ring, and they were horribly rude. They didn't seem to show much knowledge about GIA or AGS labs, and they independently appraise all stones in their store. Needless to say, we bought my ering at our reliable jeweler we've always used. So, if you want someone knowledgeable, I would recommend searching elsewhere. I'm not sure if my jewelers does appraisals or not, but I can give you their info if you'd like, and you can see.
FYI: Anyone affiliated with a jewelry store where they sell diamonds OR someone who offers to sell you diamonds is NOT an independent appraiser.
That was my thinking exactly. From what I''ve seen on PS, I want to find someone who only does appraisals.
Well then i can tell you for a fact that Matt from Paul Stuart is in no way an independent appraiser, because he is also a salesman for them. Anyway, my point is that above my jeweler is an office and the man is an appraiser. Sorry if that was unclear.
Thank you for the information still. If I can''t find an independent appraiser, that he may be someone to consider.
He IS an independent appraiser. It is a 2 story building in historic St. Charles. They are not affiliated with each other, just happen to be in the same building.
N.A.J.A is a good org.
Dave Atlas is I believe a former president of the org.

Candidate Member
A prospective member who does not meet any of the other designated membership level requirements may join the Association as a "Candidate Member." Candidate members are students completing their gemological studies or individuals who may not have enough years of experience or sufficient education for Member level. Such members agree to commit to a program of professional training leading to the next highest designation.

next level:
A Member has fulfilled all requirements for membership and who has had a minimum of two years experience as an appraiser as well as gemological and/or trade education.

So would you recommend getting an appraisal done by a "Candidate" Storm?

All I was really wanting was to verify that it was the diamond matched the GIA cert, didn''t have any bad spots I wasn''t alerted to and to possibly get a few more pictures. Is there anything else I should be looking for in an appraisal?
Date: 4/5/2007 12:07:03 AM
Author: antiqueasscher
So would you recommend getting an appraisal done by a 'Candidate' Storm?

All I was really wanting was to verify that it was the diamond matched the GIA cert, didn't have any bad spots I wasn't alerted to and to possibly get a few more pictures. Is there anything else I should be looking for in an appraisal?
I think its worth a call and find out what his credentials are.
I think its a plus that he belongs even at that level, ask him about it.
If you hit it off and he has a GG id be inclined to give him a shot.
I dropped Dave A. an email so hopefully he will pop in and advise if he isnt too swamped.
NAJA has a search by geographical location for its members at :

ASA has such a search capability as well.

You should attempt to use an Independent Appraiser especially in the process of making a new purchase. Once you own a diamond or a piece of jewelry the importance of an unbiased opinion is of is somewhat less concern...You are stuck with the piece by then!

In the beginning stages of a purchase, one should try to get the most professional and unbiiased opinion possible. Its the right time to pay for good advice.
The one appraiser the NAJA search turned up is the "Candidate" I listed above, which is what I had a question about. The ASA search didn''t turn up any in MO or near me in IL. So it looks like I''m going to call the ones I have and find out their credentials. I may be posting those here to get some responses about what their different certificates mean. Thanks for your help and keep it coming people.
Just an update and for anyone in the future who may do a search and find this topic. I had an appraisal with Therese Kienstra today and she did an amazing job. She charged me $90 for a 1 hour session (that really lasted closer to 2 hours). She was more than willing to answer any questions I had, allowed me to interact with my diamond using her instruments and see for myself the slight pinpoint on my diamond and compare it''s color to her set.
Therese was very thorough and confirmed everything that James Allen and GIA told me, I have a good diamond and it matches the paperwork. I would highly recommend her and I don''t know how one becomes listed as a recommended appraiser on Pricescope, but seeing there''s not one in St. Louis she should be listed. She is certified by ASA and numerous other agencies, regularly attends GIA conferences, has authored chapters of books, etc. That is my update on the appraisal process.
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