
My tsavorites!

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Mar 2, 2007
Hi guys,

My boyfriend has been calling around jewelry stores for prices on a pair of 4mm tsavorites, and lucky for him the cheapest one had the pair he liked best! (You probably saw my thread earlier on what we should expect to pay.) I haven''t seen these stones in person yet, but here are some pictures he took in the jewelry store. He said he couldn''t have asked for a better pair--they look just like a pair of natural emeralds. The picture of the stone on the left is more representative of their true color. When I asked whether they were just "pretty" or if they were "amazing," he said, "I was amazed." His mother went with him, and she said she couldn''t understand why anyone would ever buy an emerald after seeing these garnets. I know these pictures aren''t the best for detail, but you can at least get a sense of the color. He''s off to the jewelry store right now to buy them (he had to check the color with me first), so I will post more pictures once he''s got them in his possession. You can check out my thread on RockyTalky (here) for the diamond and setting they''ll be going with. He''s paying $155 for each stone below, so it''ll be $310 for the pair, which is about what I was hoping he would have to pay.


They look great, can''t wait to see more pics!!!
Another picture of all three stones together. This image was taken with a scanner, so the lighting is extremely harsh (making everything a bit yellow), and the picture is not to scale. You get a sense of the proportion, though. My boyfriend really needs a better camera (possible engagement present?). The diamond is 0.55 ct, and here are the specs on the tsavorites: genuine tsavorite garnet, medium-dark green, round, 4.00mm, AAA, untreated, faceted.

three stones 1A.jpg
Ooooh, yum - they''re gorgeous and fab colour and soooooo sparkly. Lots more photos please!

Isn''t designing your own ring so much fun.

I''m so with your FMIL. When I told my mother I was having a tsavorite e-ring she asked if I wasn''t worried people would think I''d just got a fake emerald and be embarrassed saying I had a garnet
. When I told her that tsavorites were 200x rarer than emeralds and I would swap an emerald for one anyday and I''m happy to tell everyone it''s a garnet (I already correct people who see the pics) she was a bit suprised.

I guess she needs to see some "real" garnets in person to appreciate their beauty. (rather than the $10 ct ones in cheap jewellery)

I so need a pair like yours - I want to make earrings for my wedding, and I was being so good and now the green eyed monster is awake
Ooooooo, they are just gorgeous and your ring is going to be stunning!!! I would take a tsavorite over an emerald anyday. I can''t wait to see the finished ring.
Ah, I''m back! My boyfriend kept saying no when I begged him to try to take more pictures with the digital camera, but I finally talked him over to our side when I showed him all your posts begging for some more pictures. He even got up the nerve to take these outside (he was terrified he might drop one), so these are by far the best shots he''s had so far. Each image is two pictures put together. He said this is it, though--they''re going away until it''s time for them to be set, and then I don''t get to see the ring until he proposes. First up, a couple pictures in the shade:

Some partial sun:

A little closer with partial sun:

And finally, some direct sun. Enjoy!

And I agree, better than most emeralds I''ve seen for sure!
That ring is going to be gorgeous - those babies are beautiful!
I''m so happy you decided to add tsav side stones! They are gorgeous and your ring is going to be stunning! =)
Beautiful stones. It will be a gorgeous ring! Do you have the setting picked out? What color gold will it be?
WOW, wow and wow!!! I can''t wait to see the finished ring, it''s going to be amazing!!! Thanks for the extra pics!!!
Oh wow, you ring is going to be so beautiful. I can''t wait to see it.

Beeweaver: The setting was posted in the thread on my diamond, but here it is again for the whole effect. It''s 14k white gold. Sorry about the picture--it''s a picture of a picture in a paper jewelry catalog. I hope my boyfriend will be able to take real pictures of it before the stones are set.

To everyone: Thank you so much for your compliments! I think my boyfriend did a really nice job picking these out. I''m glad to hear such positive comments!!!

Ring 6 B3.JPG
Beautiful!! I can''t wait to see the finished product!
As promised, actual pictures of the white gold setting. My boyfriend said it felt like a nice weight and is excellent quality. For now, I think we''ll just have to imagine all the elements put together, as I don''t get to see the finished product until the proposal. Stay tuned for pics later this spring (I hope!)!

oh I can''t wait to see the finished ring. It will be breathtaking.

The finished product! I successfully badgered my boyfriend into letting me have a sneak peek before the proposal. He agreed to let me see a picture provided that only the stones and prongs were visible, not the rest of the setting. The poor guy wants to save something for the proposal. Sorry about the yellow haze--he said it was cloudy and nasty, so he took the picture indoors under a fluorescent light.

Ooooh, that is so gorgeous. Tsavorites are so beautiful.

Great of your BF to let you have advance pics!

Tell him to get a move on with the proposal so we can see more!!!
Sarah your three stone ring is just stunning!!! The tsavorites give a twist to a classic design and the result is fantastic. I look forward to seeing a picture of it on your hand.
Date: 3/23/2007 7:05:20 PM
Author: sarahthewarrior
The finished product! I successfully badgered my boyfriend into letting me have a sneak peek before the proposal. He agreed to let me see a picture provided that only the stones and prongs were visible, not the rest of the setting. The poor guy wants to save something for the proposal. Sorry about the yellow haze--he said it was cloudy and nasty, so he took the picture indoors under a fluorescent light.
Whoa baby, it''s gorgeous!!! I bet you can''t wait to have it on your finger!
Those greens are STUNNING next to your diamond. That''s one gorgeous ring you''ve (almost) got there!
that ring is stunning, the green rivals any emeralds I have ever seen!
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