
My stones and projects


Jul 30, 2022
Hi fellow CSers!
I saw so many beautiful stones and projects from other people, thought I'd share mine as well:) Happy to hear any thoughts on them, good or bad, I think it'll be a good learning experience as well.

1. Tsavorite+Merelani, WG.
This is my first ring ever. I got the tsavorite first, then when I saw the merelani I just had to have them together in a project. There's a visible inclusion in the merelani, though if you don't squint it's not that obvious because sparkles.
I learned a lesson here not to choose settings where band is thin on the side. Apparently I am fussy about it against my other fingers.


2. Green sapphire and white topaz, WG
It's more blue in daylight and more green inside. Goes a little dark when the light is dim, but I am so in love with the color when it's there.

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3. Green sapphire, YG
I'm expecting it tomorrow! Will share in the thread when it's here. It's a simple band with the stone east-west.

I also have a few stones that I have not decided on a setting yet. Recommendations very much welcome and appreciated!
1. Green sapphire

I guess I have a very obvious preference. There's just so many different shades of green that I love, and I think green sapphires are so underrated. Well, good for me price-wise!
This is a vendor picture but 90% accurate, with just a little less saturation IRL.


2. Yellow chrysoberyl
It's around 1ct, labelled as a highlighter. Are highlighters silky? I'm not sure where the neon comes from.


3. Green chrysoberyl
My first post was to ask for setting recommendations for this one so maybe some of you have seen it:) It has a window (I think? The cut does not look very shallow but the color is lighter in the middle. Can anyone explain?) but I thought the color was refreshing and I have not seen a lot of chrysoberyls with little yellow. I am not very experienced though.


4. Pink spinel
It's tiny (0.3+ct) but I think it would look cute in a bowtie kind of ring with YG?


That's it! Hope you enjoyed and would love to hear your thoughts & advice. Have a good day!
You have a beautiful stone and ring collection! I especially love the tsavorite and meralani ring :love:
I need more photos of your toi et moi. I intend to hoard them and someday maybe even recreate something similar. This is seriously the only toi et moi I’ve seen that I actually liked the look of. It’s beautiful!
Love your rings and loose stones! How big is your sapphire that is loose? My color shifting sapphire is in my avatar, and I absolutely love it.
Lovely rings and gemstones!

I particularly appreciate your tsav & merelani leaf ring. As an aside, if the shank is too thin, an experienced bench person likely could replace it with a wider/thicker shank starting just below the leaves on each shoulder ... something to think about ... that setting is quite special!

I also love your loose yellow chryso -- I look forward to your finished project with that stone!

Thank you for sharing :)
Tsavorite+Merelani, WG is very intricate & pretty.
I love the collection of gems you shared. I really like the Meralani and Tsavorite together. I have been wanting a tsavorite and seeing yours side by side with the Meralani is making me want to change the Meralani ring I have and add a Tsav to it. I also really like the green sapphire and pink spinel. The spinel, though small, is mighty. Beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing.
I need more photos of your toi et moi. I intend to hoard them and someday maybe even recreate something similar. This is seriously the only toi et moi I’ve seen that I actually liked the look of. It’s beautiful!

Here’s more angles, hope that helps!

Love your rings and loose stones! How big is your sapphire that is loose? My color shifting sapphire is in my avatar, and I absolutely love it.
Your sapphire is beautiful! The setting as well. I’m curious about what color the shift is!
Mine is 2.11ct, it goes a little blue in daylight but not shifter level.
Lovely rings and gemstones!

I particularly appreciate your tsav & merelani leaf ring. As an aside, if the shank is too thin, an experienced bench person likely could replace it with a wider/thicker shank starting just below the leaves on each shoulder ... something to think about ... that setting is quite special!

I also love your loose yellow chryso -- I look forward to your finished project with that stone!

Thank you for sharing :)

Thank you for the help! I asked the jeweler to polish the edges a big more so it’s better than before, but I guess I still wouldn’t do it again. It is beautiful though and not THAT uncomfortable, so I forgive it:)
Lovely rings and gemstones!

I particularly appreciate your tsav & merelani leaf ring. As an aside, if the shank is too thin, an experienced bench person likely could replace it with a wider/thicker shank starting just below the leaves on each shoulder ... something to think about ... that setting is quite special!

I also love your loose yellow chryso -- I look forward to your finished project with that stone!

Thank you for sharing :)

Thank you for the help! I asked the jeweler to polish the edges a big more so it’s better than before, but I guess I still wouldn’t do it again. It is beautiful though and not THAT uncomfortable, so I forgive it
I love the collection of gems you shared. I really like the Meralani and Tsavorite together. I have been wanting a tsavorite and seeing yours side by side with the Meralani is making me want to change the Meralani ring I have and add a Tsav to it. I also really like the green sapphire and pink spinel. The spinel, though small, is mighty. Beautiful collection. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you for liking them! Merelani and tsavorite really do look great together.
I received the green sapphire YG ring! And I love it! It’s the most comfortable one and I love the simple style.


I received the green sapphire YG ring! And I love it! It’s the most comfortable one and I love the simple style.


Love this stone and setting! I really like E-W settings and this one is very understated and elegant.
I received the green sapphire YG ring! And I love it! It’s the most comfortable one and I love the simple style.


Beautiful green sapphire. I love the simple sleek modern style. It's one of my favourites - I have three rings amazingly like yours. Here's one (purple sapphire):


I can't wait to see what you do with your other beautiful stones.
I received the green sapphire YG ring! And I love it! It’s the most comfortable one and I love the simple style.


i love this very much
i hope you dont mind me saving it as future inspiration
i am especially loving your greens - my favourite colour
and i think your description of the chrysoberyl as refrrshing is spot on - like a long cold lemon & lime with gin on a hot day !
Just saw a similar style ruby ring with textured shoulders, neat.
I prefer yours still.
Beautiful green sapphire. I love the simple sleek modern style. It's one of my favourites - I have three rings amazingly like yours. Here's one (purple sapphire):


I can't wait to see what you do with your other beautiful stones.

Happy to meet friends of similar taste;) And the purple sapphire is so beautiful! Do you have a thread on some of them?
My hand gets really red-looking at times so I’m a bit afraid of going for reds and purples, but they are such beautiful colors:(
i love this very much
i hope you dont mind me saving it as future inspiration
i am especially loving your greens - my favourite colour
and i think your description of the chrysoberyl as refrrshing is spot on - like a long cold lemon & lime with gin on a hot day !

No problem at all, I’m happy that you like it! And fist bump for fellow appreciator of green:D
Long cold lemon&lime with gin, now that’s something I need on this hot day!
No problem at all, I’m happy that you like it! And fist bump for fellow appreciator of green:D
Long cold lemon&lime with gin, now that’s something I need on this hot day!

thank you ! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
actually its winter here and although we had a nice day (14 degrees C) im now frozen and am thinking about having a hot lime to warm up !
i don't drink much coffee but i really enjoy a good lime cordial hot or cold​
thank you ! :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: :appl:
actually its winter here and although we had a nice day (14 degrees C) im now frozen and am thinking about having a hot lime to warm up !
i don't drink much coffee but i really enjoy a good lime cordial hot or cold​

Wow do drink something to keep warm!
I don’t drink coffee either, doesn’t keep me awake…
Thank you for sharing your lovely collection. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the stones are set!
Happy to meet friends of similar taste;-) And the purple sapphire is so beautiful! Do you have a thread on some of them?
My hand gets really red-looking at times so I’m a bit afraid of going for reds and purples, but they are such beautiful colors:(
Sorry, I don't have threads on them. The concept is so simple that there's not much to be said about it. Just do it and admire the result.

There are some subtleties. The cutouts on your ring are straight, as befits an emerald cut. Those in mine are curved, as befits an oval. Note that in mine, the edges of the cutouts are flared out - this reduces the reflection when looking at the ring straight on.

I'm thinking that the concept of your ring, suitably adjusted, might work for your emerald cut chrysoberyl (in the other thread).
Your sapphire is beautiful! The setting as well. I’m curious about what color the shift is!
Mine is 2.11ct, it goes a little blue in daylight but not shifter level.

Thank you! It goes from apple green to blue-green to gray blue. It was sold to me as a minty greenish blue sapphire so I was quite surprised when I noticed all the shifting. I love it though and say she's moody like me! Ha
Sorry, I don't have threads on them. The concept is so simple that there's not much to be said about it. Just do it and admire the result.

There are some subtleties. The cutouts on your ring are straight, as befits an emerald cut. Those in mine are curved, as befits an oval. Note that in mine, the edges of the cutouts are flared out - this reduces the reflection when looking at the ring straight on.

I'm thinking that the concept of your ring, suitably adjusted, might work for your emerald cut chrysoberyl (in the other thread).

Wow I never thought about having a flare to reduce reflection, something learned.
I agree EW works for that one as well, but also considering a more unusual style. We’ll see!
Thank you! It goes from apple green to blue-green to gray blue. It was sold to me as a minty greenish blue sapphire so I was quite surprised when I noticed all the shifting. I love it though and say she's moody like me! Ha

That sounds so cool! Do you have more pictures that you can share? I would love to see it:)
1. Tsavorite+Merelani, WG.
This is my first ring ever.

Just love this! For all of the bypass rings I've seen, I can not recall ever seeing a "tonal" one like this instead of the usual same-stone-in-different-cut (think: diamond) or starkly contrasting (e.g. diamond + sapphire). Such a brilliant design -- especially for a first effort!