
My newest find


Dec 14, 2017
Sigh.....I did it again....having paid out three rings I had on layaway that are now out for re-sizing, I happened to look in a tray of "meh" rings at my local pawnshop and THIS was staring me in the face. It was like a diamond settled among a pile of coal. So, I put it on layaway and it'll come home with me in October. Just when I think I'm done.....I'm not done. I'll never be done. They don't call me a "frequent flyer" there....they call me a "frequent buyer!"IMG_2442.jpg IMG_2441.jpg
Woman, are you teasing us?
We need details!
What a fantastic find and gorgeous colour :love:
It pains me to say this..... I have few details! The young lady who put it on layaway didn't even know the stone!! I started naming off green stones and got an "I don't know." Sweet as she could be but she really didn't know. I am hoping for and strongly suspect it's an emerald. This is south Mississippi, where someone doesn't mind pawning or selling a nice piece of jewelry so they can take the cash to the casino. (Just speculation on my part but still.....) Other than that God "gifted me with a size 8 finger and the young lady put it on her finger so I could take the picture so I am guessing a 6 1/2 or 7 at the most is the size now. But don't you worry.....I am going to be saving my pennies and digging in my car seats to pay this one out. AND my birthday is at the end of September! If you want to know the price, it was 900.00 and they gave me a good discount. The diamonds alone are worth that. They are absolutely beautiful. Stay tuned, sweet friend....details WILL be forthcoming as soon as I can get my hands on it when it's mine!!
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What a fantastic find and gorgeous colour :love:

They should have had this at the OTHER end of the counter.....where the good stuff is. was in a tray with pretty jewelry, but not really nice and unique fine jewelry. (I tell people that collecting jewelry is the perfect hobby.....because it doesn't take up a lot of space! HA!!)
Wow what a ring, love that green! Yeah pawn shops are dangerous, I definitely avoid them unless I have cash in hand!
Wow what a ring, love that green! Yeah pawn shops are dangerous, I definitely avoid them unless I have cash in hand!
Haha, I went in with NO cash the other day! I had to run to the ATM to pay for the bee pin.
How exciting! Such a beautiful find.
Might be a Garnet, even better than emerald in my book.
It’s lovely, I can see how it called out your name! It knew it needed a proper home and thankfully you came along.
I call my estate / pre loved / unloved acquisitions my “charity work”, I am saving them from life in a cabinet or worse, melted down / broken up and instead giving them a loving home.
@LorettaB your ring is Greenlicious! LOVE. I would be green with envy:mrgreen2: if I wasn't so happy for you. Great find.:love:
Haha frequent buyer. At least you are helping the economy right? :lol-2:
Stunning! Congratulations and please never stop!
Might be a Garnet, even better than emerald in my book.
It’s lovely, I can see how it called out your name! It knew it needed a proper home and thankfully you came along.
I call my estate / pre loved / unloved acquisitions my “charity work”, I am saving them from life in a cabinet or worse, melted down / broken up and instead giving them a loving home.

Garnet works for me too!! Whatever it's going to turn out to be, it's a really nice ring. I have one or two rings that were clearly custom pieces and I wonder what the story is behind them.....actually, I wonder what the story is behind all my pawn shop finds.
@LorettaB your ring is Greenlicious! LOVE. I would be green with envy:mrgreen2: if I wasn't so happy for you. Great find.:love:
Haha frequent buyer. At least you are helping the economy right? :lol-2:

I am! The funny thing is....I have no daughters. Maybe there will be granddaughters one of these days!!
Wow what a ring, love that green! Yeah pawn shops are dangerous, I definitely avoid them unless I have cash in hand!

They miss me when I don't make a frequent appearance!!! LOL!!!
Haha, I went in with NO cash the other day! I had to run to the ATM to pay for the bee pin.

I almost always have something on layaway at this shop. They know me when they see me and act like I'm a good customer. Sometimes my ATM card groans a little, but that's ok, it'll get over it.
Sigh.....I did it again....having paid out three rings I had on layaway that are now out for re-sizing, I happened to look in a tray of "meh" rings at my local pawnshop and THIS was staring me in the face. It was like a diamond settled among a pile of coal. So, I put it on layaway and it'll come home with me in October. Just when I think I'm done.....I'm not done. I'll never be done. They don't call me a "frequent flyer" there....they call me a "frequent buyer!"IMG_2442.jpg IMG_2441.jpg
That's gorgeous!! I'm the same way at my local second hand store.
IDK. I used to make my own greeting cards and that was much cheaper! :mrgreen2:

I wish I was that talented! Since I am not, jewelry it is!!
I wish I was that talented! Since I am not, jewelry it is!!
Well there's nothing like the thrill of the hunt as far as vintage jewelry goes, as far as I'm concerned!
Sigh.....I did it again....having paid out three rings I had on layaway that are now out for re-sizing, I happened to look in a tray of "meh" rings at my local pawnshop and THIS was staring me in the face. It was like a diamond settled among a pile of coal. So, I put it on layaway and it'll come home with me in October. Just when I think I'm done.....I'm not done. I'll never be done. They don't call me a "frequent flyer" there....they call me a "frequent buyer!"IMG_2442.jpg IMG_2441.jpg
Such beautiful contrast and that colour is amazing :P2. Good thing there are no pawn shops near me or I would be in trouble. I agree that jewellery is a great hobby because it doesn’t take up much space - that’s what I tell myself anyway ;)2
This is beautiful!! What a find!
I am leaning toward a green tourmaline...maybe????