
My Ideal Scope Experience

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Feb 23, 2003
Well I just received my Ideal Scope (and a bunch of other gadgets I wanted) today in the mail..
(thanks Dave)

I have been anxiously awaiting it so I can finally see what I was thinking about my stone not being Ideally Cut was true.

Well from checking it out and following the directions on how to do it - I see leakage...
I do see the Arrows, but I also see white light around some if not all of the outer edges. There is a little bit of it within the stone between the arrows as well.
I am sure it''s not a POOR one - but me being picky about my diamonds - it''s not good enough for lil ol me!

I never heard back from the guy I got it from about finding me someone locally to do a Sarin, so that''s when I figured I would just check it out visually with the scope myself. The GIA report I have on it says Very Good/Very Good - and the tables and depth are all within excellent range - but of course without the angles I know nothing more numbers wise.

So for now I am just holding onto this diamond I got as a trade for an old engagement ring from an EX fiance that I didn''t want to hold onto anymore, until my boyfriend is financially able to and ready to take this diamond and upgrade it''s quality in another trade. (oh ya and propose - HAHA!)

So, I guess I just had to vent about my disappointment and thank the IDEAL SCOPE people for helping me realize what I thought all along. Damn me for knowing too much from studying these posts I tell you!

Dancin Girl
Hello DancinGirl,

Does your stone look something like this:


This Ideal Scope image is from an ideal cut Hearts & Arrows diamond... Notice how there is a little light leakage around the tips of the arrows... This is pretty standard, not uncommon at all... Practically every ideal cut diamond we've seen exhibits leakage around the tips of the arrows and here and there about the stone...
Ok, I had to go check it again now that I got your response Todd & Robin. :-)

I am seeing bits of white around most of the edges - I do see pretty clear dark Arrows, and some lighter pink colors in between the arrows. It's not all dark pink like the "Excellent" picture shows on my little box it came with. It looks more like the "Fair" picture.

My eyes hurt from looking at it so much!
So what you're seeing is something more like this?

I would say it's somwhere in between the two.
But check with me tomorrow I may be seeing something else. HAHAHA!

God I am not used to this - my eyes hurt from squinting! UGH!

Either stone will look pretty special Dancer - you are right up in the top 5% if it is between those two images
Well - if it's a good one, why doesn't it sparkle as much? Is it due to the light leakage around the edges? Can clarity effect fire and sparkle? It's an eye clean SI2 stone with no black carbon spots, only clouds and feathers.

~Dancin Girl
Hey Dancer you probably have a very very nice stone, but now you are loaded with info - you will not settle for less than the very very BEST!!!

But do remember to check with your eyes - and be sure you are holding the stone nestled between closed fingers or some way to stop the light getting in the back of the diamonds if they are loose.

SI2's with no big or obvious inclusions are more of a worry - sometimes (rarel) they get the grade because they are very 'clean' under the loupe, but have clouds that have less clarity effect but they dull the brilliance. You may only see these clouds with very high magnification.

An appraiser can tell you if this is the case.
We posted the two ideal scope images hoping that it would provide you with a basis for comparison... Both are images from ideal cut diamonds, the first is one of the tigher ideal cuts from our inventory and the second is an ideal cut diamond which we rejected because the proportions were beyond the range we consider to be acceptable.
And a stone in between these two would be a very fine stone

Your standards are high

BTW you should get the new optical glass scope and lighting dome you guys, and email me and i will tell you how better to take the photo's so you do not get the grey stars.

Please do not PM me - [email protected] or [email protected] - i hate the pm service thingy
Man R/T, your rejects are better than most companies "keepers".

I was curious what it was about the second stone that knocked it out of the running for you guys.
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