
My first post & a very exciting purchase - HELP!

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Dec 6, 2006

I discovered this fantastic site about a year ago and have been periodically absorbing information about diamonds in anticipation of the “big purchase”. Can I just say that this type of information and guidance has totally changed my approach to buying an e-ring and I am very grateful to those who contribute to make the process easier!

Well….. the time has come! My boyfriend and I are travelling to the US later this month and we’re getting a ring while we are there! I have already selected a setting which is being made. I have lined up an Appraiser to look at my selected diamond, and I am now at the final sort of stages of selecting the diamond

I have two diamonds that I am considering at this stage, but just need some guidance as to what you guys think I should go with. I am getting it appraised, but unfortunately, I won’t have time to review it myself, and I’d therefore prefer to try and pick the best diamond to send off for Appraisal in the first instance. I’ve been told by the supplier that both are eye-clean.

Option 1
F, SI1, 1.53
Depth – 60.3
Table – 57
Crown Angle – 34.5
Pavilion Angle – 40.8
VG Polish
VG symmetry
Girdle – med to slightly thick
No fluorescence
HCA score – 1.2
Price 11,950
Option 2
G, SI1, 1.51
Hearts & Arrows
Depth – 61.3
Table – 55
Crown Angle – 34
Pavilion Angle – 40.8
Ex polish
Ex Symmetry
Thin to medium girdle
Faint fluorescence
HCA score – 1
Price 11,540

My issue really is – should my priority be the slightly higher colour of the F stone, or the better cut of the G Hearts & Arrows? Or, put another way, will the excellent cut features of the G stone overcome any noticeable difference in colour from dropping from my preferred colour of F? Your assistance will be greatly appreciated!

Well done on selecting 2 very nice diamonds! My choice would be the G as it has a smaller table, EX EX for polish and symmetry. also I prefer the thin - med girdle. This diamond also has some fluorescence which you probably won''t notice, but to me it adds an extra dimension at times. I am sure either of these would be great, colourwise I don''t think you would notice much difference if any, even if comparing side to side, so it depends on what matters to you really. It seems the second has the finer cut out of the 2 - do we know it is a true H&A though? I would see if the vendor can provide an Idealscope Image possibly which might settle the question, but I think either diamond could be a good choice, are these GIA or AGS graded?
Thanks for your comments!

They are both GIA certified, and the vendor describes the G as a Hearts & Arrows Ideal, whereas the F is described as an Ideal cut.

The idealscope is on the website of the vendor of the G. The vendor can provide an Idealscope for fhte F, but I haven''t requested that yet.

The idealscope for the G is hopefully attached.

Idealscope of G.jpg
I always like to see the measurements on stones to make sure the diameter is as large as it should be, but these both look well cut. Do these both have GIA certificates? Are they both Excellent Cut on the cert? Assuming they are, I''d personnally probably choose the second one based on the paper, but the first one would probably be fine in reality as well.
Okay, you posted the idealscope and answered my GIA question while I was posting! You''d have to see an idealscope of the other stone to consider it. But since the G looks wonderful and costs less, I''d still probably choose it.
IS looks very nice indeed.
Date: 1/5/2007 7:52:53 AM
Author: Lorelei
IS looks very nice indeed.

It''s also less money, and it''s cut better. Plus a great color grade, I''d go with this one!
Hello 6.5 and Welcome to Pricescope!

I know how you feel about dropping to a G. I am very color sensitive, so I understand your concern. That said, the G definitely seems to be a nicer stone in terms of cut, symmetry, and polish. You may want to ask the vendor what kind of G the stone is. I''ve seen G''s that are almost H''s, but I''ve also seen G''s that look like F''s. If it''s a solid G or a F/G, you will probably be totally satisfied.

Another consideration - how do you plan to set the stone? Will you see a lot of the pavilion, like with a tension setting? If not, the color probably won''t be noticeable face-up.

Also, this may sound crazy, but I''ve noticed diamonds look whiter further south where the sun is high in the sky. If you live south, don''t worry about the G!
Date: 1/5/2007 9:31:44 AM
Author: starryeyed
Hello 6.5 and Welcome to Pricescope!

I know how you feel about dropping to a G. I am very color sensitive, so I understand your concern. That said, the G definitely seems to be a nicer stone in terms of cut, symmetry, and polish. You may want to ask the vendor what kind of G the stone is. I've seen G's that are almost H's, but I've also seen G's that look like F's. If it's a solid G or a F/G, you will probably be totally satisfied.

Another consideration - how do you plan to set the stone? Will you see a lot of the pavilion, like with a tension setting? If not, the color probably won't be noticeable face-up.

Also, this may sound crazy, but I've noticed diamonds look whiter further south where the sun is high in the sky. If you live south, don't worry about the G!
Starry - I am curious about your ability to really see the differences between one colour grade of similarly graded and cut diamonds? I just wanted to know as it is very difficult for the average consumer to discern these differences even with a side by side comparison, especially face up...It seems that overall most think there is not much difference between these colour grades, just so consumers reading get a good idea of what to expect

Not the same as seeing diamonds in person but it gives an idea of the different colour grades. 6.5 I am betting the G will be just fine for you.
I forgot to address F vs. G. I'm a G owner, and I wouldn't hesitate to get another. Actually, I was looking for an H, but the one I wanted happened to be G. Well cut rounds will show less color. I see absolutely nothing in mine. (1.40)
Thank you all again for your feedback which has been really helpful for me. I am pretty sure that I''ll be going with the G given your comments. I will be having it set in an antique style setting, so not too much of the pavilion will be showing. Plus - with the sunlight thing - although I currently live in the UK, I will eventually return south to Australia and hopefully the bright light there will hide the lower colour!
I honestly wouldn't worry about the G colour, it is still a very white diamond and a most acceptable and respectable colour grade - I am betting you won't see a thing in it, either in gloomy old England or Aussieland! You are making a fantastic choice and as someone here once said - rules is rules and we will want pics when the ring is done!
Date: 1/5/2007 10:03:16 AM
Author: Lorelei
I honestly wouldn''t worry about the G colour, it is still a very white diamond and a most acceptable and respectable colour grade - I am betting you won''t see a thing in it, either in gloomy old England or Aussieland! You are making a fantastic choice and as someone here once said - rules is rules and we will want pics when the ring is done!
Yeah, what she said!
That IS picture is very nice. I am a color girl, but for just 1 color grade difference I would choose the better cut stone.

Could you please tell us the diameter measurements of each stone?
Date: 1/5/2007 9:38:46 AM
Author: Lorelei

Starry - I am curious about your ability to really see the differences between one colour grade of similarly graded and cut diamonds? I just wanted to know as it is very difficult for the average consumer to discern these differences even with a side by side comparison, especially face up...It seems that overall most think there is not much difference between these colour grades, just so consumers reading get a good idea of what to expect

Hi Lorelei. I wish it weren't the case that I can tell the difference - my fiancee-to-be probably wishes it weren't the case also! So I guess you want to know what I see. To me, face-up, it's the way the white light is reflected from the stone, particularly where the stone gets shallower. I can see tinges of yellow quite easily in many lighting conditions, with the exception of blazing direct sunlight or similar conditions. Color in the pavilion is starkly obvious to me.

D to E is tough for me to tell. I can usually see F to G, particularly if the diamonds are side-by-side. When my fiancee and I went to pick out a stone, I could generally tell what color grade I was looking at before being told. I even saw G's that looked more like H's. Maybe I should switch careers and grade color in diamonds! It would be great if I didn't see the color, but I do.

I think it has to do with the size diamonds too. The bigger the diamond, the more obvious the color. I probably couldn't tell an F to G in a 25 pointer or smaller.
You must have magnificent eyes! Thanks for the explanation - it must be a pain to be so colour sensitive!
Date: 1/6/2007 3:42:25 AM
Author: Lorelei
You must have magnificent eyes! Thanks for the explanation - it must be a pain to be so colour sensitive!

My fiancee-to-be is the same way fortunately - he''s probably even more sensitive than me, believe it or not! We are quite a difficult shopping duo. My brother is the same way. We all think color is obvious and can''t understand when people get what seem like "yellow" diamonds. Funny right?

I''m not so sensitive that I have to get D-color diamonds. For my hands, F is about the lowest I''ll go. For earrings, bracelets, and necklaces, I stay G/H and above.

I certainly don''t want to discourage our friend 6.5 though because I am probably the exception. "G" diamonds can be very beautiful, particularly when well-cut.
Hi there. The diameter measurements are

7.39 to 7.43 for the G stone


7.45 to 7.52 for the F stone

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