
My Father Died Peacefully on May 16 at Age 96

So sorry.
huge hugs
Thoughts and prayers outgoing.
Deb, I am sorry for your loss. God bless you and your daughter and your whole family at this time.
Take care Deb. I'm so sorry for your loss.
He lived a long life and you were a good daughter to the end. It won't fill the hole in your heart, but take comfort in that if you can.
sorry to hear the news, but I'm sure he live a long and happy life. BIG HUGS! for you and your family.
Deb, I am so sorry your dad died. My deepest condolences to you and your family.
I'm so sorry Deb.. may his next stop be a joyous one may he forever live in your heart and all hearts as we become one together in the universe. ((DEB))

I'm so sorry for your loss Deb. And glad that your father's passing was peaceful.
I'm so sorry AGBF...sounds like you made sure he had good care in the end.
So very sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. It's clear that he lived a long life I'm sure made better by your presence in it.
I'm sorry Deb. Wishing you strength and peace as you grieve.
I'm so sorry, Deb. Thinking of you and your family.
Sorry for your loss, Deb. My thoughts are with you, your family and all who cared about your dad.

Sorry for your loss. I am happy he had a peaceful end.

I am sorry for your loss.
dear Deb, my heart goes out to you. Even when one knows that a cherished father or mother is not long for this world, I don't think anyone ever is, or can be, truly prepared for the reality of the death and attendant loss.

May the knowledge that you were an extraordinary daughter, who ensured that his later years were as comfortable as possible & imbued with loving attentiviness, bring you a measure of solace and Light.
BIG hugs for you Deb.
My condolences and hugs to you and your family, there are many people here thinking of you during this difficult time.
Deb, Just checking to make sure you are okay. It's so difficult to lose a parent and it doesn't matter if our parents are elderly and we know they lived a wonderful life. I don't think we are ever prepared to lose someone we love. I have been thinking of you all day and hoping you are doing as well as can be expected. Please know we are here for you. Hugs.
Deb, Just checking to make sure you are okay. It's so difficult to lose a parent and it doesn't matter if our parents are elderly and we know they lived a wonderful life. I don't think we are ever prepared to lose someone we love. I have been thinking of you all day and hoping you are doing as well as can be expected. Please know we are here for you. Hugs.

I really am OK and I regret not having been up to answering each message that has been posted here individually. I treasure each of them. I am not sure in what ways my life will be affected by the loss of my father. I am sure that they will be legion. The day to day loss of his company, of being able to converse with him about everything that mattered, disappeared months ago however, and gradually. I had time to get used to it, to become numbed to it. Now I hardly remember the days when I used to have someone to whom I could tell my personal problems and with whom I could discuss politics. Once upon a time my parents' living room used to be a room where I could talk to both of them about my personal problems and we could all discuss politics. Sometimes someone would find a cartoon in "The New Yorker" and start to laugh and show it to the other two (or, if my brother was here, the other three). Sometimes something political would really strike my mother as absurd and she would laugh so hard that I would be delighted by it. I am so sorry that she didn't live to be entertained by the madness of Donald Trump. She would be giggling and chortling over cartoons she saw if she were still with us.

Thank you everybody.

Those are the memories to hold on to and really savor. Those sound like really good times!!!
I'm so sorry for your loss, Deb. I wish you the best, always.
Deb, my deepest condolences to you and your family. Biggest hugs outgoing dear friend.
My deepest condolences, Deb. I haven't checked here in forever and to see a long time member going through such trials brought me to post. ((Hugs))
I am so sorry for your loss. It doesn't matter how old or how sick, it is still difficult to lose a loved one.
Deb, I'm sorry to hear about your loss of your father. May you take consolation in the fact that he had a good, long life; the care and love you and your daughter gave him were surely a comfort to him in his later years. My condolences to you and your family.
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Deb, condolences on the loss of your father. It's never easy losing a parent. But, wow, 96!?! (((Hugs)) to you and your family.
Sending sincere condolences from the entire DBL team.
Hi Deb,
I am so very sorry for your loss. I know what a terrific caregiver you were to your Dad. I am glad he passed away peacefully at home. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Sending you big big hugs!!! xoxo