
My Ering-1.01 RB H VS1 with Orange Fluorescence


Aug 31, 2011
Hello! I've been lurking for several months, ever since I decided to get my ering reset. (Long story - but it was triggered when one of the side stones fell out two months before our 10th anniversary - the perfect time for a reset, haha! I had to promise my husband that I wasn't secretly prying it out.)

I've learned SO much about diamonds in my time here, and have loved looking at the beautiful jewelry you all have! I'd never heard of fluorescence, and the posts about it triggered me to check my ering. (I inherited the center stone from an aunt who passed away about 15 years ago, and the appraisal that I recevied from a local jewelry store never mentioned anything about fluoresence.) After doing a bit of research, I learned that it is kind of unusual to have such a clear, white stone with orange fluoresence, so I thought you might enjoy the pics. In the past, I'd noticed a bit of "cloudiness" in the center stone in bright sunlight, but always attributed it to having hairspray on it or something, lol! I apologize for the dirty ring and that the pics aren't that great - my camera recently died, and the iphone doesn't take great close ups, as I'm sure many of you already know.

Here are the (admittedly limited) specs on my ring:
Center: 1.01 RB H VS1
Sides: .36 each OEC H SI1
My Ring size: 5.25

Jen's Ring 01.jpg

Jen's Ring 02.jpg

Jen's Ring with Orange Fluo 02.jpg

Jen's Ring with Orange Fluor 01.jpg
Lovely ring and very cool fluor!
Thank you both! I thought it was very cool, too! :)
Very pretty ring, and I really like the unique fluor. :)
How fascinating! Thanks for posting this - your ring is utterly beautiful, and it's wonderful to see such a rare stone.

ETA: The cloudiness you noticed was, in all likelihood, hairspray or the like - fluorescence that makes a stone look cloudy is pretty rare. But it's a great illustration of the fact that fluor isn't going to negatively affect color - that stone is white, white, white!
Thank you! Yeah, it actually could have been hairspray or similar. I, ahem, am not very good about keeping my ring clean. :( (hanging head in shame...)
beautiful ring! That orange flouro is really neat :)
The orange is super cool, and it's a beautiful reset!
That is so unique and cool!
Thanks, all! It means a lot that such a discerning audience thinks my ring is cool! :D

Beautiful ring too!
Whoa, that's awesome! The setting is gorgeous too! Thanks for sharing!
Very cool!
I've never seen orange flo... :appl:
Wow the orange flouro is sooooo cool! And I love your ring, that setting is beautiful :love:
wow, my first time seeing orange flour... it's darling. thanks for sharing! :love:
wow, really cool!! and beautiful ring!
I LOVE your reset! And that orange fluor is SO COOL. Thank you for sharing these pictures. I love fluor.

Wear it in good health and great love!
Thank you for your kind words! :D I wish I could take a better pic of the fluor. Irl, it looks like the first fluor pic, But brighter, almost like a neon orange. It doesn't really have any pink in it-I think the second pic may have been picking up some color from the blacklight. Lol, orange isn't my favorite color, but it sure makes me appreciate the uniqueness of my stone a lot more. :)