
My brother is in emergency surgery - a little dust please?

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There will be many more surgeries to go but for now they have him stable enough. They're using laser therapy to try to save the remaining tissue, but they did remove a lot from the left leg/groin area. Now its waiting and seeing how he responds to all of this. Still in ICU.

@whitewave I had to do some extensive reading on diabetes, to which I didn't know it could be so bad. there are a lot of Type I's in my family. About 10 years ago he had pancreas removed. (pancreatitis), so maybe a direct result? I know its pretty hard to manage glucose without one.

I’m not sure, but you mentioned his sugar was 700 so I assumed he had diabetes.
@Arcadian, glad he made it through surgery well enough and I hope he starts recovering with no problems. Sending love and hugs to you.
It sounds like he had diabetic ketoacidosis, which would be why the first hospital treated him for dehydration. (He was dehydrated)

It would also be why he lost so much fat (weight loss) and why he was so sick, and of course the gangrene.

I hear DH talking about DK all the time on the phone.
Sending more dust so that the antibiotics kick in and wipe out that nasty infection. Sending dust that he can keep his leg in good working condition.

So sorry your family is going through this Arcadian. Sounds like he is in much better hands now that he is at a good hospital. Sorry the other hospital wasnt what he needed. Maybe hydration was the most important thing he needed at the moment.
Glad to hear good news!
prayers continue!
Lots and lots and lots of dust and positive thoughts, Arcadian! I’m glad he’s stabilized. Will keep an eye on this thread.
I am sorry to be so late to this thread. I am in Virginia and have limited computer access to a primitive computer. I just saw this. When I started to read it I thought I might find that by page three your brother had passed away. I thank God that he has been stabilized and have now joined everyone else in sending dust and good thoughts and praying for him and your family, Arcadian.

I am going to spill my own news here because it is why I haven't been around. I had planned to be in Virginia for three reasons before Sunday. I had two doctors' appointments scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday and a meeting with someone to refinance our mortgage today (Tuesday). On Sunday I got a call that my husband was hospitalized, however. He had had a seizure (in a restaurant) and passed out. He was taken by ambulance. Many tests were done, but the origin is not known. I was glad I was coming down anyway. Today is our anniversary. Crazy marriage. He made me breakfast but he's going out to do something alone tonight, maybe play backgammon. He's taking me out the next two nights.

Sorry for a brief threadjack, Arcadian. Your brother is in dire shape. My husband is up and about at the moment. I just worry about what has caused this. I think he was told not to drive, but I am not sure since I was not there. He is driving.

Deb :wavey:
Insulin dependence will come up .( This is what it does. The scale of damage though!

I do not have this, so what I wrote above is even less relevant.

You are in my thoughts
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@Arcadian I am thinking of you and your brother and your parents and hoping things are progressing smoothly and that your brother is stable. Sending him continued healing dust and gentle hugs to you.
@Arcadian -

Still praying for you all, and hoping your trip out there goes smoothly.
Sending you all prayers and good wishes from Australia.
Continuing to send buckets of dust. I hope the surgery went well and he is continuing to improve.
More prayers today for continued improvement.
Sending healing dust. I have had many diabetics in my family. My grandfather was type 2 and skinny as can be. He did lose both legs to gangrene back in the day. I also have type 2, brought on early by a particular medication. I've had pancreatitis before I was diagnosed with diabetes. I hope your brother makes a recovery. This is all so frightening. Take care.
Prayers, strength and dust to you all.
Lots of dust and good thoughts for your family. Sending your brother thoughts of continued healing.
That long line of fairy dump trucks pulling up in the sky? Its there to drop off all the dust PSers are sending :saint:
Lots of dust to you and your family!!
to Deb:

So sorry to read about your husband but am happy he's here and been fully tested Deb.

Happy anniversary to you my friend!

Have a great dinner out when you go!

xoxoxo Kate

I am going to spill my own news here because it is why I haven't been around. I had planned to be in Virginia for three reasons before Sunday. I had two doctors' appointments scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday and a meeting with someone to refinance our mortgage today (Tuesday). On Sunday I got a call that my husband was hospitalized, however. He had had a seizure (in a restaurant) and passed out. He was taken by ambulance. Many tests were done, but the origin is not known. I was glad I was coming down anyway. Today is our anniversary. Crazy marriage. He made me breakfast but he's going out to do something alone tonight, maybe play backgammon. He's taking me out the next two nights.

Sorry for a brief threadjack, Arcadian. Your brother is in dire shape. My husband is up and about at the moment. I just worry about what has caused this. I think he was told not to drive, but I am not sure since I was not there. He is driving.

Deb :wavey:
@Arcadian Hope things continue to improve for your brother sending a huge hug your way Arcadian. xoxox
I am sorry to be so late to this thread. I am in Virginia and have limited computer access to a primitive computer. I just saw this. When I started to read it I thought I might find that by page three your brother had passed away. I thank God that he has been stabilized and have now joined everyone else in sending dust and good thoughts and praying for him and your family, Arcadian.

I am going to spill my own news here because it is why I haven't been around. I had planned to be in Virginia for three reasons before Sunday. I had two doctors' appointments scheduled for tomorrow and Thursday and a meeting with someone to refinance our mortgage today (Tuesday). On Sunday I got a call that my husband was hospitalized, however. He had had a seizure (in a restaurant) and passed out. He was taken by ambulance. Many tests were done, but the origin is not known. I was glad I was coming down anyway. Today is our anniversary. Crazy marriage. He made me breakfast but he's going out to do something alone tonight, maybe play backgammon. He's taking me out the next two nights.

Sorry for a brief threadjack, Arcadian. Your brother is in dire shape. My husband is up and about at the moment. I just worry about what has caused this. I think he was told not to drive, but I am not sure since I was not there. He is driving.

Deb :wavey:
Happy anniversary Deb.
Sending continued prayers for your brother and your family. Like AGBF, I have also been going through some crazy healthy issues with family members so have been adding all of you requesting dust and prayers to my own.
Prayers continue!
Happy anniversary Deb you and your husband are in our prayers.
Jaysonsmom: Prayers outgoing for your family.
Thank you to all who have wished me well. Prayers gratefully accepted.

@jaysonsmom I wish you well, and send dust and good thoughts your way. Please update us on your situation.

Prayers to you, your family and especially your brother. Thank God he has finally found good medical intervention. After hospitalization, the hard part will be to continue to follow medical advice.
I was a brittle diabetic for over 22 years. In that time I had 13 prp surgeries on the left eye, 11 prp on the right, 2 detached retina procedures on both eyes catarct removal due to all the eye surgeries. The removal of my right eye. Was blind twice. I also have no feeling from the knees down, neuropathy in my hands, muscle weakness in my right hip and take medication to empty my stomach and keep my bowels moving. I was blessed enough to receive a kidney/pancreas transplant which has given me a new life. Diabetes is a terrible metabolic disease. No organ is unaffected and the toll on one's self and their loved ones is great.
You are in my thoughts. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.
Keeping your family in my thoughts and prayers. ♥️
Diabetes is a terrible metabolic disease. No organ is unaffected and the toll on one's self and their loved ones is great.
You are in my thoughts. Please take care of yourself and your loved ones.

You have been through hell, princessandthepear. You are a miracle and a witness to what is possible. Thank you for posting your inspiring story.

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