
My brother is in emergency surgery - a little dust please?

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That is horrible. I am so sorry this is happening to your family. Lots of dust for all of you and his little one. I hope someone is giving them a big hug and trying to do something to help them cope (especially if they are not always the most articulate).
Sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.

(side note: I'm not sure I understand how the emergency department "wouldn't do anything for him" in his home town? :confused: Don't they have a duty of care? Is this related to your healthcare system?)
I’m so sorry that you and your family are going through this. I’ll be keeping everyone in my thoughts.
You and your family are in my prayers and in my thoughts.
I am sending you hugs and lots of healing dust.
Big hugs & dust for a miracle!! Hope you’re able to get to everyone before Wed!!
Please keep us updated!!!
Happy for the positive update about your brother @Arcadian and hoping he continues to improve. Sending continued healing dust his way and keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers. Wishing you an easy and safe trip there as soon as possible.
Sending positive thoughts & prayers your way.

(side note: I'm not sure I understand how the emergency department "wouldn't do anything for him" in his home town? :confused: Don't they have a duty of care? Is this related to your healthcare system?)

Healthcare in the states is not equal. Hell, even hospitals are not equal. Can be even worse if you're a minority. Its not a matter of insurance, he's got fantastic insurance through his job. But great insurance only gets you so far if you're at a bad hospital.

I can only speculate off what I've heard from my parents, that it was a for shit hospital he was at in OKC. Sad that he had to drive so far to get better medical care, and when he got to a hospital in KC, they knew immediately what they were dealing with. My parents are satisfied with the level of care he's getting now, which is extremely high from what I hear.

We will have to figure out a way to get his things from his ex girlfriend. When I say they broke up recently , I wasn't kidding it was right before he drove to my parents home.

So a lot of legal wrangling will have to go on now. *sigh*.
Prayers and healing dust to your brother. Gentle ((((Hugs)))) to you and your parents.

Gangrene? How does that even happen in America?
@ringo865 I have no clue, but from conversations I've had he had a boil that he ignored. The one thing we seem to get from my dad is that workaholicness..... He had one before, had to have it removed. He also was at one point quite overweight so the lingering affects of all of that might have played a part in this. Blood sugar of over 700 can kill you by itself.

the fact that he was so thin when he got to my parents to me says he was one sick guy for some time. Mom told me about some of the things that happened with his ex and I try not to get upset about because again, his choice. We all knew she was not in love but he? well sometimes people have to find things out for themselves. Unfortunate for him, he might be paying for it with his life.
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I'm sorry for what your family is going through, your brother is lucky to have you all pull together for him. Wishing you all healing and strength.
Sending dust to you and your parents @Arcadian. This is something parents should never have to go through. Dust for a good outcome.
I got half way there with an infection that looked like a cold for two days, then it put me down, then responded to antibiotics within hours. While things looked like a cold, I was sent home with advice to treat the cold for the requisite week. Latter, persistent high fever made things obvious. I have known then & there how lucky I was that antibiotics worked fast & furious (now, my hair stands on end!). A couple of years ago, what is happening to your brother happened to a young uncle - I was abroad & no one told me in time.

I am in awe with you!

Then, what you are saying of your brother's pair .(
I am so sorry your brother and your family is going through this. Sending buckets of dust. I hope he continues to improve.
Dust to you and your family. I am so sorry you guys are going through this.
I’m so sorry @Arcadian My heart goes out to you and your parents..but I’m holding out hope that he continues to improve..
So some good news. (you guys sure do work fast!)

He was awake before he went into surgery. Could not talk (breathing tube) but could communicate. had spent time with his kids before hand which is what they all needed.

My sister and dad are at the hospital. Rest of the crew (my other "brothers" and younger brother) will be there this evening. My mom is at home. The stress on her is just too much. Mom has Lupus plus some recently discovered brain damage (she does have seizures) so she has to take it easier. My oldest brother is with her.

Surgery started at 3pmCST, as of now (5:45CST) they're still in there. They bumped it to wait for his blood sugar to come down more. Removing the left leg is not off the table. No one will know until they come out and say something but its highly likely according to what I was told.

My mom said he's on 9 bags of antibiotics and who knows what else for pain. (any dr's or nurses experienced with fighting this type of bacteria, please chime in!!!) They brought him out of sedation this morning which is good I was told.

The whole wtf is that the hospital in Oklahoma treated him for severe dehydration:shock: and thats it! Yeah they could have killed him! I want to ask, can he (his children) sue? because that is crazy to me!

I'd let the hospital in O know - that they have recently had this kind of infection on the premises. It could be from them. I do not know. Perhaps a lawyer should serve the news. (no, I am not sympathetic to O - but to their patients; dehydration was one of my symptoms & at that point I had had high temperature for more than a day, the letter later caused shock & that got my attention.)


I did not expect any good news .( Now I do.
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Acadian, best of luck that the surgery corrects the infection and he fights the infection. My heart to your heart, sending you strength.
I hope everything goes well with your brother’s surgery.
prayers continue!
Arcadian, you all are in my thoughts and prayers
Arcadian sending healing dust for your brother and love to you... We are here for you.
I have not talked to my sister this morning though surgery went pretty late. The good is that he is still with us. Will give you all an update when I talk to her.
Keeping good thoughts for your brother and your family @Arcadian. And sending him continued healing vibes. ((Hugs))
I hope he was able to keep his foot/leg and thank goodness he made it though.
There will be many more surgeries to go but for now they have him stable enough. They're using laser therapy to try to save the remaining tissue, but they did remove a lot from the left leg/groin area. Now its waiting and seeing how he responds to all of this. Still in ICU.

@whitewave I had to do some extensive reading on diabetes, to which I didn't know it could be so bad. there are a lot of Type I's in my family. About 10 years ago he had pancreas removed. (pancreatitis), so maybe a direct result? I know its pretty hard to manage glucose without one.
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