
My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!!


Apr 19, 2010
A few weeks ago I posted a thread with my 3-pointer jackets from IDJ. As you can my original studs (0.31ct each) were a bit too small and I knew the airline would bug me:

So what is a girl to do but upgrade?!!??! :bigsmile: The new stones are 0.44 ct each, F SI1 AGS000 BGD Signature Ideal stones:

**links removed at the request of the OP**

I know the small difference in size may not have been worth the cost for many of you but I know that I won't be upgrading these for a LONG time (I won't say never because, well I am a PSer :wink2: ). And I wanted stones that would fit with my jackets since I fell in love with them and didn't want to send them back. I think these studs are perfect and I am so happy with my choice because they look awesome with my jackets! And the prongs were a tad bulky on my first pair, I'm glad they decided to do little claws on these. In some pics it looks like there is still a bit of an airline with the jackets but I just don't see in IRL.

I also have to add that Denise at BGD has to be one of my most favorite people to deal with! The customer service was excellent and she was so friendly, she really just wants the customer to be happy.

First up are the BGD glamour shots of course. Denise suggested that I send the jackets to them with my original studs so they got to model in the glamour shots too!



Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Wow that looks SUPER good together! Love the PS solution...just go out and buy bigger bling! :lol:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Some iPhone shots of the studs and the studs/jackets in the BGD box:

upgradestuds 040.JPG

upgradestuds 041.JPG

upgradestuds 049.JPG

new studs 129.JPG
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

I love your jewelry collection! Ear shots please :love: :love:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

TravelingGal said:
Wow that looks SUPER good together! Love the PS solution...just go out and buy bigger bling! :lol:

Thank you TGal!! I do have to abide by PS standards, right?! :wink2:

Skippy said:
I love your jewelry collection! Ear shots please :love: :love:

Thank you Skippy! Uploading ear shots shortly... (Man it is hard to take pics of your own ears!)
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Ear shots! (Please excuse my gross ears, I am sunburned and peeling...)

new studs 094.JPG

new studs 103.JPG

new studs 183.JPG

new studs 193.JPG
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Sooo pretty!!! The studs look perfect with the jackets! Enjoy them!
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

And the other ear... Didn't want that one to feel left out :lol:

The second pic is a bit blurry but I think it shows good real-life perspective.

new studs 105.JPG

new studs 117.JPG

new studs 120.JPG

new studs 175.JPG
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

And of course, ear shots with the jackets!

new studs 143.JPG

new studs 149.JPG

new studs 150.JPG

new studs 166.JPG
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

I like them soo much! They look perfect, I really liked them with your pearls too! :love:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Perfect size! They are gorgeous on you! Congrats!
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Thank you junebug, Christina, and Stci!! And Christina, I just wore them with the pearls yesterday, they are so versatile! Next I'm going to HAVE to buy some colored stone studs :bigsmile:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

The studs and jackets are beautiful! Not to mention, they have great prescence :love:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Gorgeous!! This size is perfect with the jackets!
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Perfection! I love how versatile the studs/jackets are. :appl:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

:wavey: Hey there!!! thanks for this!!!
:love: :appl: :love: :appl:
They are PERFECT for your ears - I like your decision to go for this size (of course, it also means we are twins...25 years apart twins, but twins nonetheless :lol: :lol: :lol: )

The studs alone are gorgeous - I love Denise too! - but with the jackets.... omg now I am sooooo excited for mine! They look amazing - good call by getting rid of the airline. You did very well Stargurl! Very well! :appl:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Thank you Enerchi!!! I was hoping you would see this thread :bigsmile: I am very happy with my decision too, I really do notice a difference in the size. I can't wait until you get yours (it's almost that time right?!??). You will LOVE them!
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

A month to go before my little jackets are on my ears!!! tic toc..... Seeing yours is getting me all excited about them! (not that I wasn't before :rodent: )

You have such nice ears - sunburn and all! - they look really spectacular on you, very well proportioned and the jackets really are awesome and give total "earlobe blinginess"!! I can't wait!
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

I'm laughing out loud stargurl - only on PS do the studs grow to fit the jackets :bigsmile:

Your new stones are gorgeous (but you already knew that!) and they are *perfect* in the jackets. I didn't like the airline w/ the 0.31s, these look right at home!!

Enjoy them :love:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Your new studs are so beautiful, Stargurl! Great prportion to your earlobe and this color is TDF, I swear I can see the glow on these photos. And the jackets..ah..the jackets, just perfection together! Enjoy your collection, Stargurl, well done with upgrade decision. :wavey:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

They look amazing with the jackets, and are such a perfect size alone too! Beautiful!!!! :appl: :love:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

DandiAndi|1337340869|3198284 said:
They look amazing with the jackets, and are such a perfect size alone too! Beautiful!!!! :appl: :love:

I totally agree!!! Gorgeous both ways stargurl!!!! :love: Wear in health and happiness!! :appl:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

one word. STUNNING. IDJ did an awesome job.
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Enerchi - Woohoo, only one more month!! I will be expecting LOTS of pics :naughty:

Yssie - :lol: :lol: :lol: Yes, only on PS does this happen! But when my mom, who is not a PSer, says to me "I really think you should just go for the bigger ones that fit with the jackets", I was like ok, Mom said so! She even ended up ordering a pair of jackets for herself. So yeah, we're not exactly a very good influence on each other when it comes to jewelry... :Up_to_something:

Efriede - I wasn't sure if I wanted to spend the money on higher color but I am very color-sensitive and I'm so glad I went with the Fs! Did you end up making a decision regarding your jackets?

DandiAndi, Missy, beng86, and Orchid Lei - THANK YOU!
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Star girl, they really look beautiful on you. Honestly, you get quite a lot of coverage with just the studs alone too! Nice small earlobes! Jealous! Question for you or anyone else who owns the idj jackets....what sizes do they come in? they have different options to fit different stud sizes? My studs are about 5.5 mm. Not sure if they would work or not.
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

I love the PS solution!! :naughty: Your upgraded studs are delish and look perfect in your ear! I don't know how you'll decide what to wear each day....studs with or without jackets??? And colored stones would be awesome in those jackets too! :love:
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

Beautiful studs and jackets, and the size is perfect for your ear. Congrats!
Re: My BGD Diamond Studs Upgrade! 0.88ctw with IDJ Jackets!

They look beautiful on you! I love the way the 8 prong stud setting nestles into the jackets! Enjoy!