
My Asscher and the Marco button.

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Aug 8, 2005
Cheap and crappy though the camera may be... it DOES have a macro function though and I found it today... managed some fairly decent pics of my asscher in it''s current (scratched up) setting. Was hoping Storm might take a gander and comment.

And here it is from the side. I''m feeling very happy I finally managed to post some decent pics of the bloody thing!

lighty clipped corners therefore small but well formed windmills.
around a 60%-61% table?
bright drop style
side view shows a nice high crown with well balanced angles.

looks kicken to me for the style :}
Gypsy....I think your asscher is just gorgeous! And I really like its current setting, too.

I'm sorry...I got confused in that other thread (senior moment, perhaps?)'re going to re-set it in a baguette frame like your avatar, right?

Is it a done deal? Is it ordered?


ETA: Congratulations on finding the macro button....neat toy, isn't it? When you run out of baubles to photograph, try it on teensy wildflowers...great fun!
Date: 6/4/2006 9:14:48 PM
Author: strmrdr
lighty clipped corners therefore small but well formed windmills.
around a 60%-61% table?
bright drop style
side view shows a nice high crown with well balanced angles.

looks kicken to me for the style :}

It is bright drop, right??? I thought so when you were posting that three accross chart in Isaku's thread. Which one is hers again in terms of the style? I like mine with the darkness and light-- for my size it's a lovely style... and it really is a very white bright sucker compared to all of the emerald cuts I've seen. I've never seen another prong set asscher before though... seen two halo'd ones. They weren't as nice as mine even though they had wonderful windmills.

The windmills are they only thing that really bugs me about it. Personally I am a fan of MUCH bigger corners ( I saw which corner style you picked on the Hangout thread about the Vegas gem show and that's my ideal too)... but I'm glad to hear that, for it's style (which I know isn't your favorite), it's a good one.

ETA: Right on about the table Storm!
5.87 x 5.86 x 3.83 mm
1.09 carats
Depth: 64%
Table: 60%
Girdle: Thick
Culet: None
Polish: Excellent
Symmetry: Excellent
Clarity: VS1
Color: F
Fluorescence: None

Storm... if you have a sec.... mind looking at my thread about my emerald ring over in Colored Stones? Don't know if you know anything about recutting... but I do value your opinion very much. THANK YOU FOR THE FEEDBACK on my asscher.

Widget... yes, that's the setting I want. I want it because I can't upgrade this one and that setting will draw attention to the minute corners and mimic the thin lines of my X like windmills. Plus it's art deco... which I love. (I could upgrade, considering the cost of the freaking setting... but FI is EXTREMELY sentimental about this diamond. IF I did I don't think I'd go that much larger... but I would get much larger corners/ windmills and I would definitely take a look at the style of cut Storm prefers-- like Isaku's asscher in style). No it's not ordered.
After I quit my job on Friday FI and I talked about it and I'm definitely going to hold off. The deisgn is set and I have pics of it (THANKS TO VALERIA/ ANN AND IRINA) so I'll be okay waiting. I am going to go ahead and pic up a Richard Homer concave for this x-prong setting soon though, and possibly re-cut an heirloom emerald I own. So I'll have bling projects to keep me busy. Just not ones that will cost me thousands right now.

ETA: The macro button fun is going to wait until we get our new camera. FI cancelled the order we placed on it on Friday... but we'll be picking up one as soon as he gets his next sale
. It's going to be a Cannon PowerShot Pro Series S3 IS 6MP with 12x Image Stabilized Zoom! I can't wait!
Well, I think your stone is the PERFECT size for a baguette halo! This way it''s probably easier to have one with only 8 baguettes...which (to me anyway) makes for an absolutely PERFECT ring!!!
Definitely worth waiting for!!

Yes... and just to celebrate the Marco... Here's the setting I want exactly (ignore the band)-- but less octagonal... cause my asscher is very different than the one pictured. And I want the tiffany legacy side view (no pave or rounds though) with a bezel set asscher sapphire surprise stone set like a diamond <> instead of a square.

Gypsy Ring Perfect.jpg
This is close to the idea of the side view... but needs serious refining all over including tapers in the shoulders instead of whatever is going on there

Gypsy...This is the first glimpse I''ve had of your asscher - it''s absolutely lovely and definitely baguette halo-worthy when the time is right. You''ve got all the setting ideas in place and you''re ready.

I''m sorry to hear that the job is a thing of the past, but your knee is much more important right now.

My 2.26 is a muti-step asscher according to Storm and the plot thickened when a Daniel K ring was offered. If you want to read the thread posted in RT, you''ll get the details.

I have been drooling over all the beauties in your ADMIT IT thread, and have to agree with the poster who said that PSers'' stones definitely rival any of the celebs''.
Isaku you''ve got me! i Actually read the thread a while ago but wanted to hold my peace until there was more info on the Daniel K. But since you''ve got I''ll just tell you my thoughts here... My personal feeling is that I adore your asscher. It is amazing... I don''t think the Daniel K asscher is going to compare. He''s got very finely cut stones (not saying that)... and he has the largest selection and is the largest buyer of fine asschers accoring to GOG... but the chances that the ONE that this guy has is going to be as nice are slim. You know... that it will a bright drop with the gorgeous windmills and so stunning as the one you have. AND honestly I prefer the other setting to the Daniel K. BUT his settings are amazing in excecution and quality AND it is easier so I understand the temptation... but well... we''ll have to see the info that comes back.
I confess I saw the title of the thread and I wanted to shout "POLO!" (You wrote Marco instead of macro and...maybe I''ve seen too many kids at the pool this weekend).

Beautiful asscher and pics!!
Date: 6/4/2006 10:54:57 PM
Author: FireGoddess
I confess I saw the title of the thread and I wanted to shout ''POLO!'' (You wrote Marco instead of macro and...maybe I''ve seen too many kids at the pool this weekend).

Beautiful asscher and pics!!

I am the EMPRESS of typos and misspellings... I swear I can''t do anything without 2 proofreads and a spell-check anymore. Don''t bother to do it in my posts... but that''s the THIRD title I''ve mangled. LOL. Must be more careful.

At least tonight I can blame it on the wine... a LOVELY Dolcetto. Yum.
Your asscher is just stunning and I think it will look incredible in that baguette halo setting! Great way to "upgrade" without really upgrading.

So sorry about your job problems Gypsy and your knee injury and I sincerely hope that things will be looking up soon!
yep its a bright drop.
Iv grown to like them.
In the 1.5ct and under range some of the favorite asschers on here are bright drops.
under 2ct or so they are aok and some of them over but they get more critical as the size increases it bigger windmills and more bright area around the edges under the table is needed or they look too dark.
gypsy, I love that new setting...all in good time, it will be that much more special once you get it! I am sending the vibes your way! :)
Sundial THANK YOU! I do love my asscher corners and all... as for the setting... I saw that setting ONCE in DC... It wasn''t around an asscher... and I fell in absolute LOVE with the setting and thought it would be the perfect way to mimic the lines of my asscher and thus get a bigger ''asscher'' with more pronouced corners (which is why I want the 8 baguette halo instead of the 12 the 12 wouldn''t have the same effect) without upgrading. FI would be devastated if I upgraded... he''s very attached to this stone... and I have to confess, while I have some upgrade thoughts, when push come to shove I wouldn''t trade this diamond for another.

He went to FOUR STATES to find it. Two jewelers in NJ, Diamond District in NY, 2 in Philly''s Diamond Row, and finally to a diamond broker in NJ. He went to all but NY in ONE DAY after he had called the jewelers and had them bring in diamonds that fit our specs (I helped with that. Picked two cuts and did the research for parameters of cut, clarity, and color and gave him information for both). I didn''t know where he was that day... and I didn''t know about any of the jewelers except the one in DE and one of the Philly ones. In total I think he asked for 14 diamonds to be brought in. And until he saw my asscher he thought he was going to have to keep searching (we didn''t know about pricescope and were afraid to shop online...thought seeing them was the only way to pick them... which well... it is, but we didn''t realize you could see them the way you can online).

So really... I could never upgrade. But the setting... without knowing if I was getting a princess or an asscher (and without having seen an asscher in person) I couldn''t pick one but knew an x-prong would work with both... so I told him to get the cheapest one of those he could (10k would have been great... but mine is 14K and was cheap enough) and told him I''d change it later.

Then I found pricescope. LOL.

Storm... Yuck... that 2.47 is very dark. I see exactly what you mean. The other is nicer... but in that size I really prefer Isaku''s style. I remember flipping from pics of Isaku''s to that 2.29 that Jadeleaves was looking at (that is the same stone right)... and thinking I prefered isaku''s.

Just wondering... but those Cartiers we all drool over... those are the same style as Isaku''s right??? they are very bright and even with the light dispersion from the pics so I thought they must be.

BTW... I know we do this often... but THANK YOU strm you are such an amazing guy to help all of us out and educate us about this stuff. It really is fascinating. I swear if you were around 4 years ago when I got this asscher life would have been much easier! I had to figure out the # ranges for the asschers myself from reading anything I could about them and emerald cuts and extrapolating.... and four years ago there was NO information on asschers. 90% of the jewelers we talked to either didn''t know what they were, had never seen one, or didn''t think it was possible to find us one. Let alone one that fit in the number ranges that I had specified.
Date: 6/4/2006 11:49:11 PM
Author: strmrdr

nuther kicken bright drop over 2ct.

THAT one is my favorite of the ones you posted.It''s YUMMY!!! Great looking DiamXray (which thanks to you I can Although the one above it had Ex/Ex and that one is VG/EX... but I would just ask Jon about why it got that... it could just be a tiny imprefection on one facet...

Mmm... Yeah. Asscher are lovely.

You know... I was afraid that posting my asscher on here would make me dissatisfied with it... but when I look at the pic of it... for some reason I can view it more objectively...

It really is a nice asscher isn''t it?

Thanks Diamondfan! Yeah... well... the mortgage come first... and the car payments... and well... while we have a nice cushion of savings I really am going to wait until I find the ''right'' job this time (within reasonable time period of course)... but with FI as a real estate agent... it''s been either feast of famine and we need to be responsible. *Sigh*

And really, I''ve had it for four years... what another few months. Plus it will give me time to find the right stone for this setting... so I can just send this ring in.. have them pull the diamond out, and replace it with the Richard Homer concave I am hoping will happen as soon as Wink gets back from Vegas... and that way my ring finger won''t be bare for the WEEKS it will take to have the setting custom made.

Things happen for a reason. I really do believe that.
te:[/b] 6/5/2006 12:11:35 AM
Author: Gypsy

Just wondering... but those Cartiers we all drool over... those are the same style as Isaku's right??? they are very bright and even with the light dispersion from the pics so I thought they must be.
Iv seen several different styles of asschers used in their rings.
Since every one was pretty much custom there wasn't a lot of uniformity one to the next but great uniformity in each one.
Side stones perfectly matched and evenly set and everything perfectly aligned within the ring.
The small stuff is there that separates the merely good from the awesome.

edit: your welcome glad to help its fun!!
Iv seen several different styles of asschers used in their rings.
Since every one was pretty much custom there wasn't a lot of uniformity one to the next but great uniformity in each one.
Side stones perfectly matched and evenly set and everything perfectly aligned within the ring.
The small stuff is there that separates the merely good from the awesome.

edit: your welcome glad to help its fun!!


Yeah, when I was searching for custom jewelers... that was just one of the things that I was concerned with. I didn't just want them to grab the first F VS baguettes they could find and throw them together... especially with this halo I think that everything needs to be perfectly aligned and matched. Is a actually a very difficult and labor intensive setting. Getting a micro pave halo was so much more affordable... even a Leon Mage was $1000 cheaper than this setting is going to run me. But it's so worth it to get exactly what you want. Of course... exactly what I WANT would be this


Or this antique asscher from the icestore:


But the again. None of those come with FI's blood, sweat and tears.

ETA: I'm glad it's fun for you... learning from you is fun for

Hey Gypsy, i remember you said custom cutting all the baguettes and trapezoids was too expensive, now what if along the sides would be straight baguettes.

This way you need to cut only 4 trapezoids (green in drawing) to fit into corners. Might be cheaper and because those traps will be fat and "angly" they will emphasize cut-corners more, which i know you like.



Oh Yeah. Definitely going to do that. Irina you are a DOLL!!!! An Absolute DOLL!!
Date: 6/5/2006 6:32:53 PM
Author: Pricescope
what if along the sides would be straight baguettes. This way you need to cut only 4 trapezoids (green in drawing) to fit into corners.



Date: 6/5/2006 6:32:53 PM
Author: Pricescope

Hey Gypsy, i remember you said custom cutting all the baguettes and trapezoids was too expensive, now what if along the sides would be straight baguettes.

This way you need to cut only 4 trapezoids (green in drawing) to fit into corners. Might be cheaper and because those traps will be fat and ''angly'' they will emphasize cut-corners more, which i know you like.


The cost should be reasonable too. Yay, Gypsy, go for the Irina!!!!!
I know!!!!! It does EXACTLY what I wanted the halo to do... AND it''s less labor intensive (and therefore more cost effective) than the ''orginal'' halo. This one is TRULY and original!! I feel like a dancing bananna!
Irina, that is awesome!!!! LOVE IT!!!
Nice stone, Gypsy. That will look awesome as rendered by Irina''s mock-up.
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