
My Andrew Sarosi ring

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May 6, 2005
It''s done (finally) and should be in my hands on Friday. But in the mean time, here''s a pic from the vendor to tide you over. The stone is my 1.19 ct vanadium chrysoberyl and it''s set in rose gold. I came across Andrew Sarosi at the Intergem show and they had some really neat stuff, including the model for this ring only it was set with a larger red spinel. Allison D. got some pictures of the spinel ring and if she shows up I hope she posts them.

Vey unique design and unusual with rose gold. Allison, please pop by with pictures soon, wherever you are.
Oh, it''s so beautiful!!! The wait must be killing you! Can''t wait to see hand pics!
Very Beautiful, I love the diamond wraps!
Wow, neat ring kismet! I like the sort of matte finish of the gold. I''ll have to look up the vendor on my next Intergem visit in August.
ohh chryso...I know you didn''t pay that that sucker with pocket change..very very nice..
Really, really cool setting

and stone
Oh what a cool setting! Looking forward to seeing how it looks on your hand!
Nice saturation on that vanadium chrysoberyl. Most are washed out or too yellow. I love it!!! The rose gold compliments the stone nicely!! Congratulations.
Very cool....can''t wait to see handshots.
Hi, Kismet.....happy to help out. I'll post a few here.

LOVE the vendor picture, and I can't wait to see this in person. Maybe we can all connect at the upcoming gem show during the weekend of July 11.

Here's a top view of the one we saw at the show.....

kismet sarosi 5806.jpg
Beautiful side view details

kismet sarosi 5807.jpg
And this was my favorite part of this ring....the leaves detail hidden underneath.

Kismet has STUNNING taste, and I'm sure this ring will be spectacular!

kismet sarosi 5809.jpg
Both of those rings are gorgeous! I love green stones in rose gold.
Can''t wait for hand pics!
Yay Kismet!

I can''t wait to see more pics-- and to see it in person
I met him and saw his stuff at a recent show and it''s to die for. I feel in love with three of his stones, just head over heels!

Congrats and wear it in good health!
Awesome design!!! So pretty!
Gorgeous ring, I love the color combo :)
Kismet- you have such a wonderful collection! I am loving the rose gold against the chrysoberyl. Can''t wait for more photos
Thanks for posting those pictures Allison. That spinel ring is as pretty as I remembered. And when I said "I came across Andrew Sarosi" I meant of course that Allison pulled me over there saying "look at the fabulous stuff they have!" She introduced me to Pam, who was working the booth, and we started playing ''guess the stone''. One of her rings was vanadium chrysoberyl (which I totally failed to guess) but she was impressed when I said that I had one too and pulled it out of my purse to show her. So if it wasn''t for Allison, I wouldn''t have this ring. She''s a master enabler. :)

Thanks for the compliments all. I really can''t wait to see it in person.

amethystguy: When I talked with them last night they were writing up their own appraisal for the ring and they asked me how much I paid for the chrysoberyl. I couldn''t remember since I bought it around 2005 and I was at work so I couldn''t look it up. They started guessing $1500? $2000? I had to laugh because I''m pretty sure I paid $600 or less for it.
Date: 6/24/2009 11:27:41 PM
Author: Allison D.
And this was my favorite part of this ring....the leaves detail hidden underneath.

Kismet has STUNNING taste, and I''m sure this ring will be spectacular!

That underneath view is to die for! Truly beautiful, Kismet, congrats!
Just stunning, and I love the hidden detail. Very nice.
Date: 6/25/2009 9:12:59 AM
Author: Kismet
They started guessing $1500? $2000? I had to laugh because I''m pretty sure I paid $600 or less for it.

You have a great eye, that is for sure!
That''s a great stone! I like the setting as well. Very cool.

Your ring is lovely. The rose gold looks really good with the color of your stone. The under gallery is very unique. Your ring is even prettier than the spinel original. The yellow gold looks too harsh with the pink spinel. Andrew Sarosi has the best color stones in the Intergem show.

Hmmm. . . does he have a website?

There''s another intergem coming my way in the fall. Maybe I willl see him? Does his booth have his name on it or a company name?
Well I answered my own question: Andrew Sarosi There''s nothing on his site from what I can see. Looks like he won''t be at my intergem. Dang it.
SO pretty!!!!!!!!!
Date: 6/25/2009 11:27:11 AM
Author: hoofbeats95
Well I answered my own question: Andrew Sarosi There''s nothing on his site from what I can see. Looks like he won''t be at my intergem. Dang it.

You might want to check the intergem website directly. I think those are 2008 dates.
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