
Mothers Day Rose Gold DBTY


Jul 2, 2010
So. weeks ago I printed out the webpage from BGD, the one about the DBTY Mothers Day special and left my card for a $50. discount that I got from a previous purchase where the DH would see it, and.... for Mothers Day my Hubby is getting me the BGD DBTY bracelet.
Oh My I am so surprised :naughty:

Was going to get the pre set .25ctw one in rose gold but have run into a snag. I am not a stock size 7" wrist so Lesley said they have to order a longer chain for the bracelet to fit, my 7.5 wrist so... since I have to wait a bit I was looking at the custom one,so now I think I really need the custom one with inside only milgraining in rose gold. Rough spot to be in huh?

Also,after speaking to Lesley via email I am sending my studs to Brian to have them rest in Milgrain rose gold bezels. YAAAAA
Can't wait!! :appl: :appl:

Looking foward to all the new projects you guys are planning.
Happy Mother's Day to all!


Jan 11, 2006
Elisa!!!! That is going to be GORGEOUS!!! And you know what? I agree with getting the custom one which will have his signature stones!!! I debated and debated about getting one of those chains just for a pendant chain, but I really wanted a BGD-made one more! So I think you are making the right decision. And I would send the pendant back to get the inside milgrain and get it on the bracelet and earrings. You will have a set that many of us will envy, that is for sure!!!!!!!

I talked to them on Friday and will finalize my order for my necklace on Monday! :appl:


Feb 3, 2008
diamondseeker, (sorry for the threadjack) did your stone get re-cut? Mine is finished, but haven't got an email of the final
bill for the earring stone and setting. How did yours come out?


Jan 11, 2006
luv2sparkle|1304784849|2914802 said:
diamondseeker, (sorry for the threadjack) did your stone get re-cut? Mine is finished, but haven't got an email of the final
bill for the earring stone and setting. How did yours come out?

I just got the email at the end of the week with the results! I wanted to tell you but I wasn't sure where I could post to tell you, so this is perfect! The diamond is vastly improved and has nice arrows and hearts, but it would not be classified as a H&A. Brian balances out making it beautiful without making the stone too small. Mine went from 1.0 to .80, so that was as far as he wanted to take it. I am sure it is going to be gorgeous! They gave me the Sarin and all that but not actual photos of the diamond. Those will come when they set it, I am sure. I also haven't paid but I know it was $350 a carat minimum for the recut, so I assume mine will be exactly $350 (and yours, too). I am making changes to the bezel pendant, so I do not yet have a price on that.

The other thought I had was to mention that you really need to look at your final diameter to see if it matches that other stone you have on reserve. You might need to go down a little if your stone ends up a .42.


Feb 27, 2007
Elisateach, how exciting. I can't wait to see pictures of it. I think it will be gorgeous in rose gold. :appl:

Amys Bling

Jun 25, 2010
Can't wait to see it! as well as your new rose miligrain rose bezeled earrings!!


Feb 3, 2008
diamondseeker2006|1304785659|2914815 said:
luv2sparkle|1304784849|2914802 said:
diamondseeker, (sorry for the threadjack) did your stone get re-cut? Mine is finished, but haven't got an email of the final
bill for the earring stone and setting. How did yours come out?

I just got the email at the end of the week with the results! I wanted to tell you but I wasn't sure where I could post to tell you, so this is perfect! The diamond is vastly improved and has nice arrows and hearts, but it would not be classified as a H&A. Brian balances out making it beautiful without making the stone too small. Mine went from 1.0 to .80, so that was as far as he wanted to take it. I am sure it is going to be gorgeous! They gave me the Sarin and all that but not actual photos of the diamond. Those will come when they set it, I am sure. I also haven't paid but I know it was $350 a carat minimum for the recut, so I assume mine will be exactly $350 (and yours, too). I am making changes to the bezel pendant, so I do not yet have a price on that.

The other thought I had was to mention that you really need to look at your final diameter to see if it matches that other stone you have on reserve. You might need to go down a little if your stone ends up a .42.

Mine came out pretty well too! It actually went down to .43 but the estimate was .42. It wasn't quite what Brian predicted but like
with your stone, he said it was a balance of losing weight and what he could do without losing more. He didn't want to take it under
.40 points. I wouldn't have cared though. The stone didn't lose much in diameter, it is 4.95mm and the other stone is 4.97. I really like
the numbers on the stone I reserved and the price. They also don't have a lot of inventory in that size range. Brian was funny, I asked
him if he thought the old stone was good enough to match with one of his signature stones and he said, "You will have a nose between
the two of them won't you?" Well, yeah... I just didn't want to see a visible difference with my eye. You should have seen my DH rolling
on the floor when I told him what Brian had said. I didn't think it was THAT funny...

I sent an email to Lesley before I spoke with Brian about all the final bill stuff and I haven't got a total yet. I am getting kind of antsy.
I am ready to be finished now. Brian is also supposed to look at the stone and give me a color and clarity estimate. I have no idea.
I inherited the stone in a man's ring from my uncle. I think I will just go with the stone I have picked for now, and eventually if I
am not happy with the recut one, I can get another signature stone match or trade up. I paid for the recut up front, but I am not
sure what the ps price or returning customer discount will make the total come too. It would have been nice to have them for Mother's
day since I told hubby not to buy me anything since I was buying the stone, but I told Brian and Lesley I was in no hurry.

Can't wait to see yours! It will make a gorgeous bezel pendant I am sure! I would love to have one myself!


Feb 3, 2008
Elisateach, again, please forgive my threadjack. It is so hard to know how to talk with each other sometimes. It seemed silly to
start a new thread!

I am excited to see how your project comes out. A rose gold bracelet and studs sounds divine. You might eventually need ( :naughty: )
a necklace to go with it!!!!


Jan 11, 2006
58,550 sounds like a great match! Surely Brian can tell if the colors are within one grade. I guess we can see the results once both of us have our projects finished! And Elisa will have hers around the same time, too!


Jul 2, 2010
Luv2sparkle.. I laready have a BGD 5 stone trellis in rose gold :appl:
And the BGD barbara pendant in rose gold. :appl:
So after this I am done????
I am really considering getting a bunch of random diamonds I have from projects and having another ring made in rose gold!
I really lke rose gold on my skin and the color of Brians rose gold is the perfect shade, not too coppery, not too pink. Perfect!


Apr 7, 2011
I just wanted to say that I went back to look at your previous threads and your pieces are divine !!!!!! I can't wait to see your new additions!!!


Feb 3, 2008
OMG I forgot that you won that gorgeous pendant! you have the PERFECT collection Elisa!!!!! Girl, you don't need anything! You have it all! You are right, that color gold is beautiful on you! It doesn't look that great on. Everyone to be sure!


Jul 2, 2010
MIni update, So I got an email Friday from BGD telling me the DBTY bracelet was on it's way and would be on my wrist by MOnday, pics to follow. Well when the pics came I looked and realized that the bezels were plain, no milgrain :o . Contacted Lesley she replied quickly, oops, boo boo. So today I got to catch a quick glimpse of the bracelet befote I shipped it back... Oh my so sparkly for tiny stones, perfect delicate hated to box it back up HOWEVER.. it did not travel alone... :lol: :lol: You bad influences convinced me I NEEDED to milgrain my pendant and bezel my studs. So they are winging thier way to BGD in Texas for a makeover. The only thing I am kinda concerned about is that I have a set that looks like one of those Mothers day/ Valentine specials in a Mall store, you know matchy matchy. I should not worry right?
Here are the pics with out milgrain. Thought I would share as the BGD site the pictures of the rose gold bracelet does not load for me.....




Jan 11, 2006
That is gorgeous, Elisa! I may not be too long behind you because I have DBY items on my wish list, too! I don't think it is too matchy to have a few items in the rose gold with milgrain at all! The only thing I want to mention to you now that I have my pendant is regarding the milgrain. You may recall that I had requested inside-only milgrain and they accidentally sent mine with full milgrain. Well, that was a good accident because the milgrain is so tiny you can hardly even see it. It is gorgeous! So I would change my recommendation to the regular milgrain and not inside-only. It would almost be impossible to see inside-only on the tiny bezels on the DBY bracelet. Same with the pendant and earrings.

I think you made a great decision to go with the custom DBY, though. I think it is so nicely made!


Jan 3, 2005
wow, it looks just beautiful!!!


Jul 2, 2010
diamondseeker2006|1306197760|2928685 said:
That is gorgeous, Elisa! I may not be too long behind you because I have DBY items on my wish list, too! I don't think it is too matchy to have a few items in the rose gold with milgrain at all! The only thing I want to mention to you now that I have my pendant is regarding the milgrain. You may recall that I had requested inside-only milgrain and they accidentally sent mine with full milgrain. Well, that was a good accident because the milgrain is so tiny you can hardly even see it. It is gorgeous! So I would change my recommendation to the regular milgrain and not inside-only. It would almost be impossible to see inside-only on the tiny bezels on the DBY bracelet. Same with the pendant and earrings.

I think you made a great decision to go with the custom DBY, though. I think it is so nicely made!

Took your advice and emailed Lesley, no problems because obviously the stuff is not there yet. Thanks for the opinion and after seeing how small the diamonds are you are right. I have to say though for tiny little stones they sparkle. I would love to upgarde the stones to 15-20 pointers but it is not in the cards right now. HMMM I wonder what that would cost? :naughty:
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