
More colour combo advice needed

Which combo do YOU like best?

  • Red and Green

    Votes: 2 5.9%
  • Pink and Green

    Votes: 9 26.5%
  • Blue and Green

    Votes: 11 32.4%
  • Other combinations

    Votes: 8 23.5%
  • Stop this already and let me see the result

    Votes: 4 11.8%

  • Total voters


Apr 22, 2004
Everyone is probably tired of seeing one million pictures of my stones by now but I really appreciate your feedback. At least I know that some are sure no-no's and others might be doable. I hope to be able to finalize the colour combo with these last set of pictures. These set of pictures are far more accurate the the previous ones posted in a different thread. I managed to snag a couple outdoors when the rain let up a little.

If you chose "Other", I'd appreciate knowing which colour you have in mind. Thanks!

ETA #2
The combo that I'm requesting your opinion on is for the green tsavorite to be the center stone for a 3 stone ring. The red, pink and blue stones are in the pictures below only for reference.
I didn't want to drop the stones or lose them, so I had to take pictures of them in their cases. Please excuse the glass top glare.
Since, if I remember correctly, you are thinking of a ring, I didn't consider the gorgeous zircon. Too beautiful to risk.

I am going to suggest pink centerstone with red sides. I think the degrade effect will look good.
Oh dear, I just realized from Lady D's post that I wasn't clear at all. The center stone in question will be the green tsavorite. I am trying to decide what colour side stones will go best with it in a 3 stone ring. The zircon is only there to provide a blue colour reference. The same goes for the pink spinel.
OH! Yellow with the green center would be a casual look, white more formal. Maybe a PALE yellow? OOOOHHH, that sounds good! :love:

Pale, looks like a Z diamond, trilliants! :appl:
I really like green and purple together. I also like green and pink or green and blue.
There is a very fine book by Johannes Itten called The Art of Color. He was a painting teacher at the Bauhaus and his book is amazing.
In the mean time how about some nice red spinels to go with your tsav?
Mother Nature asked me to show you this. It's some of her early work but still excellent and timely. She says she has been working with these color combinations for EONS and they were only recently hijacked by Santa Claus®.

My favorite color combo is the blue with the red-- I have a red garnet that I'm going to have set with small round blue zircons (MUCH later on). But as I mentioned in an earlier thread, I'd be nervous about setting your beautiful zircon in a ring.

I still think the green garnet would look lovely with red, I'm just not sure about the size of the red spinels. But I definitely think the green and red jive well together.
Chrono: For your tsavorite, I vote for green and purple. As an example, I have uploaded a picture of a pair of sugarloaf amethyst and a tsavorite. I like the zircon too with the green but that's not an option. A pair of paraibas would be nice too. LM's micropave website has a 3-stone ring of a pink sapphire with 2 dermantoids, but the dermantoids are yellowish green. Whatever you decide, I am sure it will turn out nice.


purple and green.jpg
I like green with the zircon blue, reminds me of the ocean.

Or my other favourite, lilac and green.

IMG_1168 (750x563).jpg
i think green with pink or green with purple or even pale yellow like iLander said.
the green tsav is so gorgeous i don't want side stones to compete with it for attention!
maybe white/pale coloured side stones with lots of yellow gold :mrgreen:
I vote with iLander. The tsav is so gorgeous, something pale-ish yellow or white would allow it to shine right out. Too nice to have to compete with other strong beautiful colors.

--- Laurie
Hey C,
I'm glad to see you are going with an all-colour combo, as you mentioned in my tourm thread its nice to see PSers thinking
outside the setting box a lil more.

I think you should either stick to your original inspiration of the small bubblegum pinks, but I am also agreeing with Burberry
and Art N that green and purple are a lovely, royal looking combo..(despite my self preservation instincts as we may end up competing
for side stones :lol: )
I'd pick something small and pale blue....
Isn't that close on the color wheel?
Oooo, yes and the lilac and green! Thanks, LD :love:
Thank you all for your responses and more importantly, explanations; it gave me something to think about. I am not attracted to pale or colourless gemstone but the idea of something pastel is a consideration.

Green + Yellow: I’m concerned yellow is going to make the tsavorite look yellowish? I’d like to play up the blue modifier in it even though it is slight.

Green + Purple: isn’t that colour combination also rather strong? The only purple I can think of is amethyst which tends to be dark toned and requires gentle care, unless I go for something pastel? There is also purple sapphires but those are uncommon, more so in pairs.

Green + Pink: I am still partial to this combo and Art Nouveau’s observation of the LM demantoids being yellowish green is correct.

Green + Blue: I could attempt to source a pair of inexpensive blue zircons which hopefully will be easily replaceable if damaged. I dislike aquamarines and blue topazes so those are out. Again, there are light blue sapphires out there too. The good thing about this is that the blue will also play up the blue modifier in the tsavorite. I’d love Afghan tourmalines as sidestones but the pair I hoped to purchase was sold out within minutes of my inquiry. ;(

Green + Red: I’m still iffy on this one. Mother Nature’s example shows two yellowish green and red apples so the colours don’t “fight” too much. BN could also be correct that the spinels need to be smaller so they don’t compete as much for attention with the center stone.

Green + Lilac: This is my idea when I’m thinking green and purple. I’m worried purple will be too dark but if pastel aka lilac, that’s certainly a possible combination. Now….what stones are lilac? Spinels? Pastel amethysts?
my post got eaten by PS.

I would go for pale pink sidestones or clear sidestones. I wouldn't personally go for light yellow as I would be afraid that woudl make the tsav look more yellow than it is...

I found this pic...they aren't the right tones but it gives you an idea

Purely from a color perspective, I like the blue and green combo, the pink and green combo, and the purple/lilac and green combos much better than the red and green. I think the key with any of these, though, is finding exactly the right shade for the side stones. You need something that won't whimper and turn grey when set up against that gorgeous tsav.
I know I already stated my opinion in the other thread concerning the LOGR setting. This may not help, but I still think that the tsavorite deserves to take center stage! I think if you add a "like" color, it may compete with the stone. If you add a color like red, it may be too "Christmasy" looking and pink sidestones may make it rather "fru-fru" looking. I remember pink and green combo's where popular in the 80's. (showing my age :bigsmile: ) If you do have to have colored sidestones, I think the purple stones were quite pretty. Maybe some lilac spinels...........asscher cuts. :lickout: Honestly, though, I think whatever you will end up choosing will be timeless and classic. Can't wait to see what you decide.
Green with a deep purple as AN suggested will be wonderful. Yes the purple should be dark but that's how it will stop competing with the Tsav! It's a genius combination!
I vote for green and blue!
I voted blue/green because I really like that combo. But I also could have easily voted for other, because I like the green with the dark purple. I think either would be stellar.
I wore a blue tourmaline next to a green one yesterday, and they canceled each other out. Not a fan of the combo. If you do mix colors, it's nice to see a warm next to a cool. I'm not crazy about two hot or two cool colors next to each other.
I chose other because I also like purple and green. My second choice would be pink, followed by blue.
Chrono, in your previous thread, the red spinels competed with the tsavotite. Both have strong saturation, and they literally hurt my eyes. It was almost too much to look at.

If you simply want to make the tsav the center of the show, have you considered softer, more pastel shades of pink, orange or blue? The tsav will still be enhanced, but the sidestones won't compete with it. :naughty:

I'm also planning on resetting Peachy with pear medium green tsavorite sidestones to make her POP more. The previous orangy congnac side diamonds didn't create enough contrast with her, and they simply blended with the setting.

I picked blue and green because i love peacock colored themes, and i think it looks amazing together.
I still cannot make up my mind; one minute I'm thinking light blue + green, then hot pink + green, then rose pink + green, and the list goes on. :lol: The pictures PR, Burberry, and Deia posted are extremely helpful though. I've never considered a pastel colour but seeing PR's example of something light next to a strong center stone is strangely quite a nice combination.
A pale blue might be pretty too. Your tsav has a hint of blue so that would definitely play up that color.
As with dogs, colors can sense your fear. You must be bold and direct with them. Strong colors call for strong compliments. Look at the Fauvist painters, look at Kandinsky, then look at a Luc Tuymans painting all washed out with matching shades and timidity. His may be a cunning conceptual strategy in contemporary painting, but they are no joy to look at.

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