
Missing arrow shafts on my purchased (not shipped) diamond?


Oct 25, 2015
I purchased yesterday but am second guessing a bit.

1.71 ct F VS1
Depth: 62.5%
crown angle: 35.5
pavilion angle: 40.6
table: 56
girdle: slightly thick (4%) faceted
HCA 1.4

When I bought the diamond, I thought that the main drawback was the depth - I was paying for hidden carat weight.

Now I'm wondering if I missed something else. Are the 3 faded/missing arrow shafts in the top right quarter a major concern? I read about fish eyes and don't think that's what's going on (thick girdle but reasonable pavilion and table size), but it scared me enough to ask.

Thanks in advance for the help!
Re: Missing arrow shafts on my purchased (not shipped) diamo

I'd reserve judgment until you see the diamond in person. Did you happen to get any reflector images before they sent it? Might show if there's any light loss.
Re: Missing arrow shafts on my purchased (not shipped) diamo

I would wait to see it in person. Hopefully it will be just fine. :wavey:

Eta - I assume you got images? If not, ask before it gets mailed out and post here for input from PS members.
Re: Missing arrow shafts on my purchased (not shipped) diamo

Thanks for the advice. I'm glad to hear that what I was looking at is just an artifact of the set-up.

The JA rep just told me that since the diamond is not in NY they won't be able to provide images. I ordered it to be set in an engagement ring so I'm not sure when if ever it will be convenient take the images in the future. Maybe if I ever have work done to it?

Anyways, ship date is set for about a week so I'll report back and maybe post a pic once I get to see it :angel:
Re: Missing arrow shafts on my purchased (not shipped) diamo

Oh, on the bright side while I was talking to customer service I realized I had missed a $100 off gift code for signing up with JA in my inbox. No images, but they could at least apply that. Small victories :dance:
Re: Missing arrow shafts on my purchased (not shipped) diamo

I noticed that the images changed for this diamond since I purchased it and posted here. Compare the current posted image at to what was previously shown, and is still visible in my wish-list preview:

Has anybody seen something like this happen before? I remember looking at the old images closely and not being able to spot the center inclusion, but now it's easy to spot on the new images. Is there a chance the wrong diamond was shown and JA decided to update the images to the correct diamond after the purchase without notice?

Of course I'll still wait to see it in person as planned and am not horribly concerned. But maybe this can be a warning to inquire if something doesn't seem right to other 1st time online shoppers :)
Re: Missing arrow shafts on my purchased (not shipped) diamo

When the video loads, the actual diamond comes back. I found that sometimes there is a picture of another diamond you were looking at in place until the new diamond video has loaded.