
Mental Health and Coronavirus

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
How are you all feeling mentally? Are you worried about the future with this virus floating around? Have you noticed more anxiety or depression or any other symptoms? Are these feelings new for you or maybe a more intense version of what you’re used to?

If you’re doing well, how are you doing that? Are you able to easily put things out of your mind? Do you feel you’re doing all that you can, so why worry about it?

Basically, I want to know how everyone is doing.


Feb 24, 2017
I’m doing OK now, but a couple of weeks ago, I was really peed off with the whole situation. We’ve had 4 holidays cancelled, and we’ve cancelled a cruise for next January. My biggest issue was not seeing anyone. We went in to lockdown on the 18th March, just before our Govt brought it in, and we were very good. We stayed in, eventually managed to get online shopping deliveries, and basically sat and waited. Eventually, restrictions began to ease up and we were able to meet up with a friend for a walk whilst socially distancing.

A couple of weeks ago, when I felt it was really beginning to get to me, a friend invited us around to their house one Sunday afternoon for tea. (We were allowed to do that then). I can’t tell you how much better I felt just doing something ‘normal’. We sat in the garden (socially distancing), drank tea, ate sandwiches and cakes and chatted for hours. I’ve felt completely different since then. We’ve gradually started to go out to shops when we’ve needed to, masked up and being careful. We had friends come round on Saturday evening, we sat and ate in the garden, and just the act of seeing people and talking to them face to face (2 M apart) really makes a huge difference.


Dec 25, 2012
Mentally I have good days and bad days. What I struggle with most is seeing people at bars and restaurants or crowded out and about in the park. Maybe a third wear masks. My once “green” state is now back to red. It’s so frustrating and gross, selfish, and sad. That’s what I think is giving me the hardest time.


Jul 13, 2007
I try not to think about it too much. Good days and bad days. Most days are not high stress at least. A good but different thing is I've been falling asleep earlier at night. Like before 11pm. That never used to happen. I do get cabin fever. I hate that I have to do therapy over the phone now.


Apr 20, 2017
I think some kids are really suffering. It took over a month to get my daughter an appointment with a therapist and her doctor personally called them to try to get her in as soon as possible. She has started antidepressants and it seems to be getting a bit better but it's a slow process. I heard from quite a few mental health professionals that they are overwhelmed with patients. I believe this will have long term consequences.

I am doing ok but I fear for my kids.


Sep 24, 2011
I’m very fortunate because we are self-employed. I don’t have to go out to work, and so far our income is stable.
We have cancelled several trips and I do miss seeing some people. But those are such minor inconveniences compared to the suffering of those who get the virus or have a loved one die.

I feel sad occasionally, but I accept that as normal. We all have differing degrees of ability to deal with the unknown. That is one of the hardest things I think.

House Cat

Feb 22, 2009
I think some kids are really suffering. It took over a month to get my daughter an appointment with a therapist and her doctor personally called them to try to get her in as soon as possible. She has started antidepressants and it seems to be getting a bit better but it's a slow process. I heard from quite a few mental health professionals that they are overwhelmed with patients. I believe this will have long term consequences.

I am doing ok but I fear for my kids.

I’m sorry to hear about your daughter. I hope she feels better soon. It is tough to watch our children go through this time. My 15 year old has anxiety and he has been having attacks at night. He refuses to see his therapist because he hates the video chat element. He continually asks if he can move in with a friend so that he can be out and about. I struggle with a desire to make him happy and to keep him and my diabetic husband safe. My therapist told me it isn’t my job to make him happy. It’s my job to keep him alive.

I try to remember that but when I see him suffering, it is very difficult.


Sep 25, 2016
I have bad days and okay days. Mostly working long hours so I don't really have to think. My dad passed from this in May so I think I'm still in shock/ going through the motions mode. My husband's grandmother passed 2 or 3 weeks after (my memory is hazy and everything seems to blend together). Now the grandfather fell this weekend and is bedridden with no family to help (he's in an elder community home in France). And my aunt (mom's last surviving sister) is hospitalized with pneumonia. She took my dad's death really hard and had to be sedated (they're close friends and all grew up together).

I'm worried sick about my kids' school. My daughter's school has 4600 kids in a space for 2000. And both kids need to take the subway if they go to school. My daughter was seeing a therapist for anxiety. The first one said she can't see us anymore because there's too much family trauma. The current one just told my daughter she doesn't need to be seen anymore because "there's nothing wrong with her". She hasn't made any friends (she's going to be a senior in HS if she passes summer school), doesn't have any extracurricular activities, and has anxiety and cries in classes and won't do her homework. So yeah, this pandemic is a relief for her since she doesn't have to be in class. But I don't know how she's going to cope in life. Most days she won't even get out of bed.

I'm trying really hard to focus on good things, we still have jobs, we have food, a place to live, friends and family. But I was really sad this weekend just thinking about everything and panicked because there seems to be no end in sight. I bought some jewelry in May but it didn't make me feel any better. I have no energy to exercise but forcing myself to walk. Just hanging on until things get better. I have my 9 year cancer scans and check up the end of this month so crossing fingers I'm still in remission.

Thank you for asking. I hope we will all get through this. I'm reading happy stories, taking a break from the news and just really trying to be content and not stressing. I was able to order toilet paper and paper towels from target yesterday, so happy about that. Now just need to find lysol spray.


Mar 13, 2004
Like many of you, I have 2 teenagers who are giving me anxiety because I worry about their mental health. My son has missed out on prom and graduation so far, and the “postponed” graduation ceremony that was supposed to happen on 7/24 seems likely to be cancelled. My daughter who has seen a therapist for depression and anxiety in her early teens seems to be a roller coaster of emotions lately, but refuses to see anyone for online sessions, and begs to go out with some of her besties all the time. I have caved and let her hang out with her friends a couple times a week, and since they are doing outdoorsy stuff like skateboarding or hiking, I just let them go for it because I think getting outdoors, exercising is good for the body and mind. At home I try to enforce working out at least 4-5 times a week and a daily 30 minute walk with our dog to keep everyone’s spirits up. But worrying about my kids is wearing on me mentally. I have started taking 5-htp supplements to deal with nagging anxiety. Hearing about all these young celebs taking their own lives on a weekly basis is also adding to my worries!

PS, my “likes” to your posts are virtual hugs. We WILL get through this together.


Oct 23, 2011
I just found out a close friend of mine has been self-medicating morning, noon and night since the pandemic started—to deal with the stress— and according to him, “it’s not an addiction bc it’s legal”—even if it has turned him into a zombie.


Feb 16, 2009
I just found out a close friend of mine has been self-medicating morning, noon and night since the pandemic started—to deal with the stress— and according to him, “it’s not an addiction bc it’s legal”—even if it has turned him into a zombie.

Morning, noon and night is a little excessive lol. And overuse can contribute to anxiety for some.


Feb 16, 2009
I was having definite sleep issues for a couple of weeks there. Even using my favorite weed strain (which usually puts me soundly out for the night) wasn't working and I'd wake up a little early and with some anxiety. Not sure how I got out of that other than really focusing on good things before I went to sleep (with the weed) and really completely relaxing before bed. But I think it was related to COVID, the protests being on the news non stop, and the fact that my daughter has been anxious for a few months - partly with not being able to go out much because of COVID, so stuck in the house more. And a friend of hers committed suicide in Feb., and that's still really bothering her. But I've gotten over the anxiety, mostly.


Feb 24, 2017
I think something else that’s really helped, is I’ve stopped watching the news. It was so negative about everything that it really didn’t help at all. Now I just cherry pick articles I want to read on the net. Burying my head in the sand, maybe, but I just couldn‘t deal with the constant bombardment.


Dec 25, 2012
I think something else that’s really helped, is I’ve stopped watching the news. It was so negative about everything that it really didn’t help at all. Now I just cherry pick articles I want to read on the net. Burying my head in the sand, maybe, but I just couldn‘t deal with the constant bombardment.

I find this helps too. Here in the US depending on the network you either get doomsday coverage or “Nothing to see here, back to work.”


Jun 7, 2014
I’m doing ok but have days here and there where it gets to me. We all miss our old lives. I’m concerned about those I love and care about making it thru this as I’m sure many of us are. My stress comes from those I love who are high risk and
acting as though the virus could never affect them.

I’m being cautious and not taking many risks.

I feel for those who are concerned about theIr teenage kids. If your child is struggling, please get them professional help. We often don’t know all someone is struggling with even when we think we do and are really close to them.


Jun 8, 2008
Gosh it’s been a rollercoaster of emotions. From one hour to the next my outlook changes.

If only we were *just* dealing with Covid 19. Like many people however we’re dealing with a multitude of issues. Many health related and well nothing seems easy these days.

Mentally I’m strong but I’m also stressed. And I know we all have that breaking point.

Hoping we can all stay strong and we’ll and just continue taking things one day, one hour, at a time.

You know that Winston Churchill quote. “When going through hell just keep on going.”

Sending everyone who needs it healing vibes and well wishes. For good emotional and physical health.


Jul 7, 2013
In some ways, I wish to go back to the beginning of lockdown when everything was clear to me, and I was able to deal with all the restrictions.

However, ever since the restrictions started to be lifted towards the end of May 2020, it became less clear cut, and some rules/new guidelines are confusing and illogical to me.

Although I don't particularly like changes, I accept changes are inevitable, not just because of Covid-19.

I am quite resilient by nurture, and get over the initial stages of the change curve quickly. I just need to blow off a bit of steam, and do my R2D2 when it is angry impersonation, have some nice food and drink, and I shall be fine.

Food always cheer me up.

Hope everyone is ok, and hang in there!

DK :))


Sep 17, 2008
Our anxiety levels are definitely high. we've tried to do things to mitigate as much as possible. Unfortunately though you see something on the news or hear something and it can put you on a roller coaster ride. So, I try to just ride out the storms I can.

Also my anger levels are pretty up there but I think y'all can tell that. Willful ignorance abounds these days. Its hard not to be angry about it.


Sep 24, 2011
I think something else that’s really helped, is I’ve stopped watching the news. It was so negative about everything that it really didn’t help at all. Now I just cherry pick articles I want to read on the net. Burying my head in the sand, maybe, but I just couldn‘t deal with the constant bombardment.

That's not burying your head in the sand---that is self-preservation! I do the same thing. I choose when to go get information, I do not watch television and get bombarded.


Feb 2, 2016
Now I am doing well but when this all started I was just really angry. Mainly because after being home for 13 years with the kids I finally found a job, I was working one month before we were shutdown. I didn't file for unemployment because they told me I could work from home so I missed out on two months worth of unemployment before I figured out they weren't going to come through.

I am prone to extreme depression and now that the numbers are down and we are in phase 2, I am feeling better because there is just a little bit of normalcy again. Like today when our older son asked if we could do something, we were able to take them to a farm where they could feed the animals. Get them outside with some interaction with living things, it was nice to be able to do that.


Feb 2, 2016


Oct 24, 2012
As I mentioned in another thread, I have a to-be-college student for the fall, and he will be going across the country. My daughter is going to be a high school sophomore. I don't know how that will work. Both of those situations are concerning, but there is only so much I can do. I'll deal with it as it comes. Work is busy, which is actually great cause that occupies a lot of my mental space. I try to exercise relatively regularly 5/7 days, and get out for runs 2-3 days a week. That is crucial to me.

I don't really get depressed. I much prefer denial and distraction. It could be more expensive cause I went on a purse binge during the earlier months, and now I'm working on focusing and refining my jewelry wish list.

I do what I can do, and let God take care of the rest. And I try to enjoy as much of seeing my kids as I can. We have dinner every night together as a family. I see them at random times of the day. I can grab them and hug them and kiss them, and they don't have anywhere to escape. They may not love it but its great for me. For my older one, this is probably the last time I will have so much time with him near by. Once they head off to college, they're off on their own life. This time is precious.


May 17, 2014
I'm doing alright. My benchmark is the mess I was in when my golden passed away and I'm nowhere near that so on the whole I'd say I wasn't doing too badly.

I have a tendency to worry and obsess over certain things so when I see it happening I give myself a stern lecture and try to push it out of my mind if it's not something that can be fixed through immediate action.

I tend to worry about the practical things rather than the big picture and I think that's my survival mechanism. Ignore the looming international crisis, focus on how to procure Thai basil and prevent it from wilting.

Keep the family fed, keep the kiddo in good spirits, buy cheap second hand books, get in early at the toy sales for Christmas and birthday presents, make sure there's toilet paper. It's mundane but on some levels it's my happy place.

I've stopped writing my trashy fan fiction which I used to update weekly before Covid. I'm sure my stopping has something to do with stress so I'm in the process of forcing myself to start again. It hasn't happened yet but when it does I'll take it as a victory.

I'm extremely lucky to be surrounded with people who bring it the best in me so that helps. Hubby is very balanced and calm. The kiddo is full of jolly energy and makes me laugh all the time with his antics. The golden is petulant and a diva so much time is spent worshipping her. They make me feel very alive.

Pets are the absolute best in all this. They are the most normal thing in this world. It's almost worth it for the destruction they leave behind when they go one day.


Apr 20, 2017
Lol, I am from Texas and when y'all write about weed, I get that funny feeling that you're mentioning something illicit! :-o On a public forum!! I totally forget it's legal lots of places. Maybe someday Texas will jump into the present. (Not holding my breath!) :roll:


Feb 16, 2009
Lol, I am from Texas and when y'all write about weed, I get that funny feeling that you're mentioning something illicit! :-o On a public forum!! I totally forget it's legal lots of places. Maybe someday Texas will jump into the present. (Not holding my breath!) :roll:

It still feels weird that its legal here in CO. And High Times is sold in grocery stores. You used to have to search out a little convenience store to find it For about a year and a half I was checking out every store just to see what they had. And buying a LOT. Its finally sunk in for me that it will be available next week.

Daisys and Diamonds

Apr 30, 2019
I think something else that’s really helped, is I’ve stopped watching the news. It was so negative about everything that it really didn’t help at all. Now I just cherry pick articles I want to read on the net. Burying my head in the sand, maybe, but I just couldn‘t deal with the constant bombardment.

I think you are on to something
ive tried only watching half of it or skipping it some nights but then i worry about everyone.
I can't watch the hotel inspector without worrying how those people are doing now
My heart now goes out to the kiddies mentioned on this thread
Having no children myself and my menory of my own school days is getting more and more fuzzy as time goes on i don't always remember what its like to be a kid

My heart breaks for those of you who have lost family members to covid or anything else durring this time

My mind somedays resembles a 114494088.jpeg a box of coloured sugary cereal


Feb 8, 2014
I don't really get depressed. I much prefer denial and distraction.
This is SUCH a great quote!! It should be on a T-shirt! :lol:

Personally, I am very affected by the political maelstrom The Dumbo has brought on. I predicted it would happen and my husband, who tows the party line (sheeple), voted for him. I am also very affected by all the contrasting opinions on Covid. WhyTF can't there be one source for accurate information on what is actually known, even if it's slow??? The more I listen to and read scientific data, the more I am overwhelmed by the sheer polarity of what so many respected "experts" say. Are they ALL right or are they just interpreting data to suit their bias?

I used to attend weekly Krav Maga classes, but those have been gone for some time. I really enjoyed physically sparring others....I released a lot of pent-up anger and frustration on a consistent basis.

My husband is terrified of catching Covid and had a dream early on that he died of it. Yet, because he isn't working and I have massive difficulty with masks, he does all the shopping. But he punishes me for that. He is depressed and has been for some time, and I am the easy scapegoat for his frustrations. My home situation, compounded by lack of physical release, frustration at what's happening in our country, the feeling that so much is going wrong RIGHT around me and feeling so powerless to change or escape it makes me mean and irritable, and likely prone to get into trouble if something doesn't change soon.

Like @YadaYadaYada I've been prone to depression in the past but thought I had really beat that back (and had for decades). It's hard NOT to be depressed when you live with someone who is and acts depressed. I refuse to let that be my new normal, but no amount of logic and persuasion can dissuade him from his stance or to go for counseling. It's taking a very serious toll on me. I THANK GOD EVERY DAY that I have a bunch of animals to love on as my job.

Thank you for asking.


Jul 17, 2008
I was doing ok until this past weekend when I had a major breakdown. I havnt seen the grandkids in ages and I had a video chat with my almost 6 year old and realized how mature she has gotten. When I got off I cried my eyes out , got angry at hubby ( not his fault) ,and then downed some Xanax. Work is asking me if I’m coming back in September. I’m thinking I might be replaced if I say no but I can’t say yes. I have no guarantee what if any hours I will get back if I wait for a vaccine.
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