
Marquise Grading

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Nov 26, 2001

I purchased a loose stone last year that is GIA certified.

The GIA report shows:

1.44 ct Brilliant Marquise
Measurements: 10.61 x 5.94 x 4.10mm
Depth: 69.0%
Table: 58%
Girdle: Medium to Thick, Faceted
Culet: None
Polish: Good
Symmetry: Good
Clarity: VS2
Color: E
Flouresence: None

When I purchsed the stone, I took it to a reputable jeweler. He believed the stone was really a "D" color (but said that GIA is very strict & doesn't like to give the "D" color). But he also believed the clarity was not VS2, but rather SI1.

I had the stone set in a mounting of .75ct. rounds & baguettes (all H & under).

This week I took the ring to be appraised by an IGL gemologist. I asked him for his comments before letting him see my GIA report. Right away, he said "D" SI1" (same as the 1st jeweler).

So I'm concerned that GIA may have been too lenient with the clarity grading and too conservative with the color.

1st question is, which would be better? To have the better color or clarity?

Next, the appraiser valued my ring at $17,000. I asked him if that number represented twice what the ring could be purchased for (as that's how I tend to view diamonds). He said that that is a common misconception, and that his appraisal reflected "the actual price it would cost you to purchase that ring in a retail store today" (not including any store sale). So my next question is how you feel about that value and his answer to my question.

Third, can anyone tell me about the proportions part of my cert.? The diamond is extremely beautiful, clear and FULL of fire. The first jeweler & the appraiser both commented on what an extremely nice stone it is. But I have no idea how all of the proportions stack up!

Thanks for any help!

:wavey: :wavey: :wavey:
The stone may look bright to you, but it is a rather deep depth percentage. Even if it is nicely brilliant, it is not as large a length and width as another hypothetical 1.44ct diamond optimally might be, if cut a bit better. Yours will therefore look a little smaller than one with a little less depth and more diameter. Better to be a bit deep than too thin however. I prefer too deep over too shallow most of the time.

The appraisal value seems pretty exaggerated. I'd bet you didn't pay that much and now you have it insured for more than is necessary to buy another similar one. I don't know how valuable your mounting is, but the diamond is not a 17K stone, especially via highly competitive Internet pricing structure for diamonds.
Thank you for your opinion on the cut & dimensions. I have seen different charts regarding the depth where mine is listed as either "good" or "premium cut" ~ which is why I needed to ask!

You noted that the price is probably exaggerated considering competitive internet pricing, I did make it clear that the appraiser said "if you were to buy it today in a retail store", and not including any "sales". What would your estimate be? (Stone alone as I cannot furnish any true specs on the mountings stones).

And what is your feeling about the GIA report vs. both professionals feeling it was better color, worse clarity? :wavey:
Anyone else? Please share your comments!

Having a diamond examined by two different labs, gemologists, appraisers etc, it is not at all uncommon to have a difference of one grade in color/clarity. There are many variable to consider. What equipment did the appraiser use for clarity grading? Did they use a loupe, microscope, dark-field illumination, etc? Also for color grading, did they use a set of master diamonds or cz's? Were the sets clean? Diamonds are graded for color "table down" viewing through the pavilion. If the diamond was mounted, this becomes more difficult to determine.

I wouldn't be concerned at all over those minor differences. Also, was the diamond mounted or loose as "graded" by the appraiser? It would have been graded loose at GIA.

As far as an appraisal value based on the info you've given, I don't think you'll get many bites here. There are too many variables to consider. For example, although you have given the total depth and table, the crown height is an important piece of information to determine how well-cut the diamond is.

Finally, its also important to know what the appraisal or valuation is for. Do you just want to know if what you paid was reasonable? If so, do a search here on pricescope for an idea of what diamonds of your type are currently selling for. This price may be much different from what you could purchase a similar stone at a retail jeweler for.

Hope that helps some.

"Third, can anyone tell me about the proportions part of my cert.? The diamond is extremely beautiful, clear and FULL of fire. The first jeweler & the appraiser both commented on what an extremely nice stone it is. But I have no idea how all of the proportions stack up! "

If you love the diamond, that should be all that is really important. It sounds like it is wonderful and full of life. I would trust the GIA over the other appraisers also for the reasons noted above by others.

Why would anyone care what a mall jeweler would charge for a diamond before the sales. That is just a fictional price pulled out of the air most of the time anyway. You know the value of the diamond, what you paid for it. I would probably just insure it for that, unless you find most reputitable jewelers sell the exact same stone for a different price.
I started this thread over 2 yrs ago; glad to see it''s still around! Sadly, This ring was either lost or stolen. I''m heartbroken over it and trying to find a comparable replacement. Being the dummy that I am, I never put a separate insurance policy on it (how many times have you heard that?!).

I''m finding similar ones online between $8-10,000., so I wanted to ask if this sounds right for replacement - ofcourse I got next to nothing from ins. & want to replace it at the best possible price.

Thanks again you guys! You''re all the best!

~ Tara
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