
making an offer at a retail jeweler

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Jun 9, 2005
a local retail jeweler, Mayor''s, has a men''s wedding band that i really like. it is the only one i''ve found that i really like on. it is 6 mm plat and has a double inlay. thing is they are trying to sell it for 3K. from shopping online the closest thing i could find that was comparable was half the price. ofcourse, it isnt exactly the same design.

what would be a reasonable offer...i mean platinum is platinum so their mark up is pretty ridiculous

any offer strategies would be great as well

whoops, I read too fast. nvm.
we arent having a wedding but will be getting married in 5 weeks...i''m thinking i''ll just grab the store manager, tell him the prices i''ve seen, and make an offer
I've done some price negotiating with my local jeweler, but I have done a lot of business with him over the years. Depending on the item he'll give me a discount or sometimes he'll knock off the tax or maybe give me the sale price ahead of the sale, things like that. It can't hurt to ask! You do need to deal with someone who has the authority to make that kind of decision though.
Truthfully, you really can do SO much better than that! If they don''t come down a lot, I''d really recommend looking online.
exactly, i know their price is ridiculous. i''ve searched to the end of the internet but no one seems to have the exact same design. i ordered one from e-wedding bands that was similar but it just didnt look/feel the same. it was 1/2 the price.

i thought about having a local goldsmith make it but i''m not sure how close of a match it will be.

mayor''s doesnt have a picture of it at their online store but i did get a b/w picture from their store.

I don''t think you should pay more than $1500 for that type of ring. Honestly, I''d be tempted to go custom if you can convey the specifics to a designer. It''s worth a try bargaining though!

I''d start lower than what you really want so you can go in the middle, bring cash and say you will pay in case, and be absolutely ready to walk away if they don''t come down.
I agree 3K for is too much for what it is. Who is the designer? You might try sending a picture to Mark T at He somehow is able to get in a lot of the same setting you can find at local stores and places like bluenile that no one else can get a hold of. He might be able to find the exact ring for you and I can guarentee he''d do better on the price. If you can find out who makes it though we might have some suggestions at where else you can get it for less.
Sometimes you will get a better price with a custom jeweler locally. Some are terrific
crafts people who sometimes don''t charge enough for their labor. Realize also
that platinum is still high and the jewelers that I know are complaining about the prices
everytime they have to order.

The picture of the handsome yellow lab (your avatar) makes me smile but also
sad that our beloved "Sandy" (yellow lab) passed away two years ago.
They are beautiful lovable dogs!
Hi Jeff!!!!

Remember me? Martin, the pharmacist/lawyer who was living in NH. You appraised my fiance's engagement ring (HOF setting) and the stud earrings from whiteflash. What a small world:) Well, we are in SW Florida now and things are going great.
We are going to elope the first week of the New Year!

Thanks again for all your help back then...I have nothing but great memories of your services!! I wish you could have met Melissa the day I came in to get everything appraised. If you remember, she was in the car waiting for me bc the studs were supposed to be a surprise. I goofed when I left your business though. I was telling her about our conversations and i used the word "diamonds" instead of "diamond". Didnt think she caught it but after I proposed to her she told me she was on to me all along and specifically mentioned that moment.

Take care and stay warm up there:)
Hey Martin

Great to hear from you.
I''m jealous that you guys have escaped the cold climate!

Best wishes on your marriage and thanks for the kinds words!

mrsalvo says: " If you can find out who makes it though we might have some suggestions at where else you can get it for less"

Mayor''s sells it. They say the "make" it as well. They have a national website with an online store. The band is not shown on their site though.
Any idea what the usual percentage off is at one of their sales? This might give you an idea:

40% Off = $1800
30% off = $2100
25% off = $2250
20% off = $2400

Around me, B&M stores run their best sales mid-end January. Maybe it''s worth waiting until then or is that cutting it too close?

In terms of strategy, don''t let the jeweler know you are getting married in 5 weeks - it''ll give him an advantage. Be willing to walk out also, like you have other options. I know how you feel....
how much does platinum cost per ounce? thanks
$1100/ounce i believe
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