
Loose diamond?


Dec 1, 2010
Hi everyone! Sorry I've been kind of MIA for a while, but I have a question about my diamond setting.

I got engaged in April, and pretty much since then (I think), my diamond has been a bit loose in its setting. If I shake it near my ear I can hear it clanking a little bit. I can also turn the diamond back and forth a bit (to a point, I can't turn it more than a couple degrees before a prong keeps it from moving any more).

I guess my question is, is this normal? I got it from GOG and I know they are VERY good at what they do and I'm VERY happy with mu experience, so the reason I've kind of tried to ignore it is because I figure maybe the diamond isn't supposed to be held in so tight that it doesn't have room to breathe. But, on the flip side, I've found myself getting more and more paranoid that it's going to fall out.

No, this isnt normal. Bring it back to GOG to have them tighten the prongs. You should not hear a rattling when shaking it, and you should definitely not be able to move the diamond in the ring. I wouldnt wear it until you have this done. Good luck!!!
Thanks for the reply! Not what I wanted to hear though, of course!

Unfortunately, I'm not local to Good Old Gold, but I do live in Philadelphia, so I'll bring it down to Jeweler's Row.

Anyone have suggestions as to where I should go there for repairs? I have a good idea of who is good down there since I did research while engagement ring shopping, but it's been a few months, so I sort of forget.
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