
Looking for some feedback


May 3, 2014
Hello PS'ers. Fairly new to the forum, but have had a load of help from the diamond guys (and gals). I was hoping to get some feedback from the more colorful part of the community.

After spending a good amount of time trying to figure out diamonds, I thought I had found a nice ring for my GF, but then after we looked around a bit together, she mentioned colored stones. Originally I had proposed that to her, more as in a 3-stone ring with colored stones on the side (I like contrast, so does she). Wanting to make sure I found something she would like, I started browsing here to find out about colored stones. I figure then I can weight the tradeoffs of a diamond ring (maybe get some colored stones in the band?) versus an engagement ring with a different stone.

Some background; I want to find something for her, be it colored stone or diamond, that is good quality and looks nice, but I am trying to keep the entire ring under $4,000. Also, I was hoping to propose probably within about the next 1-2 months. She likes to do a lot of crafts and the such, she I know she'd rather something that isn't too large (I was looking at about a 0.6 or 0.7 ct. diamond). I've looked at the newbie guide, read up about a lot of the stuff to pay attention to and looked at the rings of other posters and they do look very nice. Neither of us wear or own much jewelry, so while I definitely want something that is nice and valued well, I don't think we need it to be a perfect stone.

From what I can gather, it seems like the amount of information for colored gems online is much less than diamonds? I was browsing through James Allen (I liked how they displayed their diamonds, with the panorama view, so I started there) and noticed basically no information besides a James Allen certificate. I think I found one other site that did have more information, but their Sapphires were something like $4,000 a piece, which is well beyond my budget. From reading, it sounds like the general expectation is that finding a quality colored stone takes a lot longer than a diamond (buy them, examine them in person for a few days, return if you don't like, repeat, send off for grading if you do... then find someone to set it, mail it, etc.).

Is finding a colored stone, in particular probably a Sapphire, something that can be done in such a short period of time? Are there vendors (probably online) that provide enough, honest information on their website to make a purchase without having to do iterations of buy, examine, repeat? In particular, vendors that also sell/make the rings?

Thanks in advance.
Because colour is all over the place for coloured stones and slight nuances of colour affects pricing, to say nothing yet about cut quality and treatment, there is no one vendor we can recommend and say "buy only from here and you are guaranteed to love it". As painful as it is for me to say, I have to agree that if you are pressed for time, you can find the right diamond (if it is a round) and have it set within the week but this is not so for any coloured stone. Depending on how fussy you are, it can take months to years to find the right stone.
His hand shots are more accurate than the studio picture. Secondly, the pictures you see are the VERY best the sapphire will look, meaning it will not look like this most of the time. You need very specific lighting for the sapphire to look like this, which is very strong diffused natural sunlight. If you spend a lot of time under fluorescent lighting, it will shift to a different colour, most likely a bit darker, less intense and less blue. That is just the nature of sapphires.
sapphire is a good choice for 24/7 wear but realize that even that stone over 20 years time will have facet wear. I have seen one sapphire e-ring that over 35 years time looks more like a cab.

the world of color stones is more complicated than that of diamonds.

it takes time to understand what it is you even like and then what you can afford. there are always trade offs.

not all sapphires are dark blue. look at some Montana sapphires.

the idea re color stones is to buy the very best you can afford and the setting is secondary.

understand that there are synthetic sapphires and natural sapphires. heated and non-heated. treated and non-treated.

if neither of you are "fussy" why not just go to a local brick and mortar store and buy one? I don't mean to be nasty but I'm sure I'm succeeding. however, you have taken the time to learn a bit re diamonds. that means you are actually a bit fussier than you think. the same needs to be done re sapphires.

you can propose w/o a ring and she can accept w/o a ring. that allows you the time to find the right stone and get it set.

the world of color stones is a wonderful world! I hope you both enjoy it.

oh, and blue sapphires are extremely popular given British royals keep giving sapphire e-rings. prices have gone up. I believe they will continue to do so.
Thanks for your replies. I'll talk to the GF and see how set she is about a colored gemstone versus a diamond. It does sound like if we went down the path of a colored gemstone we'd either have to literally not care and just buy (which I don't think we'd do... I'd say we aren't too picky, but we still want something nice) or go through the multi-month process of trying to order and return stones until we found one we liked. I'm fairly certain she'd rather I propose sooner rather than later, so if we went down that path it'd either have to be without a ring or with her grandmother's ring and then we work together on the actual engagement ring.

If I go down that path, I'm sure I'll have more questions. Thanks again.
am0n|1399565527|3668511 said:
Thanks for your replies. I'll talk to the GF and see how set she is about a colored gemstone versus a diamond. It does sound like if we went down the path of a colored gemstone we'd either have to literally not care and just buy (which I don't think we'd do... I'd say we aren't too picky, but we still want something nice) or go through the multi-month process of trying to order and return stones until we found one we liked. I'm fairly certain she'd rather I propose sooner rather than later, so if we went down that path it'd either have to be without a ring or with her grandmother's ring and then we work together on the actual engagement ring.

If I go down that path, I'm sure I'll have more questions. Thanks again.

the bolded is a great plan! keep us posted, please!
My husband and I eloped, and I've been wearing my great great aunt's ring as my wedding ring until I find just the right stone for my own ring. I think using a family ring for now if a perfect compromise, and I get compliments on it all the time, especially when they find out the family history!
It would be so incredibly meaningful to be engaged with her grandmother's ring as a stand-in. It will also give you more time to get the right stone and setting at a later date.
Like movie zombie, Bex, and Chrono, I think the grandmother's ring, while working together on your own sapphire (or diamond) ring, is a wonderful idea. My then future husband & I had such a fun time shopping for the e-ring & wedding bands; I am happy we shared that as a couple.

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