
Looking for Advice on 1.7-1.8 ct H & A Round


Jun 9, 2011

This is my first post here after a few days of reading. I am looking for advice on purchasing the following:

1.7-8 ct
Ex cut, polish and symmetry
Hearts and arrows
Eye clean Si1
G or H color
GIA cert

I'm looking for answers on the following:

1) where to buy online.
2) what could cause these same specs to make a diamond look more or less bright?
3) what are the table, depth and other measurements that would make the stone the best it can be?
4) what would be the range I would expect to pay for a very good deal on these specs?

Thank you in advance for the help!

if you give us your budget, we will be more than happy to help find you the ones that we think it's good~ =)
13k. Most online websites are in the 15k range for these specs. Thanks for the help!
Btcus|1307676685|2942275 said:
13k. Most online websites are in the 15k range for these specs. Thanks for the help!

I think you will have to lower your specs or increase your budget.
I apreciate your help .

What would a a very good deal look like price wise for this stone? 15? 16?

Thanks again,

You have a generous budget but with the recent price increases it's hard to find an H&A H SI1 diamond in the carat weight you desire. Which spec would you be willing to sacrifice a little (I would say either color or carat) to fit your budget? Or are you willing to up your budget ~3k?
I think you are looking at closer to 17k.
OCgirl|1307677072|2942282 said:
You have a generous budget but with the recent price increases it's hard to find an H&A H SI1 diamond in the carat weight you desire. Which spec would you be willing to sacrifice a little (I would say either color or carat) to fit your budget? Or are you willing to up your budget ~3k?

Thank you for the reply. Did you mean add 3 k to 13 for 16k?

I would consider 1.7- 1.75 ct and h color. My fear is that on a platinum setting it may look a bit yellow. What do you think?
slg47|1307677633|2942289 said:
H color should not look 'yellow' at all but it will not be as icy white as a D or E color. Some people are more sensitive to color than others, it really is a matter of personal preference.

this one looks nice but is 17k

Thanks sig47,

Aren't AGS stones not up to GIA specs? Would this stone cost more if it had the same specs but was GIA?

I like the actual pics of the stone under the different light. Thx!
Btcus|1307678134|2942296 said:
slg47|1307677633|2942289 said:
H color should not look 'yellow' at all but it will not be as icy white as a D or E color. Some people are more sensitive to color than others, it really is a matter of personal preference.

this one looks nice but is 17k

Thanks sig47,

Aren't AGS stones not up to GIA specs? Would this stone cost more if it had the same specs but was GIA?

I like the actual pics of the stone under the different light. Thx!

no, AGS and GIA are comparable. AGS is stricter on cut.
I was just searching your site and was blown away by your "quadex" cut. That's exactly what I want but haven't found any other vendor besides good old gold who had them. It looks like their "jubilee" cut correct?

I didn't see one in the specs and price I was considering on your website. Are you expecting any more inventory on these cuts soon?


AGS ideal cut is consider better than GIA excellent cut so you are in good hands with AGS stone~
I am not a vendor :) The quadex is similar to the jubilee. If you are interested in those I would call and ask about inventory