I find my huggies to be among my most worn earrings. So versatile and timeless and they go with just about anything IMO. Love them for that added bling and elegance factor. Congrats on your purchase Orbaya and looking forward to seeing them on your ears...I know they will be beautiful!
I am so excited to receive my new earrings! They were to be delivered today because I'm heading out of town Sunday and won't be back until next weekend. Due to a misunderstanding, I won't be able to pick them up until next Monday....more than a week away.
I understand things happen, but I am sad because I really wanted them for my trip. So, I guess I'll have to post pictures the week after next.
I have no doubt that earrings will be absolutely stunning, as are all my other Whiteflash pieces!
LOL! I just flew back in from Las Vegas early this morning so I'll take some very soon - I promise! I can guarantee that they are beautiful!! You have some right DS?
Finally home from Las Vegas and can post pictures of my gorgeous Whiteflash huggies! They are the 1ct size in white gold. The perfect size for everyday wear. As usual, the quality from WF is wonderful, and those ACAs sparkle like crazy - I just couldn't capture the sparkle.
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