
London is burning...


Jun 16, 2011
I know this overlaps with the social discontent thread but I think the London riots need their own thread. I have just been sent home from work early by the police because they want to empty area in case of rioting later tonight. I live and work in an affluent suburb of outer London, the other side of the city to where the riots originally started. Apparently there are now reports of people being mugged and attacked at knife point and last night they were throwing petrol bombs at passing cars in North London. It's just unbelievable...

I'm really worried about my fiancee who works in East London (where a lot of the rioting is now taking place). He decided to cycle (18 miles each way- he's a fitness freak) to work today and I really want him to come home early so that he doesn't get caught up in anything when he leaves work at 6h30-7pm. I know he won't because he has a lot of work to do at the moment and he just doesn't think anything will happen to him.

But these people don't have targets... They are teenagers who are having the time of their lives living out a fantasy computer game. My fiancee is quite big and tall (but not at all confrontational) and we have had problems in the past where people will start to try and fight with him in a club because they see him as a challenge and we have just had to leave.

I work in a boutique and we were told by the head office to put cardboard up in the windows so that people can't see the merchandise inside before we left the shop today... it feels like a war zone! I have friends who live in affected areas and my facebook feed is full of their updates and phone pictures of riot police outside their homes.

I think they need to send the army in now. Apparently they are considering using rubber bullets for the first time ever against rioters in the UK.
Hi JuneRose, I am watching this on the news, in complete and utter shock, and words just fail me. I'm keeping you and your fiance in my thoughts today. Stay safe.
It is frightening right now. I dread to think what tonight is going to bring.

My cousin works near Brick Lane and police have sent them home. I'm in inner SE London and while my immediate area is okay, a few streets away there has been trouble and many of my friends have been caught up in some of the worst of it.

I hope the police and fire brigades stay safe and that they get the orders to use some force.

Hope your fiance stays safe and you!
Just had word from a friend who works on Brick Lane that she has been locked in her office and they have boarded up the windows because there is a huge gang of yobs outside in the street. That's 10 minutes away from where my fiancee works.
Residents in Muswell Hill have been told to stay inside as they are looting Broadway...
I'm also watching this online right is so very frightening. My thoughts are with you ladies above - that you stay safe. What the OP said about these louts acting out some fantasy computer hell raising really kind of sums part of it up - but they don't have a clue of the reality and consequences of what they are doing. They've seen it in films, and played it on their laptops - and now they get to do it for real - I shudder at the appalling mentality shown by these mindless thugs - they truly are scum. To burn a charity shop?? :angryfire:

I live in Luton - somewhat a 'hotspot' perhaps, but I'm on the southern outskirts, and have no plans or need to go out at all. I pray that all those people who do have be out there, stay safe tonight, along with all the services out there tonight.

I hope the order is given to use 'whatever force' in needed, to put a lid on this. I wish Cameron would bring the Army in. I'm sure 90% of the population would be right behind him.

Tis a sad few days for our country.


I just read this:-

Man, 26, shot in Croydon last night dies in hospital
Man, aged in his 60s, critically ill after clashing with rioters in Ealing

How many must be hurt before strong force is used?
Stay safe!

JuneRose -- Does your fiance have what he needs with him in case he has to stay locked in his office overnight?
Breaks my heart to read what is going on & what you lot are experiencing. It is definitely time to bring in the cavalry. Please be safe. Hope you can persuade your various SOs to come home & stay there! Thoughts with you & for my favorite country in the world.

--- Laurie
This is one of those times when I really wish you guys didn't need PERMISSION to use force. What a hinderance. I really hope you all stay safe and that this ends soon.
The pictures in this article terrify me:

I managed to speak to my FI -he isn't going to cycle home but he isn't leaving work early...

TooPatient said:
Stay safe!

JuneRose -- Does your fiance have what he needs with him in case he has to stay locked in his office overnight?

No he doesn't but they do have a small kitchen in his office and I'm assuming some food so they would be fine if they had to stay the night but I really really hope that doesn't happen.

Pandora said:
Residents in Muswell Hill have been told to stay inside as they are looting Broadway...

It's definitely moving West now...

Thank you to everyone for your well wishes.
Those pictures.... :errrr: :nono: :errrr:

Please be careful. I hope you all have what you need at home and can stay home & SAFE until this mess is ended.
JuneRose|1312902351|2987195 said:
I know this overlaps with the social discontent thread but I think the London riots need their own thread.

I couldn't agree with you more, and as I continued to read this thread, I was more and more convinced that having it was great for Pricescope. Thank you for starting it, JuneRose.

I have not yet seen any television coverage of the riots, but I will try to watch some. It sounds dreadful. I am most concerned right now for your fiancé and you. Please let us know when you are safely home from work!

Hello from the frontline!


Am in a riot zone at the moment, mucking in at A&E as it's all hands on deck. No running away for us docs..

Now back to the stab wounds. Hope we don't get another gang fight like last night, am sick of dodging chairs.
What do you mean get permission to use force??? Are you saying that the police are unarmed??? They are having to think about using rubber bullets???!!! Come on. This needed to be stopped at the beginning. These are criminals destroying property, stealing, and endangering the lives of others!!! I am very sorry for those of you nearby and hope you can stay safe!
I can't believe what's happening there. I have some family living in London and they're all staying put inside. I hope that tonight isn't as bad as the last couple of nights. Stay safe all of you in London.
diamondseeker2006|1312914231|2987317 said:
What do you mean get permission to use force??? Are you saying that the police are unarmed??? They are having to think about using rubber bullets???!!! Come on. This needed to be stopped at the beginning. These are criminals destroying property, stealing, and endangering the lives of others!!! I am very sorry for those of you nearby and hope you can stay safe!

The police are not armed in London unless they belong to special armed units.

Last night and yesterday they could do little more than try and form cordons. There weren't enough of them to actually be proactive or even to protect the fire brigade so people just stood and watched places burn to the ground while gangs of yobs roamed round looting and the police could do nothing but stand there and try and stop them moving onto other streets nearby.

There were so many flashpoints that the police were also spread thin on the ground.

Yes, the police here need to have orders from above to use various levels of force. They would need to be issued with rubber bullets and that has never been done before on the mainland.

Unfortunately they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The last thing the police want are front pages of 13 year olds shot with rubber bullets. Political correctness has gone somewhat bonkers these days.

Rosetta, I hope things go okay for you tonight.

June Rose, I hope your FI gets home okay!

DH is back home and said that the bus got through okay (it goes through some of the worst areas) and so we'll just see what happens.
I can't believe how bad it has got and how widespread it is - London, Birmingham, Liverpool, Bristol and for what? The violence and looting and is just mob culture, I heard one of the looters on the Radio this afternoon saying "we ain't got no money and this is how we get money, them stuck up people just don't understand" . It makes my blood boil and for once I wish our police force was armed to the hilt. I hope you guys stuck in the thick of it are ok.
Thank you AGBF. My FI got home without any trouble thank god.

Good luck Rosetta what and incredible job you do.

Hopefully tonight the extra police will make a difference.
My then-fiance and my FIL both got caught in the middle of the WTO riots in Seattle years ago, and got teargassed (I was there too, but managed to avoid the teargas), and we saw people shot in the face with rubber bullets. And those were not nearly as violent as what's going on in London. It is absolutely horrifying to watch in person as people run wild and destroy things- we saw Niketown get ripped apart with people's bare hands. I really hope all you in the UK stay safe. And for god's sake don't argue with police in full riot gear! (As my FIL did, to his detriment).
Pandora, thanks for explaining. If there is no strong deterrent, it seems like this kind of thing would become more and more common. I hope there is some reconsideration about how to handle these events before more innocent people are killed and their property destroyed.
Absolutely terrible!!!
Everyone knows the British police have no clout, I feel sorry for the officers out there on the front lines trying to defend and protect yet given no power to do so.
The army should have been called in already...
Manchester now too, according to Sky news. I think it's past time to bring in the army.

Arming our police is a whole different discussion. I swing back and forth on it. Obviously it's best in situations like these, but this is an extremely rare occurrence. I always feel just a little on edge when in a country with armed police, I don't know why. I need to give it more thought. There are definitely areas in my country where police are rendered effectively useless by being unarmed.
Pandora|1312914916|2987324 said:
diamondseeker2006|1312914231|2987317 said:
What do you mean get permission to use force??? Are you saying that the police are unarmed??? They are having to think about using rubber bullets???!!! Come on. This needed to be stopped at the beginning. These are criminals destroying property, stealing, and endangering the lives of others!!! I am very sorry for those of you nearby and hope you can stay safe!

The police are not armed in London unless they belong to special armed units.

Last night and yesterday they could do little more than try and form cordons. There weren't enough of them to actually be proactive or even to protect the fire brigade so people just stood and watched places burn to the ground while gangs of yobs roamed round looting and the police could do nothing but stand there and try and stop them moving onto other streets nearby.

There were so many flashpoints that the police were also spread thin on the ground.

Yes, the police here need to have orders from above to use various levels of force. They would need to be issued with rubber bullets and that has never been done before on the mainland.

Unfortunately they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The last thing the police want are front pages of 13 year olds shot with rubber bullets. Political correctness has gone somewhat bonkers these days.

Rosetta, I hope things go okay for you tonight.

June Rose, I hope your FI gets home okay!

DH is back home and said that the bus got through okay (it goes through some of the worst areas) and so we'll just see what happens.
I just learned that the police in London aren't armed unless they belong to special units last night. I had no idea.

I can't believe what's going on there. I'm thinking of you guys.
Pandora|1312914916|2987324 said:
diamondseeker2006|1312914231|2987317 said:
What do you mean get permission to use force??? Are you saying that the police are unarmed??? They are having to think about using rubber bullets???!!! Come on. This needed to be stopped at the beginning. These are criminals destroying property, stealing, and endangering the lives of others!!! I am very sorry for those of you nearby and hope you can stay safe!

The police are not armed in London unless they belong to special armed units.

Last night and yesterday they could do little more than try and form cordons. There weren't enough of them to actually be proactive or even to protect the fire brigade so people just stood and watched places burn to the ground while gangs of yobs roamed round looting and the police could do nothing but stand there and try and stop them moving onto other streets nearby.

There were so many flashpoints that the police were also spread thin on the ground.

Yes, the police here need to have orders from above to use various levels of force. They would need to be issued with rubber bullets and that has never been done before on the mainland.

Unfortunately they are damned if they do and damned if they don't. The last thing the police want are front pages of 13 year olds shot with rubber bullets. Political correctness has gone somewhat bonkers these days.

Rosetta, I hope things go okay for you tonight.

June Rose, I hope your FI gets home okay!

DH is back home and said that the bus got through okay (it goes through some of the worst areas) and so we'll just see what happens.

It has gone bonkers, yes, I don't get it. The Chinese Government is guilty of some of the world's most brutal human rights violations and we give them the Olympics. The world does business with them still on a multi billion $ scale with no consequence, yet rubber bullets used against violent riot participants are crossing some sort of ethical line and we are worried about being viewed badly? :confused:

I hope all of the innocent London citizens are safe and my thoughts are with you.
I hope the PM grows some bollocks.
We just talked to my FIL, who apparently has a warehouse full of antiques & antique furniture in one of the riot zones. No idea if it's intact or not; I think he was just horrified at the whole thing and more worried about the people he knows around the area, not his stuff. (He spends weeks in London every few months importing antiques.)
With all of the nature-related disasters we've seen (earthquakes, hurricanes, etc), it's truly disappointing that we introduce man-made chaos. How do these riots help the situation?!
my thoughts,prayers and big helping of dust for the people of London!
I can't believe this is going on. Please stay safe everyone.
JuneRose|1312923717|2987412 said:
Thank you AGBF. My FI got home without any trouble thank god.

I am so happy to hear it, JuneRose! Is there any possibility that the government will ask people to work from home tomorrow until things cool down? It seems terrible to have to repeat this again tomorrow! It almost reminds me of my husband going into work in the financial district in New York City right after 9/11. Not that he was in danger the way you and your fiancé are now, but it was like a war zone every day, with military and police occupying his offices and ashes everywhere.... It was very frightening. No one knew what would be next.

I hope you stay safe and keep your big guy safe!
