
LIW Bootcamp


May 15, 2012
Cygnet, I just saw you are eating Paleo. Is the Whole30 like the 30 day challenge? I guess I could google too... :bigsmile:


Sep 23, 2011
Joining ya'll. Finally. Worked out properly for the first time in 2 years yesterday. Got 1 hour clocked in of cardio.

I always gain weight before losing weight when I work out, so I won't be weighing myself in the next month. Mico told me it takes 21 days to create or break a habit. I'm going to reward myself with a nose piercing if I can work out every day until July 28. Ya'll better check if I got my piercing or not!!! I need to be held accountable. A nice little H&A diamond would look fab on my face, no?


May 7, 2013
I've started my new health kick about 6 weeks ago. I've been trying to cut out sugar, no soda, and limit alcohol to only special occasions. I've been going quite well---hitting the gym about 6 days a week (2 spin classes/ 2 weights classes/ 2 body balance classes). I've only had soda and alcohol twice.

I've been weighing myself weekly and have lost 10lbs so far. About another 20 to go. Its coming off slower than it used to, but I'm trying not to stress about it. My pants are fitting better--I'm in between sizes so I'm toning up and feeling good!

Height: 5'0"
Heaviest 155
Current Weight 144.7
Goal Weight 120-123

I know my goal weight sounds heavy for my height, but I've always been big down bottom---even at my thinnest at 116 I had hips, thighs and bum---no getting rid of that! But hoping its noticeable in my face arms and upper body---especially with engagement photos coming up soon( I hope!)


May 15, 2012
Okay, weigh in time! I am really happy with this week but I had to work really really hard. :tongue:

Highest weight: 189 (3/11/2013)
Goal weight: 135

7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8

Total pounds lost this week: 4.0 lbs.
Total pounds lost so far: 30.2 lbs.

Next weigh in: July 22nd


Apr 10, 2013
Oh man, I need some motivation. I just posted in the small talk thread about my lack of unproductively, and it's spilled over into my workouts. I've got to get back into the groove because I feel so much better when I work out.


May 24, 2012
Hi guys!
I weighed in this morning and I've lost nine pounds since the beginning of the month! Yay!

I was afraid I had gained, because two weekends ago, I had a barbecue with friends after a 10 hour workday and my resolve was weak, so when I was offered a glass of champagne, I had four... and then because of that, all sugar cravings came back with a vengeance and suddenly I was eating coconut-sugar brownies in an effort to keep the sugar headaches at bay and I basically felt terrible for four days. Ugh, backtracking. But it's all better now and I still lost weight, so yay!

I bought two paleo cookbooks and hopefully the excitement of new food will keep me on track. I enjoy eating paleo and I know it makes everything better when I stick to it (no more acne, asthma, crazy weight gain, constant fatigue or mood swings) but sometimes I have to push myself to stick through it because I can get lazy. Grain and sugar-laden foods aren't tastier, they're just easier, so sometimes it's hard not to just eat that one thing (and then another, and another). Like last night I had the craziest craving for ramen. What the heck? I didn't give in and instead I had a ribeye and some broccoli. Yum.

July 1st: 188 lbs
July 18th: 179 lbs


May 15, 2012
cygnet|1374169968|3485648 said:
Hi guys!
I weighed in this morning and I've lost nine pounds since the beginning of the month! Yay!

I was afraid I had gained, because two weekends ago, I had a barbecue with friends after a 10 hour workday and my resolve was weak, so when I was offered a glass of champagne, I had four... and then because of that, all sugar cravings came back with a vengeance and suddenly I was eating coconut-sugar brownies in an effort to keep the sugar headaches at bay and I basically felt terrible for four days. Ugh, backtracking. But it's all better now and I still lost weight, so yay!

I bought two paleo cookbooks and hopefully the excitement of new food will keep me on track. I enjoy eating paleo and I know it makes everything better when I stick to it (no more acne, asthma, crazy weight gain, constant fatigue or mood swings) but sometimes I have to push myself to stick through it because I can get lazy. Grain and sugar-laden foods aren't tastier, they're just easier, so sometimes it's hard not to just eat that one thing (and then another, and another). Like last night I had the craziest craving for ramen. What the heck? I didn't give in and instead I had a ribeye and some broccoli. Yum.

July 1st: 188 lbs
July 18th: 179 lbs

That's awesome Cygnet! :appl:

I totally understand 'easier eating'. I feel like thats what caused all my weight gain in the first place. Well that and a baby. :)

I have been feeling a little lazy this week when it comes to cooking so I have been making myself scrambled eggs and vegetables for dinner. This weekend I hope to get back to making a weekly menu and making a trip to the grocery store. That is what really keep sme on track. Its a lot of work but totally worth it. Then there are no mid-week temptations too.

I just have to keep picturing myself in a fit and flare wedding dress and I will hopefully be able to stay on track!


May 24, 2012
Oooh... any particular dresses you like? i LOVE LOOKING AT DRESSES. ACCIDENTAL CAPS LOCK.

Scrambled eggs and veggies for dinner actually sounds pretty tasty. DO you know what I make constantly? It's PaleOMG's meat-crust quiche. I always have one in the fridge so I can have a slice topped with avocado for breakfast or lunch. It's easy, delicious, and convenient.

I forgot to mention that I've lost 3 inches around my waist in the last two weeks! I'm super excited about that . I like the fact that I'm getting my figure back. My curves used to be unreal. I hope I can look as good as I used to.

I can't wait to see Madelise's nose piercing! I am rooting for you!!


May 15, 2012
Oh, that sounds delicious. Just saved the recipe in my phone. I have been making a breakfast quiche similar to that with eggs, sweet potatos, and sausage, and a little onion when I feel like it. Then baking it and taking a piece with me to work for breakfast. Sort of the same idea. Thank you!!

So these are the two dresses I LOVE...



Both part of the Mori Lee Voyage collection.

I am dying to try some on but I am waiting till I get closer to my goal and that ring is on my finger!

How are you doing Mad?

This weekend is going to be tough.. we are headed to visit SO's family and his gram likes to serve snacks and drinks at all hours of the day.

Just. Picture. The. Dress.



May 15, 2012
P.S. 3 inches is amazing! You go girl! :appl: I am down about that too but since March. Mine comes off other places first. Ahem! My @$$ and chest. :(sad Boooo! Hoping that once I am at my goal, It will all even out a bit more.

About 23 more to go!


May 15, 2012
Highest weight: 189 (3/11/2013)
Goal: 135

7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8
7/22/2013: 157.0

Total pounds lost this week: 1.8 lbs.
Total pounds lost so far: 32.0 lbs.

Next weigh in: July 29th

Only 1.8.... not too bad considering we spent the weekend with SO's fam and made homemade ice cream. :naughty:


Sep 23, 2011
My exercise got cut short immediately after I started. I had a little growth on the bottom of my foot that I thought was just an innocent blister :blackeye: I'm still wobbling around… waiting to see what becomes of it! For now, it hurts to even walk on my foot. Poopy. :blackeye:

I finally got to juicing last week, after my order with my BFF. Yeah. Juicing is NOT for me. I have one bedroom I live out of, so I was washing the juicer and cups in the bathroom sink and bath tub. That's not going to work out. I'm going to complete all the veggies and fruits in my fridge for now, and then return the juicer. The spout keeps getting clogged, causing me to waste a lot of juice. I hate juicing.. it's the worst, ever. I can see how it can be successful if I had a kitchen bar area where I can easily wipe off once something spills or leaks… but I f*cked up my wall, my table, my floor, my rug… and some clothes it splashed onto since my closet isn't too far away.

F it.

SO was so happy that I wanted to change… heard of my unhappiness and kept insisting something was going wrong. So I juiced with him here and it was just as horrible. He laughed at me and said it's not going to work out. Uh…. yeah! LIKE I SAID! :angryfire:

But… either way, I'm down a few pounds.. which can easily go right back up with one salty meal or snack. Yikes. So… this paleo thing.. you can eat steak all day everyday? :love:


May 15, 2012
madelise|1374606070|3488619 said:
My exercise got cut short immediately after I started. I had a little growth on the bottom of my foot that I thought was just an innocent blister :blackeye: I'm still wobbling around… waiting to see what becomes of it! For now, it hurts to even walk on my foot. Poopy. :blackeye:

I finally got to juicing last week, after my order with my BFF. Yeah. Juicing is NOT for me. I have one bedroom I live out of, so I was washing the juicer and cups in the bathroom sink and bath tub. That's not going to work out. I'm going to complete all the veggies and fruits in my fridge for now, and then return the juicer. The spout keeps getting clogged, causing me to waste a lot of juice. I hate juicing.. it's the worst, ever. I can see how it can be successful if I had a kitchen bar area where I can easily wipe off once something spills or leaks… but I f*cked up my wall, my table, my floor, my rug… and some clothes it splashed onto since my closet isn't too far away.

F it.

SO was so happy that I wanted to change… heard of my unhappiness and kept insisting something was going wrong. So I juiced with him here and it was just as horrible. He laughed at me and said it's not going to work out. Uh…. yeah! LIKE I SAID! :angryfire:

But… either way, I'm down a few pounds.. which can easily go right back up with one salty meal or snack. Yikes. So… this paleo thing.. you can eat steak all day everyday? :love:

Sorry to hear that juicing was a bust. I am not really big into juicing either. I have never felt really satisfied while trying to juice. I felt like I was always hungry and craving something SOLID.

Try paleo with no cheating for a week and just see how you feel. :bigsmile:

Check this website out. Quick overview... She seems to have some good recipes.

Sometimes I think people try and make too many recipes from paleo foods that it just gets kind of icky... I dont know how to explain it but I usually go for some good old steamed veggies and a piece of chicken, steak, or fish.


May 7, 2013
Nice work on all the weight loss ladies! It's really keeping me motivated!

7/15/2013: 144.7
7/22/2013: 143.6

Loss 1.1

It's coming off slowly, but I haven't gained any weight in 8 weeks. As long as the scale is going down, I'm happy. And the best news is that I can fit into some old work pants, jeans and dresses now! :twirl: Hopefully I can get fit for spring!

Antiquesparkler--LOVE LOVE LOVE the 1st dress!

And what is this Paelo diet everyone is talking about? Australia is usually so behind on everything


May 7, 2013
Heaviest: 156
7/22: 143.6
7/28: 140.8

Loss this week 2.8
Total loss 15.2

just about 1/2 way to goal! :D


May 15, 2012
Highest weight: 189.0 (3/11/2013)
Goal: 135

7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8
7/22/2013: 157.0
7/29/2013: 156.2

Total pounds lost this week: .8 lbs.
Total pounds lost so far: 32.8 lbs.

21.2 more pounds to go!

Next weigh in: August 5th

Grrrr. Not a good week. SO is sabotaging me with his tacos and pizza. On the plus side, I still lost a little. The good news is SO is headed on vacay for 11 days so that will get me back on track. I will miss him terribly but not his high metabolism and his boy eating habits. hehehe.

Good work ladies!


May 15, 2012
I am going to switch my weigh-ins to Fridays… I will be out of town the next few Mondays and can’t bring the scale with me. :shock:

Highest weight: 189.0 (3/11/2013)
Goal: 135

7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8
7/22/2013: 157.0
7/29/2013: 156.2
8/2/2013: 153.4

Total pounds lost this week: 2.8 lbs.
Total pounds lost so far: 35.6 lbs.

18.4 more pounds to go!

Next weigh in: August 9th


Oct 13, 2012
I need to join this! I just worked out this morning. Here's my starting weight 171.4. I'm only 5'2 and weight watchers tells me I should be around 130, but I don't think I can see myself being that small. So, for starters, I'll aim for 150. I gave myself the 31 days of August to lose 5 pounds. That's beyond reasonable, no? My plan is to try to exercise 3 times a week, drink 8 glasses of water a day, and make sure i have fruit or veggies with every meal. Oh, and to stop eating SO MUCH candy! I have a sweet tooth like no other. it's pretty ridiculous. :lol: anyway, I'm glad I came across this post. Hopefully by my big 3-0 in December I could be back at 150. that would be an accomplishment to be make me feel better about crossing that threshold! :appl:


May 7, 2013
Heighest weight: 156
Goal weight: 120-123

7/28: 140.8
8/4: 138.4

Loss this week 1.4
Total loss: 17.6


May 7, 2013
just saw my last post---got my kilos and pounds mixed up-loss this week 2.4lbs
jennredsox|1375609708|3496301 said:
Heighest weight: 156
Goal weight: 120-123

7/28: 140.8
8/4: 138.4

Loss this week 1.4
Total loss: 17.6


May 15, 2012
Highest weight: 189.0 (3/11/2013)
Goal: 135.0

7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8
7/22/2013: 157.0
7/29/2013: 156.2
8/2/2013: 153.4
8/9/2013: 151.8

Total pounds lost this week: 1.6 lbs.
Total pounds lost so far: 37.2 lbs.

16.8 more pounds to go!

Next weigh in: August 16th


May 15, 2012
Booo! SO made me eat all kinds of bad food last week. :nono:

Only .2 lbs. :knockout:

Highest weight: 189.0 (3/11/2013)
Goal: 135.0

7/8/2013: 162.8
7/15/2013: 158.8
7/22/2013: 157.0
7/29/2013: 156.2
8/2/2013: 153.4
8/9/2013: 151.8
8/16/2013: 151.6

Total pounds lost this week: .2 lbs.
Total pounds lost so far: 37.4 lbs.

16.6 more pounds to go!

Next weigh in: August 23rd


Aug 20, 2013
Hey guys! So, I just wrote my introduction and joined up. This forum combines the two things I need to talk about but don't want to with IRL: getting engaged and getting in shape. Woo!

I'm in my late 20s, 5'4". For most of my life, I could eat whatever I wanted and never weigh more than 125 lbs. I have a pretty large chest, so this was more or less on the slim side of average. When I needed/wanted to, I could diet/exercise down to about 118 lbs with relative ease, which was weight I felt extremely happy and confident at. About 3 years ago, I had minor surgery and wound up losing 20 lbs in 2 weeks. It wasn't good, but I have to admit I did enjoy being around 105 lbs! I gained the weight back very slowly. It took me 2 years to get to 125 lbs! I totally stopped worrying about what I ate at all. And then... I gained another 10+ lbs... and suddenly, at 135+ lbs, definitely my highest weight ever, I realized that I was way heavier and more out of shape than I wanted to be. And-- maybe it's because I'm now in my late 20s-- it's a lot harder to lose weight than it ever has been for me. Pretty frustrating. Since I began putting my mind to it, I lost a little bit of weight, and I'm not hovering around 130+ instead of 135+. So, my long term goal is probably about 118-120 lbs. My current goal is solidly under 130 lbs. My mid-term goal is about 125 lbs.

Any tips on diet? My live-in BF is a vegetarian, and I definitely feel that I'm more of a meat eater. I think being on his carb-heavy-- while it keeps him trim-- has contributed to my weight gain. I've begun trying to eat at least one serving of vegetables for breakfast and also trying to incorporate more local and ethically farmed meat into my diet. I think it's really helping. I do have some digestive woes, so I have been thinking about experimentally eliminated gluten for a time.

I am also contemplating a new exercise plan. There are three places within walking distance of my house: a barre method, pilates, and yoga. Trying to decide which of the three I should buy a package at. I've done barre method and pilates before I do like both of them. Funny that I've never really gotten into yoga. The pilates place also has adult ballet, tai chi, zumba, cardio boxing, belly dancing once a week each, so maybe I could throw some of that in. Any thoughts?

Anyway, here I am, ready to begin bootcamp and get to my goal weight(s) asap! Halloween is our anniversary, and I have some costume ideas I'd like to be a little svelter for, so I would love to lose 15 lbs in 11 weeks seems fairly doable?


Apr 10, 2013
Does anyone have an electrical shock device that you can hook to yourself so that you get off your ass and work out? I do not know what's wrong with me, but my motivation has been seriously crap. I need help!
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