
LIW Bootcamp

ROTF! Yeah, that would be quite the extreme hourglass!

Thanks for the congrats. I''ve smoked since I was oh, 17 or 18. At least 20 years of my life, temporarily quitting during pregnancy and greatly cut down during breastfeeding. But I have four kids, am turning 40 on 8/1, and I never planned to smoke for the rest of my life. I figure that the 10 pounds I''ll gain from quitting is much better than the 40 pounds I''d lose if I got cancer. kids will make me a grandmother some day, and I want to be around for that.

Threadjack over!
lol i once dated a guy who has a 23" waist. M''s the fist guy i''ve had who weighs more than me, and the first who''s stronger than me. have to say, i enjoy feeling small around him
Date: 6/17/2009 2:32:42 PM
Author: Squirrly
lol i once dated a guy who has a 23'' waist. M''s the fist guy i''ve had who weighs more than me, and the first who''s stronger than me. have to say, i enjoy feeling small around him

He''s like a size 0!

FI is about the same size as me. I''ve lost a few pounds in the last week so I weigh a bit less now. He''s about 163, me about 159. I''m 5''10" and he''s 5''11.5"

Luckily my wedding dress has a corset back so I''ll look tiny on the wedding day.

Plus, I''m making him wear tall shoes.

I wish I was smaller or he was bigger.
Oh, I love that feeling too :) It''s so nice and safe!

Winks- good call! And wow, that''s impressive after smoking for so long. Way congrats.

I had a banana for breakfast, a slice of turkey breast, a whole lotta water so far, (two cookies-- they looked so good!!!) and I just split some raviolis with the FF. Yummm!
Thanks to whoever recommended

Tons of great recipes on there! Yay!
Congrats Ladies, we are off to a great start for day one.
Wink- Im so proud you stopped smoking. My mom smoked for 20 years, but she has been smoke free for about 8 now....yes too put on weight, but its true, she would rather be a little heavy than dead.
Lekde- Nice walk at work. I wish i could walk at this location but its so small and theres no place to go, so i get up and walk every few minutes. Grilled chicken is so yummy too, and low fat..

I loveSpinel-you are being good. Apple cider is so yummy.....i dont know what a fit camp is, but it sounds fun!

Welcome aboard Lilmiss....nothing is wrong with muscle....its better than fat....

Pluck-i freeze me crystal light for about an hour to an hour and a half, but what i do is every 30 minutes, i go check on it and shake it and make sure its how i like it. That way its not one big crystal light block.

So far today i have had one breakfast sandwich, my coworker picked one up for me. I know, i know, its bad, about 150 more calories than i wanted, but its okay. I have also had about 4 cups of water, not including my crystal light. Im about time for lunch and than ill do a quick workout in my office. I can fit at least 15 minutes in

Ladies, lets keep up the good work....tommorows goal: double the water.....lets strive for at least 6 cups.....which would be 3 16.9 Oz bottles....not too bad when you break it down like that
Date: 6/17/2009 2:37:28 PM
Author: elledizzy5
He's like a size 0!

FI is about the same size as me. I've lost a few pounds in the last week so I weigh a bit less now. He's about 163, me about 159. I'm 5'10' and he's 5'11.5'
Luckily my wedding dress has a corset back so I'll look tiny on the wedding day.

Plus, I'm making him wear tall shoes.

I wish I was smaller or he was bigger.
i love corset backs! mine has one too (yes i got one without starting a thread because my friend hasn't sent me the pictures yet. and yes M knows, he told me to go and get one)

and yes my ex is tiiiiiiiiiiny. he's also about 7ft tall. and still has that small of a waist. if he was female i would've shoved him into modeling school.

M's waist is small, but not oddly so. i suppose it just looks small to me since his chest/shoulders/back are so much bigger than his waist. hmmm now there's an idea.
he's about 6 inches taller than me, which works out well, and i believe about 40lbs heavier. i know he's not over 200.

and yes feeling protected is something very nice, and something i'm still getting used to. i can't believe his hand pretty much takes up the small of my back

hmmm i haven't measured myself in a looooooong time:

natural waist: 29
chest: 36
thing i want to get rid of: 40
oooo, i can so relate to FF being smaller. C is about 180, he has super skinny legs and arms(his ring size is amller than mine) but he is getting a tummy. I always rub it, cuz its kinda of cute. But whats nice is C is about 6''1, and has nice muscles in his arm, so even though weight wise, im bigger than him. I still feel safe. O and by the way, im about 5''2....the funny thing about how much i weigh is so off from what size i wear. In pants im about 16/18 and i wear an XL/L in tops...i guess so of it has got to be muscle and bone, now if i could get the fat off
You know, as a young girl I never though I''d hear myself say this, but I wish I had smaller boobs. It''s so hard to find shirts that can both accommodate my breasts and showcase my hourglass figure, you know, tight around the ribcage-- so no matter what I wear, I always look about 20 pounds heavier. If I could just lose a few cup sizes, it''d be much easier-- unfortunately, anytime I''ve lost weight and mass, my boobs lose very little. It''s just awful because it''s hard to find a flattering fit without flashing my boobs everywhere.
if i could i''d gladly take some of your boobage. then that thing i''m trying to get rid of would look a wee bit more proportional on me
I like my boobies. I wear a large B, so they''re small enough that they don''t get in the way, but big enough to have cleavage and fill out a dress.
I can feel you LilMiss---even though im heavy i have a small weight. When i wear my corset, my measurements are 40-30-52.....talks about coke bottle
WOW!!! looks like this thread really took off!!! Awesome!! Yuck!!I looked at myself in the mirror last night and was totally disgusted. Its a good thing I have a pretty face or I might scare people because I am all jigsaw puzzle and cottage cheesey
!! I had a pretty fantastic day today though I was totally on plan (I have been diligently following the weight watchers plan for over a week now)! My Weigh in day is sunday so we shall see!! I feel better and thats the main thing right! In reading the posts I gotta get me a corset
!!! I love looking all hourglass and curvy! **SIGH*** can''t wait to be engaged so I can shop for wedding dresses
. But first I need to lose weight!!! Keep up the great momentum ladies!!!
Ditto on can''t wait to get engaged to dress shop!! Although I''m guilty of finding my *seemingly* perfect dress online during my SOEXCITEDTOTHINKIMAYBEENGAGEDSOON stage...

Nice work on staying motivated ladies! I heard if you do something 21 times, it becomes habit. So only 3 weeks to go! :)

I did not make it to the gym this morning for my pre-work cardio, however I figured my double-header ultimate game tonight would suffice (3.5 hours of sprinting/jogging :-P )

I just got measured today at lunch for a bridesmaid dress...
Just checking in, had a salad with grilled chicken and very little dressing for lunch with a side of apples. I''ve had 128oz of water so far today. Trying to figure out dinner. I''ve had ZERO soda today and I have a bit of a headache, I''m trying to ignore it though.

Should we ask for this thread to be stickied so we can find it easier?
Starting this thread was a great idea, Jessie!

I am a teacher on summer vacation with an impending engagement, so I have time and motivation to get myself going. This is my first full week off school and I''ve been doing great with activity so far - 40 minutes of cardio Monday, an hour of cardio yesterday and today, floor exercises/weights yesterday. I also worked on the landscaping in the front yard and walked to the drugstore for my prescriptions yesterday. I am meeting with the trainer at the gym tomorrow for an evaluation and hopefully she can give me an idea of what else I should do to work on my goals. I plan on working with my weights and band again tonight.

My goal this summer is going to be getting into the gym at least five days a week for at least 30 minutes of cardio. Ideally, I''d like to be thirty pounds lighter by the next school year, so I''ll need to work on my diet too. I eat fairly healthy foods to begin with, but I need to work on portion control.

Bdiddy, I love Hungry Girl, thanks for recommending the site. I have the Hungry Girl 200 Under 200 cookbook and it has some FAB recipes in it! If you sign up for the HG email newsletters, you''ll get recipes and other tips and food trades M-F in your inbox.
Yay for my crystal light slushie!!!
Yes, can we sticky this thread. I think this will be good for LIW, now and in the future.Maybe over time, we can post before and after pictures. So today, i just did okay, i had the breakfast sandwich, a half a chicken breast and 4 small chicken wings....dont ask what it is iwht me and chicken on top of chicken
i have had about 5 cups of water and no soda.....dont know whats for dinner, but will firgure that out within the next few minutes...gotta workout when i get home and when its cool later....its a little warm now to go for a walk.

pluck....isnt crystal light slushies good?
this would be a lovely sticky!

well boo, we had a summer storm right when we were going to the pool, so we decided to go to deb and try on stuff, and accidentally stayed there until the pool closed. so i guess it''s the shred for me.

trying on dresses in sports bra= no boobs
can i just migrate some of the stuff i want to lose up there and then i''d be happy
if i could build nanobots and design them to migrate fat, i''d be rich. and i''d also be like the i has a taste lolcat. i''d be the i has a shape lolsquirrel. ^_^

other than my poor choice of bra, day went quite well
gettin the last of my supplements in and then going to exercise and do my new nightly beauty routine. is anyone else adding the whole cleanse/moisturize/random cremes and lotions for face stuff, or was i the only one that vowed to be too lazy to do all that stuff?
Date: 6/17/2009 8:02:30 PM
Author: Squirrly
this would be a lovely sticky!

well boo, we had a summer storm right when we were going to the pool, so we decided to go to deb and try on stuff, and accidentally stayed there until the pool closed. so i guess it''s the shred for me.

trying on dresses in sports bra= no boobs
can i just migrate some of the stuff i want to lose up there and then i''d be happy
if i could build nanobots and design them to migrate fat, i''d be rich. and i''d also be like the i has a taste lolcat. i''d be the i has a shape lolsquirrel. ^_^

other than my poor choice of bra, day went quite well
gettin the last of my supplements in and then going to exercise and do my new nightly beauty routine. is anyone else adding the whole cleanse/moisturize/random cremes and lotions for face stuff, or was i the only one that vowed to be too lazy to do all that stuff?

Evening ladies, i have much to update!

So i didnt get my work out in yet, but there is stil 4 more hours till bed so it will get in. Also, im cooking dinner at the moment, chicken breast with brown rice, black beans and tomatoes.....super yummy!

ALSO....i have lost 8 pounds since LAST wednesday.......8 lbs in one week, im so proud, and yes i know its not healthy

So ladies, lets have a good day 2!

LIW Goal- more water

Personal Goal- smaller portions, more water
I had a relatively ok day yesterday as well -

Met my green tea goal for the day (3 cups)

Only gave in and had ONE cup of coffee. This was around 3PM when my circadians were super low.

Had a very sensible lunch and dinner! A bowl of delicious black bean soup for lunch and some whole wheat pasta with homemade sauce, chicken breast and spinach. Patted myself on the back for not getting seconds (or thirds).

Still parking in Timbuktu to meet my step goals for the rained today. And yes, I hesistated at a spot right by the front door before driving further away.

Did not eat breakfast today because I was running late - this is something I really need to work on.

Weighed myself this morning and took measurements - 128lbs, 36-26-38. So close! Just need 2 inches off the hips. Body fat index is 28, ok but slightly on the high side. Trying to take this down to 26. These numbers all seem so small and workable when I type them out here.
Hello, ladies! Just checking in...

Yesterday was an OK day - stuck to my diet for the most part during the day, though I did have a margarita last night (we went to see Eric Clapton and Steve Winwood - since we were out, I had one). Thankfully, I had a light dinner, so I think everything balanced out.

Got home late, so I slept in a little bit and did not hit the treadmill this morning.

Today should be a good day - I always pack my breakfast, lunch, and full day''s worth of water and bring it to work. BF has a work dinner tonight, so I will probably have a little bit of pork tenderloin and some asparagus for dinner. Hope to get to bed early tonight so I can wake up early to work out tomorrow.

Hope everyone has a great day!

PS: Jessie - do we have one designated weigh in day? I can''t remember reading that anywhere...
PPS: Yes - let''s get this stickied!!
I did somewhat ok yesterday. Had oatmeal for breakfast, healthy choice ham and wheat bread sandwich with some low fat string cheese and fruit for lunch. Had my crystal light slushie (amazing!) for a snack. I played 3.5 hours or so of ultimate yesterday (which for those of you who have never heard of it, is somewhat similar to soccer in the amount of running) so needless to say I was pooped by the time I got home. So I got lazy with dinner and just had a bowl of cereal since I didn''t get home till 10pm
I need to do better with that.

Today will definitely be better, especially with dinner.

Todays goal: more water!! and a healthy dinner.
Pluck - one of my FAVORITE snacks is lo-fat string cheese. I think I would be lost without it. Funny thing is that our dog loves it too. He goes NUTS when he hears me rip the plastic wrapping off it.
So, last night was a good night!! I walked 2.5 miles at work (lunch time) and then after dinner, which was a grilled pork chop and salad with a tbsp of greek dressing, we took the dog for a 2 mile walk. When we got home, FF and the dog went in, I continued on up the hill - jogging! Man, it felt great!

I want to make an appt with a trainer at the gym we just joined so I can un-flab myself. I need to focus on my hips, thighs, and arms - they are my WORST areas. But, I am afraid that if I weight lift too much, I will look like a football player (like I did in high school and college - for swimming).

For bfast this AM I had a toasted english muffin and 2 cups of coffee (no sugar). I had a few frosted mini wheats and have a peach and a 1/2 tbsp PB on an english muffin. If it EVER STOPS RAINING I will go for another 2.5mile walk. Dinner is still in the air.

ETA: and I have been drinking a lot of water, but I think I need to drink more. How much is a really good happy medium? Right now each day I'm doing about 5-7 big glasses...maybe 16oz'ers. Should I be drinking more?
I''m LOVING this thread! Ugh, I''ve been so disappointed with my figure for the last few years. I did Atkins about 3 years ago and lost 20 pounds. As soon as I got off, I gained 50. Since then, I''ve been yo-yoing around in between my pre-Atkins weight and my post Atkins weight. Bleh.

My SO is starting this "Extreme Bodyshaping" class. It''s 6 days a week of intense cardio coupled with strength training for 10 weeks. I told him I want to see how he does with it, then I might join. He''s about 4 inches taller than me, 40 pounds heavier than me, yet his waist is only two inches bigger than mine.
Seriously. I had him try on a pair of my jeans once. His arse looked awesome in them. Much better than mine. How unfair.

Anyway, here''s the breakdown.

Current weight: 133(ish)
Goal weight: 120(ish) (Right about where I was when I started stupid Atkins)
Current pant size: 8
Goal pant size: 4

Congrats to all the girls who want to give up soda. I quit drinking it just over a year ago. Crystal Light is my savior (I don''t like plain water).

And Wink, way to go on the quitting smoking! I quit on February 11, 2008 (not that I''m counting)..... It is soooooo nice to not smoke anymore isn''t it? You know, I started in high school to look "cool" and now I think it just looks so trashy. Keep it up, girl! (I survived using the nicotine patch and the "stop smoking" message boards).
Hi ladies! I would love to join this! Jessie, thanks for starting this thread!

Grad school has really been making me unhealthy lately. In the last few months, I have put on about 10 lbs because I haven''t been eating right or exercising. I was spending 10-12 hours a day in the lab and believe me, the last thing I wanted to do when I would make it home was work out! My eating has been very inconsistent too, mostly due to having to be working because of my experiments. Now that I am on a more 10-6 schedule, I really want to start working out and eating right again. I barely fit into any of my pants/skirts anymore and it''s been really frustrating when trying to get dressed because nothing fits!

Current weight: 110 lbs
Goal: between 100-105 lbs.

I know my goal seems low, but I have been between 100-105 all of my adult life. I have a very very small frame (size 2.5 finger!) so I know my ideal weight is around 100 lbs. I have never been anywhere near 110 lbs until now. I just feel really heavy and it makes me feel disgusting! Even SO has made comments that he is worried about my newly acquired unhealthy habits.
On Tuesday, I started working out with a personal trainer (thanks to my sweet SO!). I am still so sore today! I have another training session this evening that I am dreading, but I know I need to go to. I have also started keeping a food log for my trainer so it is making me more conscious about what I am eating. My goal is to do cardio on the weekdays that I am not working out with the trainer and take the weekends off. Hopefully I can get back on track very soon!
Date: 6/18/2009 12:30:00 PM
Author: LabRatPhD
Hi ladies! I would love to join this! Jessie, thanks for starting this thread!

Grad school has really been making me unhealthy lately. In the last few months, I have put on about 10 lbs because I haven''t been eating right or exercising. I was spending 10-12 hours a day in the lab and believe me, the last thing I wanted to do when I would make it home was work out! My eating has been very inconsistent too, mostly due to having to be working because of my experiments. Now that I am on a more 10-6 schedule, I really want to start working out and eating right again. I barely fit into any of my pants/skirts anymore and it''s been really frustrating when trying to get dressed because nothing fits!

Current weight: 110 lbs
Goal: between 100-105 lbs.

I know my goal seems low, but I have been between 100-105 all of my adult life. I have a very very small frame (size 2.5 finger!) so I know my ideal weight is around 100 lbs. I have never been anywhere near 110 lbs until now. I just feel really heavy and it makes me feel disgusting! Even SO has made comments that he is worried about my newly acquired unhealthy habits.
On Tuesday, I started working out with a personal trainer (thanks to my sweet SO!). I am still so sore today! I have another training session this evening that I am dreading, but I know I need to go to. I have also started keeping a food log for my trainer so it is making me more conscious about what I am eating. My goal is to do cardio on the weekdays that I am not working out with the trainer and take the weekends off. Hopefully I can get back on track very soon!
Wow, you are teeny-tiny woman! Lucky!

You obviously know a healthy weight for you. Good luck getting back on track!
Date: 6/18/2009 11:42:59 AM
Author: Travel Goddess
I''m LOVING this thread! Ugh, I''ve been so disappointed with my figure for the last few years. I did Atkins about 3 years ago and lost 20 pounds. As soon as I got off, I gained 50. Since then, I''ve been yo-yoing around in between my pre-Atkins weight and my post Atkins weight. Bleh.

My SO is starting this ''Extreme Bodyshaping'' class. It''s 6 days a week of intense cardio coupled with strength training for 10 weeks. I told him I want to see how he does with it, then I might join. He''s about 4 inches taller than me, 40 pounds heavier than me, yet his waist is only two inches bigger than mine.
Seriously. I had him try on a pair of my jeans once. His arse looked awesome in them. Much better than mine. How unfair.

Anyway, here''s the breakdown.

Current weight: 133(ish)
Goal weight: 120(ish) (Right about where I was when I started stupid Atkins)
Current pant size: 8
Goal pant size: 4

Congrats to all the girls who want to give up soda. I quit drinking it just over a year ago. Crystal Light is my savior (I don''t like plain water).

And Wink, way to go on the quitting smoking! I quit on February 11, 2008 (not that I''m counting)..... It is soooooo nice to not smoke anymore isn''t it? You know, I started in high school to look ''cool'' and now I think it just looks so trashy. Keep it up, girl! (I survived using the nicotine patch and the ''stop smoking'' message boards).
I''ve been working at it too... and MAN are the withdrawal headaches bad!! I have had only 1 glass in the past 2 weeks. It was rough, but I''m getting better. I am not having the violent cravings lately.