
Leon Mege review.

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Jan 13, 2006
In reading the various posts about Leon, before I ever even had my Aqua recut, I came to the conclusion Leon was somewhat rude and tempermental. Coupled with the fact that I wanted to design my own ring, and knew I wanted a say in the process, I sadly dismissed him as first contender to do my ring.

I then ended up going with Quest, who unfortunately couldn't produce what I was after, though they said they could. The stone came back home unset, for those that don't know the story. I will do a review on Quest as well in the future, I realize I'm doing these out of order. But I've just had too much going on in my life, to deal with what that will entail. And I felt there were probably many more curious to hear this one anyway. To be honest, I've put it off as well, and by the end you'll understand why.

Taking what I had learned from the custom route, being as prepared as anyone possibly could have been, and having gone with a company that never had a bad review, and who seemed to turn out great pieces, I decided if I couldn't get it right there, maybe it was best to shelve that idea, and go with something already made moreless. I just didn't have it in me to go that way again with my design, wiith the possibility it would not go well again. So that's when I began to entertain the thought of Leon doing it again. Since Quest had had the stone, I had now read some reviews where he wasn't rude at all, or tempermental, and everything had gone well. I then surmised that possibly some people who'd had a less than pleasant experience might just be someone who couldn't be pleased. I mean, how was it that he could seemingly be great with one person and not the next? So, that, coupled with the fact that all I wanted was a simple shank with 4 prongs, I thought it would be entirely possible to work with him.

The first email correspondance went quite well, he was very pleasant and answered almost immediately. I threw out a design based on a couple of his settings, but he didn't feel that was the way to go. He made a suggestion of going basically with his simple, classic solitaire, but said he'd need to see the stone anyway before deciding. I told him to do whatever he felt was best for the stone. I basically gave him carte blanche, though I did tell him I did not feel ultra thin shanks looked good on my finger. So he noted "thicker shank" on my work order. The stone arrived 4/8 and I was quoted 6 weeks to finish.

By the time a week had passed, there was one thing bugging me a bit, the width of the shank. I thought, what if he makes it too wide? (I realized that most likely wouldn't happen) What was thicker to him? And I thought about how silly I'd feel if I just left this one important detail (to me) up to him, and then was unhappy. Upon the advice of confidants to just contact him and let him know, I did. It was 4/17, I doubted the ring had even been started. I wrote a very short, polite note, and let him know I was wondering what thicker was to him, and up to what mm was fine with me, that was it.

The note I received back said, the ring was already being set, so whatever width we end up with, I'll have to like (his exact words). He also asked me not to micro-manage this, he knew what he was doing. He was very happy with the ring, and it would not be too wide. That note made me realize that all the rude comments he'd made to other people may have very well been unjustified, they certainly were with me. I've come to the conclusion that while there is no doubt the man can turn out stunning settings, he's a crap shoot in the PR department. So, there was nothing to do but wait.

The ring was sent out 5/8 (early by 2 weeks), a Friday. I opened the box and fell in love. I then did what any PS'r would do, I went to loupe the ring. That's when my heart sank. There were scratches all over the top of the stone. So many I did not want to try and count. There were also what looked like a couple small chips. I was sick, and mad. I knew what this stone looked like before I sent it. Obviously it came from Richard Homer in pristine condition. I had used the utmost care in handling it. And when it came back from Quest, I had thoroughly louped it, and even had it under a microsope at my jewelers. There was not one scratch, not one chip, not one thing wrong with it. (I realize this part will come as a surprise to some of my confidants, as I did not tell you. Frankly, I was so tired of the rings saga, I knew you all had to be, so I just kept it to myself and a few others)

I didn't contact him that day, I wanted to try and get pictures of what I was seeing, so he could see. It was very difficult to capture the scratches/possible chips. You cannot see them with the naked eye, I could barely get them in endless macro shots, and you can't even see them with the loupe until you get it in the right light at the right angle. Over the weekend, I did manage to get a pic of a big scratch, and what look like chips. I contacted him on Monday, and told him the ring was gorgeous and I had expected no less from him. But that I had not expected all the scratches and possible chips. The pictures were was included. I told him I would wait to hear from him.

His response came fairly quickly, and he was very nice. He was sorry that I was upset. He went on to explain that after the ring was finished, they had taken the high resolution pic of it (which I had not yet received at this point), and that there was no scratch showing in it.That if it was there, it would show. He went on to say that what I was calling possible chips, looked like inclusions to him. He then said that they examine a stone before setting, and that none of this would have raised a red flag with them. (it never occurred to me to point out/agree on what was or was not wong with my stone when it arrived. were I to ever do this again, a lesson learned) There was no way I could prove that they were wrong, that there was nothing wrong with my stone when it arrived.

He then went on to explain how Aqua is soft, and scratches and nicks were inevitable with handling shortly after polishing. (while I'm not saying that can't happen, I managed to handle it/photograph it a bunch, not to mention Quest actually getting it in a setting, and then unsetting, without putting one thing on it) And he disagreed about the perfect shape it was in when he got it, but said benchwork would add scratches and nicks, but not as significant as the one I had sent a pic of. To him, the scratch was not there. But all this was inevitable durring setting, and I should not be upset.
He said his assistant would send the pro pic shortly. It arrived within a few minutes.

Lo and behold, the pro pic showed the possible nicks much better than my pic had. I emailed him back pointing this out. He ended up calling me. To try and shorten this, he still felt what was showing were inclusions, and suggested I try two things. One was having a jeweler look at it, and the other was to oil the stone, putting it under a warm lamp for a bit, and see what happened. If they were scratches they would dissappear, if they were inclusions they would not. If they turned out to be scratches, he offered to have the stone repolished free of charge. However, he also assured me it would come back with NEW scratches. Because that happens during setting.

Well I tried the oil thing, and it didn't work, everything was still there. But these aren't inclusions, I know what this stone looked like. And in all my inspections and photographing, I'd never seen one thing. I emailed RH to ask him if he ever saw or remembered my stone having any inclusions. A few days went by with no response. So I contacted another professional who is familiar with both Leon and Richard's work. Interestingly, they said work like this would never come from Leon. An amateur yes, Leon no. They would have to see the stone in person to say what the scratches came from for sure (I felt some looked like a sort of tool mark). In closing, they said looking at the long picture, Aquas are going to get scratched, I could look at it as mine having a little head start, if they weren't eye visable. If they were, they let me know RH could polish it without unsetting the stone.

After a week without hearing from Richard, I emailed him again. This time he answered back, he'd been traveling. Long story short, while he didn't remember my stone having any inclusions, he'd cut many stones since then, so he couldn't say for sure. His take on the situation seemed, possibly a bit politically correct, and I understand why it would. He assured me Leon would take care of things. And, he echoed the sentiment that things are going to happen to soft stones. If it wasn't eye visable, and didn't bother me too much, look at it as a head start on what is to be in the future.

At this point I got back with Leon, and told him what had been said about soft stones, stuff happens, and that I was just going to accept that my stone was now what it was. That I hadn't had a jeweler look at it, as the person I really wanted to see it was an hour away. If they turned out to be inclusions, there would be nothing to do, and if they turned out to be scratches, I wasn't willing to send this stone off again. It had been in the mail 3 times now, and it's an heirloom. Normally I don't fret with mailing things, but this was different, and I was extremely anxious each time it had been sent off. It wasn't worth it, for something I can't see normally anyway. And besides, why would I want to go through all that just to have it scratched up again?

In closing with Leon, I very nicely pointed out how rude he had been with me, and how ridiculous it was to accuse me of micro-managing with one enquiry about my ring. I said I didn't understand why he felt it was ok to speak to a customer in such a manner. That it was my ring, that I was paying for. I said I knew he'd lost business because of other remarks he'd made, and that while that may not bother him, it sure would me. But then if I were a jeweler, I would never dream of speaking to a customer in such a way to begin with. I closed with thanking him again, and telling him he undoubtedly did well in design.....

His response surprised me to a certain extent. He apologized for being rude, and said he would not offer up excuses, such as English is his second language and he doesn't know what he's saying. That the reason for his abrasiveness is because he's first and foremost a craftsman, and used to work mostly with trade customers who would not mind him saying stuff like that. That he realized private customers were different and needed to be handled differently. (while this was nice, was it not an excuse also? did he forget who he was talking to?) As for lost business, he made it quite clear he picks and chooses his customers as he is in high demand. He is not worried. But he did worry that he would make someone feel this way. That was the end, and I thanked him for his apology.

I will enclose some pics to show what I have rambled on about. While I'm sorry the stone got so scratched up (and I can't even begin to capture them all), I do realize I will most likely put something on the stone while wearing it. I just would have liked to have been the one to do it.

First two pics are of the long scratch I sent him. I wonder, if it were an inclusion, could I get it in two different angled pics? Who knows. The second pic I adjusted the contrast so it would show up better, as it wasn't as pronounced as the first pic.

The next are the pro pic that shows what look like possible nicks. And the rest are some of the other scratches I managed to capture. Most of these were taken under a loupe. Which I might add I found really difficult, so major kudos to those that have gotten good ones.

possible scratch.JPG


Jan 13, 2006

Possible scratch 10.JPG


Jan 13, 2006
Adjusted contrast to help show possible nicks.

Contrast pro pic.jpg


Jan 13, 2006



Jan 13, 2006

Aqua scratch 40.JPG


Jan 13, 2006

Aqua 10.JPG


Jan 13, 2006



Jan 13, 2006
Last one.


Madam Bijoux

Jul 15, 2005
I'm sorry your lovely Aqua got scratched. I'm thinking that this artiste is more trouble than he's worth. He obviously wants customers from here or he wouldn't advertise here. If he doesn't want educated customers who have every right to micromanage projects that they are paying good money for, why doesn't he save himself some money and stop advertising here?

*snort* I would love to see whether the softer stones he bought himself and put into rings that he made and paid for have scratches on them.

Linda W

Feb 15, 2006
Good Grief Ellen, I am so sorry you had to go through all of this. I would have had a major hissy fit, if my grandma''s aqua came back all scratched up and nicked too. Too bad he won''t "fess up" to it, instead of making excuses.


Dec 31, 2007
I''m so sorry too, Ellen. I''ve been waiting for your review of Leon since the Crooked Rock saga. I''ve been curious of your experience with him but I would never have expected damage to the Aqua. That floored me. I would assume one of his staff did the actual setting...but aren''t they suppose to be superior craftsmen too?

I''ve worked in customer service a very long time and it really isn''t good business to be rude to your bread and butter no matter how successful and in demand you are. After all, jewelry is fashion and fashion is such a fickle thing.

That said, Leon does do amazing design work and your ring is very, very beautiful. I really hope this experience doesn''t taint your enjoyment of your heirloom. (I think you know how much I loves your ring...I''ve probably only told you a million times.


Apr 30, 2005
Well written and informative review Ellen.


Jun 17, 2008
I am *so* happy I didn't ask Leon to make my FI's ring.

Your ring is lovely, sorry about the experience.


Jan 13, 2006
Thank you all, I appreciate your thoughts.

Rose, no, it''s not going to taint my enjoyment of the ring, at all. There''s a couple reasons for that. One, I look at it like this, it could have been worse, it could have been cracked, majorly chipped, etc. I am going to choose to count my blessings here. And two, I have had some real problems going on in my life, which tend to put this one in perspective.

And yes, one would think the people working for him would be competant....


Nov 19, 2004

I am sorry to hear about your experience. I am still iffy on my experience, and I cannot say if I would return. It might be telling that I asked Maytal Hannah to do my fiancé''s wedding band. I have asked Maytal Hannah, and Pearlman`s for information about a wedding band instead.

I wouldn''t say that I would *never* return, but I found some parts of my experience lacking (especailly considering the cost). But my ring is very pretty, as yours is very pretty. I think it comes down to how much you want his work, and what you are willing to put up with to get it.


Oct 4, 2007
Ellen I am so sorry that happened to your Grandma's stone

ETA: I hope you RL problems clear up soon as well


Jun 23, 2005
Now I understand why you waited so long to post this review. I knew from your original posting of the ring that there was more to the story but I could never have imagined this.

This type of treatment just makes me angry beyond words. While I can understand what is being said in terms of the softness of the stone, it is inconceivable to me to have someone tell you that you''ve just gotten a headstart on what the future may hold. Let ME be the one to put the scratches and nicks on it. It would be like purchasing a new car and being told that the few scratches on the door were just a view of things to come.

The ring is exquisite and the recut of the stone one of those ''ahhhhh'' moments. It is just beautiful. Leon can definitely make a beautiful ring - no doubt about it. However, when I buy something I want to have a warm, fuzzy feeling about the whole thing - not just here''s your beautiful ring - don''t know anything about the scratches - don''t look at me. That''s just down and dirty and the ultimate in passing the buck.

I understand too your point in not wanting to ship it out again but if it was me, I would do it. I would let Leon pay Richard to repolish this ring. Even if you cracked it in half the same day it was returned to you. At least YOU did it. I''m sure you would never forgive yourself if it got lost in shipping but is is so beautiful that I would want to start out with it in pristine condition. That''s just my anal personality - and I have ruined quite a few things by trying to make them perfect so maybe I''m not the best judge on this issue!

I think your review was thorough and concise. This is the kind of information I like to see on PS. I guess Leon''s attitude is just what one would expect on the whole from what we''ve heard before - just depends on if you reach him on a good day. However, when I''m the paying customer, I''m not interested in entertaining your moods. I''m more interested in you entertaining mine. I haven''t always been that way; however, with age comes wisdom!

You are a very wise lady and will do or not do whatever is best for you in this situation. I wish you all good days to wear this ring and if you can leave it the way it is and just enjoy it, I envy you that ability. Truly.


Oct 17, 2007
Sorry about all you''ve went through. Great review, and from my FI''s few interactions with Leon I''m not too terribly surprised.

Anyhow, the setting does look great. :)


Jun 23, 2005
Date: 7/23/2008 12:01:04 PM
Author: Ellen
Thank you all, I appreciate your thoughts.

Rose, no, it''s not going to taint my enjoyment of the ring, at all. There''s a couple reasons for that. One, I look at it like this, it could have been worse, it could have been cracked, majorly chipped, etc. I am going to choose to count my blessings here. And two, I have had some real problems going on in my life, which tend to put this one in perspective.

And yes, one would think the people working for him would be competant....
Truer words have never been spoken. There are aggravations in life and then there are real problems. Being able to differentiate between the two is a true test of wisdom. I''m always telling my kids that every situation can''t have the same weight - therefore you can''t react to every situation in the same way. I think they are starting to get it!


Apr 6, 2005
Oh Ellen, I''m so sorry your wonderful aqua got damaged! I am absolutely furious on your behalf!! I also think it was one of his staff that actually did the setting but as the front man he needs to take the responsibility.
Even with those minute dings and scratches it is one of the most beautiful rings I''ve ever seen and the good news is you can''t see them without a loupe!


Mar 2, 2004
Ellen - I completely appreciate your honest review of Leon. These things need to be said, and the ordeal with the scratches, well, as you said, it could have been a whole lot worse.

You have a fabulous outlook on the whole process, despite the bumps you ended up with a gorgeous ring, and spoke your mind to someone who has seemed to be a bit of a hit or miss guy when it comes to customer service.


Aug 8, 2005
ELLEN! I'm so sorry about this process. Your setting is beautiful, so I hope you'll be able to look past this negative experience and see the ring (as a whole) for the beauty it is. I know you said it won't let it ruin your enjoyment, and I'm glad!

I'm thinking he's really not worth it either.
I'm glad you spoke your mind to him.


Jan 13, 2006
Thank you guys.

ally, good point about returning or not. IF I ever did, it would only be with a diamond. And I'm not even sure about that. Luckily, or unluckily
, I don't think I'll ever have to make that decision.

Deelight, thanks, I hope they do too! And I love your sig.

MGR, exactly. Let me be the one to mess it up. Good analogy with the car.

You know, if this had happened a few years back, my Type A personality most likely would have sent it to be repolished. But as I jokingly told someone not too long ago, my personality has moved down the alphabet, I'm not quite so anal anymore.

I really do appreciate all your thoughts, and I'm glad to hear I apparently achieved the type of review I was striving for.


Nov 4, 2007

How unfortunate that you have had this experience. What could have been a joyous celebration of an heirloom, has now been tainted. Your ring is gorgeous by the way, but even without my bifocals on I can see the scratches.

One word: *artiste*

He needs a "handler".



Apr 23, 2008
Ellen, I''m so sorry this happened to you! I''m glad it is something bigger - like a crack - but it never should have happened. And like some of the other girls said, I am upset FOR you. Ugh. Some professionalism.

I knew there was a reason why I completely dismissed him for my ring.


Jan 3, 2005

thanks so much for sharing your review. i''m sorry about the aqua getting scratched

I probably wouldn''t deal with sending it back either. I know jewelers ship things all over the place every day, but it still make''s me nervous when it''s something of huge sentimental value to me. I really need to have my ring sized down just a touch but just don''t have it in me to send it off again, so i''m living with it slightly big. anyway, despite the disappointment in the scratches i''m glad you can get past it and just enjoy your amazing ring that is an all time PS favorite around here.


Nov 18, 2004
I am so sorry Ellen, had no idea. It''s such a gorgeous stone, so am very sorry it got scratched.


Jul 21, 2006
Aw Ellen, I am sorry that your stone was damaged, but it is still a beautiful stone and a gorgeous ring...I just adore it!
And I think that your honest review of your experience was very well written and informative.


Nov 24, 2006
Ellen, thank you for an honest and through review, hearing your journey is helpful to all. I am sorry about the scratches and I am glad you are not allowing them to detract from your enjoyment of your family treasure! Richard Homer did a stunning job in the recut!


Jun 3, 2008
Ellen, I am so sorry that this happened to you. It would have been bad enough if the stone were one you had purchased yourself, but the fact that it''s an heirloom from your Grandmother makes it much, much worse! Again, I am so sorry to hear that you went through this!

Thank you for sharing your experience with everyone here. I know many of us have considered using Leon for upcoming projects of our own. I was seriously considering using him for the upgrade DH and I are planning. CrookedRock''s experience made me seriously reconsider that possibility. After reading your post, however, it''s official . . . Leon has lost my business.

There is simply no excuse for treating anyone so poorly, least of all a paying customer.
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