
Latest dilema..novel haha


Dec 12, 2008
I got my ering finished in February and was super happy with it. I still love it. As I wore it, I started to feel like the stone didn’t perform the way I thought it should. I felt the bezel had made it too dark or something. In certain very specific lighting, it looks really pretty and I can see the color that I love. But, I figure it should look nice in all or at least *most* lighting right? So I hemmed and hawed about it for a few months, b/c that’s what I do, obsess over every little thing. I wanted to see if something could be done, but in a way I didn’t, b/c the way I looked at it, if nothing could be done (or if it was just all in my imagination), fine, I love my ring and will accept it the way it is. But if it *could* be changed, then what? Do I spend more money to change it or leave it?

So, I emailed Michael and asked if he could look at it to check things out for me. Is it the cut? Was it too dark to bezel? My imagination? If there really was something up w/the stone, could it be taken out and a new stone put back in w/out ruining the stone or the setting? I very much trust Michael’s eyes, especially after he cut the chyrso and zircons for me which I adore. I sent my ring to him last week to look at. (Also sent the chryso and zircons back at the same time so the 3 stone will be started soon as the funds are available- yippee!)

It’s not my imagination, and it can be changed out. The cut on the stone is a little wonky, and there is extinction. The color is what I want but b/c of the other, I think it’s not living up to its potential. I think it would be happier in a pronged ring setting instead of a bezel. Maybe a pendant. thought process on it..I love my ring, and even if I left it alone, I would still love it. But, I want it to “be all it can be”, so I do think I want to change out the stone. But I’m not sure if I want to do it now or wait. I want my 3 stone too. Does it make sense to leave the ering alone for now and concentrate on getting the 3 stone done? If it was a case where I cringed every time I looked at the ering and couldn’t stand the sight of it I think I’d be more apt to get that taken care of first.

Another thing-spinel rough is getting expensive. Selling the spinel when it’s out will offset the cost of removing it, putting in the new stone and fixing the bezel, but I still would need to come up w/the money for the new stone. (Recutting the spinel isn’t an option-it would lose too much size)

I asked about a lighter amethyst, since BEG’s asscher in rg and an asscher on Doug’s site are exactly the color I want, but Michael wouldn’t recommend it for the bezel ring. Then I thought no problem, I’ll just change the color of the stone and do a lighter amethyst in a different ring, pronged, so I can still have a lavender ring. Pink came to mind (thanks to Freke for that!), like BEG’s DS pink spinel stacker, but it’s all spinel rough that is getting expensive, not just the lavender.

Do I change the stone completely to say, tourmaline? I’m currently of the mind to leave it alone for now while I get the 3 stone paid for, and during that time, contact some cutters about hopefully finding a lavender cushion spinel, and if it doesn’t pan out, try pink, and if that doesn’t pan out..then I’m at a loss what to do.

Not really sure what I’m asking for..thoughts on experiences switching out stones (especially if they’re bezeled)? Thoughts on putting this to the back burner and tackling a different project instead..changing the color and/or the species of gem. Did I open a big fat can of worms for myself in my need to *know* things haha?


Sep 20, 2008
Do you have a photo of the ring Packrat? I know that I have a spessartite pear that I adore, and I just hated the setting it was in. It didn't do much for the stone, and because the stone was very important to me, I changed it to a setting that really let the stone be the star. I am much happier now. Of course, budget, and other factors play a role, but it's your e-ring, and you have to stare at it everyday, so you should love it.


Dec 14, 2007
Eek Packie!

I really don't know what you should do...


Mar 15, 2009
Hmmm. Maybe a plan to wear the new ring as your engagement ring most of the time is a good option. Michael will make it the best it can be. I recall you had three stones cut, was it 2 yellow and one white, or two white and one yellow? Refresh my memory and I will throw my idea out there. I've given up on trying to look back in the photos; a lot of my favorites have disappeared with the switch.


Dec 12, 2008
I thought we didn't have to resize anymore? Hmph. Must still have to I guess. I have this one and then I'll resize some others.

PT, the 3 stone will be the yellow chryso center and white zircon sides. I'd maybe switch them out now and again but-I think that ring will be too big for my ring finger. I'll wear it on my right middle-which is about 1-2 sizes bigger, plus the stones are large.

I like to wear my rings, so I wanted a lavender, a pink, a yellow and a green, each for a different finger so's I can wear them all at once.



Dec 12, 2008
Here's a few. The lavender you can see a little, if I could see that more often I'd be happier, but generally I see it when it's overcast, so in the winter it seemed prettier for the most part, although I still thought it seemed dark and blackish in spots. It looks pretty in the bathroom at work too, depending how I hold my hand. hehe.






Dec 12, 2008
And this is generally how it looks to me. Flashes when I move my hand but no real color.



Mar 15, 2009
Ok, here are a few thoughts. First, what if you paired a sparkly eternity band with the ring instead of the wide one you have? It could be very narrow, and perhaps made with zircons, or amethyst, whatever you like. I think just a little sliver of a band would look nice.

Another idea:
How big is the new stone? The yellow one? It sounds to me that you are longing for an sparkly engagement ring more than a RHR. Wasn't that the stone w/the gorgeous high crown? Why not set it vertically, perhaps like that knockout TL posted yesterday, and have a BLINDING engagement ring? That photo was incredible. You could save the zircons back for another time. Then you could either wear the pink stone with eternity band some days or wear the yellow one other days, according to your mood. Or, you could see if Michael could add enough gold to the pink one to wear it on your right hand all the time.


Mar 2, 2009
I would ask Michael his thoughts about the feasibility of changing the stone from a bezeled setting.

Otherwise I like Pinktower's idea of it being a RHR and maybe making your new stones into your ERing. :)


Apr 28, 2008
So, let me get this straight:

1) Lav. spinel e-ring has extinction issues
2) You have a second project underway
3) Dilemma: use funds for e-ring or chryso?

My advice: HALT! Don't proceed until you're sure of what you want. We can help, but its up to you to make the final call. So, you've got to do some soul searching and prioritize projects. Its tough when one of them is your e-ring.

A few issues I'm seeing in your post: Don't plan using the funds from selling your spinel to cover the cost of removing your stone, repairing the bezel, and then resetting a new stone. Realistically speaking, its hard to sell, or rather re-sell colored stones (or any jewelery for that matter). Its not that your spinel isn't lovely, its just the nature of the beast. If you already have a buyer I don't know about, then disregard this bit of advice. My general rule: Don't count on funds that you don't already have.

Taking a stone out of a bezel can be risky business. From what I understand, you have to sacrifice one or the other. I'd talk to Michael or Sally to get the logistics on the process. Beware that your stone might also have damage from either regular wear and tear, and the setting and resetting process, so it might incur damage making it harder to sell. I know your other plan is to keep it and put it in a pendant. That might be a nice idea considering that its a sentimental piece.

Lastly, what I would do: I'd keep it as is. I'd start a new e-ring project with your chrysoberyl, or with another stone, as Pink Tower has already suggested. I am getting the feeling that you want to keep at least some part of your e-ring, but if you go this route, you will have your e-ring in its entirety. There's no risk of it getting damaged, and you're not putting your $$ into repairwork, which can be quite pricey. Personally, I find that "re-vamp" projects often wind up taking more funds than anticipated, and end up equaling the cost of putting together a new ring. For such an important piece of jewelery, I probably wouldn't switch artists (I'm assuming that Michael would do the rest of the work on this ring and not Sally- correct me if I'm mistaken) and I wouldn't want to risk the possibility of damage. I'd keep it as is, use the chryso and the funds for that project on a new e-ring. I've never seen a chrysoberyl e-ring before...but all I can think is :love: at the idea of one.


Apr 28, 2008
So, let me get this straight:

1) Lav. spinel e-ring has extinction issues
2) You have a second project underway
3) Dilemma: use funds for e-ring or chryso?

My advice: HALT! Don't proceed until you're sure of what you want. We can help, but its up to you to make the final call. So, you've got to do some soul searching and prioritize projects. Its tough when one of them is your e-ring.

A few issues I'm seeing in your post: Don't plan using the funds from selling your spinel to cover the cost of removing your stone, repairing the bezel, and then resetting a new stone. Realistically speaking, its hard to sell, or rather re-sell colored stones (or any jewelery for that matter). Its not that your spinel isn't lovely, its just the nature of the beast. If you already have a buyer I don't know about, then disregard this bit of advice. My general rule: Don't count on funds that you don't already have.

Taking a stone out of a bezel can be risky business. From what I understand, you have to sacrifice one or the other. I'd talk to Michael or Sally to get the logistics on the process. Beware that your stone might also have damage from either regular wear and tear, and the setting and resetting process, so it might incur damage making it harder to sell. I know your other plan is to keep it and put it in a pendant. That might be a nice idea considering that its a sentimental piece.

Lastly, what I would do: I'd keep it as is. I'd start a new e-ring project with your chrysoberyl, or with another stone, as Pink Tower has already suggested. I am getting the feeling that you want to keep at least some part of your e-ring, but if you go this route, you will have your e-ring in its entirety. There's no risk of it getting damaged, and you're not putting your $$ into repairwork, which can be quite pricey. Personally, I find that "re-vamp" projects often wind up taking more funds than anticipated, and end up equaling the cost of putting together a new ring. For such an important piece of jewelery, I probably wouldn't switch artists (I'm assuming that Michael would do the rest of the work on this ring and not Sally- correct me if I'm mistaken) and I wouldn't want to risk the possibility of damage. I'd keep it as is, use the chryso and the funds for that project on a new e-ring. I've never seen a chrysoberyl e-ring before...but all I can think is :love: at the idea of one.


Dec 12, 2008
Michael said he could change it out. About a 10% chance of something happening he thought, give or take, so I figure it's minimal, if I decided to go that route.

I did think about doing a little sparkly band w/it, but I wondered, even being a thin band, if it would make the spinel seem even less "optimal" (for lack of a better word), if that makes any sense? At first I thought it might give it a boost, but then I wondered if it would have the opposite effect.

The chryso is 8x6 and the zircons are 7x5 (all supernovas :love: ), so they're all pretty substantial together. (and yes that high crown ohhh..if they weren't pointy I'd roll around on them I love them so much) The project I've got planned for them is the e/w setting w/the rails similar to the LM ring Kismet has. I'd use them for my ering but they're going to be way too big for that finger. I'm planning it for a 6 or maybe a little smaller. I don't think they'd work for a 4-4.5 finger.

I could maybe separate them and do the chryso by itself and have another supernova cut in something else to pair w/the zircons. (another white zircon or maybe a pastel pink something or other..) And then maybe leave the ering alone and move it to my right hand. I've got 2 native cut yellow-green chrysos too. I'd thought about doing something similar to Daniel M's Duet setting w/them in a different project down the road..maybe that could be an ering. I can't link using stupid Firefox now w/PS2, but it's like 2 rings in 1.

I really love chryso. If I could, I'd have it in round and cushion too.

It's one of those things where it's bothers me that the stone isn't what I think it should be, lookwise, but I do like it. But yet, I wish there were more *color*. If it was say, a purple amethyst, then I can see that it would be darker, but you would still be able to see that it's purple, that there's color.

Maybe I should just leave it alone and have Michael make it bigger (as suggested) and wear it on my right ring finger. I could ask Michael what he thinks-ask him if this was your wife's or daughter's ring what would he tell her?


I really appreciate all the help and suggestions everyone! It's so nice to have people to talk things thru with! :wavey:

Fly Girl

Jan 9, 2007
Packy - I'm sorry to hear that your e-ring doesn't please you as much as it should. I'm thinking that over time you have gotten more discerning in your taste. The stone is what it is, and as I recall, was not all that expensive. I'm thinking it would be best to leave your ring alone and save up your precious funds for a better stone in the future. And, a new setting for that new stone won't run all that much more than messing with this one. I'm concerned that there is a limit to how much better you can get this stone to look, and that it might be better to leave well enough alone and just move forward with a new project. :(


Sep 20, 2008
packrat said:
It's one of those things where it's bothers me that the stone isn't what I think it should be, lookwise, but I do like it. But yet, I wish there were more *color*. If it was say, a purple amethyst, then I can see that it would be darker, but you would still be able to see that it's purple, that there's color.

Is the color lacking because it's in a bezel, or is it lacking because the stone itself is not full of color? If it's the latter, it won't matter what you set it in because it will still be lacking in color. If that's truly the case, I would not spend another dime to change it out, and I would concentrate on making a new e-ring that you love, perhaps with your chrysoberyl if you want (it's certainly durable enough). If the stone is much better out of the bezel, and you really loved it more when it was loose, then that's a different story.


Apr 28, 2008
I like the idea of making the spinel a RHR. So, does that mean you're considering a chryso e-ring?


Dec 12, 2008
These are from when I first got it. It just seems to not be as dark and have more color. Michael said he thinks the stone is quite pale, and the bezel makes the dark areas slightly darker. He said it has split break facets and the angles on the crown are too shallow, leading to a stone which lacks brightness due to extinction. If I choose to replace, he said to check out the cutter's sites for a stone with a more intense color. He said he looked at it in different lighting environments and it looks great and exactly the color I want (I sent a pic of BEG's ammy and one of Doug's that I like) when viewed in a diffuse lighting environment which surrounds the stone.

The -dangit, JD interrupted me to find something and I lost my train of thought. Something..well, I guess it wasn't that important eh. Maybe I'll remember later. argh I hate that.

Oh I remember. The more I'm on here and the more I look, I think "Now how's come *mine* doesn't look like that? When I see pics of spinels I mean, not other stones b/c I know they have different optical properties. I feel kind of disloyal to my stone in a way, like I'm comparing my kid to someone else's.

And it sounds silly but when I get the toothbrush and soap out-usually before I go to work Wednesdays, it looks nice afterward, but I don't want to clean it 10 times a day. And of course, that could just be the specific lighting right by the sink.

I've been back and forth a million times, I'll replace it. No, RHR and figure out something w/the yellow or green chrysos/zircons or a pink something. Rinse and repeat.






Dec 12, 2008
szh07 said:
I like the idea of making the spinel a RHR. So, does that mean you're considering a chryso e-ring?

Yeah, I think so. Ask me in 5 minutes and it might be different tho haha.


Feb 18, 2010
Sooo complexy and voluted. i love your ring as it is and would leave it alone. You could still start planning for a different new ring. Also gemrite has a real nice pink cushion spinel on sale...


Dec 14, 2007
Well there isn't a rush. You don't have any kind of deadline, you know?


Sep 20, 2008
I think the white metal also washes out the color a bit, and the bezel darkens it. My suggestion, if you were to go with a new RHR for it, would be to set it in high karat yellow or rose gold. I think that metal will help the color pop more. Good luck to you and I'm sorry you're suffering with such a dilemma. :((


Dec 12, 2008
VL, I'm full to the brim w/complexy and voluted!!

Nope, no deadline thankfully! Jeez-can you imagine me w/a deadline? :shock:

I'm trying to decide, if I take the chryso and use it as the ering, what would I do w/my 3 stone..I have half a mind to have Michael cut another chryso b/c I like them that much. Would tie the ering and 3 stone together since one represents the marriage and one the family.

TL, do you think having a thin band in rg or yg worn w/the spinel would do anything if I left it as it is?


Oct 21, 2004
My vote (fwiw):

Use the chrys you've got and make a new e-ring in a similar design as the one you have now but with a different shape, obviously. Start from scratch with the setting. It seems like you love the stone, and it really is a sparkler. If you already know that it is a stone that you can spend time staring at, go for it. Putting a new stone to go into the setting runs the risk of just being another one you love but aren't IN LOVE with.

You can use the zircons for something else down the line. You mentioned pink. Maybe make it with a pink center. Or modify the design to include the spinel?

I think, though, that leaving the spinel as is is a better idea. You can wear the spinel ring as a RHR. Or, come to think of it, you seem to really enjoy different colors (as do I). I totally like the idea of having multiple e-rings. You can wear the (above hypothetical) chrys on some days and the spinel on others! In time, do something pink, and wear that, too. I know a couple of people on PS wear different rings as their e-ring, and I think it's great OR make a necklace with the zircons and the spinel. something simple like in half-bezels (to play up the spinel) on a chain

Can't wait to see what you decide. There's nothing wrong with change, and there are lots of ways you can use the spinel (which I do think it quite lovely) in ways befitting a stone with so much sentimental meaning, whether as RHR, as a cherished part of a repertoire of e-rings, or as a RHR


Sep 23, 2008
You know, I recognize what you're saying. My wedding ring (that's the way in Finland, band for engagement, ring for wedding) has a violet spinel. It is so beautiful in certain lighting, and in others it's meh. It has a gray cast that is very visible every now and then. And I have to wash it every day to have it perform optimally, any grime is instantly noticeable. Still, for me, it's of sentimental value, so I'll keep it like this for now at least. It's like wearing the sky that is blue and infinite one day, and just overcast another.

What does your ring mean to you right now? Does it still have a value to you? Can you think you would have two or more engagement rings that you would change between?

I think you'll find a good solution in time. I remember your process on the first one well. Maybe it will take some time to make this new decision, because you put so much love into making this ring?



Sep 20, 2008
packrat said:
TL, do you think having a thin band in rg or yg worn w/the spinel would do anything if I left it as it is?

Unfortunately I do not think that would help. Your stone is surrounded by a lot of metal in what appears to be a very thick bezel. As you have figured out for yourself, it's just not the ideal setting for your gem. BTW, I'm not sure, but it appears that your spinel looks a bit sleepy in your photos above. Is that because it has finger smudges on it, or is it truly slightly sleepy, or how about the luster? Does the surface look dullish, or does the stone have a very high reflective surface and do you see lots of crisp sparkle coming back at you? I'm wondering if there are some inclusion issues with the stone, and why you say it does not look like other spinels. I'm very curious about that comment you made earlier, and what you meant exactly by it.

MariedTiger's spinel, although greyish as she admits, has a very very fine luster and has a crispness to it that makes it very attractive. Spinels are not just about color, but luster and sparkle as well. Maybe your images are just not capturing that same thing. :confused:


Apr 22, 2004
In general, bezel settings aren’t salvageable once the stone is removed. Or if it is, it isn’t cost effect to replace the existing stone with a new one. I’m not sure I fully understand your issue with your stone/ring. Is it the colour that you are changing your mind on? Is it the apparent extinction/darkness? Or is it the contrast from the enclosed setting and white gold, which makes a cool coloured stone appear grayer and less saturated? Is it that you notice a lack of sparkle once the stone is set? Once you figure out exactly your issue, then I will be able to give some suggestions that might be useful.


Dec 12, 2008
Thanks for the continued thoughts/help everyone!

The ring does have meaning for me. It's my first project, and while I wish it was better, I think for now it's best to leave it the way it is. It's enough for me to know that it *could* be changed later on if I feel really strongly about it, and right now I don't. I can do an amethyst project down the road to get the lavender I want-I'll get another ring out of the deal too haha.

I wanted that to be my forever ering, but I just don't think I'm sentimental enough to never want another, and I like the idea of having another (or several hehe) to choose from, or switching back and forth from RHR to ering. Maybe deep down I'm a mini-Freke.

The chryso/zircons, and taking the chryso out..I'll either keep them together as the 3 stone and have Michael do another yellow chryso for an ering or take the chryso as the ering and have Michael do another for the 3 stone or a white zircon for the center.

Purple and yellow are my favorite colors so I can see having more than one ring in each of those colors!

MT, it's good to know that Nordic Queen does that too-not that it's good she behaves that way, just that I'm not the only one who feels like that about her stone, is what I mean to say!

TL..I'm not sure really how to describe what I mean. Like, when I look at pictures on here, mine just looks/behaves differently. Whitby mentioned offline that maybe it doesn't like to have pictures taken, and maybe that's part of it. It's hard to get what I see on camera. I think most of what's in my pictures is fingerprints. I don't recall it being sleepy, but it was so long ago, and having no experience with it, for all I know it was and the bezel accentuates that. Maybe the wonky cut doesn't translate well to photos? The luster..does that have anything to do w/the polish? Maybe the polish on it isn't good?

Chrono, I think it's the extinction and that it's not as sparkly as I remember it being before it was set. The color, when I see it, is really pretty to me. I just feel like I need to go thru a lot of rigamarole to see it. I get flashes and hints of it, but I can't look down and see a lavender stone.

And, maybe I just need to love it for what it is and not worry so much about what it isn't or could be.


Apr 22, 2004
It’s not a good thing if you have to make the stone work so hard to be able to enjoy it. If you prefer it when it was unset, then perhaps, the bezel setting isn’t suitable for it. It could be that your spinel needs as much light in from the sides as possible in order to perform.


Sep 20, 2008
Are you also able to easily clean it from the back? Is the bezel open or closed in the back?


Sep 23, 2008
I totally got what you meant, and thanks to this thread I did a deep cleaning on Nordic Queen :) I'm all for the many engagement rings thing, it opens up a whole new world. But I do know that disappointment of seeing a beloved ring/gemstone in a new way, it sucks. It may be worth to investigate the polish thing you mentioned as well, it does affect the performance of a stone.


Dec 12, 2008
It's open. I thought it would let enough light in but guess I was wrong!

I can ask Michael about the polish too and see what he says.

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