
Kay jewelers made me cry

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Sep 5, 2008
I have a frustrating story about the customer service at Kays... and also an update to my thread "sloppy channel work", when I expressed concern about the quality of craftsmanship on my ring.

Since then I have visited Kays to ask them if they could fix it. The manager basically rolled her eyes. She made me feel really stupid, and like I was being ridiculous. She said "Who cares if no one can see it but you?"... but I do care.

So.. last week I noticed that one of my tiny side stones was chipped :-( I thought it would be the perfect scenario/excuse to have them fix the whole channel work. I read here on PS that Jareds can do the work for Kays jewelery without voiding the warranty... the people at Jared were amazing. They were helpful, knowledgeable, accomodating, and they agreed with me that the channel needed to be rebuilt. But, they said in order for the cost to be covered under my warranty I had to go through Kays, and they would send it to Jared.

So I took it to a different Kay store (in hopes of avoiding that woman) and the manager there told me "take it to the store where you bought it. They are responsible." I said "arent you a chain store!?" and he basically told me that he didn't want it on his stores record if i was unhappy. I was so flustered, I started crying, grabbed my ring back, and left in tears... literally!

My husband could hear how upset I was, and he knows I wont be satisfied with constantly "refixing" my ring... so he ordered me a brand new identical setting to have my ring reset. I am going to inspect the new setting first before I put my diamond into it, to make sure it is really the way I want it. It cost $700, and I know I should pursue the thing with Kays, but honestly I am so pissed and burnt out that I just want to be done with them.

I am not going to tell Kays that I got a new setting... they wont know the difference, and I'll just keep getting my prongs checked every 6 months, but I am getting all my repair work done at Jared from now on!

I will post photos of the new setting when it arrives. Fingers crossed that it looks as good as I am hoping!!
oooh, I am so sorry that you had a terrible time with them. I hate that they offer all these blah blah service, but when come time to get something fix, they don''t help in any way. I had a similar experience with my channel set band while I did not buy from a Kay store, it was an independent jeweler, I had them size and fix three times, but the third time, I just took whatever it was. I was also in tears, and decided not to shop there any longer. Five years, later we upgrade my set. so it''s just sitting in my jewlery box. I hope it works out for you, I''m sure it will be much better looking. I would write a letter to her superior, I"m one that will write to the CEO and have , if I have to if a Salesperson or store manager does treat me in a bad manner. If anything it helps me vent a bit as well. Again I''m so sorry for your horrible experience.
Amy I am really sorry to hear this.
Hugs to you!
How awful! The bright spot is that your husband sounds like a wonderful man.
Thanks guys... i totally needed to vent. I am very lucky that my husband was so generous. He has heard me talk about the little imperfections in my ring for a while, and I am so happy that he was willing to buy me a new setting. I just hope it is worth it.

It''s unfortunate B&M stores talk and talk about their warranties, and repair services... but then today I was treated so poorly.
I remember once when I was a teen they honored their repair warranty for a ruby ring I had... they gave me a whole new one no questions asked... its just shame that they gave me such a hard time about their diamond rings. If only I had heard about GOG or whiteflash or PS before we got engaged.

Thanks for listening and for sharing my frustration about the old setting, and excitement about the new setting to come!
Post LOTS of pics when you get the new setting Amy and we will be right there to share your joy!
Just wondering where your husband got the new setting from?
Date: 7/13/2009 6:42:52 PM
Author: tyty333
Just wondering where your husband got the new setting from?

We originally got the setting from Kays at a "setting event" where they had lots of empty settings and loose diamonds. But I have not seen it in Kays stores since.

I happened to stumble across the website one time when I was surfing the web, and I said "Hey that's my ring!"

Here is an image of my actual ring... with the areas that bothered me...
#1- the gold appears to be clawing right over the two side stones!
#2- big spaces = dirt collectors??
#3- dents/gouges (possibly from tools)
#4- not a perfectly curved end... more pointy than the other side.
There is also one chipped stone, and also two crooked stones which have almost no light bouncing back.

I''m sorry that happened to you, Amy! My original ering came from Kay, and I had almost the same experience. Eye rolling, "nobody will see it but you, so why bother", and when they resized it smaller, the back tapered drastically and it hadn''t before-like they took a big chunk out of it. Refused to fix any of it. Then the diamond fell out and after the heavy world weary sighs when we went back in, I ended up with a mother''s ring from Sears.

I hope you get it all sorted out and have a problem free ring you love!
Thanks packrat... I''m sorry to hear the same thing happened to you...
I don''t mean to be rude, but I honestly think you were just nitpicking. You purchased from a low end mass produced jewelry producer and expected to receive something of quality? You went to McDonald''s, don''t expect a good hamburger.

Next time: Find a local estate Jewelry dealer, have a ring custom made for you- chances are it won''t cost much more than Kay''s if you find the right person ( The guy I''ve dealt with would charge me metal prices + $75 labor for a setting + $10 per stone set ) Buy diamonds from the same person, make sure you can trust them- also have someone else inspect.

Chances are you''ll probably end up paying the same price for a piece with much more quality.
GotGold, Well... I dont know what to say... my husband and I, at the time could not afford much. We were saving money for a home and a wedding. Some PS'ers might remember that I actually had a $300 center stone moissanite in my e-ring on 2005. That's all we could afford.

Then back in August 2008 I upgraded the stone to a real diamond. It was a very exciting time for me, but it was important to my husband that I keep the original setting for sentimental reasons. He picked out the setting design. Over time I struggled internally with keeping the original setting and having them "fix" it. When I found the identical setting online I showed my hubby. Then after my upsetting incident today I was quite thrilled that my husband was willing to buy my a replacment setting that is still the exact style he picked out for me.

So maybe now you understand why at the time we just could not afford to shop at a high end jeweler... I am just happy that hopefully now I will have a beautiful quality ring that will look just like the one he picked out for me back in 2005.
Amy, I never said high end jeweler, believe me I know people have to be on budgets- but there are always options to get quality for the same price. Believe me, I''ve been in this business for quite some time, since I was a kid.

I''m glad you picked out another ring to put the stone in, I''m sure if you write to Kay''s directly you can get some sort of gift certificate, most businesses on the higher level see pleasing (or, shutting up) as the customers is the right thing to do.

I hope the new setting works out well, let us know how it turns out.
Date: 7/13/2009 7:28:49 PM
Author: Gotgold
I don''t mean to be rude, but I honestly think you were just nitpicking. You purchased from a low end mass produced jewelry producer and expected to receive something of quality? You went to McDonald''s, don''t expect a good hamburger.

Next time: Find a local estate Jewelry dealer, have a ring custom made for you- chances are it won''t cost much more than Kay''s if you find the right person ( The guy I''ve dealt with would charge me metal prices + $75 labor for a setting + $10 per stone set ) Buy diamonds from the same person, make sure you can trust them- also have someone else inspect.

Chances are you''ll probably end up paying the same price for a piece with much more quality.

Thats very very harsh IMO. Money is money, and these chain stores take a lot of it from ppl that dont know anything about jewelry. It does not give them a right for crappy customer service NOR does it give them a right to sell complete junk. She paid a good chunk of change for that setting, and even IF the diamonds arent the highest quality, she DESIRVERS respect and to have it fixed. She was NOT nitpicking. A chipped stone? Uneven channel set stones? Along with a bunch of other issues and THEN to be treated like crap? I dont think so. I dont care if it IS a hamburger at MC Donalds, if the thing sucks, they at least give you a free one next time, or give you your money back.
Staphanie, I don''t understand how you can classify it as complete junk? It isn''t junk, it''s a lower quality substitute- hence the McDonald''s reference. It might not be a good burger, but it has the basic structure as a burger.

She does deserve respect, I agree 100%- but in ANY establishment you have to deal with people, most people are inherently rude to anyone they don''t know (this applies mainly in larger cities) ESPECIALLY in retail where they have to deal with 100''s of people weekly.

I think Amy should complain directly to Kay''s about the lousy service- name the people who were rude directly and the branch where they work and be sure to get revenge on the bad service.

One thing I''ve learned, people''s behaviors are not corrected until it affects them personally (monetary loss is even more effective). Put the service rep in time out, in the corner- she''ll learn to be a good.
I just wanted to say, in defense of those who've shopped at mall chain stores..some people (raises hand) don't realize there *are* other places to buy jewelry, and that having something handmade can be within budget. I found this place on accident, looking up a man made stone for a new ering-I had every intention of buying the ring off ebay. People around here just don't buy handmade, they don't buy custom-when they say they're going to look for engagement rings-we all know they're going to Kay/Greenbergs/Riddles/Sears. There's a whole other world of jewelry, and a lot of people don't know about it. I certainly had no clue there was Whiteflash or James Meyer for example. When I think "custom" or "handmade" etc, I think BIG DOLLARS-something rich people do.

So..I guess you can read Amy's story like, whatdya expect for shopping there, or you can introduce her (and I know she's not looking), and others, to the various vendors here, and help educate them.

And as far as customer service goes-it shouldn't matter if you live in a little podunk town, such as myself, or you live in NYC-if you can't be pleasant and civil to someone who comes into your place of employment, you should rethink your career choice. If the kid working the cash register at McDonald's can smile and be courteous when something goes wrong, then by golly someone working in a jewelry store, (prolly making more than McD's) can plaster a big ole smile on their face. If a customer came in spouting profanity and screeching about not being happy, then yeah, I can appreciate the eye rolling and heavy sighs, but if someone comes in and is polite and nice, just has a problem with something-then it's a little uncalled for, to react the way the salesgirl did to Amy.
Thanks packrat and redrose for reminding everyone that the whole point of my post was basically saying its a shame that Kays did not provide the customer service that every customer deserves.
I don''t see the need of defense honestly, no one is on the attack.
I''m so sorry you had to go through that!

i was once like you, buying jewelry from B&M stores, not knowing that I could do better.

Hope that your new ring is wonderful!
Amy, I am sorry that you had this experience. I really think the economic times has something to do with some of this stuff as well. My daughter has a lovely pendant from Kay''s. It has a snake chain that is pretty substantial - but it broke. In better times, they would have just given her a new chain (they have in the past) but this time they opted to send it out for repair. It has been soldered together - repairing a snake chain seems questionable to me. She has the extended warranty for it and I''m sure if you read the fine print it would tell you that they can replace or fix - but a couple of years ago they would have just replaced it.

Could be part of your salesperson''s reason for not agreeing with you and having the ring fixed - I''m sure they are trying to cut corners where they can. However, you reap what you sow and this kind of treatment in down days will certainly mean lost sales when times are hopping again (whenever that might be!)

I don''t care if the ring came from KMart or Tiffany''s - lack of customer service is inexcusable. Her opinion on what she could or could not see is just that - her opinion and certainly not the one that matters. No effort to replace the chipped stone or to fix the ring to your satisfaction is just plain wrong. If they tried and did all they could, that would be another matter.

Kudos to your husband for wanting to make you happy and buying another setting for you. Here''s hoping it is everything you wanted. I would certainly be calling the manager of the store as well as requesting the name and number of the regional manager. It may be too late in terms of your setting but they would certainly know how I felt. You paid for the right.
I''m sorry this happened to you, Amy, and your husband is a sweetheart for buying you a new version of your setting. I hope you have better luck with the new setting and that you can put this behind you and enjoy your ring. I agree with MissGotRocks, the rules of the game seem to have changed in the retailing world. Things are tough now and stores are hurting. But that''s no excuse for poor service!
Date: 7/13/2009 9:39:07 PM
Author: Gotgold
I don''t see the need of defense honestly, no one is on the attack.

I can absolutely see your points GG, and was actually
thinking on posting something to the same effect- however perhaps would''ve worded
it a lil more sensitively.

The fact is, perhaps these stores simply aren''t capable - or don''t care - about creating a product without the issues that Amy identified. Regardless, she should not have to accept it - and I do agree it would be helpful to future shoppers if upper management were contacted about the employees'' indiscretions.

All of that said ...Amy, I realize that most folks simply don''t know better when shopping for erings etc, hence why these chain stores get away with the BS products and service they peddle - fortunately now you''ve been on PS for awhile you do know alot better.
And good for you for going for what you want/deserve.
Your DH was very generous to go straight out and get you the new setting, that was very thoughtful. Just make sure you loupe that thing *to heck* before accepting it!
I want you to have a setting with imperfections that don''t bother you this time ''round as much as everyone else

Once you''re not so upset by the crappy service you received, perhaps a letter or email to mgmt would be a good idea to document your experience, and hopefully prevent it happening to others?
Amy, I'm so sorry this happened to you! My original e-ring came from a mall jewelry store (Zales) and also had lots of quality issues. I won't get into all the details, but the salesman was less than honest in explaining the difference between a VS and an I2. We ended up trying to return it, but since it was 5 days past the return date they refused. I felt like since the salesman was dishonest, they should have worked with us. Like you, we got really poor customer service, even when talking to the district manager and corporate office. We ended up exchanging it for some other pieces of jewelry but we were definitely not satisfied with the result.

I live in a small town too and like others said, most people go to the mall jewelry stores and don't realize all of the other options that are out there. They ask the salesmen questions and trust their knowledge and advice. They feel confident that the store will stand behind their product.

Poor customer service really makes me mad.
Arjuna, Yeah, I tend to sound a bit harsh I guess- if you read into the undertones of the post I try my best to advise a better idea on the purchase. Oh well. :|
Hi Amy. I wouldn't have Kay OR Jared set any diamond. I have had Jared set my diamond before, and they did shoddy work. These people quite simply just do not have the skill or the attention to detail.

I personally would put your Leo in a plain 2mm solitaire setting to really show it off. The thickness of the shank setting takes away from the center stone IMO. Good luck! Your husband is so sweet by the way.
Hi laila619, yes I was just thinking you''re right... I won''t have Jareds set it either... I think I''ll ask around for a better local jeweler. I am located about 20 miles north of Boston... Almost into New Hampshire. Suggestions anyone? My friend had her ring set at Barmakians, and it looks very nice.

Also, I agree with you about the thickness of the band, in fact I even discussed it with my husband, but he really wants me to keep it in the same setting design that he picked out. And I do love this setting so I''m so happy :-)
I would not have Jared set it. Two weeks ago they set my pendant - it took three tries and it''s still not right. They were very nice and were willing to keep resetting it but enough is enough. I am taking it somewhere else this week because I just don''t trust them with my stone anymore.
Date: 7/13/2009 9:39:07 PM
Author: Gotgold
I don''t see the need of defense honestly, no one is on the attack.

I''m sorry Gotgold, I didn''t mean for the reply to sound so snarky! I guess I read a "tone" to it that wasn''t there!
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