
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


Feb 11, 2008

MP, so glad for your nice beta numbers! I have cervical polyp which makes me bleed all the time. Perhaps you have it, most likely you don't, but here's what I've learned about spotting. Brown spotting is old blood, so that's actually good. Fresh red bleeding is more worrying. Internal exams will simply make you bleed more, so it becomes a vicious cycle. If you have sparse brown spotting, your body is most likely getting rid of old blood.
If you have a job that requires you to be on your feet for hours, you will bleed more. Make sure that you keep yourself hydrated, and shift positions often. Exercise will make you bleed more as well.
Bottom line is, sparse brown bleeding alone is probably normal. If you have sever cramping with it, then call your doctor. Actually, call your doctor anytime you are nervous, but remember that each time they check you internally you will bleed.

As for symptoms, I didn't have much of a nausea throughout. My biggest signs were that my boobs grew a size by about 10 weeks, and now at 21 weeks they are another size bigger. If you have cramping, it's most likely ligaments stretching. My doctor said to worry if I can't talk through the pains.
I completely understand your concern. During the first trimester my first question was "Is the baby alive?" Then I started getting so fat that I felt better about it ::) Wishing you a smooth pregnancy!


Apr 14, 2006

Another night of awake at 3 am. :)

So, it's getting hard to keep quiet at work. I'm in a small office composed of 20ish women, no men. Everyone knows everyone pretty well. I've never kept our desire to grow a family quiet, and being social work, have openly talked about adoption options with one of the foster/adopt specialists, etc. And, I feel these rolling pukey feelings daily, go to the bathroom *multiple* times a day, can't eat things I once loved (chocolate, but I now adore choc milk?)... point: people know something's up. Our US is the 28th; trying to decide if I should wait until then (we're mailing out pregnancy announcements with pic of baby-- yes, over the top, but we want to thank our family & close friends for the prayers & support during the journey, and praise God for what He's made come true in our lives), or if I should get a pack of those kid-style valentines that come with a candy & put them in my co-workers boxes signed, Love Jen & Baby.

I think I just *really* want to tell people. :) Our parents, sibs, and a few friends know. Keeping it quiet is harder than I thought. Especially when people ask how I'm doing. I want to *shout* I'm great and wonderful and fabulous even though their perfume makes me want to hurl. :)

Decisions, decisions.

In other news, hubs doesn't think it's a good idea for a PAP to be done at my first appt; he's worried it could hurt the baby. I told him my cervix is closed off and it's fine. He has done some "internet research" and found one site (probably a dumb one) saying it can be harmful. It's totally standard, though, right? My office does one at your first OB exam *if* you haven't had one in the past 4 months. Anyone else have issue with PAP during early pregnancy?

MP- hang in there, lady. Most don't have a lot of *symptoms* this early on. They'll come. :) When is your next appt?

14 days til our first sneak peek at the little person we've been praying for. Sooooo excited!!!

Happy Valentine's Day! This year, hubs is getting a card from the baby, too. :) Dreamed of doing these goofy things for so long & now I'm taking full advantage!


Feb 8, 2012

monkeyprincess I am keeping everything crossed for you, and sending lots and lots of sticky vibes.

amc I don't own a weighing scales but according to my Wii Fit I'm up 1.5kg from the last time I weighed myself. I have no idea when that was. I was up some weight before getting pregnant due to an exercise ban since last August as I needed some surgery on my legs. Had the surgery in November and was due to get the all clear to go back to my exercising in January but then I got pregnant! The doctor weighed me at my appointment to confirm the pregnancy but she didn't comment on my weight or mention anything about weight gain.

missrachelk I'm in much the same boat as you and I only have one pair of jeans that still fit (they're the only non low-rise pair I have, I reckon that's why they're still comfy). I bought a couple of belt expanders and some cheap cotton belly bands and that works a charm on the jeans. My work clothes are still fitting just fine but I plan to use the same trick on those when I start needing to. I'm trying to hold off on buying maternity gear as I figure by September I'll be sick and tired of wearing the same things over and over!

fisher how come you can't eat chocolate? Is it the caffeine?
I would probably wait until after the scan and you see the heartbeat to tell people but that is just me. I completely understand wanting to shout it from the rooftops! I have a good friend I meet every week for a hike and some coffee and she brings her baby and it is so hard not to just blurt it out...
I have no idea about the PAP smear. Nobody here does any internals until you're full term. On the one hand if all of the women here survive pregnancy perfectly fine without a smear test then it seems unnecessary, but on the other hand if it's routine in the States and all of the women over there survive pregnancy perfectly fine with having it done then it doesn't seem dangerous either? Sorry, that's probably not much help! I sent hubby a Valentine's from both me and the baby, too :bigsmile:

AFM little bit nauseous today but otherwise nothing much to report. Counting down the days till our first hospital appointment and the scan! Another two weeks to go!


Dec 23, 2009

Fisher, I had a pap at my first ob appointment. My doctor reassured me that there was nothing to be worried about. And trust me...given my history I know they wouldnt have done it on me if it held any risk at all. It was quick and painless. No spotting or issues after.


Mar 13, 2008

Fisher, I think a pap is pretty routine, I got one too. If your DH is really concerned, have him in the room with you and t he doctor can explain everything. It's no unusual to have some spotting afterwards, although i did not have any.


Nov 24, 2009

Okay, sorry for all the me-centered posts lately. My fears and worries about this pregnancy have taken on a life of their own I guess. I swear I'm the completely opposite of a drama queen in real life! Last night I continued to see a bit of brownish/tan cm when I looked for it, but since then I haven't noticed any. My digestive system is a bit out of whack, so it's hard for me to figure out if I'm feeling light cramping or gas pains or what. So for now, I'm holding on to hope and faith. It's all I've got! Thank you PPM, Meg, and Choro for sharing your stories! They were a comfort to me last night when I was in dark, scared place.

Fisher, everybody has a different comfort level with telling people. Assuming these are people you would want to know if anything were to go wrong with the pregnancy (which it won't!), then there is probably no harm in sharing your exciting news. I've only told my mom and siblings because they knew about our struggles and that we were going to attempt IUI, so there really wasn't any hiding the BFP from them. I'm actually really glad they know because they've been a tremendous support and are all praying really hard for us. We are not telling anyone else until I'm much further along just because of all the ups and downs I've had. DH has decided to wait to tell his family for awhile longer, which I'm going to respect. I spot pretty easily after PAPs pre-pregnancy, so I completely understand your fear about the PAP, but it seems to be pretty standard, and I can't imagine they would do it if they thought there was a real risk to the pregnancy.

amc, that's excellent news about your blood results!

Rachel, can't wait to hear how your ultrasound goes later this week. It will be nice for you to know about how far along you are!

Buttons, glad to hear your m/s seems to be easing up! So funny how we all wish for it early on, isn't it?

Hope everyone else is doing well! I really hope that this little baby keeps on sticking so I can stay and get to know all of you newly pregnant ladies a little better!


Jan 21, 2010

MP, I know how scary seeing blood can be when you're pregnant, but it really does happen way more than you think. I had pink blood randomly when I wiped one day and I freaked out too. They did an emergency ultrasound and determined the blood wasn't coming from the baby. They then did a very uncomfortable internal exam, where the nurse said she saw more blood down there, but couldn't explain why or where it came from. She told me to expect more spotting or bleeding in the next few days. Now that I think about it, she probably made things worse by going in there and irritating the area. I ended up only having tan spotting for the next few days.

Just try to remember that spotting is fine, minors cramps are fine, gas and bloating is definitely fine! If you have extreme knock-you-over cramping and/or red bleeding that goes through a regular pad within an hour, then go to the ER for sure. Your beta numbers are high enough that you'll be able to see something on an ultrasound, but you're still in that in-between stage where you're probably too early to see a heartbeat just yet, so that might also give you cause for concern. Did your doc schedule you for an ultrasound already?

Hugs my dear! This waiting period is the worst of it, but you have to trust that what will happen will happen, no matter what you do or don't do. I know it's hard, but you will get through this! Sending you all the sticky dust in the world that everything is fine with your little one!


Jun 18, 2010

I almost had to kill DH this morning. He works graveyard and gets home right around the time my alarm goes off. Well, I was laying in bed, making my usual "ugh I don't want to get up" sounds. He asked why I was so tired. I said "because I'm growing a human." His response? "It's not like you're having to turn a wheel or churn butter or something..." Um, no, but my heart has to beat faster and all of my systems have to be on overdrive...and that's tiring! He was laughing when he said it but I still wanted to beat him.

Thinking I might go buy something nice for myself for V-day....with his debit card :naughty:


Jun 26, 2006

Fisher - It is totally standard in the US to have a pap at your first appt. I had one with both pregnancies. Of course, you should discuss any concerns with your dr., but I really don't think there is any cause for concern here at all. As far as who to tell, the general rule of thumb I have heard is to only tell those who you would want to tell if something went wrong. I am a rather personal person so both times DH and I have not told anyone until the risk of miscarriage is about as low as it gets (after seeing a heartbeat at 8 weeks) and I did not tell work until after the NT scan at 12 weeks last time and plan to do the same this time. I would definitely not want to have to tell my co-workers about a miscarriage, but everyone's work environment/relationship with co-workers is different.

MP - I know it is hard given the rollercoaster you have been on, but I would try to relax as best you can and enjoy being pregnant. As the mom of a 2 year-old, I can tell you the worrying never stops! Thinking lots of stick thoughts for you.

Miss Rachel - I can't remember how far along you think you are, but you typically won't see a heartbeat until 6 1/2 -7 weeks, so if you do go in for an ultrasound and it's not there yet that shouldn't be a cause for alarm either. But here's hoping you see it fluttering away!

AFM, I was pretty nauseous weeks 6-8, but have been feeling better since hitting the 8 week mark. I haven't gained any weight yet, but my pants are defintiely too tight and I have switched to a size bigger in pants, which I bought after I had DD and hadn't lost all the baby weight when I returned to work. They are coming in quite handy now as I never was a fan of the belly band. I also hauled out my maternity clothes from last time, but they are still much too big as I didn't start wearing them until 16 weeks or so last time.


Apr 14, 2006

Buttons, I can have chocolate, it just turns my stomach right now & smells awful. But chocolate milk smells divine. Go figure!

Paul and the baby got me a new Pandora bead for Valentine's Day--one I've had my eye on for a couple years, just waiting for the right time to get it. :) It's a baby carriage! Love it! I just about cried, but was too happy to. :)

The doc said a PAP doesn't hurt the baby. I know that, just wondered if ohers' hubs have been worried about it at all.

MP, yes girl-- faith & hope. Keep 'em high! Cramps (as long as they are not intense/sharp) is the uterus expanding for the baby. :) a growing baby is a funny feeling, but one I'm getting used to. Hang in there, and keep the faith! :)


Aug 17, 2007

MonkeyPrincess- I have a good feeling about this bean, try to relax and just accept that your body is not your own right now and it's going to be doing all kinds of crazy things. The default is that you are pregnant, it is sticking, and everything you've described is very normal! Gas and bloating is par for the course, esp in the first trimester. Belly bloat for sure! Feeling like AF is coming, check. I know it's hard after all the craziness you've been through and definitely come here to vent. But try to trust that all is as it should be. Btw, stop digging around up there. :cheeky:

Fishie- For my practice, I only get a PAP if I'm due for one. So if I've had one at my regularly scheduled appt for the year, then no, but if I'm due for one, then yes. I'm not sure how it can hurt the baby- they don't go that far up and you've got to remember that nature does a pretty good job of protecting the baby. I know it's hard not to worry about every little thing, but your dr isn't going to take a chance on something that could hurt your baby, right? So cute about the baby carriage charm! You're going to be the best preggo ever!

AMC- Oh these men! I remember my DH asking me why I was so tired all the time in my first trimester. I was like, besides the fact that I'm pregnant AND working FT AND chasing a toddler? He was like, I meant besides being pregnant. There is no besides, buddy. You need to make him read these books that talk about what's going on. I would pull out my book and say "Well today I am making fingernails and a digestive tract. What are YOU doing?" :devil: In their defense, esp until you start showing, it's pretty surreal to them. They aren't feeling all of this stuff and they can't see anything. I haven't been weighing myself this pregnancy, but the general idea is that you should gain 25-35 lbs AT LEAST in a normal pregnancy. (MORE if you start underweight, LESS if you start out overweight) And you can gain much more and be fine. I think about 5 lbs for first tri is normal, you'll put on way more in 2nd, then it slows down. It's weird how it happens. There is this cool chart of what everything weighs, so you can see that your blood, uterus, etc. accounts for a lot of the weight gain.


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

ChinaCat|1329249665|3126180 said:
AMC- Oh these men! I remember my DH asking me why I was so tired all the time in my first trimester. I was like, besides the fact that I'm pregnant AND working FT AND chasing a toddler? He was like, I meant besides being pregnant. There is no besides, buddy. You need to make him read these books that talk about what's going on. I would pull out my book and say "Well today I am making fingernails and a digestive tract. What are YOU doing?" :devil: In their defense, esp until you start showing, it's pretty surreal to them. They aren't feeling all of this stuff and they can't see anything. I haven't been weighing myself this pregnancy, but the general idea is that you should gain 25-35 lbs AT LEAST in a normal pregnancy. (MORE if you start underweight, LESS if you start out overweight) And you can gain much more and be fine. I think about 5 lbs for first tri is normal, you'll put on way more in 2nd, then it slows down. It's weird how it happens. There is this cool chart of what everything weighs, so you can see that your blood, uterus, etc. accounts for a lot of the weight gain.

Oh, I didn't even tell you the best part of what he said (although he was laughing when he said it)- "Hopefully you toughen up before the next pregnancy so you're not as whiny next time." Could have killed him. I have the baby books, even one just for dads. He started reading them the first time I was preggo, then never started up again when I got preggo again. He said it will be more real to him once I show, and that's when he'll start reading them. We shall see!

The range of 25-35lbs is sort of interesting. My grandma was a pediatrician (but saw preggo ladies too, maybe it was different back in the 50s/60s?). She wouldn't let her patients gain more than 20lbs. I guess that was the standard back then. I have several friends who have gained 50lbs+. I'm trying to remember that every extra lb I gain now is one more that I'll have to lose later. For the most part I'm really good. But sometimes, especially when I'm feeling particularly crappy, I will eat whatever sounds good. Luckily I am a fairly healthy eater anyway, so I'm not doing too badly...


Aug 17, 2007

Ha, AMC, mine told me he wanted to open the envelope b/c it would help him bond, otherwise, I could be just getting fat for all he could tell. He was totally kidding, but I tease him about it all the time. Yes, doctors used to be weirdly concerned with weight gain, and not in a good way as far as I'm concerned. They also used to smoke and drink while pregnant, so there you go. If you look at that chart, it seems impossible to gain much less than that and have a healthy pregnancy. I mean, the extra blood flow alone is 4 lbs, the placenta weighs 2-3 lbs, etc. So if you stay in that range and you only really gain 8 lbs of fat- that's nothing. Consider the baby delivers, the placenta delivers, your blood flow goes back to normal, your uterus shrinks, etc. and that's why you lose a lot of "baby fat" pretty soon after birth. I gained about 25 lbs last time and lost it pretty quickly without doing much except walking and nursing. I'd say I was back in regular clothing almost immediately, the belly does take awhile to go back down completely though. At 3 months PP, I was about 5 lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight, then ended up being less than my pre-pregnancy weight by 6-8 months PP.

The thing is, your body will do what it needs to do. Assuming you eat healthy (with indulgences), you'll be fine. Eat the ice cream, just don't eat ice cream EVERY night. But I have friends that worked out and stayed healthy and still gained close to 60 lbs- that's just what their body did. And lost it relatively easily. It gets easier when you pop, b/c you don't feel fat, you just feel big and pregnant. :cheeky:


Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

ChinaCat|1329251594|3126200 said:
Ha, AMC, mine told me he wanted to open the envelope b/c it would help him bond, otherwise, I could be just getting fat for all he could tell. He was totally kidding, but I tease him about it all the time. Yes, doctors used to be weirdly concerned with weight gain, and not in a good way as far as I'm concerned. They also used to smoke and drink while pregnant, so there you go. If you look at that chart, it seems impossible to gain much less than that and have a healthy pregnancy. I mean, the extra blood flow alone is 4 lbs, the placenta weighs 2-3 lbs, etc. So if you stay in that range and you only really gain 8 lbs of fat- that's nothing. Consider the baby delivers, the placenta delivers, your blood flow goes back to normal, your uterus shrinks, etc. and that's why you lose a lot of "baby fat" pretty soon after birth. I gained about 25 lbs last time and lost it pretty quickly without doing much except walking and nursing. I'd say I was back in regular clothing almost immediately, the belly does take awhile to go back down completely though. At 3 months PP, I was about 5 lbs more than my pre-pregnancy weight, then ended up being less than my pre-pregnancy weight by 6-8 months PP.

The thing is, your body will do what it needs to do. Assuming you eat healthy (with indulgences), you'll be fine. Eat the ice cream, just don't eat ice cream EVERY night. But I have friends that worked out and stayed healthy and still gained close to 60 lbs- that's just what their body did. And lost it relatively easily. It gets easier when you pop, b/c you don't feel fat, you just feel big and pregnant. :cheeky:

See, I think that's my problem right now. I don't look pregnant at all. Yesterday a waitress overheard me say I was preggo and asked how far along I was. When I told her 14 weeks, she said "wow, you look great for 14 weeks." Well, yeah, because I don't look pregnant at all! I have a feeling it's coming pants are getting tighter by the day. Oh, and I have a friend who lost 30lbs within a few days of giving birth because she had so much water retained. Crazy!

And that's hilarious what your husband said...even though I'm sure you wanted o slap him just a little bit :)


Aug 17, 2007

AMC- You don't look preggo much at all. I didn't "pop" until 20-22 weeks last go round, which surprised me. For some reason I thought all pregnant women looked pregnant immediately. :cheeky: Don't worry you will! I was pretty small last time, but just looked at my belly shots from the very end last time and I was like holy c**p my belly was huge. And O was only 6 lbs 8 oz.

Nah, I knew he was kidding, but I still like to pretend it hurt my feelings. :devil:


Sep 6, 2007
Re: Re:

amc80|1329252219|3126205 said:
See, I think that's my problem right now. I don't look pregnant at all. Yesterday a waitress overheard me say I was preggo and asked how far along I was. When I told her 14 weeks, she said "wow, you look great for 14 weeks." Well, yeah, because I don't look pregnant at all! I have a feeling it's coming pants are getting tighter by the day. Oh, and I have a friend who lost 30lbs within a few days of giving birth because she had so much water retained. Crazy!

And that's hilarious what your husband said...even though I'm sure you wanted o slap him just a little bit :)

I lurk here.... my baby is now 5 months old. I gained a total of 49lbs. Within 2 weeks, I lost 30 lbs. No joke. I had A LOT of fluid retention. I was also pregnant all throughout summer and had Liam 9/9/11.

5 months out and I've got 10lbs to go til I'm back to pre-preg weight. Honestly, don't stress too much about it. Your body knows what to do and as long as you eat fairly decent, you'll be fine! :bigsmile:


Feb 8, 2012

Aww fisher that sucks about the chocolate! I love that Pandora baby carriage charm, I've had my eye on that one myself. What a lovely gift!

ChinaCat and amc your husbands' comments cracked me up! They are brave men to risk making those remarks to a pregnant lady ;))

monkeyprincess I hope you are feeling well today and the spotting has dried up. Am thinking of you and sending lots of sticky baby vibes.

AFM I came down with a horrible headache yesterday afternoon that rapidly progressed into a migraine. We had to cancel our plans to go to the open air cinema in town as I wasn't fit to leave the house. I ended up having to cave and take paracetamol at about 5pm and by 1am when I was crying in pain and unable to sleep DH persuaded me to take it again. My doctor had told me it is OK to take paracetamol for pain but I still felt so guilty :(( It was gone when I woke up thank God but I am just shattered today. Hopefully it won't come back any time soon.


Nov 24, 2009

Buttons, so sorry about the headache and that you had to cancel your plans! That sounds just awful. I don’t think you should feel guilty. It sounds like you really needed something to cut the pain and your doc said it was okay. I suffer occasional sinus/cluster headaches, and the only thing that helps is excedrine migraine and caffeine. I’m already dreading the next time I get one and can’t use the excedrine.

China, thanks so much for the reassurance. I’ve been feeling much better about things since yesterday, And I think it helps that I’m not letting myself consult Dr. Google because that only makes me look for problems! As you said, my default has to be that everything is okay. I'll drive myself crazy otherwise.

Fisher, hope you had a lovely Valentine’s Day. Your husband is so sweet. Just so excited for you two. This has been such a long time coming, so I’m glad you are doing all the fun little things you have been dreaming of doing! We're still very cautious when talking about our little one. I look forward to the day I can be as joyful about this as you and Paul!

Hi November, thanks for the good advice. I am so ready to start embracing this pregnancy, but I just want to see that little heartbeat first! Glad you are starting to feel a little better now that you hit 8 weeks. It must be a lot harder to be dealing with nausea when you have a two-year old running around!

amc, too funny about your DH. I have a feeling I will be getting a lot of those kind of comments from my DH too. He loves to rile me up! I’m sure it’s just a matter of time before you start to pop and start to look pregnant, but for what it's worth, I think you look great.

Rachel, good luck at your ultrasound today!

AFM, no bleeding or spotting since that one incident on Monday. Knock on wood! I spoke with the NP yesterday, and she advised that unless I see any more spotting or feel any unusual cramping on one side, she wants me to stick with my original ultrasound date of next Friday (I’ll be exactly 7 weeks). She said that if I come in this week, it would be too early to see a heartbeat, so I’ll just have to come in again next week anyway. She said that while miscarriage is always a possibility, she thinks there is a good chance everything is okay.


Jun 18, 2010

Hump Day Bump Day!

Still not showing. But I do have a pretty decent baby bump at night. Last night DH said "OMG, you actually look really pregnant!" It's like my dinner doesn't have any place to go, so I get a cute bump.



Jun 30, 2008

MP - Glad it's going smoothly for you right now! I hope it continues!!

Amc - You look like you were pretty skinny/toned before pregnancy and sometimes that works against you when wanting a bump to show fast! I had some flab in the belly area, so my stomach muscles were already loose and easy to stretch I'm sure :lol: I can def tell a difference with your pic this week compared to last week. I think it's coming! Looks to me like you're going to carry low!

Attaching my bump pic...also attached on the other thread, but just keeping you ladies up to date as well! I outline where my bump is, because it's a little hard to see with the dark colors. DH felt baby kick last night for the first time on Valentine's Day :love:



Jun 18, 2010
Re: Re:

Missy0483|1329326951|3126725 said:
Amc - You look like you were pretty skinny/toned before pregnancy and sometimes that works against you when wanting a bump to show fast! I had some flab in the belly area, so my stomach muscles were already loose and easy to stretch I'm sure :lol: I can def tell a difference with your pic this week compared to last week. I think it's coming! Looks to me like you're going to carry low!

Awww thanks! Your bump looks great! BTW here's a pic I took last night. See what I mean? I have a great little bump in the evening!



May 17, 2009

I'm scared. :-o

It's two boys!!

Help me now. :cheeky:

We didn't get to see much for our u/s because my referral was for a singleton and not twins! So they didn't have time to do the anatomy scan and I have to go back next week. On a glace they were both around 10oz, both breech, and I have an anterior placenta(s). I've been feeling them since about 12 weeks but still nothing consistent or strong, I was starting to wonder if that meant my placenta was anterior.


Jun 18, 2010

Kunzite, congrats!!!


Nov 24, 2009
Re: Re:

Kunzite, oh how cute! You are going to have three little heartbreakers on your hands!


Aug 17, 2007

KUNZITE! :o :appl: :appl: :appl: TWO BOYS!!! (I knew it!) :cheeky: But look how cute your O is, he's going to be THE cutest big brother. :love: Now you get to be the only girl in the family and therefore the only one that all the boys need to buy jewels for!


Nov 24, 2006
Re: Re:

ChinaCat|1329341382|3126900 said:
KUNZITE! :o :appl: :appl: :appl: TWO BOYS!!! (I knew it!) :cheeky: But look how cute your O is, he's going to be THE cutest big brother. :love: Now you get to be the only girl in the family and therefore the only one that all the boys need to buy jewels for!

I agree, O is precious so 2 more O's would be a cutefest!!!! :cheeky: wooohoo for boys! Congrats!! :appl:


Oct 18, 2007

Yay for 2 boys K!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Annnnnnd drummroll please......

We saw a heartbeat! At first I was like -where is it? because the doc had the pointer right over it but then when he let me look longer I could see it. Measurement dating is 6w1d today. The pics we got are a little fuzzy but they'll do the job.

So I suppose I am exactly on time for MS - I started feeling crappy on Monday. I definitely spoke too soon about feeling good, I haven't actually barfed yet but feel very queasy and not up for much in terms of food, even though at the same time I'm very hungry. Smells are totally bothering me too, I stupidy brought home leftovers from v-day dinner and man I about lost it when I opened the fridge this morning! Cleaning product smells are also really repulsive. But once I start eating, I'm feeling a lot better. I've settled into a nice AM routine, wake up and start kettle, eat a small bowl of cereal immediately and by the time the kettle is ready and decaf is brewed, I feel almost human. By the time I'm ready for work I have an egg and a peice of toast / english muffin before I leave. Then regular snacks before lunch. And after. And after dinner. and before bed LOL

So it was really great to get a date! Official due date is 10/9, but I'm just saying - October- so that I won't be plagued with - Is the Baby Here Yet???? questions when it gets closer to that time. DH's birthday is 10/4 so we're very excited.

So this AM my boss let us know that basically the 2nd in command is leaving. Major sad face because he's a sweetheart, and things will be in turmoil for a while I'm sure. But I took the opportunity to go ahead and tell her after I came back from my appt, and she said she had suspected and was really sweet and I don't anticipate any problems. I think I'll tell the rest of my coworkers probably next week, maybe on Saturday, we all made plans to go for dim sum - something we've been talking about for ages and since one is leaving now's the time.

Our real estate agent also sent us a ton of good listings so I'm off to make a shortlist and see what we can schedule to see this weekend.

It's all happening!

And for my good PS'er replies - Missy what a cute bump still! I think you're lucky to get a nice round bump so soon.

AMC I am right there with the PM bump. Mine has got to be nothing but bloat but I swear it's bigger in the evening.

And MP, just hang in there, you can make it one more week!

Sorry for anyone I missed but that's about all I can muster, must nap then look at endless pictures of houses : )


Apr 14, 2006

2 boys!! Yay!! I think that's what I guessed for you, Kunzite. I'm. *never* right. Yay!!

It's going to be such fun!! :)


Also yay for MP. More good news is yet to come, lady! :)


Jan 7, 2010

Just a very quick come-out-of-lurkdom to say: MP, I had exactly the same experience as you did at the same stage, if you go back through here and on TTC you will find my posts. I had two bleeds - one at what turned out to be 6 weeks, and another just before 8 weeks. They were probably the most anxious and stressful times of my life, but both sound almost identical to yours and both were nothing. I hope very much that yours turns out the same way - the fact that it has stopped and you have no other symptoms is a very very positive thing! I have everything crossed for you.


Nov 24, 2009

Pancake, thank you so much for taking the time to tell me your story! I really am just a ball of stress and anxiety right now and want this little one to stick around so badly. It certainly gives me hope that others who experienced spotting have gone on to have healthy babies, so thank you for the reassurance. Now get back to your lovely little Sylvie. Seriously Pancake, I can't get over how gorgeous your little girl is.

Rachel, congratulations! Sorry that the m/s has kicked in, but so glad things look great with the baby.

Fisher, thanks for the continued prayers and support! Hope you are doing well!
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