
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers

sorry HH, but I doubt there would be anything to see/hear this early, anyway. just know that most pregnancies progress well which is why they usually wait til 8 weeks.
I know, I know. It was DH who was really pushing for it.

So mini vent, I hate being bloated. I just had to unpop the top of my pants.
Just wanted to let everyone know that I''m still here. The baby is fine as of my last appointment a week or two ago. I''ve been pretty sick so haven''t really posted much... haven''t really left the house or talked to anyone much either. I love that I''m finally pregnant but I wish I could pull an octo-mom or something so I could have all my kids at once and not have to deal with the pain/morning sickness ever again lol. Does anyone else have pain in their stomach/chest area? I get indigestion,heartburn, and nausea but this pain is just something different. Maybe from my organs being moved around?

Congrats Hudson and Kit!
good to see you again, oobiecoo!

sorry about the uncomfortable symptoms, ladies. but just think that it''s all going to be worth it in the end and there are lot of ladies who would gladly trade places with you.
I know noel, I am very thankful to be where I am, and while I sympathize with anyone who's had a recent loss or is experiencing trouble TTC, I think within this thread we should be able to discuss and vent about our experience, whether it's good or bad.

DH and I have taken to calling the bean "Bun" as in, "Bun in the oven." I started looking into day cares yesterday as well. I know it seems early, but I'm paranoid about being in Suburban Boston and all the CC centers being booked years in advance! So I reached out to 4 yesterday for some basic information. I will most likely have to go back to work around 8 weeks, hopefully I can stretch it to 10, but it depends. Because the baby will be on the younger end of enrollment I want to make sure the CC center we end up with is prepared and willing to work with us. Last night and this morning I experienced what I'm guessing is my first experience with all-day sickness. I was super hungry on the way home, got home and made dinner and was then turned off by it. I didn't eat much of it and had an upset stomach when I went to bed. This morning I woke up starving and as a result a little nauseous at 5:15 and had to go downstairs to get something to eat before going back to bed. I feel better after eating, but it's short lived, then I'm starving again. Right now my throat is feeling a little tight and my stomach is upset and I just ate and drank some water, so who knows what's going on. One thing I've definitely noticed is that I'm thirsty all the time. I'd say my fluid intake has gone up by at minimum 30 oz a day.
HH, I have the same problem...only a full stomach keeps the nausea at bay. I''m already up 7 pounds as a result! I think it''s a combination of the eating to feel better and the constipation. What a bummer! You''ll feel better soon though. And, like Noel said, it''ll all be worth it in the end. Trust me, when you have a day you feel well, you''ll worry about feeling well.
Date: 1/12/2010 7:46:38 AM
Author: Hudson_Hawk
I know noel, I am very thankful to be where I am, and while I sympathize with anyone who''s had a recent loss or is experiencing trouble TTC, I think within this thread we should be able to discuss and vent about our experience, whether it''s good or bad.

DH and I have taken to calling the bean ''Bun'' as in, ''Bun in the oven.''
I absolutely agree with you. I said it hoping to make you feel better if you look at it in perspective. didn''t mean for it to sound like you shouldn''t share.

I like Bun. I can''t remember what the name your DH was using last month (was it Clumpy?), but Bun is so much better.
Oobiecoo: Believe it or not that pain could actually be from the heartburn. Have you been taking any tums?

HH-I woke up every morning starving and as a result nauseous in the beginning. What helped me was drinking a glass of milk and eating either toast or a banana right before bed. Also, snacking throughout the day helps a lot too, especially if you find that you can''t really tolerate full meals. You''ll be amazed at how your appetite changes. Feel better!
Date: 1/12/2010 8:48:10 AM
Author: noelwr

Date: 1/12/2010 7:46:38 AM

Author: Hudson_Hawk

I know noel, I am very thankful to be where I am, and while I sympathize with anyone who''s had a recent loss or is experiencing trouble TTC, I think within this thread we should be able to discuss and vent about our experience, whether it''s good or bad.

DH and I have taken to calling the bean ''Bun'' as in, ''Bun in the oven.''

I absolutely agree with you. I said it hoping to make you feel better if you look at it in perspective. didn''t mean for it to sound like you shouldn''t share.

I like Bun. I can''t remember what the name your DH was using last month (was it Clumpy?), but Bun is so much better.

Yes, DH was calling it "clumpy" last month...
Thanks Firey. I made a dinner last night that did NOT appeal to me but I ate a little of it anyway and had bad heartburn after. So I know that''s why I was so hungry this morning. I''m not sure how I''d do with milk right before bed, I think I''m a little intolerant, but I''ll try some nuts or fruit. Thanks for the suggestion!
oobiecoo, I hear ya. Morning sickness is the worst. I was too miserable to go outside most days. There were a few times I was near tears because I was SO hungry but everything made me soooo queasy. Poor DH was running crosstown, downtown, uptown and everywhere in between to get me very very specific food. It was tough, mama! (HUGS)

Have you tried ginger ale? Sour things? Sniffing peppermint oil helped me sometimes, which I was told is OK in early pregnancy. Fresh air seems to help a lot, too.

Wishing all of you ladies a healthy and happy 9 months!
Today I''m officially 4 weeks pregnant. We started taking belly pics this morning and will take them monthly until the third trimester and then weekly until delivery.

HH 1 month.JPG
HH - fun idea! are you going to make a website to post them with u/s pics and stories and so forth? or is that going overboard? I think that''s what I would do, but mostly because his family is overseas.

have you picked out names yet? not that you have to share what they are if you have, but I''m just curious how soon people do this.
LOL no, probably not. I am going to keep them so I can put them in an album for the LO though.

We''ve had names picked out since before we even started trying

Girl names are Grace Campbell (choice #1 for both of us) and Katherine Fenn
Boy names are Jack Henry (my preference) and Aidan Campbell (DH''s preference)

I think we''re probably going to end up picking boy names by either flipping a coin or betting on something and having first choice be the prize for winning. I didn''t realize how popular those names were before we picked them Katherine is my grandmother''s name and Fenn is another family name on my side. Campbell is TJ''s mom''s maiden name and the line has died out. We like Grace (Gracie for short) and it goes well with Campbell. Jack I''ve loved for years and Henry is my baby brother''s name. Aidan is Celtic and we''re both Scottish and it goes well with Campbell, so that''s a no brainer. Only problem is our last name is very very Italian so all of this sounds a little odd given that.
oobie--hope you start feeling better soon!!

hh- what great names! Are you going to find out the baby''s gender before delivery? Cute belly pic too, good idea to get that started early.
Date: 1/13/2010 9:50:15 AM
Author: luthergirl
oobie--hope you start feeling better soon!!

hh- what great names! Are you going to find out the baby''s gender before delivery? Cute belly pic too, good idea to get that started early.

I''m the most impatient person ever, so most definitely!

Why do I torture myself by wearing red undies? I''ve had cramps off and on this morning and I just went to the potty and thought I was spotting. No, it was just normal discharge on red panties! **sigh** I''m gonnna be a basket case until I''m at least past 6-8 weeks.
HH-LOL re the red undies:-) Hang in there. I''m pretty sure the first tri is the most nerve-wracking!
hh-We''re planning to find out the gender as well, we''re both impatient too. For some reason I feel like it is a boy, but what do I know???

Anyone else have any thoughts on what gender the bean may be?

The first few weeks I agree are so hard not to be on edge worrying about making it to a "safe" zone. I guess I take comfort in doing what I can to have a healthy/happy pregnancy and knowing the rest isn''t up to me.

Ultrasound at 8:30 cst tomorrow morning...I can''t wait, hoping for a healthy baby and a due date.

Puppmom, aren''t you close to entering the 2nd tri? Yippee!!!
No idea LG, I wish I had some intuition, but I don''t. If you go by conception position techniques for determining the sex then it''s probably going to be a boy.

LG, I start my second trimester next Saturday and I have the date marked on my calendar!

I have my NT scan the day before. Hopefully, we see all good things then I'll feel a sense of relief. DH laughs when I say that because before every appt I say “If we get good news today, I’ll definitely feel better.”

Good luck tomorrow!
LG- wish you lots of luck!! Im sure everything will go great!

Puppmom- Wow thats so great!! next saturday will be here before you know it!!

Obie- sorry to hear about your discomfort...I dont get that kind of pain, but sometimes it feels like someone is stabbing me in my BB''s and it feels quite the end it will all be worth it


About 5 1/2 weeks and have my first prenatal apt monday with the obstetrics coordinator- anyone have any idea what they do or go over!?!?
Since I have not had any blood work done yet Im definelty demanding they check my HCG levels (even though it may not mean much)
Lucy, good luck at your appointment. How are you feeling these days? I'm dealing with my fist major dose of m/s today. I had the odd urge to eat two bananas in one sitting and they put me over the top. It's going to be a looooong first trimester if this keeps up!

ETA: I imagine they'll do a urine test and blood work, ask lots of questions, give you time for questions and possibly do an ultrasound (or at least schedule it for a few weeks from now).
Puppmom, congrats on being so close....just over a week and you''ll be in phase 2!!! I totally agree...I think that about every appt...if we get good news I''ll feel some relief.

Lucy-I''m not sure what they do at the pre-natal visits. I went in for an appt. at about 6 weeks, they did do a urine test to confirm the pregnancy and did a blood test, I don''t know what my HCG levels were other than the Dr. telling me I was about 6 weeks along according to the results. We did schedule an ultrasound at that point, but that was only because we didn''t know the due date, otherwise she said we wouldn''t have done one until around 20 weeks.

HH-hope you feel better!

So I had an internal ultrasound this morning and everything went great! It was so neat to see the baby on the big screen, we found out that we are 8w1d so my due date is 8/25! So nice to finally have a due date :) We also saw the heartbeat, which was at 171, so I''m feeling great about that. The dr. did say the miscarriage rate is still at around 10% which seems so high, but I''m just going to try not to worry about it. I have an appt. in just over a week for more bloodwork for the normal battery of tests they do, then an appt in just under 4 weeks with the dr. to go over the results. She said we''ll also listen to the heartbeat again and at that point if everything was looking good the chance of miscarriage would be only 1%.

When the ultrasound tech was pointing out the baby he also pointed out the yolk husband thought that was pretty funny, lol. Boys :)
HH- yea gotta love m/s- I had that really bad about 2 wks ago and some of the wondeful ladies gave me some ideas on what helps a couple pages back in this thread- I have found that lemon drops and crackers really help!

yea rite?!? thats what im kinda figuring- just blood/urine test and insurance information probobly- what the heck is an obstetrics coordinator anyway?!? LOL! The follownig monday (at 7 wks) I will have my first OBGYN apt where im sure they will do an US. Just gonna take a deep breath and hope everything goes okay over the next couple weeks (for both of us
LG= so happy everything went well!!! how wondeful! 8/25 is a great due date! I know a lot of people born around that day!
LG, I''m so glad you saw the heartbeat. We saw ours at 6w4d and it was such a relief! We got a glimpse of our bean on ultrasound on Monday because the OB couldn''t find the heart beat with the doppler. And I mean a GLIMPSE...he turned on the machine - said there she is, the heart is beating (which we couldn''t see) and she''s swimming around (which we COULD see and was so neat!) and then bam, turned it off!

Lucy, I don''t know what the heck an obstetrics coordinator is but they''re probably an LPN so can answer most of your questions. I had my first OB appt at 5 weeks or so and they can''t really tell anything anyway so I wouldn''t sweat it.
Thanks LucyLucy & Puppmom! We were pretty excited to see the baby & heartbeat.

puppmom, I can''t believe if they were going to the trouble of doing an ultrasound they wouldn''t give you more than a glimpse! At least you were able to see that the baby is doing great and you did get to see the baby swimming around, how cool!!!
HH, sorry about the spotting scare...dang red panties! I still inspect the toilet paper EVERY time I wipe. I can''t help it!
Hi Ladies! Lucy and Luthergirl, so happy for you about your little beans! What a great experience to see the u/s like that.

I''ve been laying low and trying not to spend too much time thinking about being KU. I am 5 weeks tomorrow, which is just ridiculously early and it still kind of seems surreal. I don''t know how I am going to make it to 14 weeks without having a major meltdown.
My symptoms are mild at this point and include light cramping, boob tenderness, bloating and fatigue. Pretty standard.

Tomorrow I go in to my Dr for a blood test and we will have a little chat about my care for the rest of the first trimester. Hopefully all will go smoothly and I can get beta #s back. Wish me luck!

I will add that for my first pregnancy back in July, my first appointment included a TON of blood tests and also tests for STDs, etc. It was very thorough and might I add also quite expensive. Hopefully I won''t have to repeat that massive battery of tests again.
Hi Kit

kinda think i know what you mean- although this is my first BFP--because I dont know what to expect and know its possible I can miscarry being im only 6 weeks, I also try not think too much about being KU since I do not want to get my hopes up. It makes me kind of sad because I dont want to feel like that, but for me, as my grandmother said "dont count your chickens before they hatch"- kind of a silly saying but its exactly how I feel until i see the little bean on the US

Hope your doctors apt went well yesterday and puts your mind at ease (at least a little bit!) Wish you a happy and healthy 9 months