
"Just Barely" Pregnant PS''ers


LV, a big congratulations on your baby boy news!! How exciting, I'm sure your daughter is beside herself. I'd imagine she is at that perfect age where she understands enough and will be a great little helper to you. I'm glad to hear you are feeling better. The tiredness and hunger is the worst, isn't it? Luckily I have no one else but myself to look after at the moment so I can lay on the couch and nap all day if I want. My dog thinks it is great, he now has a napping partner!

HP, you will never guess what I had earlier on today! Except I just had normal cheddar cheese, not swiss. Haha! The sore boobs are a pain, I used to be a stomach sleeper and I remember last time being in agony every time I tried to sleep on them. I've been a side sleeper ever since.

AFM, I'm pretty sure I am starting to show. I will be 8 weeks tomorrow (I gave in and called my OB and checked). Last pregnancy I didn't start showing until after 20 weeks, so this is a bit of a shock. I'm sure it has to do with the amount I've been eating though. I have been reading a few of the pamphlets the OB gave me and the recommended serving sizes for when you are having twins, and I'm not sure I will ever be able to eat that much! For carbs they recommend 4-8 serving a day, 4 servings of calcium, 4-8 serving of vegetables. Today I have had a bit of an "off" day. It wasn't even that hot but I was seriously sweating while taking the dog for a walk this morning. I think that sapped all my energy and I didn't do any of the housework I had planned to do. When DH came home from work he helped me with the vacuuming and mopping so at least the house is in a more presentable state for the coming week. I also really really couldn't stand water today. I usually have my 6-8 glasses a day but today every time I took a sip it made me want to throw up! So I have been sucking on icy poles all day.

I'm not ready to jump over here yet, but God-willing I'll be able to join you in a few weeks.

BUT I just had to say a big congratulations to LV on your BOY news! I was pretty sure that is what you were having based on how you phrased it when you said you already knew the gender on the TTC 6+ thread, but I'm thrilled for you! I just love being a boy mom, although I'm sure a being a girl mom is equally as wonderful. So excited for you!

Laila - Thank you! Yes, it's going to be a whole new world, right? How are things going with you? Maybe you can update us on the NB thread??

HP - Thanks! Continue enjoying your swiss, haha! I haven't had any recent cravings myself lately, but I am still eating quite a lot!

Tbaus - Thank you! Hmm, I wonder if your body temp is just a little elevated like I had experienced early on. Yay for hubby helping with housework. How old is your dog now? Glad you are able to indulge in napping! I took a long nap on Sunday myself. ::)

MP - Thanks for popping in! It will be nice to see you over here shortly! So funny that you said you knew I was having a boy. I really really wanted to say way back when because I was just so fascinated that we were able to know so early! But, then it also seemed kind of odd to say anything that early. Anyway, yeah, boy! Time to say good bye to all of the pretty dresses I've been saving! I love buying baby clothes though, so that fun will just continue!!

Hi everyone! :wavey:

Just a quickie because I am running late, but wanted to congratulate tbaus and monkeyprincess on their FANTASTIC news! I'm a lurker over on the TTC 6 months+ thread, but rarely comment. :) Wouldn't it be awesome if the two of you ended up with twins together?! :naughty: :lol:

Hope everything goes super well for the two (six? :naughty: :tongue: ) of you! <3

I guess I was too quick to jump on this sub-forum as I MC yesterday. Had a feeling as soon as I woke up that something was wrong. Glad I made the decision not to go to work as I ended up in my local hospital the pain was so bad. The nurse was amazing and so compassionate. Feeling completely devistated right now, cried most of yesterday but I understand there is nothing anyone could have done. Back to TTC I go. :blackeye: ;(
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HotPozzum|1416517397|3787488 said:
I guess I was too quick to jump on this sub-forum as I MC yesterday. Had a feeling as soon as I woke up that something was wrong. Glad I made the decision not to go to work as I ended up in my local hospital the pain was so bad. The nurse was amazing and so compassionate. Feeling completely devistated right now, cried most of yesterday but I understand there is nothing anyone could have done. Back to TTC I go. :blackeye: ;(

Oh I am so so sorry. I was in your exact shoes back in Feb. I jumped over here and almost immediately m/c'd. I'm not going to lie; it sucks. It may take a while before you aren't pissed as hell that it happened. I hope we can both be back over here soon.

Ahh, HP. I'm so sorry for your loss :( Take care of yourself, and I hope you will be back here very soon once you start trying again.

HP - I am very sorry to hear of your loss. Take good care of yourself.

HP- I'm so so sorry for your loss. I hope you and DH are taking care of one another. I hope your next TTC journey is a quick one and we see you in this thread again soon *hugs*

Sorry to hear about your loss HP.

The same thing happened to me yesterday. Devastating, but also a bit in shock the pain was way worse than I expected. The ER turned me away.

Chemgirl - I am very sorry to hear of your loss. I am sad that the ER turned you away. Will you be able to see your regular doctor soon?

I also wanted to link this thread: It may be of help to you, HP or others who have experienced an early loss, to know that you are not alone. And, you are not alone. So many of us who post here regularly have been through what you are experiencing now. Please take good care of yourself. Also, please follow-up with your regular doctor if you feel that something is off.

Sorry for your loss, Chemgirl :(

It doesn't look this thread is that active right now, but just in case anyone is following, does anybody have any advice for dealing with morning sickness? I didn't have much of any nausea at all when I was pregnant with my son, but this time around I've been feeling really nauseous and yucky the past 5-6 days. I'm 6w5d with twins, but still feeling pretty cautious about posting or getting too excited at least until I have another ultrasound. But anyway, I think the higher hormone levels are what is making me feel worse this time around.

Hope everyone is doing well!
monkeyprincess said:
It doesn't look this thread is that active right now, but just in case anyone is following, does anybody have any advice for dealing with morning sickness? I didn't have much of any nausea at all when I was pregnant with my son, but this time around I've been feeling really nauseous and yucky the past 5-6 days. I'm 6w5d with twins, but still feeling pretty cautious about posting or getting too excited at least until I have another ultrasound. But anyway, I think the higher hormone levels are what is making me feel worse this time around. Hope everyone is doing well!

Zofran is the only thing that really worked for me.

Thanks, amc. I'm still at a point where it is manageable, but I'm just worried it might get worse in the next few weeks. I have to make sure I'm constantly eating, sucking on jolly ranchers or drinking carbonated water to keep my stomach settled. I might try the Unisom and B6 thing to see if that helps, and it would have the added benefit of helping me with my insomnia I hope. But if it gets worse, I'll keep the Zofran in mind.
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monkeyprincess|1417470366|3793460 said:
Thanks, amc. I'm still at a point where it is manageable, but I'm just worried it might get worse in the next few weeks. I have to make sure I'm constantly eating, sucking on jolly ranchers or drinking carbonated water to keep my stomach settled. I might try the Unisom and B6 thing to see if that helps, and it would have the added benefit of helping me with my insomnia I hope. But if it gets worse, I'll keep the Zofran in mind.

I tried really hard to avoid Zofran this pregnancy. I did all of those things you mentioned. The Unisom/B6 thing worked, but it made me drowsy/foggy. I finally just said screw it and went with the zofran. There really is nothing like it.

I'm going to very cautiously stick my toe in here. I'm 4 weeks today. I had a little spotting last night, which freaked me out, but it was brown/pink and went away rather quickly. So I'm trying to just chill out. We'll see how that works out.
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monkeyprincess|1417463657|3793381 said:
It doesn't look this thread is that active right now, but just in case anyone is following, does anybody have any advice for dealing with morning sickness? I didn't have much of any nausea at all when I was pregnant with my son, but this time around I've been feeling really nauseous and yucky the past 5-6 days. I'm 6w5d with twins, but still feeling pretty cautious about posting or getting too excited at least until I have another ultrasound. But anyway, I think the higher hormone levels are what is making me feel worse this time around.

Hope everyone is doing well!

I didn't really have MS with my twins, just queasiness from weeks 7-10, and then it went away. Keep eating small meals, don't let your blood sugar get low. Carbs are what made me feel the best.

Congrats, April20! I know what you mean about feeling cautious after a loss (I also had a loss in September), but I really hope that things go better for both of us this time around. Spotting is scary, but it's not necessarily anything to worry about it. I had it with my son (who is now 2), and I've had two incidents this pregnancy at 4.5 weeks and 5.5 weeks when I've seen a tiny bit of brown on TP. I wouldn't be too concerned about it unless it picks up.

Laila, yeah, I'm hoping my nausea won't turn into full-blown MS, so I'm glad to hear yours didn't. I remember being queasy last time around 8-9 weeks or so when I had an empty stomach, but this time has been much earlier and more persistent, although still manageable. And yes, carbs keep winning out as the food that sounds tolerable. I'm afraid I'm going to start packing on pounds already at the rate I'm going.
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monkeyprincess|1417542781|3793933 said:
Congrats, April20! I know what you mean about feeling cautious after a loss (I also had a loss in September), but I really hope that things go better for both of us this time around. Spotting is scary, but it's not necessarily anything to worry about it. I had it with my son (who is now 2), and I've had two incidents this pregnancy at 4.5 weeks and 5.5 weeks when I've seen a tiny bit of brown on TP. I wouldn't be too concerned about it unless it picks up.

Laila, yeah, I'm hoping my nausea won't turn into full-blown MS, so I'm glad to hear yours didn't. I remember being queasy last time around 8-9 weeks or so when I had an empty stomach, but this time has been much earlier and more persistent, although still manageable. And yes, carbs keep winning out as the food that sounds tolerable. I'm afraid I'm going to start packing on pounds already at the rate I'm going.

Hehe, that's okay if you pack on pounds, those two babies need it! With a twin pregnancy, they recommend you gain more than a singleton. And you will be surprised by how fast you lose it, taking care of a toddler and two newborns! If I may, I highly recommend the book "When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads" by Dr. Barbara Luke. Lots of great, valuable tips! :)

MP- I'm sorry the ms has started for you already. Mine didn't kick in until 8 weeks. I'm the same, just nausea with a few bouts of actual vomiting, usually if I get too hungry. For me the problem is constant tiredness and constant hunger mixed with the nausea, so nothing smells or tastes right. Dry crackers it is. Oh, and cereal and milk! I hope it doesn't get any worse for you. I can't imagine having to deal with ms whilst looking after a toddler as well.

April, congrats! Sending you lots of sticky bean dust!

AFM, 10 weeks down. I had a scan on Monday and there are still 2 healthy little beans in there. I'm just trying to get through the next three weeks of work before summer break starts-yesterday I seriously contemplated going to my car and having a nap during my lunch break. Also looking forward to being able to eat properly again, I'm craving all sorts of stuff but once it's put in front of me I can't stomach it.

Tbaus, that's wonderful that both babies are still doing well! And that's great that you're coming up on summer break. Will you be returning to work once school starts again? Or will you be on maternity leave or what? Sorry to hear you've been feeling a bit sick as well, but glad to hear it is not too bad.

I have an ultrasound next week, and I'm really curious to see what is going on. For some reason, I am having a hard time believing I will actually have twins when all is said and done. Just really hoping the babies are healthy and doing well. The early part of pregnancy is so nerve-wracking.

Hello mamas (chemgirl and HP I'm so sorry for your loss-HUGS) just dipping my toes in here since my dollar store tests (didn't fail me last time) came back positive. I'm just a few weeks (would have been in the first couple of weeks of Nov. that it happened) and I'm working out finding a mid-wife now. I loved my last mid-wife but she moved to a different area and now is out of my catchment zone. I have the option of going some where she's well known and could possibly attend my birth as a friend (its 1.5hr-2hrs each way) and then I'd have my home birth at my in-laws house OR I can try some place local again and have my baby at home and only have a half hour drive to my appts. For most that would seem an easy decision but my midwife recommends the clinic that's further away and if I did have my birth at my in-laws I would have a lot more help (SIL lives down the road) with my toddler before/during/after the birth. I would need to be there from around 38weeks which wouldn't be all that fun but my in-laws are amazing and so I'll have to discuss all my options with my husband. He doesn't know yet bc on Monday when I took my test I thought it came out negative (note to those using dollar store tests-wait the full minute lol) and then I took one this AM and it was positive and so I checked the one in the trash and sure enough-it had changed to positive too.

My kids will be nearly 3 years apart-we had hoped for 4 but I'm not upset that it's happened sooner. I'm not very active on the boards since I drive myself nuts trying to keep up with all the posters and am also working hard on my computer addiction problem but just know that I'll be reading along and lurking and keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers even if my posts seem very 'me' centred.

Here we go again! Boobs tender (still nursing my 2 yr old) was probably my first clue but the moment that test showed up positive it was like a switch went off and I got all light headed and a bit nauseous. Gotta re-stock on my quick and easy meals and snacks. Here's hoping for a girl but we won't find out until our new bundle arrives.
Re: Re:

Laila619|1417540717|3793916 said:
monkeyprincess|1417463657|3793381 said:
It doesn't look this thread is that active right now, but just in case anyone is following, does anybody have any advice for dealing with morning sickness? I didn't have much of any nausea at all when I was pregnant with my son, but this time around I've been feeling really nauseous and yucky the past 5-6 days. I'm 6w5d with twins, but still feeling pretty cautious about posting or getting too excited at least until I have another ultrasound. But anyway, I think the higher hormone levels are what is making me feel worse this time around.

Hope everyone is doing well!

I didn't really have MS with my twins, just queasiness from weeks 7-10, and then it went away. Keep eating small meals, don't let your blood sugar get low. Carbs are what made me feel the best.

Congrats!!! YES YES YES, Double the Hormones make you feel even more nauseous; I went to the Perinates and I told them I felt so sick, constantly and they said I pretty much had double the hormones or like you said, higher hormone levels. I liked carbs but also smaller meals (helped keep me full). Don't let yourself get to the point of being hungry because that made me feel worse, hence the protein. Dust!!!!

Congrats Laila, I posted the twins thread :) so happy for you!

Congrats LV, I wrote you in some other thread too. so happy for you!!!

oh, lots of twins, congrats, tbaus!!!

Lots of sticky dust in this thread to all of you, hugs!

Ugh, now I have the opposite problem. I haven't been feeling nearly as sick the past couple of days as I was last week, and I'm only 7 weeks. always has to be something to worry about I guess :(

Vintagelover, congratulations! Your avatar is different, but I think I know who you are, and our sons were born right around the same time as well. Mine just turned two in October.

Chemgirl, I missed your post before. I'm so sorry for your loss.

vintagelover, congratulations! Wishing you a healthy pregnancy.

skippy, thanks for popping in! I think I may have read in another thread that you are pregnant again? If I am remembering properly- congratulations!

MP, try and enjoy the fact you are not feeling sick! Atm all I can stomach is carbs, hardly any vegetables. Not very good since I have PCOS and combined with twins there is a very high chance I will get GD. But at the moment I am just trying to get through. I can't wait to hear your results from your upcoming scan. I'll admit it only really hit me at this weeks (10 week) scan that we could actually be having twins. To answer your question I will be about 18 weeks when school starts up again next year, so at the moment I have negotiated with my boss that I will be contracted for one day a week in an admin based role, but closer to the date I will let her know if I am able to work more. I'm assuming, everything going well that I will be able to work until at least 25ish weeks? My only concern is the 80 minute commute, last pregnancy I had issues with my pelvis and I'm already starting to feel it coming back. So such a long drive may not be the best idea. What about you?

AFM, I have been feeeling less tired the last two days so I'm hoping I'm starting to recover from ms already. I didn't go back to feeling 'normal' until about 14 weeks last time. I am in two minds about telling everyone: the cautious side of me wants to wait until 20 weeks to announce. Since that is when we received the bad news last time I don't think I will truly feel comfortable until we pass that mark. The other part of me wants to embrace and be excited about this pregnancy, and push all the negative thoughts aside. I will be 12 weeks the last week of school for the year, but my scan is not until the week after (22 December). I already feel like I am showing, and everyone is wondering why I am being so antisocial and not attending any early Christmas parties. But no drink in my hand will be a big giveaway!

Tbaus, that sounds like a good plan regarding returning to school after your break. It's nice you have that option. And I understand your desire to keep your pregnancy quiet for awhile longer. I hope everything goes well, and you feel more and more confident with each new milestone. And I'm glad to hear you might be getting over the hump with the nausea. I bet that makes it much easier to get excited about the pregnancy! Also, I feel like I'm definitely going to show much earlier this time around as well. I am 7.5 weeks, and I look like I did when I was like 12-14 weeks with my first pregnancy (although my stomach never did go back to being as flat as it was before my first pregnancy). I'm already feeling too bloated for some of my more fitted pants.

Skippy, I hadn't hear your news, but if you are in fact expecting again, congratulations!!!

AFM, yesterday, I was back to feeling a bit sick again (although I admit I purposely let my stomach get more empty to make sure!), and I'm pretty nauseous again this morning. I have a lunch to go to shortly with some of the people I work with, so I'm hoping I'm able to find something that sounds appetizing and eat like a normal person. I'm both excited for and dreading my ultrasound next week. I just need to know that at least one of the babies is healthy!

Thanks everyone. Processing it now and getting regular hormone checks with my doctor. Anxious to try again. This really solidified that we want a little one.

Congrats vintagelover and goodluck yo everyone else!

oh you all are so sweet, no, I am not preggo. Twins are a blast but I think we are happily done.

I just had to pop in, to say Congratulations to all you beautiful ladies!!! :appl: I am so happy for all of you!!

Dreams. I am having crazy dreams. I've always had regular dreams I remember well but these are now much more detailed. Last night I dreamed I parked my car on the street and then couldn't find it. I searched for hours and I was pressing the key fob and every single car was reacting. Then I finally decided it was stolen so I went into work (I was still at my job, three jobs ago in the dream) and the key fob started turning the building lights off/on. Weird.

I also have sore boobs and I feel bloated all the time but the dreams are more interesting to talk about.

Oh. And 4w +6 today.