
JFF: Are you and your SO compatible?

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Apr 18, 2008
I''m not into astrology, but it''s always fun to look at these things... so...

Are you and your partner compatible???

Let us know your sign, their sign, and the whether you are a match made in heaven
or hell

ME: Virgo
Him: Pisces

Verdict: "You are opposite signs in the zodiac, so it is either heaven on earth or hell... Most probably, both of them! "
Me: Sag
Him: Cancer

"Sagittarius is the driving energy, adventurous and full of the need to find new horizons, but Cancer, despite the wanderlust, deep down needs security. Cancer might like more commitment than you are willing to give, especially early in the relationship when the passions are really surging."

HMMMM... This ISN''T what I experienced in the 8 years I waited for a proposal!!!!!!
ooo, fun!

me: capricorn
him: scorpio

according to this, one of the best matches.

best quote ever: Unleash the fanatical desire that lurks in your depths and the goatish one will soak it up.

"goatish one" would=me, i guess
ooooh fun fun!!!
I love this stuff.

Me: Cancer
Him: Virgo

"Virgo, the Mutable Virgin and Cancer, the Cardinal Crab make a fabulous combination. You have an instant rapport that will lead to an enduring and satisfying match. Virgo appreciates your ability to provide a secure family life, yet you both are concerned with the nurturing and wellbeing of others. Turn your caring sides towards each other and you will turn your shared dreams into reality. This combination is one of best. You are kindred spirits. It is a perfect match."

Me: Capricorn
SO: Saggitarius

"You will first have to learn to appreciate your fundamental differences ...but once you do, you can be a very successful team."

Well that''s good.

"Communicate your ideas, your plans, your goals, and your feelings."

It''s tellingme to do that more! ha. I don''t know if my saggitarius would like me to do that more than I already do.

"The two of you have very different personalities but can agree on the need to have purpose and direction. When committed to the same goals and values, you can become a great team, otherwise there will be too much mutual annoyance for the relationship to survive when the first flames burn low."

haha. we do know how to annoy each other. Luckily we made it through those "first flames burn(ed) low."
I love this idea too!

My sign: Taurus
His sign: Capricorn

When the Bull and the Sea-Goat get together, it may seem like a match made in heaven. With so much in common, it is easy for you to get along with someone who has such good taste! The two of you have a talent for attracting the finer things in life and can do very well as a team in both business and personal relationships.

This is generally a very pleasant combination for love and marriage, but also for business, pleasure, and in family relationships. It can make a wonderful, long-lasting partnership that will benefit the two of you and the community you live in. It really is a perfect match!

*I have to say that this was pretty spot-on about our personalities and our outlook on life!*
I love doing fun things, such as this.

Me: Scorpio
Him: Pisces

The attraction of Scorpio and Pisces is irresistible, a union with every chance of success.... Your union has everything from the steamy sensual to the deeply spiritual. Intimate and enduring, it's a perfect match.

Me: Cancer
Him: also Cancer (his bday is the day after mine!)

The site doesn''t seem to like this: "Cancer needs the sinuous flirtatious worship of the Fish, or the slinky, supportive sexuality of the Scorpion, not the agonising nippers of a fellow Crab."
Date: 2/19/2009 6:48:47 PM
Author: misskitty
Me: Cancer

Him: also Cancer (his bday is the day after mine!)

The site doesn't seem to like this: 'Cancer needs the sinuous flirtatious worship of the Fish, or the slinky, supportive sexuality of the Scorpion, not the agonising nippers of a fellow Crab.'

that is hysterical! Different sites def say different things, so don't despair!

Me: Aquarius
SO: Sagittarius

You are able to inspire each other, not just in your sexual innovations, but also intellectually...Each of you loves to be independent, but there aren''t many conflicts between you, because you both understand this about each other...The long term potential is excellent. This is a perfect match!
Me: Sag (we''re the best!!
E: Virgo

Sagittarius and Virgo (i edited most of it but highlighted what i think fits)

Virgo prefers to reflect and analyse. Virgo is a perfectionist, so at first you might be rather bewildered by the Virgoan need to match the colours on the pegs, or place the bookshelf in alphabetical order, under topic heads! Really these two signs are a bit like the grasshopper and the ant, but intelligent communication and mutual appreciation that is clearly spelled out can keep things running smoothly.

Virgo by analytical Mercury and Sagittarius the Archer is ruled by expansive Jupiter.

Virgo, an Earth Sign, is practical and realistic rather than romantic, while Sagittarius is a Fire Sign. Both are intellectual signs, but the way your minds work clashes. Sagittarius is a sucker for pure feeling, while Virgo is definitely more of a thinker.

Virgo and Sagittarius are both mutable signs. Generally the mutable signs (Sagittarius, Virgo, Pisces and Gemini) are better matched as friends or colleagues than as spouses. These signs need to lean on their partners for security, while supplying at their own end the social lubricant and joie de vivre that can make stronger more stable partners happy, bringing them out of themselves. You''ll need to have absorbing external interests in common for the match to last very long.

um. im am not sure how much i enjoy the word lubricant in this explanation

I think all the parts about virgos being analytical is spot on to our relationship. but there are lots of parts about how virgo plans for the future and sag does not, which is opposit of us!!
Me: Cancer
Him: Scorpio

"The attraction is utterly magnetic! This connection is so profound you''ll barely be able to keep your hands off each other. With the sublime Scorpion, the extended sexual bliss is so fulfilling as to be truly transcendent. The two of you should be, could be and would be soul-mates, so long as the time is right.

Cancer and Scorpio are one of the ideal combinations of the zodiac. Because both are Water Signs, the emotional connection is deep and wide. There is an instant rapport between you; this attraction can grow into a deep and abiding love that is based in passion, but reinforced by mutual understanding and soul-friendship.

My favourite part (the last sentence): "This is a perfect match."
This is the funniest thing I have ever read!



"Since you are a Fire Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign, the sexual environment can get very steamy too"

It get''s better...

"Pisces is very inventive and compliant in the boudoir, which is exciting at first, but such exotic behaviour can become a little distasteful (in your royal opinion) if taken too far." Hahaha!

Ok, now for the hilareous part!

"You are of course truly flamboyant and love to dominate. Your roar will thrill the Fish, but when he or she rolls over into a submissive pose, your inclination may soon be to snarl and slash the jugular." HAHAHAHA! Would SO agree with this? Perhaps...

Now the sucky part...

"This is not an easy match. You''ll need to compromise more than you are used to. Ideally you''ll find some common cause into which you can throw your energies, for the relationship on its own might not be enough for you, even though Piscean sensitivity and acute understanding of relationships goes well with your generous spirit." So not true. Good thing I don''t take this stuff seriously!

Thanks, trillionaire! This was very amusing.
Date: 2/19/2009 6:48:47 PM
Author: misskitty
Me: Cancer

Him: also Cancer (his bday is the day after mine!)

The site doesn''t seem to like this: ''Cancer needs the sinuous flirtatious worship of the Fish, or the slinky, supportive sexuality of the Scorpion, not the agonising nippers of a fellow Crab.''

Heehee, it didn''t like my match either
Im the virgo hes the taurus..

Virgo, the Virgin, and Taurus, the Bull, are very much at home together, making this a very natural and easy combination. Of course, you may have to introduce the Bull to improved hygiene practices and housekeeping techniques, and the Bull may not understand why you can''t just relax, but overall, you can certainly enjoy each other''s company.

UM Thank you military school for introducing SO to all of that. Hes cleaner than I am. He practically irons his underwear flat

Virgo is a Mutable Sign and Taurus is a Fixed sign, making you the more flexible partner who is willing to compromise. Taurus gives you a good sense of security and is always there when needed, but tends to be very set in his or her ways and does not adapt well to change. This includes everything from changing your residence to changing your hairstyle. Taurus may not appreciate it if you leave home a brunette and come back a blonde. With patience, you can help ease the Bull through life''s twists and turns, while the Bull will reward you with steadfast loyalty rarely seen elsewhere in the Zodiac. You can help Taurus be more aware of important details, while Taurus can help you relax and be more at home in your own body.

SO is definitely my security - even if we''re countries apart - and he''s definitely set in his ways but not with anything negative. He likes wearing his neutral colors and clean lined clothing, nothing too flashy. BUT He does adapt very well to change - again, the military is to thank. I''ve never met anyone more loyal in my life. From the big things to the small things like never jokingly calling me anything degrading or poking fun at me in a hostile way (like some friends boyfriends tend to do especially if were out at bars)

As two Earth Signs, you have much in common. Both of you are interested in financial security and physical comfort. However, Venus-ruled Taurus is just as likely to spend money on luxuries, while you are more inclined to economize. Taurus is a fan of rich and fattening foods, while you are more likely to buy organic and go vegan. Over time, the two of you can find a healthy balance between saving money and spending it, and between living to eat and eating to live. In the bedroom, Taurus can help you loosen up a bit, sparking the white hot fire all Virgins have deep inside. Taurus is more generally more comfortable with bodily functions than the typical Virgo and can help you to be more accepting of your own physical form.

SO definitely likes to spend on things he feel are worth splurging on - not TVs and cars or video games but good dinners with friends/special occasions/gifts. That is 105% true with the foods!! The only meat I eat is fish and I try to go organic as much as possible - SO loves steak/pork/sushi/butter/cream/etc! HOW CRAZY! SO has also improved my self image - he tells me he loves my body every chance he gets and up until now I''ve always felt like I had that extra 5 or 10 to loose. Now I just focus on staying in shape for my health.

Both of you have been blessed with the gifts of common sense, resourcefulness, and practicality, which makes for a very solid astrological combination. This can be a long lasting and rewarding partnership of any kind and works especially well in family and marriage. It is a perfect match.

On the topic of fun sites for compatibility, my friend told me about one some time ago. It''s rather cute.

Compatibility Calculator

From my experience, it''s pretty accurate. My ex-bfs and I "scored" really low yet my "score" with my FI was astounding!!

Try it!
I think I'll leave the compatibility things alone... They don't seem to like BF and I together. They all seem to say it will be a bumpy road, but we can get through it. Blah. I want it to say 'perfect match' or have a high rating.

I love this stuff too!

Let''s see;

Me = Cancer
Him = Scorpio

AstroMatch =

The attraction is utterly magnetic! This connection is so profound you''ll barely be able to keep your hands off each other.

Cancer and Scorpio are one of the ideal combinations of the zodiac. Because both are Water Signs, the emotional connection is deep and wide. There is an instant rapport between you; this attraction can grow into a deep and abiding love that is based in passion, but reinforced by mutual understanding and soul-friendship.

You are both deeply intuitive and can naturally sense what will please the other. Your communication on intimate mode is wordless and so intense as to be almost psychic, even telepathic. This magical world is a mutual joy that the two of you can build, decorate and expand...


As for the Compatibility Calculator we got:

The Best Simply the best, your match was scripted by the signs as The Perfect Match. There is nothing you cannot do as long as you are together for you balance each other perfectly. The search is over. You have found your perfect man.
Final Rating: 100%

Double WOOHOO :)

It''s awesome to see someone who had the same results as FI and myself. When I did that, and ours came back 100%, I was astonished! I knew we would do well but that result was just mind-blowing.

Date: 2/19/2009 6:57:27 PM
Author: trillionaire
Date: 2/19/2009 6:48:47 PM
Author: misskitty

Me: Cancer
Him: also Cancer (his bday is the day after mine!)

The site doesn''t seem to like this: ''Cancer needs the sinuous flirtatious worship of the Fish, or the slinky, supportive sexuality of the Scorpion, not the agonising nippers of a fellow Crab.''

that is hysterical! Different sites def say different things, so don''t despair!

I know, I don''t take it too seriously
Actually, most sites like the Cancer-Cancer mix, so it was kinda funny to see one that was so opposed to it!
Date: 2/19/2009 10:39:20 PM
Author: .Jenevieve.

It''s awesome to see someone who had the same results as FI and myself. When I did that, and ours came back 100%, I was astonished! I knew we would do well but that result was just mind-blowing.


Aw! Thank you :)

Congrats to you too! I was so surprised to see that haha :P I was expecting good but not THAT good! I cannot wait to share it with him.

Yay for 100%''s :) Woohoo for our awesomeness and our awesome relationships!
Me: Pisces
J: Libra

Our starts out with the line: "Pisces and Libra is one of those strange but beautiful combinations, usually brought together by fate, rather than by conscious choice."

Strange but beautiful, that's us!

"This places Libra in a natural position of leadership with the happy-to-follow-along Fish."

Uh, no, for us anyway, it's definitely the other way around--I wear the pants. *whipcrack*

"Because Libra is an Air Sign and Pisces is a Water Sign, they can create a healthy, healing mist."

What, no sexy steam like other signs get? Bah, humbug.

"It is unusual to find Pisces and Libra as long term committed romantic partners, but when other planetary placements and aspects are in harmony, you can be very successful in love and marriage."

Oh, ok, so the odds are stacked against us, but it's possible we'll be successful in marriage. Good to know!

I was casually looking at this last night and J came up to tell me something, saw the screen and laughed while saying, "What ARE you looking at now?!" Told him about the thread and that it was nothing, just a compatibility thing, and he said, "Well if you really want to know how we work together, come with me..."
So, great idea for a thread, Trill.
Date: 2/19/2009 9:36:59 PM
Author: B.H.S
On the topic of fun sites for compatibility, my friend told me about one some time ago. It''s rather cute.

Compatibility Calculator

From my experience, it''s pretty accurate. My ex-bfs and I ''scored'' really low yet my ''score'' with my FI was astounding!!

Try it!
For this one, J and I got 70% and it reads: "Very good - It seems that you have finally found a good man after searching for all this time. Do not let this keeper get away! This relationship could be the one that fulfills all your needs."

Definitely not an astounding score for us, but he is a keeper so I won''t argue too much with it.
Date: 2/19/2009 9:36:59 PM
Author: B.H.S
On the topic of fun sites for compatibility, my friend told me about one some time ago. It''s rather cute.

Compatibility Calculator

From my experience, it''s pretty accurate. My ex-bfs and I ''scored'' really low yet my ''score'' with my FI was astounding!!

Try it!
Your final rating is 68%. There is a decent chance of this relationship lasting and, or, bringing you the happiness you seek. There will be small bumps in the road. You both will thus have to make an effort to understand your differences and be willing to compromise occasionally. The match is definitely worth pursuing.
Damn skippy it is!

Date: 2/19/2009 9:50:39 PM
Author: Definitely, Maybe
I think I''ll leave the compatibility things alone... They don''t seem to like BF and I together. They all seem to say it will be a bumpy road, but we can get through it.
It says the same for us. We scored 62% and we''ve got a ''decent shot'' of making it work.
Me: Scorpio
Him: Gemini

So-so match. Lots of chemistry, but hard to keep it going because I''m supposedly jealous, and he''s supposedly flighty and flirty.

I''m not a jealous scorp, but he is flirty.

I called him out once for flirting with a waitress. He was embarassed, but I laughed at him.

We can work if we have good communication, which we do.
Me: Cancer
Him: Aquarius

Here is our verdict for the astro match:

You need emotional closeness, but Aquarius fears this kind of intimacy. If you love an Aquarian, you''ll need to modify your demands if you want to keep the relationship alive.

and here is the compatibility calculator results:

Below Average. As much as you try, chances are this relationship will just fall short of the glories of love. Chances are you will tolerate this man weaknesses while constantly wondering if there is just a better man out there for you. Kinda like watching your co-worker getting promoted while you get pats on the back.

Final Rating: 40%


Date: 2/19/2009 6:29:08 PM
Author: Definitely, Maybe
Me: Capricorn
SO: Saggitarius

''You will first have to learn to appreciate your fundamental differences ...but once you do, you can be a very successful team.''

Well that''s good.

''Communicate your ideas, your plans, your goals, and your feelings.''

It''s tellingme to do that more! ha. I don''t know if my saggitarius would like me to do that more than I already do.

''The two of you have very different personalities but can agree on the need to have purpose and direction. When committed to the same goals and values, you can become a great team, otherwise there will be too much mutual annoyance for the relationship to survive when the first flames burn low.''

haha. we do know how to annoy each other. Luckily we made it through those ''first flames burn(ed) low.''
Same here. We are the success story of how two polar opposites can survive without killing one another. Gotta love Sags though...they spice it up for us calm and reserved Caps.

Fun thread Tril!
ME: Libra
HIM: Aquarious

Verdict: we both like sex..... hmmmm I think this zodiac thing is pretty vanilla... I mean, who doesn''t like sex?

"Your first encounter is vivid and exciting. Aquarius delights in any new form of sexual expression ( the more far-out the better) and you are fascinated with relationship in all its forms, especially with such a delightfully quirky creature. The boudoir banquet is full of delicious new flavours and your sexual communication is as close to ideal as you could hope for."
Date: 2/19/2009 8:38:30 PM
Author: idreamofcushions
This is the funniest thing I have ever read!



The site won''t load for me for some reason, but it doesnt matter bc I''m also a leo and FF is a pisces! So thanks for posting your results
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