
It's been a year and a half ...

Welcome back, Kenny. You have been missed, and I hope you feel a little like you are coming home here at PS.

I am so sorry to hear of your partner's passing.
Queenie60, thank you for starting the thoughtful thread, Where's Kenny.
And thanks to all who responded.
It means a lot to me.

There are many posts here that I want to respond to individually.
I will, as I get the time.
Welcome back, you have been deeply missed. I'm sorry to hear of your partner's passing and I hope you have found some peace.
Welcome back Kenny, you were truly missed. I am so very sorry for your loss and I'm sorry that you weren't able to lean on PS folks to help get you through.

I don't recall what you might have said about religion or those who follow one, but I do know that I always related with your sentiments on the subject. Right before I checked in on Hangout and saw this thread, I happened to watch a video of the victim statement given by the brother of the man who was killed by a cop who mistakenly entered the wrong apartment. He forgave her as he felt god would, said that his brother would want her to give her life to Christ, expressed his love for her as a human being, and gave her a hug. Wow. This man is a far better person than I am. If belief in god can bring about this kind of sheer goodness, maybe I should stop questioning it (and sometimes ridiculing it). So - greater respect for those who think and believe differently than I do is my aspiration as well.
Sending virtual hugs from Australia to you Kenny. Very sad for you.
Kenny, please accept my heartfelt sympathies.
Welcome back, you were missed.
I too am curious about this beautiful piece.
I called her Aurora.
She is 30 odd carat Ethiopian Opal set with pink sapphire and diamonds in 18ct white and “blackened” gold. A one off ring by a Greek designer called called Theodoros Savopoulos titled “Almond Blossom Opal Ring”. She made JOTW a month or so ago. Preloved, purchased most gratefully from ForteKitty.
And she must be “special” because you can buy Chinese copies off eBay for between $2 and $68 plus my actual ring is apparently available for $2.02 AND free shipping
That actually brought tears to my word, what a heartfelt apology...Kenny, so happy to see you back. Your presence was a nice counterpoint to the dialogue here. I am so sorry about the last year & a half & all you must have gone through, welcome back! :wavey:
Bron, that's absolutely stunning.
I own none, but I love opals! ... and yours is in a piece of art reminiscent of a cherry tree in bloom.
Welcome back Kenny, I'm sorry to hear about the passing of your loved one.

You know I became a different person after having a stroke, I look back and don't even recognize the old me and can't make heads or tails of why I did and said some of the things I did.

People change (and vary) and it's all good. We are just glad to see you back and know you're okay.
Hi Kenny, I’m fairly new here and even I’ve noticed that your presence has been missed.

I think I may have joined when you took your break.

So very sorry about your partner’s passing.

Welcome back! =)2
I called her Aurora.
She is 30 odd carat Ethiopian Opal set with pink sapphire and diamonds in 18ct white and “blackened” gold. A one off ring by a Greek designer called called Theodoros Savopoulos titled “Almond Blossom Opal Ring”. She made JOTW a month or so ago. Preloved, purchased most gratefully from ForteKitty.
And she must be “special” because you can buy Chinese copies off eBay for between $2 and $68 plus my actual ring is apparently available for $2.02 AND free shipping
does she have her own thread because i don't want to derail this thread when its really about Kenny =)2
Thank you, Daisys and Diamonds.
That is thoughtful of you, but I really don't mind.

I've noticed, as often is the case, that I'm in the minority on this - not minding if my threads just go wherever they go.
But maybe this is because I'm so open minded that my brain fell out. :???:

It's all good. :))
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Welcome back kenny! Sending you much love and a million hugs from Australia. I'm so sad and sorry for your loss, and for what you've been through.
I never mind a pic of a hot guy. :Up_to_something:
I may be old, but ain't dead.

So, what's this "big news"?

I'll let him tell you, lets just say there's more than one "hot guy" in town....
Welcome back Kenny! I joined PS about 11 years ago and I really don't comment much but I check in almost every day. You have been missed. So good to see your name appear again. Your perspectives on all things have always brought me much joy. I'm so saddened to hear of your partner's passing. I'm really glad to see you back.
D4F9DA25-A451-4DE5-B77D-C131E7E25BD2.jpeg C2DF8540-59C0-45AD-BDD8-30B3A68EA961.jpeg 3BBDB81A-4AB6-42BF-B7C0-87793D720149.jpeg 4839F4B3-A150-4392-B05F-18328A2CE6CE.jpeg
Bron, that's absolutely stunning.
I own none, but I love opals! ... and yours is in a piece of art reminiscent of a cherry tree in bloom.
Here’s one for you Kenny.
If I list her up, I’ll let you know :kiss2:
I am so sorry for your loss.

Welcome back. You have been missed and thought about often. Stay.
What a delightful surprise to see you pop up again, Kenny! I always loved following your posts! I am so sorry about your partner. Sending big hugs to you.
Yes, he has died.
Sorry, didn't mean to be vague.

I just found it hard to type the words.
:cry2: I'm sorry. Sending good thoughts your way. We care about you and are here for you @kenny
I never mind a pic of a hot guy. :Up_to_something:
I may be old, but I ain't dead.

So, what's this "big news"?

Mrs Jordy and I welcomed our first child into the world on June 26th, a little boy named Finn. He's been absolutely amazing.

@arkieb1 I can't find any photos of all three of us, they exist but my wife has them all on her phone ;(

Kenny, I'm glad you're here now, I too joined while you were away. Greetings from New Zealand and my sincere sympathies for your loss.
I'm very sorry that you have experienced heartbreak.
You must be scrolling through loads of posts catching up with everyone?
Oh Jordy!
Your little man is sooooo beautiful!!!!!!

Thanks for bringing your joy to this thread!!!

Looks like Finn's inherited your sexy receding hairline.
That's a manly testosterone thing. :twisted: :whistle:


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So glad to see you back! I am so glad you decided to come back again. We all have regrets about posts if we are around often enough. I'm sorry to hear of your loss. The last year and a half must have been very difficult for you.

I have missed your humor and spectacular photos. I'm afraid my talent for picture taking hasn't improved since you were gone!
Oh crap, Kenny. I was hoping against hope that your partner had bounced back and you were just busy living the life of Reilly. Unrealistic, I know, but I was just hoping and wishing for some good news for a change. Anyway, we're all still here, right where you left us...
{{{Hugs}}} kenny!!!

Btw, I got my first digital piano!