
Issues with Verragio setting!


May 8, 2011
Just devastated over issues with Verragio!

First off, let me state that I am a huge fan of this website and have been quietly lurking on and off for about 2 years just to learn all about diamonds and cuts and to see different pictures of people's settings, etc..I am just fascinated by diamonds since getting engaged.

I wish I started posting during happier times but I am afraid that I am in tears right now and am desperate for help, advice or even emotional support as Good Old Gold (I live 5 mins from them and have known of their store before they were even on the internet) is closed until Tuesday and I have to somehow get through these next 2 days until I go to see them. Well here goes my story, I'll try to keep it as short as possible but it is a little long:

I got engaged to my fiance with a gorgeous 2 carat princess cut solitaire. I decided to have it set a couple of months after getting engaged and ordered my Verragio setting through Good Old Gold, it was the Paradiso 3064-P custom with princess cuts around the eternity band instead of the round diamonds, set in platinum. The setting set me and my fiance back over $12,000 and I am none too pleased with what we got.

When I first got the ring back after being set, I immediately noticed that the sides stones were crooked, one MUCH worse than the other, and I was scared out of my mind to even be perceived as complaining about my setting to my fiance so I kept quiet about it for about a year until I just couldn't take it anymore when another customer in Good Old Gold actually pointed it out to me while I was there to ask them about it before even telling my fiance! I didn't want to come across as ungrateful as I am extremely grateful to have such a beautiful ring, but it's just stupid of me to have not said anything about it to him for so long out of fear of hurting his feelings, and so I let the cat out of the bag after the woman pointed it out to me. That was the last straw.
I told him, he wasn't exactly thrilled at first, but, after he saw it, he was on board 100% and not very happy he payed all of this money to showcase my gorgeous 2 carat princess cut stone, only to see it look "cheapened" with crooked side stones!

SO that brings me to why I am so upset now...

My fiance brought the ring to Good Old Gold about 3 weeks ago to have it sent back to Verragio because I was just too upset to deal with it at this point. I even stopped wearing it :*( Good Old Gold was great as always (no complaints about them! I LOVE THEM!) and called Verragio and sent them pics of the crooked side stones and the ring was sent back to them to allegedly be fixed. Well, my fiance picks up the ring last week and to my dismay I see only the worse looking crooked side stone was fixed, and it was VERY straight like it should have been from the beginning, and thats great, BUT the side stone was so straight that it made the other side stone look even worse! That side stone wasn't as crooked looking to me before but now you can definitely notice it's not right because only one side stone is straight! And thats not even why I am in tears right now! To add more salt in the wound, I JUST NOTICED TONIGHT that there are pieces of platinum on my side stone that was fixed! I mean are you kidding me!? We paid $12,000 FOR THIS!? I am furious, devastated, and I am at my wits end. Not only did the ring only come back 50% fixed, it came back 50% fixed with a new problem!!!!! This is NOT right! How could they send me back a ring with what I am assuming is extra bits of platinum baked onto one of my side stones in 2 different areas from working on it. This is unreal!! My fiance is furious and now I am forced to have to deal with this whole fiasco which I cannot handle emotionally. It brings me to tears. I even left the ring at his place, I just can't stand to look at it anymore and neither can he. We are disgusted. He wants to sell the ring and buy me a new, better one BUT I DON'T WANT A NEW, BETTER ONE! I want what I was originally supposed to have?
I cannot stop crying and my heart is beating out of my chest and I cannot sleep. I am such an idiot for ordering this setting. I feel like it ruined my life. I know it sounds extreme but I am a very sentimental person and I can't even deal with the thought of never having these problems fixed and possibly having to get a new ring. I wanted this ring FOREVER. No upgrades, nothing. This was supposed to be it and now I don't know what the heck to think.
I understand it's hand crafted and ridiculously hard to make, but PLEASE that is not an excuse to have side stones so crooked complete strangers can point it out to me! I get that they are not going to be scientifically straight and that is fine, BUT THEY HAVE TO BE STRAIGHT BY EYE! Come on!
If it's too hard to make the princess cut side stones straight on a setting like this, well, then don't offer to make those 3 stone settings! Warn people they may get crooked side stones and extra flecks of platinum bits on their side stones when they attempt to be fixed as well. The prongs also looked a bit dented on the sides where they worked on it which I was not happy about but I don't know if it's possible to not have that happen. They used to be perfect prongs.. :(
I am so angry right now, and my fiance is too busy with work to handle this situation for me, so now I have suck it up and go to Good Old Gold on Tuesday and try not to break down crying as I walk in with the ring not on my hand and tell them what is going on.
These are my thoughts right now:
Will Verragio even try to fix it, again? Should I even send it back to them? I don't trust them at this point. Should I have the warranty voided and let someone else take care of it? :( I'm thinking that is probably not the best idea and I am assuming GOG would not suggest that, but I am just desperate to have this situation be corrected. I can't live with a ring with problems anymore.
Help. Advice? Anyone know if this can even be fixed? I know it's a MAJOR deal to work on this ring. I am also aware that these are tiny flaws and some people might just be like get over it, but in my defense, after spending so much money on a setting, shouldn't I be happy with it when I wear it and see it EVERY DAY? I of course will be the one to notice these flaws the most, so shouldn't that be reason enough for them to NOT be there?
I'm sorry for how long this is, I am just beyond words upset and didn't know where else to turn.
I wish I just had Good Old Gold make me a setting at this point.
I am wondering if we should just sell it since there is so much negativity attached to this, it's just hard to let go of the dream I guess. I really did fall in love with the ornate work of the Paradiso...such a shame...
All I want is my ring to be fixed with 2 straight side stones, and no extra bits of platinum gobbed on any diamonds after being worked on! Is that too much to ask? BTW, can they remove those platinum bits off the diamond easily? Or is this another fiasco?
Thanks for taking the time to read this <3 I appreciate it.
I'm sorry to hear about all of this drama.

Can you post some pics of what you're seeing now?

ETA: I just looked up the setting - it certainly is ornate! But - wow, $12k *just* for the setting :eek: Goodness, if I paid half that much and it wasn't perfect by "eye standards" as you describe I would be absolutely fuming as well :sick: I have fingers crossed for an informative and reassuring trip to GOG Tuesday!
I am so sorry you are feeling like this. :(( :nono:
I am a loyal GOG customer and if there is one thing I can assure you with is that Jonathan (Rhino is his username here) will do EVERYTHING he can to make this right. IMHO he is the most attentive and enthusiastic diamond expert, with impeccable integrity. :appl:

You may feel that you are being picky, neurotic etc etc etc, but you are not!!! It is your engagement ring, a ring that is steeped in meaning and sentimentality! Not to mention a huge cost. :eek:

First you must contact GOG and tell them how you feel, about everything, from the start!!!!. Don't worry about how you will be when doing this. I can assure you, they have dealt with this kind of situation before, because for me and I assume a lot of people, jewellery is an emotional thing.
I am sure that GOG will work with you to find a solution that makes you HAPPY!!!! :appl: :appl: :appl:

Good luck. Keep us posted. I am sure experts here will talk you through the technical aspects of this. Others like me will be here, virtually, holding your hand, because we get how you are feeling.

Susan x
@ Yssie & susiemoo - OMG! I can't tell you how comforting it was just to read your responses. I just went and tried to go and sleep again (took half a unisom to calm me down a bit let's hope it kicks in soon) and I read your responses from my phone in bed, I had to get back down on the computer to thank you both just for the support and kind words. :*)
BTW, my name is Samantha and nice to meet the both of you. I am sorry I was so rude and I never introduced myself, I am just too consumed by this situation right now *sigh
Also, another "DOH!" moment because I never posted up pictures, lol, that probably would have been intelligent to do. I haven't taken any yet of the new problem with these strange platinum marks on the one side stone that was straightened, but I will try to with my camera so I can show everyone what I was trying to describe.
Right now, the only pictures on my computer I have are all sneaky, well taken shots that hid my crooked side stones I was so ashamed of for so long, haha! I haven't taken any new pics yet of the "fixed" version of my ring. I was so scared someone would notice I was always careful to hide my e-ring from "bad angles" or from people looking at it too long, it was ridiculous the lengths I went to to hide that only to be called out on it right in GOG by a total stranger, gotta luv it* I will try to post pics later today. I just tried and screwed it up apparently and am getting too tired to keep trying right now.

I love the emotional support guys :) You both taking the time to write me back made me smile which is the first of the night!
I also agree Good Old Gold is amazing, it's not surprising they have so many loyal customers. They always treat you right. I don't know where I would be if it weren't for them. I know THEY will always try and help me no matter what, it's just Verragio and what they can or can't do for me is what is making me worry sick. I hope they live up to all the hype they seem to have in the e-ring setting world.
*crosses fingers* PLEASE VERRAGIO DON'T LEAVE ME HANGING! If shamelessly begging works, I will! Anything to have my ring the way it should look :*)
Also, I just wanted to say I loved working with and talking to Karen R. who works at GOG, I haven't seen her in awhile I missed her the last couple times I went in, but she helped me with picking out my setting originally and she was the sweetest angel ever. SHe was so patient with me, and literally held my hand through the process:) THANK YOU AGAIN KAREN! (She knows I love her! I think I told her a couple times! hehe) Everyone else I have ever encountered there was so patient and friendly too, I couldn't possibly have one negative thing to say about GOG.

I am going to go off to bed for the millionth time tonight, sorry I'm such a dope with not knowing how to post pics, I don't use message boards much and am kind of green. I'll figure it out later hopefully <3
Samantha - Susi was far more eloquent than I was. Having spent that much you should certainly be able to proudly show off your setting - from any angle, it's good that you know that and that you're not willing to settle for less! It will work out - might take some time and some finagling, but there's no reason this shouldn't end happily for you. Hang in there, and try and get some sleep :))
Before I go back in bed, think I figured out the pics...
I hope I did this right, this is the only pic I could find of what was wrong before, if you look closely on the right the stone seems to turn downwards, it looks much better in the pic and not that awful, but in person it was quite obvious and embarrassing. The stone is now very straight on the right side but has those strange platinum pieces left over on it on the actual diamond by the corners of where each prong is.

I just thought these were pretty pics of my ring and have nothing to do with anything:
@ Yssie - Aw, thank you :-) Good night hun, you both are dolls for responding so quickly.
It is pretty! I think I see what you mean though - if you had just posted that pic w/o explanation I'd have assumed it's just the angle of photography, but you say that you do see it clearly IRL. I'm no jeweller but I think that's not a huge deal to fix - just pressuring the outer prongs to realign should do the trick. I don't see the excess metal?

ETA: I don't know how GOG will want to proceed, but if I had to guess I'd say an independent professional appraisal is the next step - he/she can evaluate the workmanship from an objective third-party perspective, help determine if there's any structural weakness or damage from a poor repair job or wear & tear..

ETA: np ;))
Wow. I am flabbergasted at the problem with this ring. I'm even more amazed that you lived with crooked stones in a $12,000 setting for a whole year and didn't say one word about it.

I'm a long-time fan of the Verragio designs. I think they are beautiful, intricate, and definitely unique. I am not familiar with the company and it's policies, but I DO know that Jonathan and GOG in general has a reputation for excellent customer service. I'm sure they will do everything they can to work with Verragio to make your setting perfect.

Hi!! :wavey:

First of all, no thank necessary. I have had unlimited hand holding here, I am just glad I could help someone else in return!! :bigsmile:

Your ring is :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: AMAZING!!

I, too could see what looked like crooked stones, so you are not nuts! hehe
I think you will find that most ordinary folks wouldn't even notice this, but PS'ers are a whole new breed!! We get it.
I do think that you should go to GOG as a matter of urgency and work out the best way you can have this remedied to your complete satisfaction.
I truly believe that all at GOG will offer you the best advice to have this fixed.

Good luck and please let us know how you and your ring are doing! ;)) :bigsmile:
Your ring is gorgeous. Looks like an easy fix. Just talk to GOG and get it fixed!

And if I may be so bold, sit back, take a deep breath, and relax. This is not a catastophe. There is no need to cry for days over your ring, no matter the cost. Just get it fixed to your standards and be clear about what those are! Tell GOG you do not want to see it again until their most perfectionist sales person deems it perfect.

And next time you are not happy with something, for goodness sakes speak up! I cannot help but thing holding this in for a year is part of the reason you are melting down now.
susimoo|1304844862|2915338 said:
You may feel that you are being picky, neurotic etc etc etc, but you are not!!! It is your engagement ring, a ring that is steeped in meaning and sentimentality! Not to mention a huge cost. :eek:

Exactly. Your desire for a perfect product is NORMAL. Just be calm and assured and clear in your communications with the vendors, and they will sort it out for you.
Let me just say that your ring is gorgeous! I absolutely love princess cuts, and I considered a similar setting myself! :)

I'm so sorry that you are dealing with these issues. From what I've experienced myself, and from what I've seen here, these types of problems actually seem to be pretty common - with all different designers, and from different jewelry stores. I am like you, though: I get really upset really easily, probably because I'm such a worrier.

Try to take a few deep breaths (I know it's really difficult!), because this looks like a pretty easy fix. I'm sure that you will look back ni a few months or so, and you won't even be able to believe that you were upset over this - because it will seem so minor then. :)
@ Yssie - thank you :) Those pics were taken before it was sent back and fixed a couple of weeks ago, there is no metal on the stone in any of the pics. I'm sorry I don't even have the ring with me to take pics of it with the new issue. That's probably a good thing, I don't even want to see it until I have to on Tuesday. I realize going on and on and on about it is only stirring me up and I am doing it to myself now. I just got off the phone with my fiance and we both agree to just stop thinking the worst until I go back to GOG on Tuesday and address my issues/concerns to them. It's so easy for me to keep thinking the worst because I thought Verragio would have fixed everything when it was sent back a couple of weeks ago, I never could have dreamed I would be disappointed by the work they did on it. It was very disheartening. This whole experience has been thus far.
I love your advice on another appraisal to check things out, I will pursue that if need be, I'd be more than be happy to do anything I can to have it be the way it should and see if there is any hope for this situation.

@Winks_Elf - Yes, I do regret not saying anything about it for so long, letting myself try and convince myself to just get over it for an entire year out of fear of hurting my fiance's feelings. I just love him more than any ring and at the time it seemed best to just be quiet and try to let it go. I thought, maybe I'll get over it? I don't know... I knew he would be mad for "complaining" and I would just die if he somehow twisted that into being ungrateful. I just know how he is. That was a very unhealthy approach, and I wish I immediately said something when I got the ring rather than doing this to myself for an entire year. No one is perfect, and that mistake was my own and I take 100% responsibility for it. I have to stop and realize sometimes it is best to just speak up even if other's are not happy with what you have to say. To think I could have tried and resolved this a year ago makes me so mad at myself!!
I agree with you whole heartedly about how unique Verragio designs are, they really captured my soul and I fell in such love with the Paradiso. I really couldn't resist it and it's charm. I have never seen another person IRL with a ring as unique as mine (so far at least!) and that's what I love about it. I really, really hope Verragio will fix these issues. I don't want to be upset about it. I want this to be a silly long distant memory. I want to praise them for stepping up and making things right for me.
Thanks for the support and your opinions I agree with them all and I am in at least in good hands with GOG, I am so thankful for that. They are really top notch.

@susimoo - Thank you so much!! :) You made me laugh with the "ordinary folks" comment. How true that is. It is nice not to be alone in this right now and to have understanding from others who would be just as upset with the issues I am having with my setting. I promise I will keep you posted on this situation. I really hope I can report happy, joyous news like "I got it back and it's all it should have always been!" ahhh, what a sweet dream :) I look forward to that day and I hope it comes. I am trying on a positive attitude today after "sleeping on it" last night. I did have a break down last night, it was partially due to keeping this "dirty ring secret" to myself and trying to not accept it for so long. It just ate at me. I can't believe how bad I broke last night, what an ugly night..I guess it was a good choice to vent on here to others who are as fanatical about their e-rings, settings and diamonds. I REALLY wish I had addressed this sooner. I feel a lot better just getting it out of my system even if it is still sitting with issues hidden in a jewelry box at my fiance'e house and not on my finger.

@Dreamer_D - I'm sorry, this is completely off any ring topic, but, I see you have dachshunds!!! I have 3 myself! They are my world :) Nice to meet another dachshund-ist!! :P
Ok, back to ring, lol, yes, I DID need to take a deep breath and stop working myself up. I did take that advice, and needed to before I lost it. It was doing me no good to keep fanning the flames and thinking the worst. AND ABSOLUTELY I made it so much worse than it ever had to be by not speaking up immediately on this issue, like, A YEAR AGO. A lot of being so upset by the new issues I'm sure has stemmed from just keeping this in and feeling so guilty for daring to complain about my issues, then, when it wasn't fixed and I got it back with more issues that I JUST noticed last night, I went bonkers. Hence my post with so much anger and tears. I really have toned it down a lot today, and I know the only reason I was able to is I really feel like I let it out on here by opening up to you pricescopers about my dilemma. Thank you!
I showed my fiance the post and he was actually really nice and calm about everything and was happy to see other's so supportive of all of this. We both really appreciate it. I can't wait to update you all on the ring news Tuesday, I really wonder what Verragio will say, oh boy I hope they take it back and fix it!!!

@shihtzulover - oh thank you SO much! I am a big sucker for those square stones , just cannot get enough of princess cuts!!
Yes, you know what, I actually heard about some issues with Tacori settings when I was picking out my setting and that actually was another reason I went with Verragio. I was kind of put off by some of the complaints I was reading online about how people had issues with their settings and they were not being fixed well. One woman I think had her issues resolved , but she went through "heck and high water" to get it fixed. I was really strongly considering one of their settings initially, but Verragio wound up winning, that Paradiso really made me fall head over heals in love :P
It does make me feel better that I am not the only one who has ordered a designer setting and spent a bundle on it, only to have issues. I am sorry others have dealt with this and feel like I do right now, but it's nice to not be alone.
Thanks for reminding me of that :*)


Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's on here. Hope you have a beautiful day with your families <3
Dreamer_D|1304877111|2915478 said:
Your ring is gorgeous. Looks like an easy fix. Just talk to GOG and get it fixed!

And if I may be so bold, sit back, take a deep breath, and relax. This is not a catastophe. There is no need to cry for days over your ring, no matter the cost. Just get it fixed to your standards and be clear about what those are! Tell GOG you do not want to see it again until their most perfectionist sales person deems it perfect.

And next time you are not happy with something, for goodness sakes speak up! I cannot help but thing holding this in for a year is part of the reason you are melting down now.

My turn to say "ditto"!!! The biggest risk you took was not speaking up sooner because there was a chance Verragio wouldn't do a thing if the problems were mentioned after you had the ring for more than a full year. I do hope they get it fixed to an acceptable level because at that price, it should not have obvious flaws, although handmade rings are never "perfect".
Good Luck today!!!
I will be thinking about you!!! :wavey:
glamourchick|1304890057|2915592 said:
@Winks_Elf - Yes, I do regret not saying anything about it for so long, letting myself try and convince myself to just get over it for an entire year out of fear of hurting my fiance's feelings. I just love him more than any ring and at the time it seemed best to just be quiet and try to let it go. I thought, maybe I'll get over it? I don't know... I knew he would be mad for "complaining" and I would just die if he somehow twisted that into being ungrateful. I just know how he is. That was a very unhealthy approach, and I wish I immediately said something when I got the ring rather than doing this to myself for an entire year. No one is perfect, and that mistake was my own and I take 100% responsibility for it. I have to stop and realize sometimes it is best to just speak up even if other's are not happy with what you have to say. To think I could have tried and resolved this a year ago makes me so mad at myself!!

I'm curious what his reaction was now that he finally knows. Was it as bad as you thought?

You should never have to walk on eggshells around the person who truly loves you.
Winks_Elf|1305031001|2917235 said:
glamourchick|1304890057|2915592 said:
@Winks_Elf - Yes, I do regret not saying anything about it for so long, letting myself try and convince myself to just get over it for an entire year out of fear of hurting my fiance's feelings. I just love him more than any ring and at the time it seemed best to just be quiet and try to let it go. I thought, maybe I'll get over it? I don't know... I knew he would be mad for "complaining" and I would just die if he somehow twisted that into being ungrateful. I just know how he is. That was a very unhealthy approach, and I wish I immediately said something when I got the ring rather than doing this to myself for an entire year. No one is perfect, and that mistake was my own and I take 100% responsibility for it. I have to stop and realize sometimes it is best to just speak up even if other's are not happy with what you have to say. To think I could have tried and resolved this a year ago makes me so mad at myself!!

I'm curious what his reaction was now that he finally knows. Was it as bad as you thought?

You should never have to walk on eggshells around the person who truly loves you.

Amen to this. I know for my fiancee when it came to my ring, I managed his expectations of the process by saying up front to him that while I'm almost always not emotional and generally easy going, I'm going to drive myself and him probably crazy when it comes to the ring. I can't explain why, I don't know the reason, and I will try my hardest to be as rational as possible, but just know this will not be easy, and so I need him to be patient with me. He went in fully understanding because I didn't just become a e-ring-zilla out of nowhere...
Good luck to you by the way...
I'm sure GOG will help you. I also wonder why you thought your fiance would be mad at you? It's not your fault the ring was messed up! He should be mad at Verragio!
When I got my e-ring 11 years ago, I noticed a black "speck" on the top, that would not wash off. I wasn't sure what to do/say; I didn't want to insult my fiance or make him feel bad if he chose a ring with a visible black speck in it, but I was pretty sure he wouldn't. I did say something (the day after he proposed) and he was very upset as he KNEW he didn't choose a diamond with anything visible. We sent the ring back and the jeweler put in the correct stone (claiming an honest mistake, whatever!). Wink's Elf is right- you should never be afraid to say something like this to the person you are going to marry. None of it was your doing, after all!
Were you able to talk to GOG today?
Hi all! I wrote this last night and was just too tired to even log in and post, lol, this was left open on my computer so I am posting it up now. Sorry about that!
I DID just get back from Good Old Gold and I will tell you what happened after this as I wanted this posted last night:

"I just want to state a couple of things that I don't think I was rational enough to properly give full credit to when I discovered extra bits of platinum on my side stone 2 nights ago (I can run my finger nail over it and it's definitely baked on there..)
- Verragio absolutely deserves credit for agreeing to take my ring back over a year later (Thank you for that, Verragio. I DO appreciate the attempt to make me happy even if I am upset right now) I didn't mean to come off as "Verragio is evil", I was just irate, and VERY upset after discovering the extra bits of platinum found on my side stone after I thought my ring was supposed to be fixed. Not a good moment. Wish I waited until the next day to post about my setting issues, but, I did get some great support from all the nice people on here so something good came out of my emotional rant.
- I am VERY happy with the crooked side stone that they fixed. It is amazing that they could even get it that straight by eye on this hand made ring. I can't imagine the task of having to work on that.

Just wanted to give them the credit they DO deserve because I didn't and I felt bad. I also want to say I am in love with my Paradiso setting, that's why I want to wear it forever and have it look great!

I have also come to the conclusion that I do not want my ring to be heavily worked on again. I am no jeweler, but, I KNOW it's a major deal to have to work on this ring. I don't want to keep pushing it. I picked up my ring from my fiance's house and have examined it more than I ever have in my life, and I don't think it is worth it to have them work on the "not as crooked but still a little crooked" side stone. I think that I should just get over that and drop that issue.
I don't want to cause possible damage to the setting. I don't want to keep pushing my luck. Like I said, I want this setting forever, I don't know if it is worth the risk to fix a "slight problem". It is noticeable by me, but I don't think it is to others like that one side stone was that they straightened so I will work it out with myself and eventually, let it go.

What does need to be fixed is the extra platinum bits of metal though. That is ridiculous. The bad side stone that they fixed that was noticeable to strangers is gone, only to now have a new issue, I cannot win! I am not a jeweler, I do not know if this is an easy fix :( Maybe it's not a big deal? I just don't know! But to me, not knowing how it can be fixed, it makes me very upset :(

My issues with Verragio boiled down to this:
How could this have ever even been given the green light to be sent to me initially a year ago with such crooked sides stones, especially that one side. I know they knew about them and saw them, a team of people have to check out that ring before it leaves to go home. How was that okay? You make this amazing, ornate ring that looks perfect everywhere except for the most noticeable places, the three big square stones! That's just crazy to me. Of course I appreciate the amazing craftsmanship of my ring, that's why I ordered it, but it just seems to me something that was the most "simple" part of the ring was screwed up. Just because I am not okay with the 3 big stones not being straight doesn't mean I am negating all work done on the rest of the ring, that's some crazy, tiny, gorgeous details on my setting, and they are ALL perfect! So perfect it doesn't even look hand crafted, that's impressive, so how can you guys let that happen after making everything else so perfect!? I guess I won't get it because I did not work on this ring, but any woman would be upset by a total stranger commenting on your crooked looking ring you spent an arm and a leg on. Not cool.
Yes, they fixed it for me a year later, but it left again with extra bits of platinum on a side stone that I can see and feel on my diamond's surface! Why did they ever let it leave in the first place like that, again? It of course made matters worse that my fiance spent so much money on it and that stressed us out even more that there were problems! The receipt actually says $12.800 (darn NYS sales tax..) We thought going through a major, reputable by all accounts, designer engagement ring setting company would give us perfection. We thought paying as much as we did would give us perfection in the world of hand crafted rings (I understand it's not going to be a factory made, scientifically straight ring, I mean perfect for what a handmade ring is, not people seeing problems with my ring and pointing it out to me!)

I wonder if I was a celebrity if it would have still arrived to me in that condition? I will never be happy with them for putting me through this. It really is unacceptable to have released the ring to me initially with those side stone issues.

I do still love their designs. I love and adore my ring. But, I will not be ordering from them anymore though. I'm sorry guys. You lost a customer.

I'm just hoping with every ounce of my being that these platinum bits are easily removed and the ring doesn't even have to be sent back. I'd like to move on with my life and just enjoy my e-ring, finally!"

******OKAY UPDATE!******

Just got back from GOG :) Boy, do I love those people...
I felt like a crazy person, but I made myself calm down and go in there rational and not some cry baby in tears, which I actually pulled off a lot calmer than I thought I would so YAY for not looking like a wreck. I'm sure it helped I just finished working out too before I went down there to rid myself of too much bad energy :P
Turns out, those platinum bits that made me COO COO for COCOA puffs mad, were not a big deal AT ALL, and actually easily removed!!!!!!!!!
:) :) :)
Can you believe it!? I can hardly believe it was that simple!
Boy I wish I had known it wouldn't have been a big deal, that would have saved me from my unnecessary meltdown over the weekend.
I love my ring. I even love it with a slightly off side stone (it's not that bad, I'm almost over it already, my ring is too beautiful to not get over it!)

Thank you Verragio for fixing my crooked side stone. Thank you GOG for helping me. Thank you Marie for being extremely kind and patient with me and my fiance through all of this. Marie is SO kind and nice, thank goodness I had the pleasure of working with her today. To say GOG customer service is EXCELLENT is an UNDERSTATEMENT. It it PERFECT, OUTSTANDING service. It's too easy to buy jewelry from them...way too easy!!! LOL
I am the happiest I have ever been with my ring over a year later, lol ,but, better late than never so this feels awesome. I am wearing it without a care in the world and it feels stupendous :) I was so happy I even looked at some amazing right hand rings and am waiting for a price back on what I want :) !! hehe!

My advice to anyone who decides to order a designer engagement ring that is handcrafted, you better make sure you jeweler is GOG or as amazing as GOG in case there are any issues, and to keep in mind 3 stone square cuts may be crooked if it is a handcrafted ring, please keep this in mind!! IT CAN HAPPEN, and IT DID to me.

OH also, this is unrelated to my ring experience, but I felt so bad, I didn't realize my favorite sales girl Karen's husband was standing right in front of me at one point when I was talking to Marie and I wanted to congratulate him on his new baby! I didn't know you were her husband, I am so sorry!!!!!! :-) Your wife is my favorite, I hope to see her again in there soon <3

@ susi - Thanks for the positive thoughts you sent my way last night hun!!! You really helped me calm down, thanks for talking to me <33333! I'm so happy to share this GOOD news with you!!
@ nfowife - Hi hun! Nice to meet you :) Thanks so much for sharing your "e-ring problem story", omg it makes me feel so much better I am not the only fiance who had an issue with their beloved ring!! Even though everything is okay now, I still can't even believe what I put myself through by not saying anything for so long. *slaps self
You live and learn I guess? :X
Glad to hear all's well that ends well.

Sounds like everything has been taken care of!! Please post some pics of the updates - and they can be from all angles now, finally, not just the flattering ones ;)) :bigsmile:
I'm glad to hear it ended well. We don't see many Paradiso settings on PS, so I'd love to have more views of your lovely ring - and specifically, of that beautiful side profile.

I hope you don't mind if I rant - :angryfire: but for a ring that costs half the price of your ring, I would expect magazine quality and scrutiny of their settings BEFORE being sent out - especially when it takes them so long to complete a ring. How in the heck could they have 1) set TWO main sidestones crooked; and then 2) fix only ONE of the sidestones and leave a bunch of crud on it. I'm sorry - the fact a stranger can point out the flaws would set me into a hysteria too (and I'm not the hysterical type). It's b*s* that a $12,800 setting should be anything less than perfect on its way out. That's more than the cost of most people's center stones! Plus, if they're skimping on the quality controls, it makes me wonder what else they are skimping out on as well.

I'm glad you're happy but I would make them fix the other side stone as well. It looks like it should be a simple fix - and shouldn't compromise the setting.

Personally, I had considered the Paradiso as well - for a future setting upgrade. It's gorgeous but there was another Verragio customer on here recently that complained of the quality control of another very expensive setting. I'm going to pass on them when the time comes for me to reset.

Verragio - if you're reading this, this is ridiculous. I'm glad you fixed some of your original mistakes, even if it was brought to you a year later. However, if you had examined the setting closely first, you wouldn't have put this woman through a year of frustration (and who knows how many others who have just "accepted" their imperfect settings). Shape up.
Sooo glad this had a good outcome today!!! :appl: :appl: :appl: And I love GOG, too! They are just really great people!
Great ending!~

And a good lesson for all diamond lovers out there. If you see a flaw, don't panic until you talk to your vendor! Sometimes it is a really easy fix, as you found in this case with the extra platinum!

Now go start a thread with 1000 photos for us, ok? That is the price you pay for our help :devil:
@Winks_Elf - Sorry I didn't respond before, I wanted to respond to everyone who left a comment, I just had to rush my response because I had to go get ready for a dinner with my fiance and future father-in-law tonight, we were celebrating my fiance getting a new job in his company :) What a great day, I can't believe how perfect the entire day went. Such a relief.
His reaction was not bad when I had told him about it, he didn't lose his temper with me or see me as being disrespectful or unappreciative thank goodness, but he was very stressed out by it, and I felt beyond words guilty for having to add one more stressful event in his life. Now that all is said and done and I am now thrilled with my ring, he was SO happy to see me happy wearing it, his exact response to me about my happiness with it was a smile followed by "Now that's all I wanted to hear! I'm glad to see you so happy."
His Dad at dinner tonight even commented on how gorgeous my ring was (mind you he had no idea I had issues with it or anything) and he asked to see it and he was looking at it and just complimenting it left and right, if he only knew how perfect the timing was of his compliment :) What a perfect way to end this whole day! His comments went to my head for sure and it feels great. <3
Well said about the walking on eggshells comment, I shouldn't have kept that to myself because it really wasn't as horrible as I had it already scripted in my brain.
I'm glad it all ended so well too :) Thanks for your comments!! Nice to have met you, wish it were under better circumstances :P

@Sheherizaad - LOL! I actually said to my fiance not long ago "Hunnie, I am not a Bridezilla, I am a Ringzilla, I'm sorry". I can so relate :P I love you pricescope girls <3 He actually laughed at my Ringzilla comment and immediately said "I am so happy you are not a Bridezilla" :P
That was smart to try and prepare him for what was ahead. Jeez, probably would have been a smart move on my end to do that...
Thanks for wishing me good luck at GOG and nice to meet you!

@Yssie - HAHA! I will actually, finally, take pictures from whatever angle my heart desires :) No more dirty ring secrets. I would love to! I'll go take some after I finish responding to all the nice pricescopers such as yourself who took the time out of their day to lend their advice, opinions, experiences or thoughts <3

@iota15 - Hi hun! Your rant was AMAZING! :) I happen to agree with every single thing you ranted about and you brought up even more valid points!!!! OMG!
You could not have worded that any better. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to write that rant. I actually freaked when I saw it (in a good way!) and showed my fiance quickly at dinner from my phone while I was checking to see if anyone responded to my Good Old Gold update so I would make sure to login to Pricescope and respond later, I was too excited over your post not to share it with him quickly while his dad excused himself from the table, you were dead on. I second all of your words!! Thanks for having my back like that <3 Thanks for having the backs of anyone who has had to go through this!
If you don't mind me being a pain, do you mind helping me find that link to the person complaining about the quality control with Verragio? I will try and look for it myself when I am done typing this, but just in case I don't find it, I am just curious to see what other people have went through.
I will definitely take some pictures of my ring (which I am wearing! LOL) and post them up after I am done typing my responses to all you great folks ;) And there WILL BE PICS FROM ALL ANGLES! I really want to show you guys my favorite part most, the details of the setting. Phew, they are pretty amazing details, and my ring is nice and shiny because it was cleaned at GOG today, so hopefully it will be amazing to see even in photos!

@diamondseeker2006 - Thank you so much!! :) GOG just rocks. I wonder how many positive referrals they get on a daily basis. I couldn't imagine a person not being happy with them.

@Dreamer_D - Hi again :) Yes! That is a lesson I want everyone to take from this, PLEASE, before you react like a volatile volcano over a ring or any jewelry issue, think to yourself "I am not a jeweler, why am I assuming the worst? Hopefully it will be an easy fix, I'll wait to see the jeweler before I react"
lol! I will get right on taking those pictures, I do want my ring exposed for what it really is now, no hiding anymore :)

OKAY, off to take some photos..give me a few mins, my digital camera is a decent one but nothing professional so bare with me ;)
Just took these pics now :) Sorry if they were repetitive with some angles, I just was experimenting with different lighting, angles and objects to place the ring on so I can show you guys the fixed ring in every possible way through the computer screen because I am very proud of it. I wasn't sure where to start a new thread, so I understand if it is moved by a moderator, I just was confused, my mistake for being so green on message boards! :X Have some patience with me :X I'm still learning message board etiquette , hehe (and boy this took a lot longer than I thought it would, I am all pictured out, phew!) I was having trouble directly uploading to this site, hence all the links.

Samantha's Verragio Paradiso 3064-P Custom: