
is this an inclusion?

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Oct 16, 2002

My ring arrived and I'm looking at it very close up. Its rated as SI1. From the top it looks fine. From the side view I can see these reflecting tiny facets. Now are those just mirrored reflections of light from the diamond facets, or are they some type of inclusion? I'm kinda bothered because I can see them with the naked eye.


I can scan the diamond later an post it if it will help
IF, are the "reflecting facets" positioned about 2/3rd's the way down in the stone in a "line" formation (and always visible from when rotating the stone)?

If so, what you're seeing is a reflection of the girdle.

Rich, GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory
I think I know what you are talking about Richard. When I first saw that I freaked thinking it was a crack, but then I saw pictures of the same thing in other diamonds, so i figured it's normal. What I'm trying to describe are like scattered glitter-like sparkles. Maybe the're just reflections because I think the more light I aim at the diamond the more appear?? or do you think they are inclusions? I tried all day searching the net for real images of the various types of inclusions with little success.

If you can see inclusions from the side or back it really does not matter from a grading perspective.
Just do not look at it tha way :)
ah okay. I see now its all about how it looks from atop. makes sense to me. I have another delima. I should have found this sight before I bought the darn stone.

Here is my other delima.

I did the holloway cut thingy with the specs of my diamond and this is what it spit out
Fish-eye. Should not be considered for purchase.

Total Visual Performance 2.4 - Very Good - Worth buying if the price is right

Its says not to buy it, then it says to buy it.
I thought fish eye occurs with a Pav Depth below 40.1(?)

my dimensions are as follows.
total depth 58.4
Table 63
Crown 13%
Pav. 41%

1 cts.
E color
slight blue flor.

i paid $3180. Did I get ripped?

You have a great spread, but you will see a fish eye because the large table combined with shallow pavilion makes it easy to see the girdle through the table.
Read the part of the tutorial.
okay, I just read the tutorial over again and I'm dizy.

I looked at my diamond again and I think i can see what they call the fish eye. I can't see it when i look perfectly head on. But when agled a certain way I think i can see it. Its not blurry or milky though. Its a slightly faceted and reflective ring.

So do you think i should return it? or is the fish eye and acceptable trade off for the good spread and other qualities including the price of $3180?

I think I have chronic buyers regret syndrome. If I buy anything expensive I have to find something wrong with it. I just wish I knew about this whole fish eye cut issue before I jumped in. It seems that this website is one of the only places on the net that even mentions Fish-Eye. No wonder I didnt catch it on time. Well I'll have to think about it some more bfore deciding what to do.

Thanks for the advice(more is always welcome)

IF you either except it or find an appraiser on the list above and deal in person.
Without sighting the stone we cannot help you.
IF, a diamond only has a bonafide "fisheye" if it can be seen looking perpendicular to the table. All diamonds will show portions of the girdle reflection if you tilt them and look at an angle.

In order to be a "fisheye", there has to be a complete girdle reflection just inside the table when viewed DIRECTLY from above.

My guess is that your stone doesn't satisfy that criteria, and it does indeed seem like a good stone for the money.

That said, it's always nice to get a second opinion from a non-biased third party (independent appraiser would be good).

Rich, GG
Sarasota Gemological Laboratory
Rich the fisheye is just visible in the 'corners' of the table and requires a 1.3 degree tilt to actually make it go away (but of course that makes it more visible on the opposite side.

Tried to post an image, but it failed.
Thanks for the pic. Where exactly in the pic is the fish eye? I'm going to try and make a independent appraisal before I pop the question, but time is running out. I have basically today and tomorrow to find someone available.


the little black dots in the corners of the table facets will be white when light is shining in them.
They can look like an inclusion.
Okay, I just got back from the appraiser. He said that the diamond has a slight fish-eye, but nothing too negative. Also his overall opinion of the diamond was that EGL was slightly generous in its color, clarity, and girdle grading by a notch( Fnot E color SI2 not SI1 ). He thought that the cut was far from ideal, but not horrible.
The bottom line was that it is a good diamond to start with, but recommended upgrading to a better cut stone later or returning it for a more closer to ideal cut stone. The good thing about the stone was that I got it at a very good price, and the whole ring appraised alot more than I got it for. He said that I would probably never lose money on the thing.

Here's my delima. Can I dish out more money to get a better ring or should I just be satisfied with the deal I got. I know when I purchased the ring I had my budget set. So will the quality freak in me be satisfied with the diamond? I'm gonna pop the question this week so I don't have time to return it now. Any opinions?

Hey IF it as we expected :)

You got a stone in the top 20-30% for cut quality (despite its AGS type grades) that will look better than most when it is dirty - and it has a great spread.

i think your girl will be very happy when her 1ct stone is the biggest and very bright compared to the other girls she knows :)
Yes I think she's gonna love it. I think she'll love anything I can give her. Thanks for all the advice, it was very helpful.

Also let me ad that my appraisal was done by
Steven GG (GIA), NAJA of S. California Gem Lab.

I would highly recommend him to anyone in San Diego, CA looking for an appraisal.

His contact info can be found in the "appraisers" list above.
On 10/18/2002 6:54:59 PM

Yes I think she's gonna love it. I think she'll love anything I can give her. Thanks for all the advice, it was very helpful.


I think you got a nice big rock for the price. She will love it - her friends will be envious. Most people either don't care or take the time to find something superior to the Maul stores.

Good luck!!!!
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