
Is this a beautiful stone?

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Mar 27, 2001
I am looking at a stone and I can't decide whether to buy or not. I want a stone that has brilliance, fire, and scintillation. I want a stone that everyone will admire and that I can be proud of. I have a petite hand and that is why I am looking at 1/2 carat. Here is what the AGS Diamond Quality Document says:
Table - 55%
Crown height - 15.1%
Crown angle - 34.1 degrees
Pavilion angle - 40.9 degrees
Pavilion depth - 43.0%
Total depth - 61.7%
Girdle - Faceted 1.7% to 2.4%
Culet - Pointed
Measurements - 5.11 - 5.14 x 3.16 mm
Cut Grade - AGS Ideal 0
Polish - AGS Ideal
Symmetry - AGS Ideal
Proportions - AGS Ideal
Color Grade - AGS 0.5 (E)
Clarity Grade - AGS 3 (VS1)
Carat Weight - 0.505 cts.
Comments: Fluorescence: Inert
Clouds are not shownCan someone please let me know if this is a great diamond. Anything insight you can give me into the perfect dimension would be helpful.
Well, I am really sad. My husband called the jeweler yesterday and he had sold the stone. I hope I can find another one just as good or maybe even better. Does anyone have any suggestions what I should look for to improve the visual performance. I don't really know what combination of numbers to look for. Should I concentrated on the Tolkowsky cut or another set of numbers. Thank you for your help.
Hi Lynne,I'm sorry to hear the stone was sold, but there are others out there.The search for visual performance has some beautiful stones listed. The stones that come up there are ones where the dealer lists the diamond proportions so the search engine can automatically determine the cut adviser rating. If you don't want to buy over the internet and don't mind a road trip, you can see a beautiful selection of diamonds at Steve Livingston's store in Columbia, SC. His email is [email protected], He posts here when he gets a chance. He has a good number of customers who travel to deal with him from Atlanta, Myrtle Beach, North Carolina, etc. (including me!)Hope this helps,lawmax
I ran it through the Cut Advisor. Brilliance was "Excellent". Fire, scintillation, and spread was only "Very Good". It came out to 1.6. Does this still make it Excellent? What should I look at to make fire, scintillation, and spread to be Excellent? What determines the brilliance, fire, scintillation, and spread? This is all new to me, I need help in knowing what to look for. Thanks for all the help you can give me.
Hi Lynne,I'm sure this stone is very beautiful. You can run the numbers throught the cut adviser here. It does very well. If you love it and the price is right for you, go for it.
This stone sounds like a beautiful diamond. A colorless stone of that clarity with an AGS triple 0 should have as much brilliance fire and scintillation as anything you will find. I would recommend a platinum or 18 kt white gold setting.
What would be a fair price for this diamond? The jeweler said he would work with us on the price. He quoted $3,500-$3,700.
Hi Lynne,The combination of crown and pavilion angles along with the other proportions determine the cut adviser ratings.If you want to look at some other stones that rated excellent all around, you can look at pricescope's search by visual performance. There you will find some stones that already have ratings because the dealers list all of the stones' proportions. There aren't too many there, but you can always look for other stones and run them through the cut adviser. You can try to enter different color, clarity, sizes, etc. to get ideas about what else may work for you.It is hard to say whether you would be able to tell the difference between stones that have ratings under 1.5 or 2.0. This would be a matter, in all likelihood, of personal preference, deference to craftsmanship and other factors.I hope this helps.
Your stone is a beauty, very few stones can possibly rate excellent on all 4 factors. This stone scores very highly - more than 90% of stones dont make it under under 3.0, sso you have found a rare exceeption.
If you are happy with everything else then dont miss the etone because of its cut.
Garry H
Mad amueter scientist and trinket flogger!
You should be able to talk the dealer down to 3k. I came very close to buying a stone with nearly identical specs, and showing a very crisp hearts and arrows pattern, for 3600$--- and it was a 76 pointer. This was in Virginia, though, so your market may be different...
You should be able to talk the dealer down to 3k. I came very close to buying a stone with nearly identical specs, and showing a very crisp hearts and arrows pattern, for 3600$--- and it was a 76 pointer. This was in Virginia, though, so your market may be different...
Thank you both so much for your help. I just hope he hasn't sold it! It just takes me a while to make up my mind!
Diamondguy425,Thank you for your response. The sad thing is my husband called the jeweler yesterday and he had already sold the diamond. I will be looking for another one, my jeweler said they are hard to find. Can you think of any different angles or % that would give me more brilliance, fire, scintillation? I've read everything I can get my hands on. This is what I have heard: The ideal pavilion depth should be 43 or 43.1%. The pavilion angle should be between 40.2 and 40.9 degrees, preferably 40.75 degrees. The crown angle should be between 34 and 35 degrees, preferably 34.5 degrees. The crown height should be between 15.0% and 16.2%, preferably ?. The table size should be 55%. The culet should be pointed. The girdle thickness should be thin, medium, or slightly thick and be faceted. The total depth should be between 60% and 62%, preferably 61%. This is what I have read, I am of course no expert. I would like to know if this is correct. The diamond I was looking at, but it was sold, fell within these ranges. Does anyone know if I am correct? If not, I could sure use your help! Thanks for everyone who has responded. I wish I had found this site earlier!
Hi Lynne, Did you also read the tutorial on this site?

34.5/40.7 is ideal Tolkowsky combination of crown/pavilion angles. There are other combinations of crown and pavilion angles that can yield beautiful stone. Most rewarding would be to find a beautiful diamond that is outside traditional ideal range and save quite a bit of money :)

Check out the charts on the following pages:

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