
Is anyone an expert on blue diamonds? My jeweler says this is a old european cut blue diamond. The setting is modern but...

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
Trout in the milk here.....
Or another saying I heard- If you see a turtle on a fence post, it didn't get there by itself:)
There's not even a small doubt.
It's an irradiated natural, or possibly a lab grown diamond. I can say this with 100% surety based on the pics alone.
Natural blue diamonds are not that color.
Irradiated blues are that color.
It really makes no sense to take a lot of effort sending it to a lab IMO.

PS- you got an AMAZING deal for $ there's that:)

Thank you!


Jan 7, 2009
Hi Lisa,
You're welcome!!
Having spent as much time here as I have, with these lovely people, I truly believe that no one else had any intention of insulting you!!
It's a lovely-looking ring. People come here looking for advice....unfortunately sometimes it's not what they want to hear....
As I said, for $80, there's nothing to think twice about!!

Ebay backs the buyer with a money back guarantee, so if you are a buyer with confidence and a good eye you can do very well.

On this ......bit of a "sore subject" because eBay has become so very bad.
Your experience is not the rule- rather the exception when it comes to jewelry and eBay.
They are now up to about 15% commission...and they are talking about forcing third-party evals of jewelry... a horrible idea.

BUT you lucked out!!!

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
Hi Lisa,
You're welcome!!
Having spent as much time here as I have, with these lovely people, I truly believe that no one else had any intention of insulting you!!
It's a lovely-looking ring. People come here looking for advice....unfortunately sometimes it's not what they want to hear....
As I said, for $80, there's nothing to think twice about!!

On this ......bit of a "sore subject" because eBay has become so very bad.
Your experience is not the rule- rather the exception when it comes to jewelry and eBay.
They are now up to about 15% commission...and they are talking about forcing third-party evals of jewelry... a horrible idea.

BUT you lucked out!!!

I return about 30% of what I buy because the sellers make errors. Usually its gold content or weight, sometimes it's undisclosed damage/repairs. But I love ebay! Sellers, not so much. I know they pay pretty high fees. I agree with you on forcing evaluations, that will end the party for everyone!


Aug 14, 2009
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Jan 7, 2009
But I love ebay! Sellers, not so much. I know they pay pretty high fees.

It's not the sellers paying this fee. If a seller can sell a diamond, profitably, for $1000......they need to sell it for $1150 on eBay. The buyers end up paying these higher fees.

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
I know. The probabilities are not in my favor. It would be like winning the lottery, like the last one for 800 million. I get what you are saying. I look at jewelry all the time and this wasn't something I thought looked like an irradiated blue diamond. I wouldn't have bought it if I did. I honestly thought it was a zircon. Here's the listing on ebay: 314151523961 Tell me that is not an unusual color! My pictures are more blue, darker. The stone changes color under different lighting. As I'm typing at the computer right now it looks almost ice blue. It's just weird!

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
It's not the sellers paying this fee. If a seller can sell a diamond, profitably, for $1000......they need to sell it for $1150 on eBay. The buyers end up paying these higher fees.

If the buyer pays $1150! Sometimes, (like me) they don't!


Jan 7, 2009
If the buyer pays $1150! Sometimes, (like me) they don't!

Lisa- it's really pretty simple.
A seller can ( many do) pad their asking price (ie... they could sell for $1000, but list it for $1250)
Then when you ask for a discount, Viola!....$1000.
Of course, if eBay wasn't involved, you could have bought it for $850.
A 15% commission, on items like diamond rings, is not workable if the seller is charging a reasonable market based mark up.
Someone has to pay that 15%.
It's not going to be the sellers.

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
I understand how to compute a commission. What I'm trying to say is I buy items from people who are not operating on a standard retail mark-up.

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
I understand how to compute a commission. What I'm trying to say is I buy items from people who are not operating on a standard retail mark-up.

First, compute the gold value, (spot price) then the value of stones (subjective) and workmanship (subjective) +/- asking price. Is it a good value? Has intrinsic value? Diamonds (less subjective, some rules), rubies, sapphires, (good ones) and a few others. Be selective, look for one of a kind, antique, etc.


Jun 14, 2018
Could it be blue moissanite and that be why your jeweler says it tests as diamond? I'm having trouble seeing what you see irl apparently because I see a window in the stone in most of your shared images. This makes me think more zircon or topaz. But confusing that your jeweler says it tests as diamond. He has no reason to lie.

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
I thought it was zircon, too! He didn't test with a diamond tester, but using a microscope. The stone is exceptionally clear, so you can almost see inside, even without magnification in the photos.


Jul 24, 2003
I found this recently on ebay, and paid $80. It is a nice ring, I thought it was a zircon or aquamarine. My jewler says it is a diamond, but was wondering if anyone could help me with color info or anything else of note. Thanks? IMG20220928172212.jpg IMG20220928164433.jpg IMG20220928172224.jpg IMG20220928164420.jpg IMG20220928164433.jpg

No matter what it is, it's a lovely little ring


Oct 19, 2013
@Lisa Murphy
I cannot help you on your original questions but
I’m just curious since you say your jeweler called it an antique cut -
I can’t see a facet pattern in any of your pictures nor the eBay listing you linked.

Can you try to take a zoomed in focused for clarity picture that will show the facet pattern?


Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
@Lisa Murphy
I cannot help you on your original questions but
I’m just curious since you say your jeweler called it an antique cut -
I can’t see a facet pattern in any of your pictures nor the eBay listing you linked.

Can you try to take a zoomed in focused for clarity picture that will show the facet pattern?


It is so small my camera just can't t capture the details, even with the macro setting. I don't have a tripod or a way to photograph through the loupe, unfortunately. The stone has the typical high crown and very precise facet arrangement with great definition when looking through the table, which is large for an oec, no culet. I'm sending a couple photos, they are the best I could manage. IMG20221005093628.jpg IMG20221005093603.jpg

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
No matter what it is, it's a lovely little ring

Thank you! All comments are appreciated! I feel I've created quite a stir with this little ring. I have learned quite a bit since my original post, and hope others have enjoyed the commentary and photos.


Nov 21, 2013
Thank you! All comments are appreciated! I feel I've created quite a stir with this little ring. I have learned quite a bit since my original post, and hope others have enjoyed the commentary and photos.

While I agree with other thoughts expressed in this thread about the likelihood this is a natural blue, it sounds like you disagree and really believe it might be. You can get a GIA colored diamond ID & origin report for $98 -- maybe it's worth $98 to you to get an answer you would trust?

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
While I agree with other thoughts expressed in this thread about the likelihood this is a natural blue, it sounds like you disagree and really believe it might be. You can get a GIA colored diamond ID & origin report for $98 -- maybe it's worth $98 to you to get an answer you would trust?

Yes, I would definitely want to do that as soon as possible. I put all my extra $ in an interest bearing savings account which I have to leave in there until after the first of the year to get my bonus. So money is tight right now. I am on a pension so have to be careful with my spending!


Jun 23, 2005
Good - will be looking forward to the GIA report. I honestly don’t believe it is a blue diamond and if the jeweler thought it was, he would probably be offering you many times over your purchase price to buy it. He would have to offer me much factual evidence of it being a diamond to even make me want to spend the money on a GIA report. I think he is the one that has opened a can of worms for you and has possibly done you quite a disservice. It is a lovely ring though and as you only have $80 invested in it, you can enjoy as it was purchased until you can verify it.
I found this small blue diamond from a reputable seller just as a comparison. You can see the color difference and the whopper of a price tag! I don’t mean to rain on your parade but I just don’t want you left with false hope either. I just feel that he gave an opinion that he was not qualified to make.
Nevertheless, welcome to PS and I hope to see more of your posts!!
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Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
Good - will be looking forward to the GIA report. I honestly don’t believe it is a blue diamond and if the jeweler thought it was, he would probably be offering you many times over your purchase price to buy it. He would have to offer me much factual evidence of it being a diamond to even make me want to spend the money on a GIA report. I think he is the one that has opened a can of worms for you and has possibly done you quite a disservice. It is a lovely ring though and as you only have $80 invested in it, you can enjoy as it was purchased until you can verify it.
I found this small blue diamond from a reputable seller just as a comparison. You can see the color difference and the whopper of a price tag! I don’t mean to rain on your parade but I just don’t want you left with false hope either. I just feel that he gave an opinion that he was not qualified to make.
Nevertheless, welcome to PS and I hope to see more of your posts!!

Here's another picture. This one actually shows scintillation. It is hard to get a good picture because of the bezel, and size of the stone. IMG20221005160914.jpg

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
Good - will be looking forward to the GIA report. I honestly don’t believe it is a blue diamond and if the jeweler thought it was, he would probably be offering you many times over your purchase price to buy it. He would have to offer me much factual evidence of it being a diamond to even make me want to spend the money on a GIA report. I think he is the one that has opened a can of worms for you and has possibly done you quite a disservice. It is a lovely ring though and as you only have $80 invested in it, you can enjoy as it was purchased until you can verify it.
I found this small blue diamond from a reputable seller just as a comparison. You can see the color difference and the whopper of a price tag! I don’t mean to rain on your parade but I just don’t want you left with false hope either. I just feel that he gave an opinion that he was not qualified to make.
Nevertheless, welcome to PS and I hope to see more of your posts!!

Yes, I have looked at Leibish as well, they don't have very many blues, too be sure. Most are gray-blue. But check the color range for blues from GIA website and you will also see green-blue and different intensities of the three variants. I know what you all are saying, it is extremely unlikely my little ring is this very rare type of diamond. Without GIA report we can't know for sure. My jeweler says diamond. He can't with certainty say whether or not is irradiated. He said the old cut would be unusual for an irradiated stone. I have seen many blue irradiated diamonds online and also at stores. My eye says this is something I haven't seen before, that's why I posted to the site. I know many of you are professionals. I just wasn't expecting the reactions I'm getting, but now realize it is to be expected. You are sceptical because of your experience, that's all. : )


Jun 23, 2005
Yes, I have looked at Leibish as well, they don't have very many blues, too be sure. Most are gray-blue. But check the color range for blues from GIA website and you will also see green-blue and different intensities of the three variants. I know what you all are saying, it is extremely unlikely my little ring is this very rare type of diamond. Without GIA report we can't know for sure. My jeweler says diamond. He can't with certainty say whether or not is irradiated. He said the old cut would be unusual for an irradiated stone. I have seen many blue irradiated diamonds online and also at stores. My eye says this is something I haven't seen before, that's why I posted to the site. I know many of you are professionals. I just wasn't expecting the reactions I'm getting, but now realize it is to be expected. You are sceptical because of your experience, that's all. : )

Experience, yes, but more than that, no one wants to see you misled about the ring. It would be so unfair to boost your hopes only to find it is not a natural blue diamond. This is an educational site for consumers and as such, facts matter. It is important not only for you, but for others that could be reading to not misinterpret without factual information to back it up. We are here with you and will be as interested to hear the outcome as you are!!

Lisa Murphy

Sep 30, 2022
Experience, yes, but more than that, no one wants to see you misled about the ring. It would be so unfair to boost your hopes only to find it is not a natural blue diamond. This is an educational site for consumers and as such, facts matter. It is important not only for you, but for others that could be reading to not misinterpret without factual information to back it up. We are here with you and will be as interested to hear the outcome as you are!!

Thank you! The comments are appreciated!
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