
Interview follow up

TP - sending you lots and lots of interview dust for your DH
Sorry about this TP, here's hoping the next round of interviews go well and dh gets an offer soon!
Aw man... that blows! Hopefully his next interviews will be more fruitful!
Just heard back tonight from the other place he had multiple interviews at... :nono:

Also got the paperwork from unemployment in the mail today. They denied his claim due to not enough hours in the standard base year. I found the page for him to send message requesting to change the base year (wow that was a nightmare to set up and verify!). Hopefully that goes through quickly. I'm hoping for the best but worried because the quarterly reports for base year don't include the contract he just finished!

So... I'm going to go cry for a bit and try to relax so I can get some sleep and get up to get myself to work (which at least covers electricity, water, car, and a few other little things) in the morning.

DH is headed to a meetup event with recruiters and stuff at a company tomorrow and then we go to a tech career mentoring/networking thing Wednesday. (We are doing a minimum of 2 per week on top of the regular day.) He is spending 8+ hours building up a portfolio of interesting projects he can show recruiters or interviewers. Plus emailing/calling for jobs.

I need to pay all the bills tomorrow. My best estimate is that we will be okay for 2 months if he doesn't get unemployment or 6 months if he does. Really hoping that gets sorted out soon and that he meets the right recruiter or someone and gets hired!

Anyway, I haven't been around much. Trying to work extra hours where I can get them plus finding events and coordinating all of our calendars so we can get everyone everywhere they have to be with our only car. I'm able to read a bit but reply is more difficult as I don't really get a break during the day. (I'm also WAY behind in email replies too -- will definitely follow up again on all the helpful suggestions sent to me through email)
TooPatient, thanks for sharing your updated news. I've thought about you and hoped things were improving. II really hope the unemployment works out soon. :wall: Sending you lots of dust and big hugs! Take care! :wavey:
TooPatient, sending you more virtual hugs and good thoughts and hoping things improve on the work front for your dh very soon! (((HUGS))).
Sorry your family is going through a rough patch. Sounds like you and your DH are doing everything right. I hope things turn around soon.
TooPatient, I'm local and my company is hiring. I contacted you offline last time - ask your DH to take a look at my company's job site. If there are any positions that your DH is interested in, I can submit an internal referral for him.
SMC|1464095060|4035706 said:
TooPatient, I'm local and my company is hiring. I contacted you offline last time - ask your DH to take a look at my company's job site. If there are any positions that your DH is interested in, I can submit an internal referral for him.

Will do. Thank you!
Lots and lots of job dust and {{{hugs}}}

I had sent you a follow up e-mail a while back with some remote job possibilities - wasn't sure if that e-mail landed in your junk again. I hope they can help.
Thinking of you TP (((hugs))) hope you're over this patch soon.
I wish there was a way to send PM's here or at least a legit way of posting legit jobs.

I'm so sorry that you guys are going through this. :(
PintoBean|1464110696|4035818 said:
Lots and lots of job dust and {{{hugs}}}

I had sent you a follow up e-mail a while back with some remote job possibilities - wasn't sure if that e-mail landed in your junk again. I hope they can help.

Probably. I'll check and see. My spam filter is a little too ambitious... I did get one you sent but not sure if you got my reply. Anyway, I need to go through them again and see what he can apply/re-apply for.
TooPatient said:
PintoBean|1464110696|4035818 said:
Lots and lots of job dust and {{{hugs}}}

I had sent you a follow up e-mail a while back with some remote job possibilities - wasn't sure if that e-mail landed in your junk again. I hope they can help.

Probably. I'll check and see. My spam filter is a little too ambitious... I did get one you sent but not sure if you got my reply. Anyway, I need to go through them again and see what he can apply/re-apply for.
I did get your reply and replied to it :-) Hopefully it is still in your junk folder and not deleted. :saint:
TP I just wanted you to know I've been thinking about you and your family and hoping for things work out soon.
PintoBean|1464124351|4035906 said:
TooPatient said:
PintoBean|1464110696|4035818 said:
Lots and lots of job dust and {{{hugs}}}

I had sent you a follow up e-mail a while back with some remote job possibilities - wasn't sure if that e-mail landed in your junk again. I hope they can help.

Probably. I'll check and see. My spam filter is a little too ambitious... I did get one you sent but not sure if you got my reply. Anyway, I need to go through them again and see what he can apply/re-apply for.
I did get your reply and replied to it :-) Hopefully it is still in your junk folder and not deleted. :saint:

Found it!
This is why I have it set to never delete... :nono:

I will pass those on to him also. I know he has been applying to remote (and not remote but good fit with hopes of remote) positions through some recruiters.

Boy do they do mixed work! Some great recruiters and others who just leave me disturbed at the whole thing.

Event last night was good. The engineering manager at the company that hosted wants him to email.
A thought: It might be time to have a head hunter or psychologist specializing in employment/career to evaluate his interview skills to see if those are problematic and/or do a background check including references. Something is preventing offers of employment, if you don't know, you can't solve.
My lead teacher and I are wearing our our Batman and Robin shirts today, complete with capes. I walked out in the hall to go down and warm up my hot chocolate and I heard my name. I turned around and the secretary was standing there w/another lead teacher. I held my cape out and said "Actually, I'm Robin today.." and was going to say I would be happy to pass along a message to Missi...buuut I got two dead flat looks and the teacher said "She's passing out contracts. You might want to just come get it" :cry:

so much for being funny.
azstonie|1464194263|4036174 said:
A thought: It might be time to have a head hunter or psychologist specializing in employment/career to evaluate his interview skills to see if those are problematic and/or do a background check including references. Something is preventing offers of employment, if you don't know, you can't solve.

Great suggestion!

Quick update as I am at work and have to run...

Got some good advice on his resume. He is editing and I am reviewing based on the recommendations given by a couple,of people who looked over it for him. Then back to submitting. Trying to take care of whatever issues we can do nothing stops the next ones.

Also, 3 different recruiters calling this week as initial interview to see about passing on for positions. Plus his manager from the contract he just finished is getting him in touch with a team lead (or whatever they call,them) at the mega company DH spent 10 years at. All right down what he does.

Anyway, will,keep you all,posted as able. Typing on cell phone in parking garage is not all that easy. Forgive typos and short replies!
Thanks for checking in TP, thinking of you and hoping dh finds something soon!
Gotten some good resume and interview advice. Been getting multiple resumes tailored to different areas.

Oh boy is there a lot going on right now!

DH manager from contract he did is friends with hiring manager at the mega company in our area. Suggested DH to him. Got a call from him. Guy likes DH and wants him to interview as lead developer permanent position. Scheduling the big full day interview to happen in next few days.

Recruiter has him submitted for two different contract positions at the same mega company plus a permanent at another.

Another recruiter is scheduling full interview at a smaller company for permanent position.

Add to that "A" heading to DC for a trip with her aunt and it is crazy around here! Not sure if we are driving her to airport or if shuttle picking her up. Trying to confirm.

(we have only one car so timing it all is crazy making!)

Anyway, lunch break over. Have to run.
TP :appl: :appl: Sounds like really great strides are being made!!!
Sounds like a lot of great opportunities, TP! I hope DH gets one of those positions, especially a permanent one. Sending more job dust to you and your DH.
The interview Friday went well but they don't have a good spot for him right now. So no luck there.

Phone interview today went great. So well that they have an in person scheduled for later this week. (12 month contract with possible extension)

Still have in person at other place tomorrow.

Others in works also.
Got my fingers crossed.

It isn't official yet, but the interviewers this afternoon really liked him. The hiring manager said to expect an offer in the next day or two!

Not getting too excited (well, trying not to) until offer in hand...
TooPatient|1466731234|4047355 said:

It isn't official yet, but the interviewers this afternoon really liked him. The hiring manager said to expect an offer in the next day or two!

Not getting too excited (well, trying not to) until offer in hand...
Yay! Congratulations! Hoping for a solid offer soon!
Offer in hand! (well, recruiter's hand) DH goes in to sign Monday morning.

This is a 12 month contract for a mega software company. The manager said he only brings in contractors he would like on his team and often hires permanent at the end. (we will hope for this, but prepare for just in case by saving and networking)
Congrats! That's great news--I've been silently rooting for you guys for months. Enjoy your weekend!
Congratulations! Very glad to hear the news :wavey: