
Interview follow up


Sep 1, 2009
DH had a great phone interview with a company. They decided to skip to a short in person. They seemed to really like him. He was recommended by the principal lead software engineer (they worked together for 4+ years). The recruiter liked him enough to introduce him to the engineering director. The director said (in front of him) that he liked DH and to schedule him for the next steps.

DH sent thank you follow up to recruiter who interviewed him and to former colleague.

That in person was a week ago this last Friday. So just 3 days from full 2 weeks.

What would you do? Reach out again? Wait? If wait, how long?
(If it helps, this is DH's absolute dream job and he is well qualified)

ETA -- software for a rocket company (space exploration type)
I've just recently gone through the same process where I had 2 interviews and then nothing for nearly 3 weeks. I ended up giving them a courtesy call because I hadn't heard anything which then prompted the company to offer me the position within 48 hours of having made that call. If I were your DH then I would be making the same 'courtesy call'.
I see no downside of a short carefully worded call. Good luck!
I'm a director who works in tech, and has done a lot of hiring.

Yes, IMO one more follow-up is appropriate. Beyond that, one can interpret that there may not be interest on the company's part to move forward. BTW, bonus points if your DH is also in process with other potential employers... In which case he could mention that but say this opportunity is his favorite. If they like him already, that may get things moving... They may want to secure him before he gets other offers.

Too Patient

It sounds like he might have interviewed at the company my husband works for ! It's in the LA area, right?
jordyonbass|1461711183|4023948 said:
I've just recently gone through the same process where I had 2 interviews and then nothing for nearly 3 weeks. I ended up giving them a courtesy call because I hadn't heard anything which then prompted the company to offer me the position within 48 hours of having made that call. If I were your DH then I would be making the same 'courtesy call'.

Congratulations on the new job! Thanks for a happy ending to keep our hopes up :))
hay joe|1461712505|4023961 said:
I see no downside of a short carefully worded call. Good luck!

anne_h|1461721669|4024004 said:
I'm a director who works in tech, and has done a lot of hiring.

Yes, IMO one more follow-up is appropriate. Beyond that, one can interpret that there may not be interest on the company's part to move forward. BTW, bonus points if your DH is also in process with other potential employers... In which case he could mention that but say this opportunity is his favorite. If they like him already, that may get things moving... They may want to secure him before he gets other offers.


Hmm.... Great advice! Thanks for sharing.
He does have a couple of other companies in the interview process. (frankly, neither he likes but they would pay the bills)
Resonance.Of.Life|1461734300|4024067 said:
Too Patient

It sounds like he might have interviewed at the company my husband works for ! It's in the LA area, right?

Seattle area. (We have at least two of the big space companies in the area, not counting some of the old favorites)

This is the one owned by a guy who owns another big company with lots of offices in this area. (Think prime membership with streaming and same day deliveries...)
Good luck to your dh TooPatient. I agree a second follow up call is a good idea. Fingers crossed it works out.
missy|1461750866|4024100 said:
Good luck to your dh TooPatient. I agree a second follow up call is a good idea. Fingers crossed it works out.

Everything missy said. :)

Sending good luck vibes to your DH.
Also want to wish your DH good luck! :wavey:
I'd definitely follow-up via email with the recruiter as it's their job to deal with candidates. I'd reiterate my interest in the job as well and let them know that I'm eager to move forward with the process.
Good luck! Nothing much to add as I agree with everyone else that one more follow up is definitely appropriate. I hope he gets it!
Sent follow up email Wednesday (Tues?). Other companies looking to next interviews but really would rather this one, etc.

Anyway.... After long enough we had almost given up, DH just texted. He got a call from the guy. Expect email details for interview soon.

I have to get back to work, but had to share.

Thank you!
That's great news, TP, and just in time for the weekend so you don't have to wonder during those extra days! Sending job dust to your husband.
Great news! Nice to sit on that over the weekend instead of wondering!
That's great TP! :appl:
Next interview with them scheduled for this Thursday. They moved it up when they heard another company is trying to get him. Sounds like they are skipping the usual 2nd interview (prove you can code) and going straight to the full panel last round interview.

Also finalizing tech interview with another company. He worked with a guy who is now hiring manager there and wants him on the team he is building.

Hoping the first company works out. It would be amazing!
(if not, at least the other (hopefully) means no gap in his pay -- we are still digging out after last year so can't afford to have him out)
Oh, that's great news! Crossing all crossables for you.
Congrats to your husband! that sounds like amazing news!
Exciting times TP!!! Hope he aces his interview and gets it!!
Wishing him much luck for this Thursday's interview!
Thank you all for the dust and support!

DH is leaving in just a few minutes to go to his interview. I hate the wait!

I hope they hire him! (and I hope they decide quickly!)
Sending PS dust to your DH for his interview today. I hope you hear good news soon.
Just over three hours in interview. Shorter than expected. I hope that means good news!

DH is on his way home. I am still waiting to hear about how it went. All I know is when it was scheduled to start and when he texted to say heading home. I hate waiting!
Exhausted (12 hour work day for DH yesterday meant lots of driving and long day for me too) and emotional.

Today is DH's last day on this contract. His badge has already been shut off. They will escort him out around 4pm. Worked super long hours the last two days to get 40 hours in for this week so his paycheck will be as much as allowed.

Still waiting to hear from the favorite company he interviewed with. They were going to "try to" meet in the first couple of days this week and would let him know after that if he was hired. So we should know soon (I hope)

The other company wants another phone interview. Had a long (1 1/2 hours) phone interview Monday. Now they want another one or two before the big in person.
(Plus too many others in early stages to really remember them all -- love my spreadsheets so I can see who needs contacted and what is what!)

Will let you all know as we hear more. Thanks for the continued good thoughts and dust!
Dang. Just found out that DH did not get the exciting job.

He was also escorted out from his last day about 10 minutes ago.

On to the next interview...
TooPatient|1463095413|4030976 said:
Dang. Just found out that DH did not get the exciting job.

He was also escorted out from his last day about 10 minutes ago.

On to the next interview...

Aww sorry TP. Hoping better opportunities are on the way for your dh and that he will soon get a wonderful job he loves and that pays the bills and then some. Sending more good thoughts your way.
Sorry to hear your DH didn't get that job, TP. I hope he gets an offer from one of the other companies where he has recently been interviewing. Sending more job dust his way.