
Interesting experience with Gem Shopping Network


Mar 23, 2014
Hi all!
I'm relatively new here, long time lurker with one other topic under my belt. :) Just thought I would share a (sort of) funny story.

I've been on the hunt for a purple sapphire for a wedding ring re-do for our anniversary. The info here on PriceScope has been invaluable; I've learned soooo much! Plus, I love seeing the pics of everyone's sparkly beauties.

I'm not super picky, but don't want to settle for just anything since I'll be wearing it everyday. I've ordered 3 up until this point (PSers helped me with my very first one that had a noticeable window so went back) and none were "the one" so they all went back.

I watch Gem Shopping Network more than I should just to see all the shiny baubles spin around on the turntable, never intending to buy anything especially knowing there are far more reputable vendors I've learned of from this forum. So I was watching in a trance and up popped a 3.35 carat purple sapphire ring. Nice size and really pretty color in a nice setting. "no heat with a lab report!" the host yelled (I usually watch with the sound turned down). The host offered this "$12000" ring for a mere $3900 to open at auction. Then $2900. In my purple sapphire obsessed haze, I bit. I called, and offered the $2900 and got it. When it arrived, it really was a pretty ring. Took it to a gemologist who said while it *may* not be heated, it was laser drilled with inclusions that broke the surface, a terrible cut and a chip on the girdle. She said it was probably just worth what I paid since the setting was 18K gold with .85 diamonds.

How do they get around not disclosing all treatments?
Has anyone else ever bought anything from them that was good? I don't know how they stay in business unless they only sell to the uninformed.

So here's the kicker, sent it back and it immediately appeared back on their website, and this morning I turn on good old GSN to see if I might see it, and there it is being "showcased". Funny thing is, it was somehow enhanced by it's trip to see me, because now they're selling it for $16750 (but good news they'll consider an offer). Still haven't been credited for the ring.

Just a cautionary tale of one experience for anyone who may ever be tempted by them. :)

PS, if anyone sees a nicely cut 2 to 3C purple sapphire for sale in about the 3K or under range please let me know!

Thanks everybody for a great forum!
sparkleismyfavcolor|1398963029|3664430 said:
... "no heat with a lab report!" the host yelled (I usually watch with the sound turned down). ... Took it to a gemologist who said while it *may* not be heated, it was laser drilled with inclusions that broke the surface, a terrible cut and a chip on the girdle.

What a horrible shock it would be to anyone! I am sorry the sapphire was far more treated than expected and chipped to boot. I guess GSN thinks that they did not misrepresent the sapphire since they never said it is untreated, only unheated, which to me is falls under lying by omission. Did you by chance take a good look at the lab report? Just curious as to which lab the stone was sent to.
I would be dying to see that lab report, because I would assume that any self-respecting lab would point that out. Just out of curiosity, who was the host? I don't know if it helps to know, really, as they are all liars but still would be interesting to know.

Oh, and really sorry you went through this.
Thanks so much! I was expecting it to be too good to be true, but deep down inside I was hoping it would be as great as it seemed. The lab was Tokyo Gem Lab. Only listed dimensions, color, and "no indication of heating." I'll try to figure out the host's name (if I can bear to watch anymore :lol: )
Sorry about your experience. Yes, they often do not disclose treatment on the air, and if they do, they wave a GIA report past the cameras very quickly, and do not show the details of treatment. The most they'll ever say is that a stone is heated, but that's about it. I could be wrong, but that's my experience, because like you, I admit watching is a guilty pleasure. At least you were able to hopefully get a no hassle refund????
That's a huge surprise; I've heard them to be a decent lab although forged reports are not unexpected. Either way, both scenarios are deeply disturbing.
I thought maybe the lab just looked for what they were asked to check (in this case heat) and maybe just didn't comment on anything else? I'm guessing this isn't the case?
One thing that strikes me is why you wouldn't just go ahead and heat the stone instead of laser drilling it and not heating it. That part seemed super sketchy to me. It also looked like they possibly had the stone and just threw it into a mounting and sold it because the report was on a loose gemstone done right at the end of 2013 - I may be wrong though, that may be common practice to send just the stone.
TL, the ring hasn't been credited yet, but the customer service rep said it could take up to 7 business days. After I initially purchased the ring I looked at reviews for them and their return policy, specifically their long delay in crediting returns was a recurring complaint. I'll post again when it gets credited so we can see how long it takes!
Gosh at this point I might begin to question the gemologist, but she's one of two well-respected independent GIA gemologists in the area, plus she has a lot of other letters behind her name and apparently she even does forensic gemology - I don't even know what that is!! :tongue:
wow! what a fascinating story. i always watch GSN when I'm out of shows to watch, i always find it entertaining but have not yet heard of anyone who bought from them, so thank you for sharing.

In the case of the gemologist and/or the lab that graded the sapphire, i do not blame you for how you feel but you never know the truth in these cases. it is possible that they had a request not to further disclose information, or worse (this happens often with emeralds0 the stone was treated after the cert was produced.

anyways it is a relief to know that my suspicions of GSN are more accurate than not, i hope they credit you soon, and if you are having too much trouble finding a sapphire let me know and i will try to help you as much as i can as im sure everyone else here would.
I have, on more than one occasion, bought from GSN. They're not my go-to source, but every once in a while, I see something really great. Always loose stones though, a lot of their jewelry isn't my style. I've always been very happy with my stones from there though, and they've always checked out to be just as they were described.
thanks GemAgents1! That possible explanation (or the fact that we may never have an explanation) makes me feel better! They claim to have a department of jewelers and gemologists on staff that examine every piece of jewelry before it goes up for sale, which kind of makes me squint the crooked eye I'm looking at them through now even more. I could maybe see it slipping by once, but then when I sent it back and it came through again? They had to examine it to make sure it came back in the same condition it left in. Oh well. Just hammers home "buyer beware" and "you get what you pay for". I spent $2900 and got a ring worth $2900.

Tanzigrrl - I'm actually relieved to hear that. I know there's no way they could be in business this long and be selling all terrible stuff. lol! My husband even said that after I bought it - that they must not be too bad or someone would have called them on it. Hopefully my one and only not-so-great experience was just a fluke!
Tanzigrrl|1398976132|3664598 said:
I have, on more than one occasion, bought from GSN. They're not my go-to source, but every once in a while, I see something really great. Always loose stones though, a lot of their jewelry isn't my style. I've always been very happy with my stones from there though, and they've always checked out to be just as they were described.

Do you buy a lot of tanzanite from them? They seem to have an ample supply of large, fine colored, tanzanite. I would probably worry more about other exotic stones that have a price that's "too good to be true."

What kinds of gems did you purchase?
Here's a possible explanation even though it sounds just as fantastical - is it possible that GSN sent the sapphire to be clarity enhanced after it came back from TGL? This might explain why the lab report stated "no heat" and no other treatment notation.
I used to watch GSN all the time-it drove my hubby nuts. I never bought as I thought they pricey and a lot of the stones IMHO looked like crap despite their claims otherwise. But I love to see jewelry so it was like window shopping. I did learn about other stones such as sphenes, mandarin garnets and paribas. Each announcer had his own schitck and the antique lady was smoking something as her prices were through the roof. We do not have cable anymore. Since I have found this forum I do not miss it and now enjoy seeing top quality pieces and stones here as well as learn from the educated commentary.
Chrono said:
Here's a possible explanation even though it sounds just as fantastical - is it possible that GSN sent the sapphire to be clarity enhanced after it came back from TGL? This might explain why the lab report stated "no heat" and no other treatment notation.

I'm afraid I've come to the conclusion that this is the most likely (and unfortunate) explanation, although we'll never know for sure.

and lambskin, I agree completely! You and I have a lot in common. :D
sparkleismyfavcolor|1398967968|3664512 said:
One thing that strikes me is why you wouldn't just go ahead and heat the stone instead of laser drilling it and not heating it.

Heating does not remove all inclusions; it only melts the silk or rutile. Laser is usually used to burn out dark or black inclusions in diamonds. This is the first time I've heard it done on sapphires. I hope you'll get all your money back soon.
Chrono said:
Heating does not remove all inclusions; it only melts the silk or rutile. Laser is usually used to burn out dark or black inclusions in diamonds.

ohhhh. That makes sense. The gemologist said that they probably drilled and bleached it. I had never even heard of that before!

Forgot to post yesterday that they sold the ring again yesterday morning, they dropped it from $16750 to $4000 and someone bought it. I hate that they at least didn't buy it at the $2900 I paid! I've cut myself off from watching, but would be curious to see if the ring appears again after another return!
That is horrible! Is there anyway to stop this deceit? :angryfire:
Wow... that really is awful for the other customer. =/
So can you see laser drilling with a loupe? What would it look like?

Just curious. :roll:
Hi TL, nope, never a tanzanite. I've bought nice amethysts, peridot, garnets, and a loose diamond from GSN though. All have been lovely.

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