
In waiting until 8/1


Feb 11, 2013
So we're not traditional.

I don't want to a proposal; I like things to be mutual. But goddamn, do I love diamonds.

I wanted to be involved every step of the way. I read and learned everything I could, and I wanted to see the stones in person. Together, we investigated and researched, and he patiently viewed hundreds of diamonds with me under our idealscope in more places than I can count. He was amazingly's no wonder I've wanted to marry him! He helped me record and compare the specs from every Sarin report. Even though I was most concerned with cut and didn't care about color/clarity beyond F/VS, he encouraged checking out a 30K D/VVS1, just in case it happened to have the most perfect proportions.

We finally found our stone in a small shop in Chicago, 798 miles from where we live. We had been talking to the jeweler, she had it shipped in for us to see, and it was perfect. GIA 1.52 F VS2 XXX. Ideal H&A, the most beautiful optical symmetry I have seen. Now she's designing the setting.

And he's getting an engagement ring too! Seymchan meteorite set in platinum, also custom made.

Both of our rings are currently being designed, and we have been promised to receive them by 7/29.

We leave for our engagement trip on 7/31, and we are planning to "do engagement" (and exchange our engagement rings) on 8/1. It's hard enough to wait the next 6 weeks, but the days between 7/29 and 8/1 are going to be brutal! We haven't decided whether we will let each other see our rings in advance and how we're going to handle this...

For now, I'm a lady in waiting. :)
Welcome Greenpang! :wavey:

Your diamond sounds amazing and I love that your SO is getting a man-gagement ring.

I was promised a proposal by 8/1 so we can be in this together. :))

Love the idea of an engagement trip too!
P.S. 43 more days... I might have a countdown. :naughty:
Mangagement ring sounds awesome!
antiquesparkler said:
I was promised a proposal by 8/1 so we can be in this together. :))

Fun, LIW twins! :appl:

It sounds like you've snagged yourself a very sweet man! I love that you are both getting engagement rings, I'm looking forward to seeing them. Welcome to LIW!
Wow, so we're gonna lose a bunch of LIWs this summer! :appl:
Welcome! Love the idea of a "mutual engagement"...just read an article on the blog A Practical Wedding about a couple who planned their engagement and proposed to each other that way. Very awesome. So nice that you found us and have a couple other ladies to count down together!
34 more days! :appl:
One month to go! And my ring finger nail just cracked today, haha.

Sorry I haven't responded; we've been traveling. So nice to see the other gals in the same boat with me! It will be well worth the wait. :)
Wow. Loving the mutual engagement and engagement trip ideas--so creative! Cannot wait to see the rings!!
Not your ring finger nail! :bigsmile:

I have been painting my fingers at every chance I get. I even put a touch of glitter on my ring finger nails and today I just noticed a big chip on THAT fingernail. Booo. Time for a re-do.

29 more days. :lol:
I just wrote out an excited 'LESS THAN A WEEK' reply, then remembered you write the date the opposite way around in the US. Doh!

Still, ONE MONTH (and some change), hurrah! That gives you more time to grow out your sad ring fingernail. :loopy:
Just a few days to go!!

Both of our rings arrived in the mail yesterday...they are AMAZING. We couldn't help ourselves; we're wearing them now, haha.

But we will have to take them off for work tomorrow and Tuesday since we're not officially engaged yet. It's going to be so hard!
Ooh, I'm so glad they came and you love them. Now hurry up and get engaged so we can see pictures. :Up_to_something:
ONE MORE DAY! DUST DUST DUST to greenpang and antiquesparkler! :wavey:
Dust to you greenpang! Promise you will come back with pictures!!!

(No dust to me yet... See update in Updates thread a few weeks ago) :saint:
Hi ladies!!!

We are back from our trip!! Engagement officially happened on August 2! Our intended engagement day (August 1) was expected to be the worst weather day of our trip, so we had to shuffle around our plans. For our engagement event, we rented a boat and drove it around to remote sandbars and uninhabited islands. Neither one of us had ever driven a boat before, and we both thought it was the best day ever.

I took so many pics of our rings, and I'll post more ring pics on the bling forum, but for now, I thought I'd share the facebook album of our engagement trip with you guys. (Includes two ring pics!)

Thanks for sharing in our excitement!
antiquesparkler --

Read your update and sorry to hear we weren't engagement twins! :(

I know the waiting is hard, but it will be so worth it. And even though it feels frustrating, and you think you'd just want it now, it will be a much better experience when everything is relaxed and feels right!
:appl: :appl: :appl: :appl: congrats!!!! Looks like such a fun trip! Your ring is beautiful! You guys are too cute. I love the idea of an engagement trip :)
Congrats!! Too bad the actual intended date had bad weather, but you have some great pictures and a beautiful ring regardless!!!