
I'm holding two Octavias that I'm deciding between


Apr 30, 2005
Forgive this rambling, thinking-out-loud, post.
I'm really struggling with this decision :(sad , but who else is going to listen to me if you gals and guys don't?

Ever since I bought my SO an Octavia (a 1.34 H VS2) I've wanted one.
I sold my 2.26 superbly-cut generic asscher.
It was a bit large for my comfort level given where I go; I often spun it around to hide the rock.
I adored it but its bling factor just paled in comparison to the Octavia wherever we went.
Even though the generic was almost twice the size as the Octavia, the light performance of the Octavia rivaled my round ACA and Solasfera.

So, I've bought two Octavias to review and I'll return one.
I'm deciding which, if either, to buy.
Sadly, unlike the August Vintage Cusion selection, the Octavia selection is severely limited. ;(
Come on GOG, let's see 30 or 40 Octavias to pick from. :errrr: :cheeky:
One Octavia I have is 1.51 G VS2; the other is 1.06 H VVS1.

They are both in those fragile ring-clips but I soooo want to wear them into Home Depot or Costco to compare them under their wonderful lighting, but I'm afraid I may lose one or that the whole store will gather around me staring at my finger. :oops:

I haven't had time to take some pics yet but I'll get some up.
The 1.51 costs 70% more than the 1.06.
At my age, with my glasses I'd rather have the 1.51 because the stunning Octavia pattern is plainly visible and a work of art.
To me the Octavia pattern is almost not noticeable in the 1.06 though both have the equally-stunning Octavia fireworks show.
Pricewise, I don't want to spend what the 1.51 costs right now. (I could, but I shouldn't ... can you relate?)

They don't look that different in size, especially for a 70% price difference.
The 1.51 VS2 is eye-clean with or without my glasses at any distance ... but under a 10x loupe it has one black carbon spot that is very prominent multiple times in a side view from two sides.
I guess I can have it set in a tension setting so those two sides are next to the metal.

Sorry to ramble but I just am kvetching over this decision.
The G VS2 sounds good to me!... :appl:
What are the dimensions of the larger one?
Here are both reports.


Kenny, you sold the generic asscher?????? :(( I hope you got a good price for it, at least. I've had a wretched day already and now this?

Only you know whether you can afford it or not. Lots of times, it's a tough call, I agree.

I just sold most of my tanzanite pieces for pennies on the dollar so it's a sad day here. ;(

Like lots of others, I'll be waiting for those Octavia pictures. :wavey:
Seeing the beautiful pattern seems like it would be an important part of the enjoyment, especially for someone as visually aware and sophisticated as you. If you go for the one carat, will you always be watching their inventory to see what else they cut for a possible upgrade? If so, diamond prices do not seem to be heading back down anytime soon, so probably better to just bite the bullet now.

If it helps, I'll buy your FCD collection for $10K. :wink2: (I wish!)
Dancing Fire|1376090215|3499964 said:
The G VS2 sounds good to me!... :appl:


Also envious that you are getting an Octavia.
I know how much you enjoy your SO's octavia and I'm so happy for you , that you are going to have one of your own to wear and enjoy - yay for you, Kenny!! :appl:

Say you go for the 1.51 G vs2 at 70% more--- would you regret spending the extra money? would you feel guilty? would you wish that you'd kept the H VVS1? Would you regret NOT spending the extra chunk to get the larger stone, when you see how little of the actual patterning you'd see in the smaller size after setting?

For me - I can create a self imposed guilt trip about spending money on myself, like NOBODY!! I seriously wonder if I thrive best feeling guilty or happy??? ....

So here is how I'd break it down ---
Logically, you see more of the patterning of a stone whose cut and performance you ADORE in the larger size. You have a whiter stone too and it is still significantly smaller than the 2+ ct asscher you were uncomfortable sporting. Emotionally, it brings you joy to see your SO enjoy his Octavia, think of the joy this would bring to you! Financially, you said you can afford it (but have to do some 'head wrapping to get to parting with the cash!) so why not treat yourself? You are a wonderful man who has gone thru a health scare and come out shining... treat yourself to the larger stone, embrace the beauty and wear it with no guilt!!!

DO IT - go for it!! Let me help enable you!!! :praise:
GGGGG!!!!! :Up_to_something:

Pictures! Are you kidding me? Our best photographer and you are asking us to pick with no visual satisfaction! That's just wrong!!!! :nono:
You don't sound in love with either so I say neither and keep looking and waiting for more.
Will you regret not getting the bigger?
ame|1376105243|3500106 said:
You don't sound in love with either so I say neither and keep looking and waiting for more.

Ditto. I don't want you to settle...
The bigger one. And G VS2? Amazeballs.

(A size whore speaks :cheeky: )
Hmmm. I have an H VVs1 generic asscher that's almost exactly the dimensions of the larger stone. I still adore it after 8 years. It doesn't seem to make much sense to me to keep the smaller if you can't really appreciate the very reason for getting that stone (the unique pattern.) So if you don't wish to swing the larger one -- I'd wait.

Good luck with the decision! (Saw that you'd sold the other awhile back but didn't want to pry about the why -- guess we know now!)
The heavier one.
I would always pick the larger asscher. Perfect colour and clarity for me
I'd pick the bigger one so that you can really enjoy looking at it. The smaller of the two is marginally better cut. If its not exactly what you want ask them to call the cutters and try and get something in between (assuming you are willing to wait)....
That's a difficult decision. Normally I would say go for the larger Octavia so you can really appreciate the Octavia pattern however would the carbon spot bother you even though you can only see it with a 10x loupe? Is it "mind" clean enough for you?

I always say get what your heart wants as long as you can comfortably afford it. However, is the 1.5 Octavia your dream stone? If it is go for it and if not the right one will come along. Or if the upgrade policy is good get the one you love most now and then when the "perfect" one does come along you can go for it then while enjoying the Octavia you choose for now.
kenny|1376089069|3499956 said:
At my age, with my glasses I'd rather have the 1.51 because the stunning Octavia pattern is plainly visible and a work of art.
To me the Octavia pattern is almost not noticeable in the 1.06 .........Pricewise, I don't want to spend what the 1.51 costs right now. (I could, but I shouldn't ... can you relate?)

Hmm. Sounds like you really want the 1.51. For the visible patterning alone. Even though you say they aren't that different in apparent size, they must be different enough if you say the 1.51 is more visible pattern-wise.

Personally I think you'd regret it if you didn't get the 1.51. The only real question is is it mind clean enough with that inclusion?
Laila619|1376107332|3500122 said:
ame|1376105243|3500106 said:
You don't sound in love with either so I say neither and keep looking and waiting for more.

Ditto. I don't want you to settle...

I hate to be a stick in the mud, but... me three. Have you asked Jon when he might get more octavias?

(ETA - Hi Danny! :wavey: )
It doesn't sound as if you really want the smaller one.

If the inclusions in the 1.51 don't bother you, and you are truly in love with the stone, do you have any other jewellery that you wouldn't mind selling, in order to fund this stone? Then, you could have the stone of your dreams and not feel financially guilty. I know exactly what you mean when you say you can afford it but shouldn't.

If the inclusions do bother you, and you have nothing you want to sell, then perhaps best wait for the inventories to refresh.
The larger one! So is Jon not cutting any more new, larger Octavia's anytime soon? So sorry to hear the 2.36 Octavia sold before you could sell your other asscher, though. Your old asscher was one of my faves on PS! :love:
Help me understand how the larger stone doesn't visually appear larger than the smaller stone but the steps are more visible in it? I'm not following that? I'd have a hard time paying 70% more for a stone that doesn't visually appear larger. I'd also be a bit concerned about the mind clean issue (personally, I'd be fine with it, but you have to know that YOU would be fine with it).

When does Jon expect more Octavia's to be available or does he not know? What a tough decision Kenny! I don't envy you, but I sure cant wait to see what you select!!
Just a thought: Would it make much difference in price if you stay under 1.5 ct? Like maybe a 1.49 ct is only 50% more in price?

You seem to find the 1ct too small and might not feel good spending too much on the 1.5ct. Wait for an in-between size? Or tell Jon your specs and get him to cut one for you?
Enerchi|1376104658|3500100 said:
I know how much you enjoy your SO's octavia and I'm so happy for you , that you are going to have one of your own to wear and enjoy - yay for you, Kenny!! :appl:

Say you go for the 1.51 G vs2 at 70% more--- would you regret spending the extra money? would you feel guilty? would you wish that you'd kept the H VVS1? Would you regret NOT spending the extra chunk to get the larger stone, when you see how little of the actual patterning you'd see in the smaller size after setting?

For me - I can create a self imposed guilt trip about spending money on myself, like NOBODY!! I seriously wonder if I thrive best feeling guilty or happy??? ....

So here is how I'd break it down ---
Logically, you see more of the patterning of a stone whose cut and performance you ADORE in the larger size. You have a whiter stone too and it is still significantly smaller than the 2+ ct asscher you were uncomfortable sporting. Emotionally, it brings you joy to see your SO enjoy his Octavia, think of the joy this would bring to you! Financially, you said you can afford it (but have to do some 'head wrapping to get to parting with the cash!) so why not treat yourself? You are a wonderful man who has gone thru a health scare and come out shining... treat yourself to the larger stone, embrace the beauty and wear it with no guilt!!!

DO IT - go for it!! Let me help enable you!!! :praise:

Yes, I'll regret spending the extra money.
It's not rational though.
I think of myself as a rational person, but this purchase has me reduced to a drunk bimbo.
Seriously, lust really reduces my brain to a lump of jello.

Thanks for the kind words, yeah life is short.

Get the big one. You won't see the wee booger in a tension setting, it's eyeclean, it's beautifully cut, it's big enough to see the pattern you love.
JaneSmith|1376172435|3500450 said:
Get the big one. You won't see the wee booger in a tension setting, it's eyeclean, it's beautifully cut, it's big enough to see the pattern you love.

I do love big ones. :lol:

One pic is ready.
It only took 7 hours. ;(
It's just a mugshot straight down in salt.
Notice one crystal of salt is intruding on the bottom of the larger rock just to the left of center.
I guess I could have taken more time to get a better pic and rejected this pic also. :wacko:

One thing I learn whenever I try to get a neutral, evenly-lit pics is that GOG and WF have some superb photo setups!!!
Various artsy-fartys pics will be added in the coming days.

The black carbon inclusion is in the larger Octavia just below 3 O'clock and half way between the center and the edge.
The way this pic is lit this carbon spot looks light gray but in person it looks solid jet black. :nono: and is quite visible multiple times in TWO side views. ;( but I can have it set so those sides are against the metal of a tension setting.

Photography is SOOOOOOOOO deceptive, even when the photographer is struggling to tell the truth.
I can minimize this or that in each pic based on how I light it, and control the environment.

The smaller Octavia on the right is NOT dark in the middle in real life.
The darkness you see is just an result of the focal length of the lens I used, which sets the distance from the lens to the rock if you want maximum magnification for your lens.
If I could swap lens to a $2000 Nikkor micro 200mm f4 (which I do not own ;( ), and the darkness would vanish because the lens would be further from the rock.
... but maybe that distance would result in the rock on the left having more black reflection of the black lens in the middle.
IOW, when we judge asschers based on vendor pics darkness in the center may not be 'real'.

They're both beautiful, but I'd wait or ask Jon to cut you one similar to your partner's specs. The size and clarity are right on for you in his 1.3 ct, right?
oh i am in love LOVE :love: :love: :love: :love: :love: with the larger one, i love how the cut corners are nearly as long as the sides!

be still my heart
AprilBaby|1376105990|3500111 said:
Will you regret not getting the bigger?
